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Chapter 18



To say that things were odd after choir class would be an understatement.


First, High Priestess Palmyra tried to offer me the trifecta, that is offering me to be her top disciple.  Fortunately, this was shut down, while the thought of getting three unique training modules was interesting, I still could not find the want to go down the path of religion.


Supposedly religion was what caused the collapse of the Ancients. Or at least this was one of the theories, either those that were ruling were ultimately betrayed by their Gods and thus unable to draw upon their powers when needed. Or the people that they ruled overused the power of the Gods to make the first rupture.


Again, there are so many stories about the past and what ultimately lead to the fall of the Ancients, that each story must be met with scrutiny and intrigue. For while the story being told might not be what actually happened, there are often hidden quests related to each story. These quests are ultimately what gives each story the barest hint of the truth.


Honestly, it is highly likely that multiple events lead to the destruction of the Ancient’s empire. That their levels of mastery of both magical and mechanical worlds could have only been taken down by multiple natural disasters all striking at once.


Thus my quandary about avoiding the High Priestess’ request to be her disciple.


If I choose her, I might unlock further events that could be entirely beneficial. Or, I could forever alter the fundamental baselines of my magic, making my current understanding of how to cast magic entirely irrelevant. It is for this last reason that I opt to avoid the High Priestess’ offer, opting instead to just lay low.


Or lay low as much as I can, which given my double ‘V’ cards for Valedictorian and Virgin, I am noted as a prize. Not just to the Freshmen class of students, but also to the Sophomores through Seniors as well.


Honestly, I never even thought that I'd see Drakerton’s older brother was here. Logically, it made sense as he was only two years older and in the game you found out that he was a graduate of the Academy, but you never saw him at the Academy, while in the game. Which was why, my seeing him shocked me.




A lightning coated fireball impacted a target. Seeing the impact I realized it was one of the Intermediate level spells of the Fusion magics, that is Magics that are done by linking two different Affinities together.


There to his side is my current master, and the person that I have been hunting down for our individual training sessions, Magister Carthwright, my second mentor.




Even after the enchanted wooden target was hit, it still smoldered for some time. A sign that the magical aspect had given over to a chemical reaction that would be sustained for a time. That was the great and terrible thing about electrical damage mixed with fire, namely that the chance of landing a critical attack, like this one, are rare. But when those critical strikes land they cause electrical burn damage that will slowly burn away a target from inside over time.


Seeing the destruction of the spell, I can’t help but sit back in awe.


There were only two times to work with a Fusion Fire and Lightning specialist. One was oddly enough getting the older Drakerton to join your party while you were helping to subjugate the Drakerton Empire. A second was when you could hire a traveling mercenary that would only work with your party for two excursions before getting enough money to retire and never be seen again. That was it, those two people for a total of five battles at most. Still, during that time, what you could do with a Fire and Lightning Fusion caster was unparalleled. They were often considered the best for power leveling each and every minor member of your party as all you would need to do is cast a spell, let it land a critical, and then watch as the monster slowly roasted to death.


Fortunately for me, I have my mask on, otherwise the older Drakerton would likely find me gawking at his form. Being older, he already had the large muscular frame of the Drakertons, though unlike his choir loving younger brother, the older Drakerton was still amazing. Many had requested that the older Drakerton eventually become a love interest as well, but those requests were ultimately shut down.


That said, seeing him here and now with sweat glistening off his tan muscles while the slightest hint of perspiration touches his golden shoulder length hair does something to me.


For a moment I feel like I have been hit in the gut, but then realize that Drakerton, well the older Drakerton is the perfect combat partner. His destructive powers made it so he was never able to be a true love interest, particularly as he was never attracted to females. Which sadly in this world is a taboo, one worthy of dethroning a legitimate heir to the throne. Sadly enough, despite the dethronement, the older brother still couldn’t help but love his younger brother and support him at all things. Even if the younger brother was the first to break away from the truly destructive arts that the Drakerton family were so known for.




With that, I simultaneously feel both my first true attraction for anyone in this world, and then realize that likely part of that attraction is due to just how out of my league this guy is.


Still, I would love to be able to convince him to group up with me and basically help power level me through a few of the harder dungeons and adventures in the area.


Seeing my arrival, Magister Carthwright pauses and then seems to let out a knowing smirk through his mustache and beard as he realizes that I can’t help but star at the impressive specimen of a man before me.


“Good job, why don’t you take a breather while I begin walking my other apprentice through her paces.” Magister Carthwright said, patting the sweaty Darkerton on his muscular shoulder before turning to face me.


