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Interlude IV

(Constance Evans)



Puppeted, that is how Constance would describe her mental state for the past few hours. Ever since her bonded partner both confirmed their undying link across space and time, Constance had found her mind and body being controlled by the Dark Queen.


The reason why her mind and body were being controlled in such a way was due to the fact that her partner was proving to be beyond exceptional.


For he not only began to prove that he was a realm walker, a theoretical being capable of harvesting both light and dark energies.


A being that the Dark Queen herself had been searching for, since her ascension to immortality.


And the Dark Queen was immortal, that much Constance was assured of due to her mind link with the crazed being.


While the puppeting was one way, their minds did require a connection at least at a basic level. This meant that she saw plans, prophecies, and predictions that all but showed her how to win the battle for dominance.


Most of the Dark Queen’s current aspirations had been on destabilizing the world powers before making a final strike.


But it seemed that for the moment, her plans had been altered, as she now seemed completely captivated by the realm walker.


A being who was at this very moment learning to cultivate both light and dark energies at once.


While he seemed to stare blankly at a dark pillar, there were odd signs that things were happening. Slight fluctuations of light shown on and around the pillar indicating that something was happening.


Then there was a slight tingling sensation within her mind that let her know that the Dark Queen was using her connection to try to reach the thoughts that her bonded realm walker was having.




White hot burning pain pierced Constance’s mind.


“AHHH!” Constance found herself crying out as her mind felt like it was on fire.


“Calm down child, breathe.” The Dark Queen said, her voice powerful with commanding words.


Hearing the words, her mind first resisted, but then realizing these words were meant to help, she relaxed her control and let the words flow through her consciousness.


“That’s right, relax. The pain isn’t real, and it looks like your betrothed is fine.” The Dark Queen said, then her voice seemed to trail off as she continued to observe not only the changes in Frank, but the pillar in front of him.


It was clear that Frank himself was burned terribly, but had been able to withstand most of the mental damage thanks to the shared transference to Constance.


Though even with the pain reduced, Frank’s apparent lack of reaction was extraordinary. As he had highly damaging burns that were clearly deep within his body.


At this, the Dark Queen focused deeply, as if resting her mind against Frank’s. As if this closeness, this connection would allow her to have a deeper insight into what he was seeing and experiencing at this very moment.


The entire thing was insightful for Constance, as it was clear that the Dark Queen was not only well used to having a bonded connection, but was seemingly able to draw the most she could from a bonded connection.


“You are far too smart,” the Dark Queen stated.


Her thoughts instantly causing chills to run down Constance’s spine as she realized that she let her thoughts run wild.


Though to her defense, her mind was still reeling from the shared mental damage suffered from the flame attack.


“Normally, I would kill someone who found out that I at one point had a bonded partner.” The Dark Queen stated.


And for a moment, Constance could swear she could feel the weight of judgement being passed against her. A judgement preparing to see if she was in fact worthy of living or not. Then finally, the weight of such insights into the Dark Queen were dropped.


“Fortunately for you, that source of vulnerability is no longer in effect. And only you can be punished, or rather your Frank can be punished if you try to use such knowledge against me.”


“I would never.” Constance began, and she meant it too. A bonded partner was something sacred, in fact Constance realizing that her Dark Queen both had and lost her bonded partner filled Constance with an overwhelming feeling of sadness and sorrow.


“Do not pity me. Instead, we need to make plans.” The Dark Queen stated.


“Plans?” Constance asked.


“Yes, it seems that our timetable for extracting your bonded partner has been expedited.” The Dark Queen mused.


“It has?” Constance asked, suddenly feeling a sense of hope filling her as she imagined being closer to Frank once more. To see if that connection was real?




The Dark Queen only laughed at that. Meanwhile, Constance both felt and heard the mental commands being sent out to the hive minders, those who were responsible for controlling the network of insects in the caves that the cultivators were now fighting to gain access to.


With the commands sent, the intent was clear, the colony of insects would now watch over and protect her Frank. For a moment Constance wondered why the Dark Queen would do this, but through their shared connection, she felt the logic seep into her mind.


The intention of the immortal was clear. Drive a wedge of doubt and mistrust between the other cultivators and Frank.


Then when Frank was eventually cast out by the others of his own society, they would be there to offer refuge.


A plan so simple and yet complex at the same time.


Why would she do this for her Frank? She found herself wondering.


Then both she and the Dark Queen paused in anticipation when Frank did something no one had managed to do in her lifetime. By focusing his mind and will on his cultivation, he managed to alternate his primary affinity with his secondary and vice versa. Then to prove that such an act wasn’t a mistake, he undid the change.


Feeling the change through their shared connection Constance couldn’t help but feel proud of her betrothed.


“Yes, he will make a great addition to our army and help us win this conflict once and for all.” The Dark Queen said, and at her words, Constance could only nod her head in agreement.
