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Chapter 40

The SERE Program

(Two More Weeks Later)



“This is it boys and girls, the moment you all have been waiting for.” Drill Instructor Haggarty stated, his voice echoing over the platoon of what had originally been a class of twenty-four but had now been whittled down to just seven plus Frank.


“You all came in with different job fields, purposes, and capabilities. We spent the past two weeks here receiving SERE training, which stands for?” Haggarty asked, then as one the eight remaining soldiers all cried out as one.


“SERE: Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Eradication, Drill Instructor!”


“That’s right. Over this time we took you all, broke you down into individual components, gave you on the job training that would mimic real life scenarios. Now it is time to complete your final task and receive your SERE Badge, but first, can any of you tell me what this is?” Haggerty demanded.


At this Frank just stood stoically as he mentally prepared himself for what would come. As the slowest, Frank knew that his being here was either a form of nepotism, or high expectations from someone high up in the chain to gain this training. Both of which were looked down upon by others, that and Frank’s age easily made it so he would not be able to interact with the other cultivators who were also here for their first-time training.


One of the twenty-four original cadets that had washed out was the very same one that Frank had identified as being pregnant. A fact that meant that this opportunity would likely forever be denied to her, due to the long training program needed to be here, along with the rarity of the offers being provided.


Hearing the command, one male with a large S-Rank on his chest called out, “this is our first true test as a warrior. That we can go to one of the sacred spots and either be lucky enough to gain a SERE badge right away, or kill enough corrupted beasts to create enough ambient energy to repower a depleted source stone.”


“Very good, that is the type of answer we expect from a legacy.” Haggerty called out.


With that, it was clear that the overly muscular student was a legacy, meaning they had at least one or likely multiple people from their family compete in SERE training and receive the appropriate badges.


“Yes, there are eight of you and only seven total pillars that can provide a non-affiliated Marking. These are important and highly sought after, as they are bonuses that can be applied to anyone regardless of affinity or cultivation level.” At this last part Haggarty stared directly at Frank.


The message behind this stare was clear, this was a blessing that others likely deserved more, but due to Frank’s apparent sway or backings, he got in while other trainees weren’t. Though, it was clear that as the eighth candidate, and by far the slowest of the group, Frank would be expected to have to go to a previously used pillar and likely kill a number of monsters to replenish the lost pillars to a usable state.


“Look around, out before you, all you will see is a wide-open field covered by dead grass. Somewhere in that grass are tunnels and passageways that lead to the different pillars. Your task is to find your way down through the tunnels and then find the first pillar that still has a glowing charge, claim that charge as you would any form of ambient energy. Then immediately leave. Though know that as soon as you gain the energy from a pillar any and all burrowers, diggers, corrupted rodents, and even any remaining zombies will all be drawn to your new energy. This is why we recommend you clear a path going in, and avoid trying to be cute and fancy by avoiding your presence on the way in, as you will regret it on the way out.”


There was a slight pause as Haggarty let that information filter through, this was mostly what they had been teaching the group over the week. Though it was nice to finally have it all laid out in one fairly consumable message. As the trainers that had been assigned to Frank were mostly seen as going through the motions and only providing minimal instructions and instead offering up instruction manuals that were little more than codified notes of the initial teams who entered the caverns.


“You all have one week. Originally the goal was to get all seven pillars, but that has been deemed to be too dangerous and deprecating of the value of the course. Can anyone tell me why?” Haggarty asked.


With that the same legacy student raised their hand and spoke almost immediately upon being called by the instructor.


“Captain Camello.”


“The reason being is that with the first pillar you gain a plus two bonus to all Attributes. Then you don’t get another bonus until your third, fifth, and seventh, giving you a total of plus five to all Attributes but at the cost of having to traverse the entire maze and making it so you then have to kill a number of monsters at each pillar.” The legacy student, Captain Camello stated.


“Yes, with each contact with a pillar you will get more and more parts of a diagram that will appear at random spots on your body. Based on the location of this marker, you will gain additional bonuses. If the marker appears on the legs or feet, you will be able to run faster and jump farther. If the mark appears on your arms or hands, then you will be able to lift more or strike harder. If you are one of the truly lucky ones, you will get the mark to appear on your chest or other vital organs, which will improve your cultivation or lung capacity. Basically, this mark is a blessing and can be easily identified.” Haggarty stated, once again he scanned the crowd of students, and once again his eyes finally rested upon Frank.


With that it was clear, if you claimed that you got such a marking, then you would have to prove that you had the marking.


Frank just nodded, as this was the information that had been provided in the pamphlets he had read during class time. He assumed that others were given similar training regimens, but honestly didn’t know or care. All he knew was that this was invaluable training and one that would prove monumental in his development from here on out.


