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Chapter 24





If I had to put everything into one word, that word would be tense.


Everything felt tight and constricting.


First, we were still trying to outrun the blazing inferno that stopped our immediate return back to campus. If I was better at Spatial Magic, then I would just be able to Teleport us all home.


Then it hit me, for some reason, I truly thought of the university as my home.


Wow, this is odd.


I mean, I always had places that I lived in the real world. My apartment was where I spent the most amount of time, but while I called my home at the time, there was always a disconnect.


There was always something that made me retract slightly from fully committing to that apartment being my true home. Instead, it was just the place that my license and identification cards noted, a place where my bills could be funneled in order to be paid at an easier pace and time.


But only now, do I realize that this is my home.


Looking up, I see the unique blue skyline that seems so crisp and clear, even with the faint traces of smoke still remaining, I realize this is far clearer of a place than where I previously lived.


Yes, I will likely move on after my time at the University, but I will be here, in this world. The place where I belong.




At that, I feel something deep within me crackle.


Flash of light.


There is a flash of light to my left. Turning, I see that Marie once again is having another one of her visions.


“STOP!” I yell, trying to get Rydel who was still charging forward to turn back to us.


Hearing me, Rydel stops to turn, a slight look of annoyance on his face, before he turns back to see that Marie is once again doubled over and about to fall. It is all I can do to get to her and try to prop her up, to keep her from completely collapsing on her face.




Fortunately, Rydel is right there, the tension that was in his face a moment ago gone, as he quickly scoops Marie into a princess carry his arms.


“Come on, it is not that much farther,” Rydel said, some of the edge clearly off his voice.


I almost want to call him out right here and now, but I wait.


He is being a jerk for no reason whatsoever, and it is annoying me.


Still, I can see the tunnel, there are flames behind us, and I want to get to a relatively safe spot. That is the only reason why I don’t blow up on him right there, and instead let the muscular Adonis take Marie who is quickly becoming one of my best friends, despite my reservations about her.


Also, the number and frequency of her visions is astounding, that is three. In just what half an hour?

I’d almost swear it was a plot device, but I never saw them used like this before.


No, wait. They were used like this before, but not as consecutive plot devices.


It was always, there is a big thing, like finding a new Ancient area. An area that Marie and the others could not enter, when she would have them.




At this point, I realized a faint easter egg that I never realized existed in the game before. This is so good, and so well done that I only have a moment to realize it now.


But looking back it makes sense.


Entering in the long lost Ancient observation post, that is when Marie had her first major vision.


So what was the second one? Was that due to her interacting with so many activated Ancient relics that they caused a feedback?


In the game, there were a few times when she would enter an area, like the cave area where I spent my first three months here.


As Marie would get closer, she would momentarily pass out with a pseudo-vision. Then shaking her head, she would say something along the lines of “I’m not the one meant to follow you here.”


That was it, then we knew that those were the locations of the Ancients, and would track them back down. Of course, all players knew about this, as this was clearly the game developer’s way of saying use Karen in your party.


But since I only used Marie for one or two playthroughs, just to get her minor achievement badges, I never thought about this aspect too deeply.


Now, I realize that Marie herself might be susceptible to Ancient magic, that there might be something about her Sainthood that makes her have an automatic reaction to Ancient technology and residual energies.


How do I know this? Well simple, as the cave that Rydel is taking us to is none other than a false cave entrance for the Ancients. Or at least it is an exact replica of so many different caves of the Ancient that I have seen in my time here.


While each one is wholly unique, there are odd symmetrical patterns that seem to occur with each. Like the unmistakable ledge that forms perfectly high overhead and goes downward, almost as if pointing a giant arrow towards the entrance.


Then there are other more subtle indicators as well.


Things like the way the woods hug the mountains for miles in all directions, then randomly there is a wide-open area where defensive turrets could be placed to mow down any would be invaders.


Just seeing the cave, I wonder how exactly Rydel of all people got in. As I know these can only be entered by those with blood of the Ancients flowing within them. At least that is what the lore seems to indicate.


“Here we go, we will go in and see a slight passageway leading to the left.” Rydel stated, sweat beading on his forehead, a sign that he is clearly straining from the weight of Marie. However, he does not seem to be complaining about the weight, and if anything, now that he is carrying Marie, he seems to be slightly more relaxed.


Again, I don’t understand him, nor do I understand his recent moodiness but I am going to call him out on it.


“There,” Rydel states, turning left and finding what has to be a guard station, or auxiliary entrance point for the base. Maybe this one had a slightly different design in that the original center entrance was for whatever reason unavailable, but my eyes easily make out the control panels that are clearly Ancient in design.


As he enters, he finds an accessible cubby where he lays down Marie, and visibly relaxes. She is under the over reaching top of what is a covered control panel.


