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Chapter 17



“Hey, what are you doing here?” Lady Von’Curator asked.



A simple enough question, but one that is kind of hard to explain. Fortunately, she isn’t asking me, even though I am in the same exact restricted section of the library.


“Uh, what? I was just following...” Rau Li began, but quickly closed his mouth as he glanced around. Even going so far as to log gazes with me directly at once point. Though I just stay silent and completely still, as his eyes keep moving around, in obvious demonstration that he did not recognize my hiding location.


Why am I safe, as opposed to Rau Li, the student who had been following me?


Well simply put, I am in a blind corner of the Library. That’s right, this is the secret spot, one that only people who stumble into it, or are told about the spot can truly find.


There are plenty of spaces like this all-around campus. At the time, they seemed like they were convenient make out points. Points when you could run and hide with a particular love interest to avoid detection.


Whereas now, I’m beginning to think that there might be something greater to these spots. Particularly as I not only see the older engravings on the spot here, engravings that clearly mark this place as a relic of the Ancients. But I now see what its true purpose is.


“Come with me, know that this will result in a ban from the Library for no less than one month.” Lady Von’Curator stated.


Lady Von’Curator herself also gave a quick scan of the room, though as expected, even she couldn’t see me, despite what appear to be glowing Ancient runes right next to me.




That was all that appeared before when trying to read the inscription here with Claudia in the game. But now I can not only see the message, but I understand its meaning.


Waxing Chamber.


That is what the markings mean in the tongue of the Ancients. And no, despite the obvious thought about cleaning off the bikini lines, this waxing is entirely focused on helping to replenish your mana.


The term has something to do with the phases of the moon, and how the moon’s waxing is believed to increase magical abilities and prowess. While the waning moon is often considered to be a form of losing mana and magical prowess.


Of course, that was only for the ruling class. But now, being in here and being able to see the way others move about oblivious to my actions in this tiny two-person lovers’ alcove, I wonder just what enchantments were in place.


Even now, if I focus, I can see the outline of a newer form of magic energy directing me towards this exact spot.


In the game, it was my character Karen, who first observed these hiding spots and showed them to Claudia. Though this was only after a long time, and multiple needs for hidden materials were made, and your character faced the threat of expulsion due to low grades. Then and only then did Karen come to the rescue and direct your straight to this hidden spot.


Now, having seen all the markings on the ground that all but scream that this is a well known and slightly obvious hiding spot, I wonder why Karen took her time in telling Claudia. I mean, Karen had to have known about this spot the whole time. But then she only showed this spot when her grades were failing. That or if you managed to study enough, then only during the final invasion of the library scene did she show Claudia. Until that point, this entire area was completely unknown.


While it was clear how Karen knew of this place, there are a few concerning pieces of knowledge that have suddenly come to my attention.


Namely, why is there paint that even Lady Von’Graysing can’t see? Furthermore, why does it appear that this paint is fresh?


There are a lot of other questions that will likely come from those two, but really why is this happening now?


I assume that this was something that Karen was always able to see, but I don’t know. I do know that whether Karen identified these places or not to Claudia, that they would exist at all times. Furthermore there was the online thought that the different hiding in plain sight spots just like this all link up to form a pentagram.


At first the idea of a pentagram seemed farfetched, but now that I know the hidden mark of  Master Casting Dominance is also a pentagram, I suddenly have a lot more respect for that line of thinking.




Dang it, the sound of Choir.


I apparently am part of the Choir class.


Choir Class: Part of the Bardic Knowledge of Classes.

Focus: On using vocal sounds and patterns to strengthen spells.

Skills Available: Vocal Infusion, Vocal Strengthening, Singing.

Requirements: Have a Title, must pass the voice test.


The normal me, well the old Laura me could not sing. Well I tried, I really really tried, though it mostly sounded like a cat getting run over by a lawn mower. That was part of my original appeal to this game, as Claudia too could not sing. Though there was a scene where she pretended to serenade one of the suitors by using Karen as a voice double.


Looking back, it should not be too much of a surprise to see that as Karen I passed the voice test. Though in the game, her status as being eligible for this class was hidden due to her not having a noble title. Even trying to explore the world before one’s arrival here would not allow a user to find any of the Ancient tombs, making Karen unable to obtain the status of a noble before arriving.


That was why the sudden test and passing actually caught me by surprise.


I thought it was a thing, that if you can’t sing in real life, then you can’t sing here. Turns out that having a good voice that doesn’t crack while trying to make a note goes a long way into learning how to sing.