Hearing how rare it was, and how the pillars effectively had to be reset after every run through it became clear why this training was both so tough and why the spots were so sought after. This was a potential plus five boost to all Attributes, which at the higher levels might not mean that much, but at the lower realms like my current standing, this would be major.


Frank was also told by Holsy that if he could, it would be well worth his time to get all seven pillars as there was a tertiary bonus that often followed the natural Attribute bonus, and the placement bonus that was only possible when all seven pillars were reached. Of course, this missive only got to Frank two days ago, when his mail finally managed to be delivered. While all of the other cadets got mail almost daily for their time.


To be fair, Frank had not expected to receive any mail while here, as he was certain that for only a two week course there would not be anyone who would want to write him. This was why he was surprised to have gotten not one but two letters, both from the Holsys, though one was from the sister, and the other from the brother.


Yolinda’s letter was far more direct and clearly edited.


Hello Frank,


I hope this finds you well. We are <redacted> but are <redacted>. Can’t wait until <redacted> when we can <redacted>.


Till then, know I am thinking of you.


P.S. <Redacted>


Very respectfully

Yolinda Holsy.


By comparison the letter that James managed to get through the sensors was a lot easier to understand, albeit a bit unconventional.


Hey Frankie,


I’ve got those fourteen divided by two sets of pillagers that caused you so much trouble. Getting them was tough but was nothing for yours truly.


See you soon.


James Holsy.


Yes, the letter from James almost made no sense, until Frank saw the level of redaction that was performed to Yolinda’s original letter. After that, his mind went through and tried to identify what exactly Holsy was hinting at until he realized the number of pillagers would be seven and that pillagers had all of the letters that pillars had and assumed it was a not so subtle hint to get all seven pillars. At least that is what he hoped the odd seemingly rambling two sentence note meant. Otherwise, Frank might have to rethink his choice of friends. Especially as Frank wasn’t aware of one pillager to be aware of, let alone two full sets of seven pillagers?


Regardless of the note, Frank had already intended to at least try to find and get all seven markings from the pillars. Though James’ letter did serve to state that getting all seven markings would be exceptionally beneficial.


“Any questions?” Haggarty asked.


With that, one of the female soldiers raised up her hand to be called upon.


“Major Lokowski?”


“Yes, is it true that we cannot take maps down, despite there being a fifty percent mortality rate?” The female officer asked.


“You can take a map down, you can take equipment for lighting your way and multiple other tools of convenience. The only problem is that, as noted earlier there are tunnelers and diggers that constantly traverse the areas around the pillars. These are needed as their deaths ensure the pillars will be recharged. That said, their presence means that paths and ways that worked one year or for one cycle through will be obsolete by the next. These changing in paths also explain the deaths of so many students of this course. Also, the reason why we do not recommend light sources or other standard equipment issued to most soldiers is that the ambient energy used to power such devices will attract more monsters than most are capable of dealing with. This also explains the unusually high mortality rate, as most people that go down with stuff that is beyond what we provide you will weigh you down to your grave.”


Pausing for a moment Haggarty asked, “any other questions?”


At this Captain Camello just asked, his face forward and his muscles tight as if purposefully trying to do anything but to look back at Frank.


“Yes, Captain.” Haggarty said, acknowledging the Captain again.


“If we die, will anyone be sent to retrieve our corpses?”


“Good question, no. You go in under your own power and cognizance and you are to leave under the same. This is entirely optional and not something that you need to do for your careers, or to gain recognition as an officer faster. In fact, at this point should you all choose to turn around and stop, you will get your certificate of completion now and be allowed to go on to your next duty stations.” Haggarty stated.


At that, the message was clear, go in at your own risk for self-improvement. It was the cultivator’s way. Then just as Frank was accessing what to do next, Haggarty continued his speech, as if suddenly being reminded of this one factor now.


“Also, know that by going down below the surface your body will be marked by the pillars. That by going now you will activate your one and only chance at this advancement. Which is why we pushed you all to be at your optimal levels here and now. Knowing that you are mentally resilient enough to complete the trials before you. Also, know that as was stated earlier, you can find and activate more pillars, you can only do so once. So going down getting three is the same as getting four, just as getting two is the same as getting one. Be prepared for that, and the increased difficulty you will face upon trying to leave the area. Not only will you make the corrupted monsters that have made their homes around the pillars angry, by your taking what they consider to be their energy, but you will also make your fellow soldiers here angry. Again, we can allow up to fourteen of you to go, as we expect a fifty percent casualty rate on these runs. If you feel that you will be part of the fifty percent that doesn’t make it back, then by all means use this time to turn around now.” Haggarty stated, once again he seemed to glance past the group of gathered soldiers and chose to stare directly at Frank.


Frank for his part just held the gaze of the instructor.


Logically Frank knew he should turn back. That this was a place that would be far more dangerous for him than for others.


