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Chapter 42

Shikar Spelunking (Part II)





The voice of Constance was formed deep within his mind, and even now he could feel her connecting to his mind.


Having been already prepared for her inevitable return, he had learned how to build up mental constructs. Also, these were some of the lessons he was taught as part of SERE training, how to build up mental walls and constructs to hold out mind manipulators.


That’s what Constance was, or at least what she has now evolved into, a mind manipulator.


Oh, why are you so cold.” Constance purred into his mind, playfully pressing at his defenses.


Defenses that even now he could feel her trying to find weaknesses and break through. Frantically, Frank doubled down on his resources, breathing in heavily, knowing that for the moment he was safe in his surroundings, as all the immediate monsters had already left and sealed off this area, or were killed in a preemptive strike taking out the remaining future generation of monstrous insects and their caretakers.




Frank found his body panting, which forced him to simultaneously breath in more dark energy dust particles, while cycling the energy to both strengthen his mental resolve, while also forcing him to siphon out the micro earth energy particles at a rapid rate.


This increased metabolization of energy of course meant that Frank would be able to process and filter the energy just that much faster.


Cough, cough!


At that, Frank had a momentary lapse in his mental defenses. That were being pressed and constantly strained against by Constance’s own mental influences as she tried to seemingly try to tickle her way into Frank’s mind, the way her delicate fingers seemed to massage and caress the nearly impenetrable barrier that Frank had constructed in his mind.


Yet, she seemed to pause and stare through Frank’s mental constructs as she recognized what exactly he was doing.


Frank for his part, had to do this self-cleansing of purified earth energy particles to be able to continue breathing freely.


“My love, are you, okay?” Constance asked, her thoughts and fears bleeding over and through my barriers, until Frank felt recognition come through the thoughts.


Yes, while he had been able to block out her forcing control over Frank’s mind and body, her emotions were able to easily flow through the porous material within his mind. Apparently, this was a fact that worked both ways, as Frank’s own emotions were also able to be sent back to her.


“Wait? You’ve purified the air and are able to create pure elemental dust?” Constance asked, apparently picking up more than just emotions from Frank’s mind.


Then he could almost feel her leaving, as for the moment her mind seemed to leave his own. It was at this point that he tried to sever the connection between their minds. A connection that had somehow been jump started by his interacting with the discordant energy of the strange lair he was in, while thinking about Constance.




Frank felt fear grip him, but he decided to begin moving quickly. First he could already feel a few of the nearby hive warriors that broke through to the main tunnel system moving back and all but trying to see what dangers had occurred.


In his mind Frank wondered if they were using some sort of pheromone to send fear or danger signals. If that was the case, then Frank felt he should be fine as most of the oversized insects died almost instantly in the initial blasts of chaotically charged dark energy particles.


Yet, Frank couldn’t help but be frightened of a hive mind concept forming, one where the sudden loss of the oversized protectors of the hive would be instantly missed.


Realizing that time was not on his side, Frank decided to try to once again seal off the connection point in his mind, trying to completely sever the link connecting him and Constance. Then once he was done with that, he staggered to his feet and began walking down the now brightly lit hallway. A hallway that seemed to be actively lined with earth energy shards.




The connection to his mind was started again, just as Frank began walking through the first mutilated nest of destroyed monsters.


Seeing the sheer damage that was on display in this room, it was easily apparent why the dark crystalline shards in the upper hallway had shattered so easily. As the explosion from down here, that ended up being little more than a massive rumble on the surface proved to be both devastating and toxic for the creatures down here.


As Frank made his way, he saw that all of the larva and unhatched eggs had all detonated by the explosion of powers.


Yet, that wasn’t the worst that had happened.


For the much larger protectors, the ones that were left behind as a final guardian to protect, feed, and possibly cultivate the next wave of super mutant insects were also here.


As Frank had originally expected, the initial blast had not been enough to destroy these giant monsters. Monsters that had six legs for a base and two sets of appendages for arms. Along with giant mandibles that separated and seemed to conceal a second set of equally sharp mandibles that were intended for poisoning a victim.


The process of the bite was simple and lethally effective. The stronger outer jaw would bit and clamp down like a hydraulic vice, which would likely squeeze and press whatever was inside of it to a smaller state. From there the inner set of mandibles would bite at the elongated portion and rip and release a poison into the body.


Just seeing the dark corruptive poison dripping from the inner mandibles, Frank could see the oddly bright light of corrupted life energy flowing from them. At high stages of cultivation, Frank would likely be able to take the poison and filter it down to just the base life energy component. At least that is what he read he should be able to do. Looking at this poison that was also coated in a corrupting layer of dark energy, Frank could only imagine just how long it would be for him to get to this level of ability to filter out poisons.


Looking at the giant, but clearly dead beast, Frank realized that the beast suffered a slow but agonizing death.


Only upon getting closer, and being able to see the giant pustules of skin that slowly seemed to be melting off of the creature did Frank pause.