Supposedly this was how Karen first found out about the secret markings, as her going to Choir often meant that she would have to go and come back late at night from studying in the library.


Though there was one love interest who you needed Karen’s help with, if you wanted to get anywhere with and that was the Prince of the Choir. Prince Drakerton, the healer and model choir boy would definitely be a Choir.




I need to get out of here, though thanks to Rui, the path is blocked.


Well not entirely blocked.


If I was more powerful, or had a specialization in my Spatial magic, then I could easily just Teleport out of here.


Unfortunately, I don’t have that much control over Spatial magic right now.


Though I can, Blink.


Blink is a short range line of sight teleportation that can be very useful in combat. Though for my purposes, I use it to cross the open range of the library, avoiding Lady Von’Curator’s sight, before Blinking once more to get out of sight entirely.


Like that, I am in the unrestricted section of the library, and able to move about at my leisure.


I still try to move with a purpose as I don’t want to be late to Choir as it would likely mean spending more time with High Priestess Palmyra.


Again, I was always weirded out by the religion of this world, but the High Priestess and the future Saint are both prime examples of why I am hesitant towards going to Choir.


Yes, in the event that Karen isn’t the chosen revenant, then Lady Marie De’Claire takes your spot as the way to snag Prince Drakerton.


I make the conscious choice to avoid Prince Drakerton, for he is really the only suitor that the prude Marie approves of. Also with Marie, you can only have one spouse, so it might as well be Prince Drakerton, who as the black sheep, or white sheep of the house of the dragon, he is capable of wielding some of the most explosive magic in the game. Though his primary goal is to be a healer, he can be the second best damage dealer of the game, particularly for distance casting.


The moment I get out of the Library, I begin casting my Combat Support augmentation spells that give me a much needed boost.


Perfect Dexterity Boost

Perfect Stamina Boost


In no time I find myself rounding the side of the library and heading up the hill to the church. Where I enter just in time to hear the final bells.


Ding dong ding.


Yeah, that was almost bad.


Even with the Stamina Boost, I feel the drain of having cast so much mana all at once. Though it is partially my own fault for trying to find out what that glowing paint in the restricted section meant.




Though as I look around here, I can see that there are even more examples of the glowing paint all around. Well, not all around as they all seem to be going and pointing towards a store room in the back.


“Good evening, glad you could join us my little lamblings.” High Priestess Palmyra states, as she speaks I feel a slight shiver run down my spine as there is almost a predatory hiss to her words. But before I have too long to think about anything, she continues.


“Come in, and leave an imprint of your SIS plates here.” High Priestess Palmyra states.


With that the students all begin pressing their cards directly into the semi-clay-like substance. Seeing the open book I can’t help but feel relieved that I managed to alter my plate.


While I do dislike my information being displayed out here in the open like this, I am okay with it only being a portion of my information. In particular, it is the portion that I personally approved of providing. At that thought, I enter the line.


As I get in line, I feel a slightly familiar presence behind me.


“Fancy meeting you here,” a female voice states as her long thin frame allows her to bend over and talk directly into my ear.




As she speaks, I hear her soothing tones, and instantly know her as the Saint Candidate, Lady Marie De’Claire.


It is mainly just her proximity to my neck and the way her voice seems to vibrate and penetrate my skin that causes the reaction. I also know that it is likely a sign of her own personal performance with Singing and voice inflection that causes such a violent reaction.


Turning back, I lock gazes with her and almost want to say something, but then stop as I see her bright smile, and the way her eyes never hesitate to lock onto mine.




In that instance, it feels like she is looking right through me, though rather than the disdain I almost expect, she just seems to smile brighter.


In the game, it was known that while Karen and Marie had differing views on relationships, they also had an instant bond that somehow formed almost instantly.


I don’t know if this is a sign of that sort of universal bond between the two of us, but it is clear that Lady Marie De’Claire isn’t frightened when she looks into my eyes. Not that anyone should be, especially now that I have upgraded them to the silver disc forms, but even now she doesn’t look away.


“H,hey.” I finally managed to say.


“Next!” High Priestess Palmyra calls out, clearly trying to draw my attention away from Marie who begins to giggle ever so slightly. Though it isn’t the mean girl giggle that I am sort of used to or would even expect from another female character in this world. Rather it is the giggle of someone who is genuinely having a good time.


Shaking my head, I move forward, pulling out my personalized and modified SIS plate, where I place it in the book. Where it gathers an imprint of my details. Then I move on.