Yet, despite knowing about the inherent dangers, Frank could also tell one thing that the instructors and likely other people who gathered here were not aware of. Namely that Holsy might have been correct in his crazy writings. For even now, Frank with his enhanced distance available to him could feel not one set of seven pillars, but two sets.


This meant, well, Frank didn’t know exactly what it meant, not fully. But one thing he did know was that while seven of the pillars available were related to the normal forms of energy, the other seven pillars were related to the dark energies.


“Anyone wishing to step aside now?” Haggarty asked everyone, but no one stepped away from the formation.


An almost imperceptible look of frustration filled his face as he glanced at Frank, who was clearly resolute in his conviction to go.


“All right, in that case, line up here now, and we will get a read out of your current markings, if you have any. Then when you come back we will compare the list we record now to those you come back with.” Haggarty stated.


At that, one by one each student based on their grades and performance in the class strode forward and were inspected for their markings. Markings that only appeared when exposed to bright bursts of energy.


Being the slowest, and the one set to the lowest realm Frank was at the back of the line. The idea was that the more powerful students would be able to hopefully carve out a path forward and make it easier for future students to enter and survive their exploration of the caverns.


Frank watched as the first one to go was the Legacy, Captain Camello who had two bright images come to life under the markings. The first was a bright red image that was hard to make out, but Frank understood to represent flames and heat. The second was a light blue, which Frank also suspected meant air magic. The two were important as they made a perfect fire caster, one who was able to create constant streams of fire, that would never take away his own air supply so long as he had enough energy.


With his markings noted, he was allowed to go first to explore the caverns.


With that the next highest rated soldier strode forward. Once again, the second student had two markings appear from under their scans. Once his markings were noted, he too was allowed to leave and head towards the ruins.


As each prospective spelunker moved on, the overall disposition of those that remained seemed to drop as each seemed to be resolute in the fact that they would likely have to search deeper to find a usable pillar. Or worse, find a used pillar and just wait until enough monsters came to the site to be killed and sacrificed into empowering the pillar once more.


This last one was what Frank understood his task would likely be, and why he made sure to get seven days’ worth of supplies for his troubles.


Finally, it was Frank’s time to go.


“It’s not too late to turn back.” Haggarty stated, as he shone the light that revealed one bright green marking and two distinct but powerful dark markings.


The green mark in the shape of a human heart with extra veins and valves stemming from it. This one was easy for those on hand to recognize, record, and distinguish as it was the Greater Healing Mark that offered +15% Power, and +15% Efficacy for Life energy.


The other two markings caused the examiner to scrunch their face up in disgust for a moment, before they regained composure and began listing off the shapes and sizes of the symbols.


For Frank, the two markings were easily identifiable, as they both resonated with different energy patterns. They were both individually half the size of the Greater Healing Mark, but given that there were two of them combined they formed an equal sized marking. There was the one that looked like a glowing dark purple hood, one that Frank instantly took to represent the Dark Warlock which offered +15% Control. Then there were what could only be described as sharp canines linked by a jawline, a symbol of the Dark Queen which offered +15% Power.


Seeing the three markings, the examiners could only look at Frank with a mixture of disgust and fascination they recorded the markings, their sizes and locations. Then they let Frank go.


“You are free to go.” Haggarty stated.


At that Frank just nodded.


Frank took one step forward, then before he could take another Haggarty called out. “Wait.”


Frank hearing the tone of his voice turned to face the normally stoic instructor who began walking out towards Frank. From there, he proceeded to guide Frank a few hundred paces away from the location. Just far enough for Frank to be within the outreach of the pillars and thus be forever marked as having attempted the trials, but close enough to the others that he could leave without drawing too much attention.


“Know that high ranking people have chosen this venue to eliminate you, should you proceed any further.” Haggarty stated.


The message was clear, someone from the group of students had a vendetta against Frank. With all the looks of hostility that Frank had received this entire time, he all but expected it, but to be told made no sense.


At least, it didn’t make any sense until Frank put everything together. “And you waited until now, that I was out here, and marked by the pillars to tell me. Knowing that if I returned now, I would never be able to come back for this?”


Haggarty paused, a note of surprise in his face as he wondered how Frank had come to that realization so quickly, but then realized that it didn’t matter.


“Look, you have the cert, that will forever be on your records. You’ve received the training, call it a win and then worry about this when you are stronger. This marking, it’s not worth your life.” Haggarty stated, finally showing what might come across as a sense of compassion.




Was all Frank could say without showing the true contempt he had for Haggarty at this moment.

With that, Frank turned to continue his path forward, though he did take the instructor’s words to heart as at least now he was ready for betrayal from fellow humans from the very start.


That was worth something, right?




Crazy! Can’t believe he’ll die here and end the book. Wild.


but at the lower realms like my current standing -> his current? TFTC