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“You have no doubt already heard the tales of Vanguard and his elite platoon of soldiers and their impact on taking down a Devourer. Additionally the tales of Colonel “Catalyst” Camello and his selfless acts of heroism to attack and singlehandedly defend the southern garrison from enemy Incursions, but today we are here to pay respects to an elite group of talented soldiers that played as much as, if not more of a vital role than history will likely give them credit for, which is why, today, we will make sure they get the respect and adulation they truly deserve.” President Elect Vanisha Hines began saying, her sultry smooth voice giving cadence and elegance to every word spoken.


“The aftermath left in the wake of the annual military ball, a traditional symbol of hope and perseverance was what many would consider a complete loss. Dozens of the most highly acclaimed leaders and practitioners of cultivation were struck down, while hundreds were saved due to the quick thinking and reaction of the 107th Combat Support Unit multiple Cadet Candidates wishing to make a difference. Thanks to the expert leadership of Captain Perinne here, and her impeccable support staff, the forces had a fallback spot, where the injured and wounded could be safely taken to in order to receive treatment in order to go back out to the front lines.


“Then when enemy forces tried to ambush the emergency location, they managed to both hold off the swarming enemy forces, while providing much needed treatment to the troops. This is why we are bestowing upon Captain Perinne the Medal of Heroism, the highest award ever bestowed to a Medical Cultivator.” President Elect Hines said, concluding her speech as she then draped and wrapped the award around the Captain’s neck.


It was a spectacle to be seen, as everyone watched.


From the eaves a slightly nervous Yolinda Holsy watched and waited for her turn to also get a medal. Her’s wouldn’t be the Medal of Heroism, but a Medal of Bravery. Still, she couldn’t help but look out at the crowd of people watching and feel that this medal was somehow hollow. As she looked out in the audience for the true hero of the event, one that she knew wouldn’t, no, couldn’t be here.




Constance Evans


Constance was finally free. The moment she exited the escape tunnels that had been dug to near perfection over the course of months was astonishing.


The fact that Constance herself was just a bonus, rather than the actual target of the entire attack and retrieval plan was well known to her. Even Christie, her biological aunt and the person who turned her, was small potatoes compared to the true targets removed from the underground research facility.


The wind and air felt simultaneously freeing and repugnant with the fact that it almost smelled like rot.


“Greetings sisters,” an extremely powerful corrupted female stated. Just being this close to her caused Constance’s skin to crawl as her survival instincts spoke of the inherent danger of this being.


Upon seeing the woman, the rescuer, Christie immediately dropped to her knee in a form of supplication, “master.”


Seeing her sire drop Constance felt the command of obedience placed in her by the dark energy that coursed through her body force her to drop into supplication as well.


“Master,” Constance too found herself forcefully obeying the commands of the blood, despite her clear revulsion to the idea of being controlled in such a way.


Seeing the two bow before her, the female Master just smiled brightly with crazed filled yellow eyes as she began to speak.


“Good, you both know your places. That is good, for you, little one,” the crazed monster stated as she pointed to Constance, “you have a meeting with her majesty.”


At that Constance could only feel cold dread fill her as she wondered what the Dark Queen would want with a nobody like her.



Dr. Evans


Dr. Evans hadn’t slept in nearly a week. Not since the Night of Catastrophe struck, at least the Night of Catastrophe is what all the news agencies were calling the devasting attack. Where hundreds of military personnel died, along with dozens of the highest and most decorated cultivators humanity had ever known.


For now, Dr. Evans was allowed to work, to avoid any inquiries due to her ability to heal. When the pressure and over abundance of bodies and cultivators needing medical care and assistance ended, she no doubt would be questioned. But for now, she was free to operate as she saw fit, as a medical doctor should.


This was why, now during what should be her break time, she found herself by his side.


“Come on Cadet Fotos, you need to wake up.” Dr. Evans cajoled for what had to be the hundredth time.


Eye twitch.


This time like so many others, Frank’s eye twitched a sign that his mind was still active and engaged. But despite the activity he would not rise up from his coma. A coma that he suffered from apparent overexertion through both healing and fighting off waves of the toughest monsters the enemy had.


From all accounts he was a hero, though now he looked to just be a boy sleeping a pain filled dream. Then to her surprise, Frank finally spoke six words. But those words sent a shiver down the good doctor’s spine.


Constance is meeting the Dark Queen.”


Of course, Frank didn’t actually say the Dark Queen, but the Dark Queen’s true name. A name forgotten to history, and one that forced Dr. Evans to leave her break and report this finding immediately.