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Chapter 33

First Meetings




Cadet Frank Fotos looked at his reflection in a mirror. A mirror that showed a broad shouldered muscular version of himself with vibrant green and purple hair that glowed due to his subterranean heritage. A heritage that all but declared that he was now a double awakened. Then his impeccable military uniform denoted the same. Complete with a standard green ‘F’ on his chest and two circles on his left sleeve showing that he was on the second realm of Blood Cultivation. While the one slash on his right sleeve denoted that he was still on the first layer.


From there everything was fairly standard. He had the typical navy blue pants, the black belt and glowing buckler. He also had simultaneously the nicest and least comfortable pair of shoes he had ever owned. These were shoes that looked nice on the outside, but somehow seemed to find every pressure point on his feet and press upwards. Fortunately, blocking out the pain of the shoes was rather easy, but still something Frank made a mental note of, wondering if this was some form of hazing process.


Come to the elaborate party, but show your metal by not reacting in the slightest to the pain your body should be feeling.


Stomp, stomp.


Two quick stomps from his feet made it so a clear and comfortable indention of his feet were made into the unyielding substance. With that that he paused realizing that this was likely the true test of a cultivator, one who managed to take something extremely uncomfortable and work with it until it was finally in a usable format.


Now that the shoes were forced to mold to his foot, he felt oddly ready.


Here he was doing a favor for someone he loosely considered to be a friend, or at the very least friendly towards him.


Also, if Frank had to be honest with himself, he realized that there was no pressure for today. He was going on a blind date, and knew he had to be somewhat entertaining if only for Holsy. But there was no real pressure, Frank already had someone who he had feelings for.


Worse, he realized that he had been far too trusting, not even realizing that monsters of the dark arts could get inside his mind so easily. This made it so he focused on trying to strengthen his will as much as possible. While it was not a true solution, apparently nothing short of killing the dark monsters was a sure thing, he felt he was oddly capable of doing just that.


No, given the state of everything, Frank felt that getting emotionally attached to anyone at this point was just a recipe for disaster. Even the girl he sort of kind of had a thing for would likely hate him, once word got back that he killed her older brother.




This was just a gathering of friends, a chance to dance. Dance of course being the truest expression of the soul. Then a chance to ultimately see firsthand what the life of a career soldier would entail.


That was the main reason for this, part of the history that he actually managed to learn when he read about the dance and why it was right at the beginning of the year. So groups who were back and looking to replenish teammates could search through the students that were assembling and vie for attention. The two main targets for these gatherings were of course healers and long-range damage dealers. Which Frank filled both roles adequately.


Tap ta-duh tap pound, knock, knock.


Fortunately, before Frank could go and psych himself out, or further doubt anything about tonight, he heard the unmistakable knocking of Holsy.


“Come in.” Frank called out as he turned away from the mirror and began heading to the door.


Holsy not needing to be told twice, just entered. Honestly, Frank was surprised that Holsy didn’t just barge in, as was his custom. Though thinking about it for a second, likely Holsy didn’t want to try to barge in and show the world that Frank was still in the process of getting dressed.


Then to all but confirm this suspicion, Holsy shouted, “oh Gods I thought you were done changing?”


With that Holsy covered his eyes and looked away, as if in disgust of what he was seeing.


“Wait, what?” A female voice called out, barging around the door and revealing a slightly smaller but more curvy and far more attractive version of Holsy.


“Yolinda? How could you?” Holsy snapped, clearly catching his sister in what could have been an attempt at voyeurism. Then Holsy for his part came over, and handed a white corsage that matched the pristine white robes of Holsy’s sister, Yolinda’s, dress uniform perfectly.


Looking at Yolinda, it was clear that she too had been active, a single awakened ‘A’ Ranker with two gold circles on her left sleeve and three golden slashes on her right. Frank’s eyes tracked everything, then were once again drawn to the giant ‘A’ Rank insignia that was almost hidden by the pale blue threads used to create the letter. If not for the extreme contrast of the white uniform, the ranking and distinction of belonging to Air would have gone amiss.


“What are you doing Frank! That is my sister! What are you doing ogling her chest like that!” Holsy demanded.




Frank realized the problem for what it was and desperately tried to look away from the chest that was far larger than any he had seen from his school days. Maybe a few here at the academy were of equal size, but this was the closest he had been to someone as well endowed as Yolinda, and he had apparently been caught staring for that.


“I, I um, sorry.” Was all Frank could muster as he for once felt actually nervous and looked away.




The sound of tingling bells could be heard, as Frank knew that this was the sound of Yolinda clearly laughing at his obvious discomfort.


“What is your problem, I thought we were friends? But you then betray me by ogling my sister? My sis…” Was all Holsy managed to say, before he was cut off by Yolinda grabbing and pushing him out of the way.


“Oh stop it, you know he is a gentleman and was only rank fucking me, not eye fucking me the way you seem to be implying.” Yolinda said a slightly teasing tone to her voice.


Hearing her, Frank could only pause hearing the seemingly young and innocent girl before him curse like a soldier. Then with a sharp reality, Frank realized that she was just that, a soldier.