I don’t even have to look at Marie’s card to see her details as they are all as I would expect at this point.


Pausing, I look back to see that Marie is taking a long time pressing her card into the parchment. A quick look lets me see that while she is pressing in her own plate, she is looking at the markings next to her own. At my plate markings.


Then upon seeing everything, she pauses and then looks up to gaze at me.


Almost as if by reflex she comes close, looking like she wants to ask me something.


“Your SIS plate!” High Priestess Palmyra states.


“Oh, right.” Marie states, turning around to grab her plate.


At this point, I decided to go into the lines of students that are getting ready to sing.


My intentions at this point are to stay away from Marie De’Claire. In fact, if I’m smart I’ll just avoid all the main characters and try to find a bunch of side characters like myself and be able to exist in this world in peace. Especially, as I need to remain a virgin for as long as possible to continue gaining as much of an advantage as I can from my Sacred Virgin Otome Death mark.


As I get into place, a tall male thankfully fills in the empty spot next to me, protecting me from having Marie come up on my open left side. I say thankfully, until I realize that it is none other than the prince of celibacy himself, Prince Drakerton.


“You are part of choir as well?” He asks.


“Apparently,” I add, not wanting to give the lover boy any indications that I might be interested in him, or his chiseled chest, or his sultry tan skin. Nope, at most I might be interested in doing fusion magic with him, to see what his long-range attack spells combined with my Bolt spells would truly be capable of doing to an enemy. That said, of all the love interests Drakerton is the most clingy. Though for the monogamy route, he is perfect. Even his empire that he is prince of is one of the most magically capable. There is even a way to make sure he wins the right of succession for his kingdom, though I refuse to do any of that for him.


Nope, I’ve got plans.


Also, I don’t want to draw Claudia’s attention to my appearance here.


“How was your first day?” Prince Drakerton persists.


At that, I just stare up into his slightly glowing golden eyes and am about to respond, but that is when Marie shuffles into the pew with us. Then before I can say anything the High Priestess is already directing us on what to do.


“In front of you, you will see the Sacred Song of Art, pick it up and begin singing on my cue.”


Picking up the paper, I almost laugh as I know where this song comes from.


This is the song that Karen or Marie will sing to Claudia upon permanently losing the affection of one of her love interests that she strove for. Seeing this song and realizing it is the first song that the retainer is taught, only makes me smile widely.


Such a great easter egg find. Here it was, a great and touching moment about love being only defined in an art piece that doesn’t actually capture the true essence of where the love has gone.


Then to have it be just the first piece of music we are taught to sing in choir, such a great touch. Bravo world creators, bravo.


“All right now on three, and the key of ‘C’.” High Priestess Palmyra begins.


While I have no clue what key anything is, I do know how this song is supposed to be sung. As such, I just dig deep and begin trying to sing this beautiful song the way I’ve heard it played numerous times. For a time I even had it as a ring tone for a potential boyfriend, he only called twice, but when he did I knew it was him.


Grabbing the paper, I take a deep breath, then I begin to sing in the way that only Karen can.


“All the lost lovers in their paintings

They keep trying to get away

And the captives' worried torments

They keep trying to find a way


I feel that there is a crescendo building within me. Hearing my own voice, I am surprised that my voice isn’t shattering glass or peeling the paint off the walls. Instead, I am just able to sing and let the words flow in ways that I was never able to reach with my real body.


They'll stay imprisoned in their gold frames

For forever, forever and a day

All the lost lovers in their old paintings

They keep trying to get away, get away


By now, I hear that most of the others have stopped singing around me. But as High Priestess Palmyra has not told us to stop singing, I continue. Letting my voice hit the full notes and ranges of emotion that this song is supposed to reach and inspire.


Realizing this is my chance to finally sing this song in all its glory, I let loose. Losing myself to the cadence and rhythm as I carry the song to its inevitable end.


Hear them whispering sacred languages

Lovers flatter, and are forgotten

Despite their love, they are all lonely

Cursed to stay forgotten in their glass coffins,

For forever, forever and a day.


At that, I breathe heavily, as I feel like part of my soul has been set free as I now feel a million times lighter.


Pausing, I take a few deep breaths, before pausing to look around.


Everyone from the High Priestess herself, to all of the other students in class are all staring at me. Seeing their transfixed gazes, I pause as I wonder if I missed the command to stop?


“What?” I finally ask.



White Neko Knight

Marie is giving off some real yandere vibes, the good kind. I'm looking forward to reading how their relationship develops. Karen seems to be weak towards genuine affection.