I know that two things are likely to happen. First, when Marie wakes up, she will likely smack her head on the under side of the table. And the second thing is that under this table will be controls that I should be able to use to get them in an operable state.


However, those two things are beside the point as I want to address the elephant in the room that is Rydel’s sudden temper tantrum, that seems so unlike him.


“Now I have to ask, what exactly is your issue?” I begin but I am quickly cut off as I feel a pulse of energy come out from the systems around us and give a quick echolocation of us to the turrets and other automated defenses.


“What do you…” was all Rydel managed to say before he too felt the sudden jerking to life of mechanical devices deep underground.




There is a slight tickling sensation under my left glove, which I quickly remove to see that my first circle symbol of the Ancients is glowing. Then before I could fully understand what was happening, the facility verbally acknowledged me in Ancient, while simultaneously presenting the same information directly into my mind.


“Welcome First Tier Master Caster Lady Karen Laurain, new achievements identified. Would you like to update your accomplishments now?”


“Yes?” I reply though I am mostly questioning what exactly is happening right now.


Intrusive scan.


There is another deeper scan that covers both me and the staff that I am still carrying. The broken shard that I got from the boss is in my satchel.

Correction, it has been deemed that Second Tier accomplishment was achieved via training aides, as such advancement to the next realm is not possible, unless you demonstrate full competency without training aids or assistance.”


Then as if to really hammer home the importance of what they are trying to tell me, a final beam of energy pulses over my recently attuned staff.


Suddenly the whole process makes sense, as I finally realize that I might have been onto something. While it had been a desperate gamble at the time, I do realize that I managed to break into the next realm of casting by using the staff to contain half of my spell, while I created the other portion of the Intermediate Bolt, which resulted in my casting of the Perfect Enhanced Intermediate Bolt.


Actually, I think that, but then instantly dismiss that thought, as I realize what really happened. Before all that, I cast what had to be my best Disruption Field ever. Again, that spell was only made possible due to my using the staff as a second focal point to house the amplifying portion of my base spell.


While, I was fairly certain that I could not currently duplicate either effort, I was fairly certain how I could eventually cast an SS Tier class spell. So far, I have been given the mark of a First Tier Master Caster thanks to my perfect casting of Disruption Field, which I got on the ground of the magical university.


I guess we are far enough away from the University grounds that such shortcuts to achievements are not automatically applied. This makes sense, as finding these tombs of the Ancients were always seen as creating a save point, even when Karen was not part of the group.


Now it seems that there might be more to that, especially with the scans happening.


Hearing that I couldn’t take the challenge with my staff, I decided to hold off on the reassessment, at least for now.


I would have to work on a few things, but at least now I mentally knew what the SS Tier ranking of the spells should look like, and what I needed to work on to accomplish this.


Basically, I had to either Dual Cast, or Multi-Cast different components of the same spell all at once and make it so each point linked with the attachment points at the same exact time that they became available.


Not impossible, just beyond where I am currently, but not for long.


“No, disregard advanced Tier testing for now,” I say and think.


“Master Casting Trial Advancement Withheld. Would you like to make use of free services?”


“Yes,” I reply.




At that, the stone door that had been sealed by a layer of rock and stone suddenly began to crumble away, revealing a new passageway that had not existed there a moment ago.


Rydel for his part just looked visibly shocked, the same way a fish would when they suddenly find themselves on dry land.


“Well come on and get her, we will put her in one of the rooms.” I state, while gesturing towards Marie. Rydel for his part just huffs slightly, before reaching down under the table and carefully maneuvering Marie out from under the overhang.


Seeing that Rydel has Marie, I begin to enter the long dead facility.


The moment I do, I hit the automatic sensors that begin bringing the entire facility to life.


Surprisingly more of this facility lights up at my very presence than the facility I stayed in while getting my silver eyes and becoming Lady Laurain. I wonder if this is due to this facility having more power available, and thus more overall lights? Or maybe it is due to my recent identification as a First Tier Master Caster, who was on the verge of making the second Tier.

While I’m here, I am fairly certain I could get the process of casting SS Tier level spells, but there seemed to be the need to not just demonstrate them in training rooms, or with practice items, but out in the real world.


At least that is what I was thinking, as I had cast Disruption Field and other spells at the S Tier. No wait, that was me being ditzy. I didn’t get the first-tier marker until I learned and cast the spells from the card press. That’s right.


But did that just awaken this system? That now my other spells can be used to judge my progress? Sort of like everyone has to cast the basic spell lists, and show proficiency with them, then their Affinity spells can be registered, or was there something else entirely that I missed.


Honestly, there were things that I was clearly missing in this, but I was now fairly certain that I could easily earn my second circle if I focused.


Before I could get too lost in these odd trails of thoughts, Rydel was already behind me, carrying Marie.


“You said there were rooms?” He asked.


At that, I nod.