“Hahaha, I know. I just couldn’t resist. Also, he is normally so stoic all the time. Seeing him actually embarrassed, I had to go in for the kill.” Holsy said, clearly bantering freely with his sister.


“Yeah, but you are going to scare him off if you keep this up.” Yolinda said, then turned to lock gazes with Frank and at that he knew he was in trouble.




As their eyes met, Frank felt his entire body tighten as he found himself looking into the prettiest set of ice blue eyes he had ever seen. Eyes that seemed to glow and pulse with the power of her element, that of air.


“Oh man, where is my recorder. I need to capture this look of awkward embarrassment for all time.” Holsy said, then he snapped his fingers, which caused a cloaked floating orb to appear. “Oh wait, there it is, oh and would you look at that, it was recording this entire time. Your first meeting for me to show our parents.”


At that Frank paused, looking up at the now visible orb that was clearly recording and then back to Holsy who was just smiling brightly with his devil may care smile.




“Relax, since you both are minors we have to have to ensure that you both are recorded and chaperoned at all times. This is to prevent any higher ups from possibly trying to force relationships or unwanted positions that would ultimately be your word versus their words. This is your safety net, and your one warning. You two since you are both under the legal age of consent are being monitored and recorded.” Holsy said, giving a clearly rehearsed safety speech. Then reaching into his pocket, Holsy pulled out a second orb that was currently deactivated. By turning on the orb, he faced the eye directly towards Frank where a scan of his body was rendered and recorded. After which time the orb flew up into the air and began staying in a silent stationary position over Frank to record his every movement.


Feeling the watchful gaze of the monitoring orb over him, Frank could only nod. This was the best defense for him, also given how things had gone, he might be able to see if anyone used mind compulsions on him and if so when.


Deep down, if Frank was truly honest with himself he would have to admit that he was more than a little frightened that there might still be some lingering traces of mind compulsion. Traces that if he was ill prepared for, might cause him to say or do something dangerous.


With accepting the recording device for himself, he then paused and looked at the clearly older and apparently mature for her age Yolinda.


“You are also underage?” Frank asked.


“Oh, trying to see if you two being together is somehow legal? Ballsy question, especially with the handsome, talented, and overly protective older brother in the same room. But points for trying.” Holsy said, though this time Frank could clearly see the mocking smile that was permanently etched onto Holsy’s face appear, indicating that he was joking.


“What my annoying older brother is trying to say is that yes. I too am under eighteen. This means that you and I are likely the only two who will both be underaged and have already made it to the second realm of development.” Yolinda said.


Hearing that Frank could only nod in agreement, as their pairing suddenly made a lot more sense. This was a relationship of convenience more than anything. Holsy got to pair his little sister with someone of comparable age, and this meant that both he and Yolinda would be free from possible unwanted advances of higher ranking elders. Also the now invisible recording devices ensured that should anything questionable happen, there would be a clear recording of the entire encounter.




Realizing that Holsy had done all of this for him, Frank could only relax as he looked at Holsy and nodded in appreciation. “Thanks.”


“No, this is entirely me being selfish. See with you here, I can pawn my annoying little sister off on you. Making our parents happy, while I get to be with Captain Parinne.” Holsy said, with a wide smile on his face.


“You know she is only here to recruit Frank to be in our squad.” Yolinda said with a slightly defiant tone.


“Yeah, and I have dibs, meaning that she might have to wait. Also, our squad has priority in recruiting right now, since this is our down time.” Holsy noted.


At that, Frank saw the corsage that Holsy was gesticulating wildly with. “I believe that is for me?”


Pausing, Holsy looked at the packages that he had in his hand. There were two sets of flowers, and one was clearly for Yolinda.


“Wait, I don’t know if she is good enough for you now. For all I know, she might be a liar and someone who does not keep her word.” Holsy said.


“Oh, as if. You know the Captain will be here to watch me like a hawk, just as I am certain you will be there watching Frank.” Yolinda replied, grabbing her white flower from Holsy’s hand and handing it squarely to Frank.




Frank grabbed the box and then delicately began removing the corsage from its protective environment. For a moment he looked over the white flower and remarked at how it was still in pristine condition. Then a closer look with his Energy Sight showed that the flower had been treated with a firm but dense layer of green energy.


Holding the flower up, Frank couldn’t help but be impressed with the energy seal around the flower that was seeming to keep the flower frozen in time, and protected from the world around it.


Out of the corner of his eyes, Frank could see Yolinda just looking at him like he was slightly mental.


“Oh you see it?” Holsy asked, clearly picking up the fact that Frank could see energy particles around him.


“Yeah, that is an energy shield, but of life energy?” Frank asked.


“You guessed it, eventually if you get strong enough, you too should be able to create protective barriers just like this.” Holsy said.


With that Frank could only nod, and then thinking back he remembered how he recently saw something similar with the condensed and diamond like skin of Constance. While this layer of protection was nowhere nearly as strong as the skin Constance had, Frank realized that he could possibly mimic both this layer of life protection, then possibly replicate it with his death energy affinity as well. For a moment he thought about eventually being able to dual weave both layers together, but was quickly cut off from that.