Looking at the creature, Frank realized that he was right, the initial blasts which only ripped open giant swaths of exoskeletons on the creatures was a small component to what actually happened. Looking at the creatures, Frank realized that what actually killed them was an apparent reaction to radiation.


At least that was what Frank thought, then noticing the death scenes for what they were, Frank began to put together a picture of what happened. Or at least what he believed happened.


The explosions caused by the disruptive dark energy fired off killing and destroying most everything. Even breaking away a layer of the dark crystals that had taken time to grow over the native earth crystals.


Then once the earth crystals were exposed, they released their energy as normal. Energy that Frank himself could feel even now.


While it wasn’t the exact type of energy that his body preferred, it didn’t hurt and in fact felt quite pleasant. Still, he could see that it was these beasts and their protective outer layers being breached and then a subsequent exposure of raw earth energy to their exposed organs and tissues that caused an immediate rotting effect.


Honestly, the whole thing was crazy and something that Frank himself would not believe if he wasn’t seeing the effects himself.


Then pausing, he turned his head to face towards the similar in shape and design ant like warriors. These were the ones that had left the nest in order to attack Frank’s fellow cultivators who came to access the pillars.


Looking at them, and focusing his senses, Frank realized that the creatures despite apparently being aware that both their young and the protectors were gone, they refused to come.


Again, to Frank this only seemed to signify that he was correct in his thoughts about this potent of energy being absolutely poisonous to the hive creatures.


Frank was so lost in his own personal observations, that he almost lost track of the gentle tingling sensation on his mind.


A tingling sensation that grew increasingly more forceful the longer he stayed and tried to understand what was happening around him.


This was huge, it meant that at least to some beasts, using specific frequencies of cultivation resources could lead to death. Though admittedly it would be tough to force a creature to willingly expose itself to this level of energy.


Again, Frank wondered why these creatures would come here and do this, if it was poisonous to them.


“They do that because we tell them to.” A sinister voice called out into Frank’s mind.




Hearing the unwanted voice, a voice that was even more cold and calculating that Constance’s own voice within his mind, right through to the connection point that Frank had with Constance was frightening.


Even worse, he wondered how this was possible. How could he hear someone else?


Relax child. I am merely sharing my thoughts and insights with your soul bound one, here.” A voice that sounded vaguely familiar, but for the life of him Frank could not remember where he heard such a voice before.


“Oh, you have heard and even remember the dark dreams. This is interesting. I can see why my Constance asked for guidance with you.” The voice continued to speak, though now Frank realized that this speaker whoever she was, was likely speaking with, or rather through Constance. By speaking through Constance, she was able to piggy-back off of their original connection and talk directly to him.


“You do catch on quickly. Bravo.” The voice said, speaking directly into his mind as if she could read his thoughts. Which was what Constance had been able to do, or at least she had been able to read his emotional state and thereby get his thoughts.


“Yes, little one. Rest assured that your bonded one here is safe. Also know that when you wish to finish completing your bond, all you need to do is come willingly to our side. I will even preside over the union, and offer my full blessing.” The voice said into his mind, saying things that almost felt like they would cause whiplash they were coming too quickly.


Worse, the more the voice in his mind spoke the more he realized she was telling the truth. Or at least sending thoughts into his mind that seemed to resonate in the way that only the truth can once spoken.


Oh I see, you have already received my partial blessing.” The voice called out.


At that Frank Remembered the two marks of darkness he got, one from the Dark Queen, and one from the Dark Warlock.


As soon as Frank had that realization, he realized that he had apparently thought too much, as he felt the connection go from a passing curiosity, to suddenly feeling the weight of a full on connection with his mind.


“You also received the blessing of the Warlock?” As she spoke, Frank felt an unyielding presence within his mind that all but forced him to drop to his knees.




As Frank’s body collapsed, he caused more charged dust particles to rise up and fill the air.


Breathing in the dusty fumes felt like breathing in dense layers of dust. On his teeth he could feel a thin layer of film all but clinging to his teeth, but this was not everything.


While he was dealing with breathing, and purifying the corrupted air around him. Air that was suddenly far denser than what he had grown used to, he now also had to deal with the weight of an intense force on his mind.


A force that he was not certain he could repel if he tried.


“Relax. I can no more take over your body from this link than you could take over Constance with it. This is a soul link, a marker that links two souls who are forever linked across space and time. The moment you find your match, and one of you performs an act of kindness towards the other, that is when this link will first manifest. Truly a remarkable thing, and something I didn’t think I would ever witness in my lifetime. I thought such things were myth, but here we are.” The voice of the powerful being went on, spouting nonsense within Frank’s mind.


“Nonsense? You think this is all nonsense? Then do you deny the bond of intimacy that you felt when you first saw my Constance? Do you deny the instant attraction you had towards Constance, despite her being clearly corrupted?” The Dark Queen spoke, the more she spoke the more Frank was certain of her presence. That or even if she wasn’t the Dark Queen, she was someone who was strong enough for Frank to be unable to tell the difference between her and what the true Dark Queen’s mind should feel like.