Quickly looking around, I see the signs overhead written in the strange language of the Ancients and see the markers for Rooms. At least that is what I assume they mean. I point to the sign, and say “they are this way.”


Then I proceed to go down the hallway, as I do, more and more systems come alive. One I could tell was likely the unmistakable sound of multiple Roombas activating and going wild on the floor, walls, and ceiling of a room as we stand outside.


Red light.


The door glows red for a moment, as everything whirrs to life. Then finally the sounds die down and the light by the door goes green.


This is so odd, in the game I always assumed this was part of the annoying loading process, but with Roombas and the use of other automated cleaning devices, the reason for the delay in door openings suddenly made more sense.


When we enter, the room is immaculate, as if it was just cleaned for our arrival. Which in a way, it was.


I enter first, then let Rydel place Marie on the bed.


After which I make sure to cover her with the quilt and silky smooth sheets.


Then with Marie taken care of, I decide to lay into Rydel once more right there.


This way, if Marie awakens she will not find that we have abandoned her.


“Now, I will ask you again, what the heck is your issue!”


“What issue?” Rydel fires back, clearly angry with my response.


“I don’t know, maybe the way you have been all pissy since the boss fight. A fight that we won!” I state, making sure to emphasize the last part.


“Yeah, but I totally failed you.” Rydel stated.


“What? I am fairly certain that I saw you firing a few shots in there to help me.” I noted, trying to remember if there were Fireballs and Ice Spears that fired and hit the boss while they were down.


“I know, but I heard it. She told us what was coming, and I still failed you.” Rydel said, pointing towards Marie who was still passed out.


“Wait, what?” I ask.


“When she said, that I needed to protect you. She told me, and then I totally failed on the job. Worse, I put up my own shields on reflex, but I did nothing to protect you!” Rydel all but shouts at the end, his emotions truly showing.


“Yeah, not going to lie that hurt, but fortunately Marie was there.” I state, then realize I might have said too much.


“Exactly, I was worthless. You took down the boss, then Marie was able to heal you back to full health, all while I just stared on stupidly!” Rydel shouts as I see moisture clearly building in his eyes.


Seeing him, I reach out to place my hand on his rippling bicep.


“Hey, calm down. We all make mistakes. I know for a fact I will not be aiming at any Ancient power crystals from now on.” I manage as I let out a slight shudder at the thought of getting swept up in another one of those blast waves.


“That’s just it, I almost lost you. Even after being told how important you are. And all but believing it, I was there, I had the chance to do what I was told, to protect the child of destiny, and I failed.” Rydel said, collapsing.


At this, I pull his large muscular body in for a hug and can’t help but feel his residual sweat on my body. I myself can’t complain as I too am super sweaty from all of this activity. Though, with my head resting right in the middle of his massive chest I breathe in deeply and feel the smell of sandalwood and musk fill my lungs, taking me to a better place.


This right here, this moment alone was worth all the pain it took to get here.


Even though I can’t have him, it only makes me appreciate this moment all the more, as there are no expectations that come from this embrace.


Chest heaving.


I feel rippling muscles dance and massage my face, before Rydel finally manages to regain composure.


“Sorry,” Rydel apologizes, pushing me out and locking gazes with me.


“No, I get it.” I reply, staring right back at his intense stare.


Finally, after a long moment, Rydel seems to finally accept the fact that I am not angry with him at all.


“So what now?” I ask, turning to face Marie who is still unconscious, which likely means she will come up with a very deep and insightful vision. At least that is what I hope, as I really am curious about the visions Marie can get while inside one of the facilities.




Right on cue, Rydel’s stomach seems to come to life at that exact moment letting me know he is hungry.


He turns to look at his satchel, only to find that his travel bag somehow got damaged while we were out.


“Gah! Just perfect!” Rydel states, looking at me through the fist sized burn mark in his bag.


“Don’t worry, I am pretty sure I can get the Cafeteria to come alive.” I state.


“Cafeteria?” He asks.


I am about to explain, but then just wave him off.


“Just stay here and watch her. Also make sure to record anything she states when she awakens.” I press.


“On it,” Rydel said, a faint look of something clouding his features.


Seeing the normally overly confident mage taken down a few pegs is honestly not a bad look on the guy. Then again, I do like the tall, tan, and broody types.


I begin to make my way to the cafeteria, when I am hit with a new system message.


Congratulations on being recognized as a First Tier Master Caster, would you like to choose how to spend your specialization points now?


And like that, I suddenly felt an influx of information fill my mind as I realized we had finally gotten to the advanced levels of the magic system.


Realizing that the system was still waiting for my response, I responded the only way I could, with honesty.


“Heck yeah!”


White Neko Knight

Hu. That's a rather normal thing to be upset about. I was worried it was something else.


I do hope once Marie is awake they all have a conversation about facilities and ancients etc. 'cos if I was them I would have Questions.