At this Carthwright comes to talk to me, at the same time that the elder Drakerton just stares at me with his intense golden eyes.


Just seeing him and knowing that he is now looking at me, I can’t help but feel the pressure of his gaze as even now he has a power and intensity that are unmistakable.


“Greetings, Master,” I state as I give Magister Carthwright a regal bow befitting his status as my master.


Magister Carthwright for his part gives a slight head nod in acknowledgement, which is enough for me to know my gesture has been accepted. With that I raise my head and try to lock gazes with the old professor, while I still feel the intense gaze of Drakerton on me.


“Greetings, Disciple, I take it you are ready for today?”


I nod, not trusting my voice to not crack under the sudden insecurity I feel. Suddenly, I really want this next part to go well, as I really want the elder Drakerton brother to be impressed with me, at least impressed enough to not openly scoff at the idea of grouping up with me. As he is two years older than me, his area that he can explore is far vaster than the area I would be able to traverse alone. This means that some of the powerful artifacts and skill books that would only be found during the Junior year or later could be found now, provided I get the elder Drakerton brother to vouch for me. Which means, I cannot be seen as dead weight.


“Very well, first I want to see what your starting damage output is. I want you to focus on the targets before you.” Magister Carthwright states as he then gestures behind him towards the row of six enchanted wooden targets that are roughly the size and shape of fully grown male scarecrows. Each even has a slight face and target over the heart denoting two kill areas that we are to aim at. Of the six, five are fully intact and undamaged, while the sixth still has a smoldering mark over the heart that is slowly being burned away, despite its best efforts to auto repair itself.


I nod.


“I want you to hit as many of those targets as often and as hard as you can, until you are finally out of mana. With that, we will use this start as your baseline and adjust your training regimen from there. Any questions?” Magister Carthwright asked.


I shake my head, this seems to be fairly straightforward. In the game, we had something similar where we were told to measure our damage output and eventually try to increase our damage per second, or DPS, by coming here and practice each spell as often as possible.


In the game, you are going out here to practice the spells as a team member also counted towards Claudia’s success as she was seen as inspiring the group to do better. This way, your work as a player was marked and catalogued as a reward.


Seeing that I was essentially getting the same treatment, if only far earlier in my academic career I could only exhale. I’m ready for this, and honestly this is one of the easiest ways to get higher marks as the more you practice out here and prove your DPS over anyone else’s DPS the more you increase your grade.


Here I have a clear task before me. Hit as many targets as possible as quickly and efficiently as possible, while trying to look as nonchalantly as possible in front of Smoldering Drakerton, the badass of the Drakerton family.


With the task clearly in mind, I focus down range, then I do something that most mages wouldn’t even dare to. Right now, I am already about a dozen or so steps away from where Drakerton was when he cast his Intermediate comet spell. Still, given that I have been tasked with taking down all six targets, I take an extra step back and firmly get all six targets within my sights.


Then focusing for a bit, I mentally generate the spell formula in my head and begin casting six Arcane Repair Bolts. Then just as the Bolts are formed, I link each to a target and release. Then before the first barrage even hits, I am already beginning another barrage, then the next, and the next. Four barrages right away.


Deep breath.


That was the equivalent of sprinting four hundred meters on one breath, theoretically possible but extremely taxing and strenuous on the body. From a mana use standpoint I am fine, as all of these spells are the equivalent of costing just one mana point each. No at this rate mana is not the problem, but rather mental fortitude to continue being able to focus and cast each barrage.


Not wanting to look weak, I opt not to mix in Intermediate versions of the Bolts as I did during my defense of the entry to the Academy. Instead, I just go for sheer power and production.


I become an assembly line of spells.


Chantless barrage after chantless barrage being created, focused, and then fired downrange.






In the end breathing is my own problem, as I keep wanting to press on and go too fast, and that causes the strain to be efficient. Finally after about the tenth barrage, my aim starts going wide, as I only note a direct hit on three of the targets, while a few of the outer targets I went wide of the mark. Still hitting center mass on the objects, but no heart piercing shots like before.


“All right, that should be enough.” Magister Carthwright states, holding up his hand.




I am exhausted, and while I greedily take the chance to rest. I pause wanting to note that I still have mana left. I am almost going to argue, but I feel my words getting caught in my throat as I am clearly winded from the display.


As I try to speak, I take a glance out of the side of my eye and notice that Drakerton is looking at me with slack jawed amazement.


“That is sufficient to show that you have undergone considerable training on your own. No, I don’t think we will have the same issue of mana capacity with you. Instead, I think that with you, I might want you to go through the same level of training as Rydel Drakerton here is undergoing.” Magister Carthwright states, as if he is now Match Maker Carthwright instead.