Though by now, he was fairly certain that she was correct.


While Constance herself might not have been powerful enough to break through his mental barriers, he held no illusions about the abilities of this person to be able to break through his mental barriers.


Cough, cough!


As was becoming ritual by now, Frank felt his lungs filling up with the abundance of purified and cleansed earth particles. Particles that his body forcefully expelled and rejected. This time his cough came up with a bit of the clinging dirt that bound itself to his teeth.


“Oh, there it is. You truly are unique, just as your Constance promised.” The Dark one spoke within his mind. Her tone and words denoting that she was clearly interested in Frank.


“It is a good thing you are as unique as my dear Constance here stated. A realm walker. One who is able to walk both realms equally. This is quite intriguing, and fortunate for you. Well, honestly more fortunate for you Constance, as her connection to you would be a liability that we couldn’t afford. But for you, I will make an exception, for now.” The Dark Queen spoke and as she did, Frank could feel her killing intent coming through the mental link crystal clear.


Her message was clear, that because of their soul link, or whatever type of mental link connected his mind to Constance’s, Constance was a potential liability. Mainly in the fact that Frank would be able to read her thoughts and emotions, just as Constance was able to feel and understand his own.


As a leader, it made sense tactically to kill off a resource that could be used as a spying mechanism against you.


Yet, for whatever reason the Dark Queen was interested in Frank. Well not Frank exactly, but possibly his ability to survive both regular living cultivation energies and corrupted energies equally? Making him what was called a Realm Walker?


“Yes, I can see why she too is so fascinated with you. You do catch on quickly. Let’s see where are your currently?” The Dark Queen asked, and as she did, Frank couldn’t help but feel a slight tingling within his mind, as his surface thoughts were clearly being read.


Ahh, you are in the SERE fields. They still offer that to youngsters like you?” She asked, but apparently my thoughts on the matter and my recent warning by my instructor and apparent attempt at sabotage were read, as she spoke. “Nope, apparently someone pretty high up wishes for your death. This will not do, nope not at all.”


With that, Frank could feel the overwhelming force of the Dark Queen, or whomever that powerful creature was leave his mind. As the softer and more delicate mental image of Constance reappeared within his mind.


Relief flooded him, as suddenly the surge in power that had been coursing through his mind was finally able to relax slightly.


I’m sorry darling, I had to.” Constance spoke into his mind.


With that Frank both understood, but also felt mentally exhausted from the entire event.


Only through an intense concentration of will was Frank able to both keep his mental focus and slowly make his way down the caverns.


“You really are impressive.” Constance stated, her soothing voice like a much needed voice of acceptance. A needed voice that he never knew he needed until he now had it available to him at all times.


It was all times right?


“That’s right, when you reached out a moment ago, I had but two options to refuse you forever, or keep the connection between us permanent. We are allowed to reach out one way each time. Now if either of us refuses the connection, our karmic connection that we apparently established in a past lifetime would forever be severed.” Constance stated.


At that Frank felt slightly relieved at the fact that he could sever this connection at any time. That if it became too much, or if he was ever a liability because of this connection, he would be able to sever it.


For a moment he paused, mentally focusing on the spot and trying to come to terms with even how to sever such a connection. It wasn’t as simple as just turning it off or sealing off the area as he tried earlier.


“That’s right, it would need to be more forceful, but know that by doing so you would cause irreparable soul damage to both me and you.”


Hearing her thoughts, Frank could also tell that she was being truthful. That or she was somehow great at hiding her thoughts and emotions from this bond, but that seemed or rather felt like it would be impossible.


“You are correct. With this we can only tell the truth, as painful as it may be at times.” Constance replied to his own thoughts. A fact that was becoming increasingly more annoying as he needed to have time to sort out his own thoughts without them constantly being interrupted.


I can go for a time. We just set this to a dormant state, if that would help?” Constance asked, her voice and thoughts suddenly sounding vulnerable to the idea.


“Please?” Frank asked, feeling that his own mind would go into ruts if left to constantly be interrupted during the middle of each independent set of thoughts.


Okay, you know where to find me now. And Frank...” Constance began, but trailed off her mental voice and thoughts suddenly feeling far more fragile than they had any right to be.


Yes? Frank thought back, trying to figure out how this whole soul link worked.


“Thank you… for being you.” Constance stated, before closing the connection. It wasn’t a complete severing of the line, but as if she had somehow put up a privacy curtain that kept Frank from staring into her window. Yeah, just thinking about that made Frank feel creepy and flustered. He was glad that Constance could not read his thoughts currently.


Now that one of the issues plaguing him had been taken care of, he continued his trek around the separated set of tunnels.


Then finally he found what he was looking for. There in the center of the nest was a now fully exposed core of what had to be the most highly condense pure earth Qi around.


Now that he was here, all he had to do was place his hand upon the pillar, receive the blessing and be on his way.


There was of course just one problem.



Lorraine V

Thanks! Small typo:Looking at the giant, but clearly dead beat, Frank -> Looking at the giant, but clearly dead beast, Frank