“You really have never seen this before?” Yolinda asked, a bit incredulous.


Realizing he had been staring at the flower for too long, Frank could only shake his head. “No, we don’t have anything like this where I come from.”


At that Yolinda just stared at Frank for a moment.  Then her eyes went wide as she truly began to take Frank in.


“Then does that mean that your hair is naturally like that?” Yolinda asked, moving closer and staring at Frank.


Hearing that Frank could only sigh, “unfortunately. You probably think lower of us for our hair.”


“No, wait? You don’t know?” Yolinda asked, reading something in Frank’s face, then turning to Holsy.


Holsy seeing the look on his sister’s face only shook his head, smiled and answered. “He doesn’t know. Also, I didn’t want to freak him out.”


With that Holsy turned towards Frank and continued explaining. “See, for a time there, your hair. Or the hair of those from the depths was considered a fashion icon. See in the military we aren’t allowed to alter our hair. So you all with your naturally glowing hair was seen as a sex symbol for a bit.”


“Sex symbol?” Frank asked.


Hearing that, Holsy only covered his mouth as if hearing Frank curse fervently. “It’s always sex, sex, sex with you younger generations. My goodness. I go and give an entire speech about fashion throughout the ages, then you focus on two words. I mean…”


“Oh shut it, you know that is the reaction you were going for all along.” Yolinda cut in, and then turned to Frank. “He is right though. Your unique hair is seen by many as an attractive quality. Also, I have to admit, I’ve always been kind of curious.”


With that Yolinda got close and looking Frank directly in the eyes, she elegantly strode forward. At least to Frank it felt like she was gliding forward, for a moment the only person that was in his world was Yolinda. With their faces less than a foot apart, Yolinda held up her hand to chest level, then asked. “May I?”


“What?” Frank asked, suddenly confused. Then seeing the way Yolinda tentatively raised her hand towards Frank’s hair, Frank understood.


“May I touch it?” Yolinda asked trying to clarify.


“Phrasing.” Holsy cut in, breaking apart the tension that had suddenly been building. With that Frank and Yolinda both just stared at Holsy as if he was being childish. Seeing how both seemed to be mirroring each other, Holsy could only smile. If he had to be honest with himself, his sister could do a lot worse than Frank. Also, with the two of them being together, there wouldn’t be any worry about fraternization policies being broken. No misconduct by superior officers. In fact, this would mean that hopefully Holsy could relax on his constant monitoring of his sister. A role he had been thrust into, particularly after their parents had been far too stringent in their protection efforts for their little girl.


“Shut it,” Yolinda said, a slight blush of embarrassment filling her cheeks as she turned back to Frank and then asked. “Can I touch your hair?”


“Yeah,” was all Frank could say.




The moment her hand touched his hair, he felt a jolt of electricity run down his spine.


“Ohh!” Yolinda, seemed to have experienced the same exact jolt as she too reacted.


“Already exchanging elemental reactions with each other.” Holsy said.


“Guh, do you have to make everything sound disgusting?” Yolinda said.


“No, but it does make being your chaperone that much more entertaining.” Holsy admitted.


“Here, let’s just get the creep to his date so he can stop providing he dirty commentary to us.” Yolinda said, holding out her delicate hand forward, a sign that she was ready to have the corsage put on.


“You do know that you two will still be monitored?” Holsy began, while Frank reached out to delicately place the protected flower over Yolinda’s wrist.


“I know that, but at least then I won’t have to…”




There was another exchange of mana as Frank accidentally touched her skin while wrapping the ribbon of the corsage around Yolinda’s wrist in an attempt to tie it in place.


“Oh, look at that. Frank, I need you to tell me how you did that.” Holsy said, turning from his sister’s suddenly flush face to Frank’s.


“Do what?” Frank asked.


“Get her to shut up.” Holsy replied with a mocking smile towards his sister.


“What? Come on Frank, let’s go.” Yolinda exclaimed indignantly, grabbing Frank’s arm and all but pulling him from his room.




With that Holsy could only laugh loudly at how is sister was acting. As the trio left, Holsy was the one to close and lock the door, before following the two juniors that now seemed suddenly inseparable.


Seeing them, Holsy could only smile at the sight of young love and think to himself, tonight might be a very good night.


Then he watched as the two love birds suddenly stopped. Well Frank stopped, causing Yolinda to suddenly stop as well.


“You okay?” Yolinda asked.


Frank paused and looked around, a wild look to his eyes as his purple hair looked like it was glowing and simultaneously standing on end.


Then after a time the brightly glowing purple hair stopped glowing as brightly, and Frank seemed to visibly relax, at which point he replied to the clearly concerned Yolinda.


“Yeah, I guess it was nothing?”



H.A.L. Tiebosch

Frank finally gets his dance...... i hope.. and thanx for writing another chapter of f-rank Frank. I was getting withdrawal symptoms. ;-)


So, second love interest? There was Bethany the drone pilote, not Holsy's sister Yolanda, harem someday?