Rydel, of course, that was his name. Hearing it, I feel so stupid, though to my defense he is just a side character that only pops up once or twice and even then only when you go down the hundred percent completion quest range with paramour Drakerton, and try to unite the Drakerton Empire with your own. Or at least with the Von’Roseblade’s empire.


Still, I am busy kicking myself for forgetting the name of this character with so much back story and power that I almost miss what Magister Carthrwight states next.


“Yes, I believe you two would be good for each other,” Carthrwight begins by first pointing to Rydel. “Drakerton, here has been looking to go out and explore the further reaches of the grounds and neighboring territories but has yet to find a group that is diverse enough to meet his needs.”


With that Magister Carthwright then turns to me, before continuing. “Lady Laurain here has proven herself to be both capable of Combat Support with a specialty in healing, Spatial Magic, and her own rather odd attack spells as you can see. Her only problem is that she will need to go out and explore the wilderness to gain more way points for her Spatial magic. Which can only be done by someone who knows the areas well and can help guide her to the specified locations.”


Hearing the Magister talk, I can only feel and hear my heartbeat faster within my ears as I think I know what he is getting at, but can only look on in shock that my wish, my dream to be carried around by the heart throb himself is clearly happening.


There is a moment of silence, as we are both seemingly lost in what is happening. That is when Magister Carthwright continues his seemingly impromptu sales pitch. “I must point out to you Lord Rydel Drakerton, that Lady Laurain here has been blessed with the sacred mark of the virgin. Meaning that anyone who went on a journey with her, would have to be chaste and pure of heart. That should they even make an advance on her honor, it would be known and forever leave a blackmark on not just their name, but their Kingdom’s as well.”


There is a slight moment of pause as Magister Carthwright lets that thought settle in, before going in for the kill.


“That said, any man who goes out as a companion, escort, and protector of a sacred virgin, and returns her back unscathed will earn the blessings of the High Priestess herself, along with the blessings of the Gods that have bestowed this blessing upon her.”


At that, the comments and their purpose are clear. Basically, I need to go out and explore to improve my affinity with Spatial magic. But I can’t just go with anyone, as I might lose my sacred virgin status. That said, if I am escorted by someone of virtue, they must go out knowing that neither of us can make a move on the other. With this proposition, it could be a win-win for the two of us, as I could get to go with Rydel Drakerton and have him all but carry me through any and all encounters. While he would gain a healer, scout, and auxiliary damage dealer that he would be praised for protecting, and not trying to force his way into her chastity.


Basically, with this setup, I would be Rydel’s cover for why he wasn’t hitting on me, and thus keep his name from being dragged down, due to his not living up to societal expectations.


Honestly, it is a good deal all around. Also, with this I will get to find out more about the tantalizing heart throb that is seen as a dark hero of the series. One who ultimately dies an uninspiring death, due to the way he is abandoned to the front lines during the invasion of the outsiders, where he is sent on a secret mission and never heard from again.




At this we are both apparently lost in thought. I am lost in how awesome this chance encounter is, as it means that I will be able to do two things on my bucket list, first get my waypoints to fast travel with Spatial magic, and second to go around with the untouchable Rydel. Also, I would be lying if part of me wasn’t interested in his Fusion magic abilities and how he links two spells at once.


“So what do you say?” Magister Carthwright asks.


“Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” I all but shout, then realizing that I might have come across with a touch too much enthusiasm, I try to walk it back a bit and go with, “I mean, if Master Rydel Drakerton wouldn’t mind being my escort that is.”


With that both Magister Carthrwight and I turn our attention to Rydel, who suddenly looks at me and has a seeming sense of recognition come to his gaze.


“She is the one who protected my little brother from the wyvern riders?” Rydel asked, as apparently tales of my exploits have made it to the upper classmen.


“The very same.” Magister Carthwright responds.


With that Rydel clearly looks interested, and I can all but sense this being close to a done deal. That’s until Rydel walks closer until he is just towering over me and then looking down he asks something I would have never expected from him in a thousand years.


There standing overtop of me, Rydel looks down and locking gazes with me, he asks in the most serious voice he can. “So, can you actually sing like an angel?”




he was only two years older and listed as a graduate of the Academy, but you never saw him in the game. That contradict what is said afterwards given you can learn fusion spells with him And everything that's said about him TFTC


Thank you and changed. I fixed it to be that in the game you never saw him while at the Academy. Also thank you for reading and for the correction.