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Chapter 12



“I object,” it was my first interaction with the main character of this world, and it came as a direct challenge to my placement as the class valedictorian.


“An objection has been noted.” Magister Carthwright stated, then turning to me he stated. “What say you, do you accept the challenge to a magical duel?”


In a way, I almost expected this, or something like this to happen. Basically, this is the world trying to correct itself. In the main story arc, Claudia Von’Roseblade can easily earn the title of class Valedictorian. This is also one of the most important steps for her rise to political and social power, as all the males in turn gravitate to her after both fighting off the CRET with her Wind Blades, then by exerting her dominance over anyone who dares to try to covet her spot as class valedictorian.


Hearing the words, I am left with but one option. Pausing to center myself, I take in a breath, and then exclaim. “Yes.”


Right now, I am so close to the perfect start, one where I can easily get a special Mage Spymaster special class unlocked. One that will be perfect for my current avatar. Being this close and after three constant months of work and dedication into this character, I cannot help but want to see it through to the end. I’ve done everything, I’ve trained for three months straight. Learned new skills, broken through with advancements before being inducted into the University. I even managed to fend off the impossible start by beating back the arcane wyvern riders from the dark continent.


There is nothing that this MC can do or say to make me turn away this advantage when I am so close to getting the perfect start and being able to log out and actually rest in a real bed. Yes, sleeping here is sort of restful, though I always feel like I am missing something slightly when I do sleep here, as if it is somehow too cold and I wake up shivering for some reason.


“OHH!” The crowd of gathered nobles all let out a collective gasp of surprise at my acceptance.



“The challenge has been accepted,” Magister Carthwright begins, but then continues to speak in his loud booming voice. Then continuing the ceremony he turns to Claudia and asks, “do you wish to fight, or will you have a proxy fight on your behalf?"


“Proxy?” Claudia asks, a clear look of confusion on her face as she is not used to this part of the process.


I am about to speak, but fortunately the Spymaster to my left comes forward and begins speaking to the audience.


“Yes, by Proxy she means any revenant that has sworn complete allegiance to you. This will be someone who will fight, and quite possibly die in your place.” Lady Von’Graysing states.


Hearing this, Claudia pauses, then turns to her right where she sees her one revenant, Marie De’Claire by her side.


Seeing the priestess and future Saint causes a lot of emotions to rise up inside me. The Saint is the one who joins your party as a healer when Karen leaves, that is if you haven’t filled out the full harem with the healer, the Prince of the Drakertons. Yeah, I was totally thrown when it wasn’t Priam with the unicorn myself. Though he does eventually learn high divinity spells and can turn into a Paladin if you are in a monogamous relationship with him.


Odd that so many minor details fill my mind at this time, as I wait for Claudia to either face me by herself, where she will lose and then get healed by her retainer. Or send in her retainer who I will then have to heal after I beat her in the place of Claudia.


Claudia looks lost for a moment, then turns to Marie, the future saint and states. “I choose my retainer to fight in my stead.”




Yeah, this wasn’t part of the script, especially as Claudia was the only one with a viable attack spell at first.


Nervously, Marie De’Claire hears the words from her master, and then looks like Claudia just kicked her favorite puppy. The look lasts for a only a second, before Marie takes in a deep breath, and then nods seeming to accept her fate.


Reluctantly Marie De’Claire lowers her head and then turns to the impromptu dueling area that has seemed to appear from out of nowhere.


Seeing the future Saint so dejected, I opt to try to cheer her up, as I realize this can be one of the ways to quickly turn Ms. De’Claire to the path of the Dark Saint rather quickly.


“A pleasure to meet you future Saint Marie De’Claire, it will be an honor to face you.” I state, speaking of future knowledge from the game, but its fine, especially as it will help me sell myself to the Spymaster.


More gasps.


Hearing my words, Marie seems to instantly perk up at the idea. Then turning to me she asks, “you know of who I am, but you must forgive me as I have never heard of you Lady Laurain was it?”


Smiling from behind my mask, I can only bow slightly.


“I am but a simple traveler, who is searching for shelter and knowledge.” I state giving a slight bow and bringing my right hand up to my chest as is the custom of this continent.


As my hand rises I feel the faint outlines of my not one but two ‘V’ patches on my chest.


My gesture apparently drew the attention of Marie, as she asked, “I have to ask, is that green ‘V’ the mark of being blessed as the Divine Virgin?”


Yep, there she is, throwing out my status for all to hear. Still, that is part of what this patch is for, to remind others that I am forever to be off limits.


“Yes, you are correct. I have been granted such a blessing from the Gods.” I confirm.


Hearing that, Marie De’Claire drops to her knees and with her priestess staff before her begins to pray.


“I apologize great virgin, I did not realize that such a vessel blessed by the Gods was my opponent,” she first states to me. Then turning back to her master, she begs, “you must forgive me master, but I cannot partake in a battle with anyone who is chosen by the Gods to be a blessed virgin.”


You know, this would really be embarrassing right now if I was actually a teenager. Fortunately for me, I know this is all just a game world where I can’t actually have deep relations with others until far later. So, for this playthrough and this run, I am fine with building up the power of this mark for as long as possible.


“What?” Claudia demands, but Marie De’Claire is already up, but she makes sure to bow to me three times, denoting that she does not wish to proceed with the sanctioned duel.


“Your retainer has forfeited the match. Seeing as she did not actually fight, you are still permitted to take her place and follow through with your challenge.” The Spymaster says, her tone playful as she almost seems to be egging the Princess on to complete this battle.


“Fine then,” Claudia all but screams as she frustratedly, while she takes the place where her retainer once stood.


Seeing her I decide to do what I did with Marie De’Clair, letting her know that I not only knew who she was and what she was capable of, but that I was not afraid of her.


“Princes Claudia Von’Roseblade, favored of the wind and sky. Possessor of Wind Combat, Psychometry, and Precognition. Knower of where the wind is, where it has been, and where it will be in the future. I appreciate the challenge of facing off against one such as yourself.” I state, while granting a slight bow.




Yes, I basically told the world that she was a three-affinity magic user, and that despite knowing this, I was not afraid of her.

Claudia for her part just looked lost, as if I was reading off common knowledge about her that everyone should know. Seeing her face and that she was not surprised, I realize something is off, but I can’t quite tell what.


“Well since you know who I am, then why don’t you tell us all who you are.” Claudia says mockingly.


Hearing this, I decide to both help the princess and give her a slight warning.


“Why don’t you try to answer your own question. With the power of Precognition, you should be able to deduce this little bit of knowledge. Close your eyes and focus on the future, focus on the immediate information that is available to you.” I state.


Claudia for her part just looks at me like I’m crazy. I am, but seeing as I spent so much time as Claudia, I can’t help but want her to succeed.


Finally after a particularly long pause Claudia shrugs her shoulders and then closes her eyes.


“Nothing, okay, I see nothing. I get it, I am a terrible at Precognition and because of that you will wipe the floor with me.” Claudia states.


Shaking my head.


“You are only half right. That darkness you see is your true future if you continue down this path. Know that what you see is the most likely of outcomes, but not the exact future. If you have a plan, if you have a trick up your sleeve, you can still pull off a victory. But as things stand now, that darkness that you see when you close your eyes, that is your future based on the way the world interprets your capabilities and actions.” I state, giving away one of the many easter eggs that came up.


When about to fight an opponent, you can close your eyes. If what you see after closing your eyes is complete darkness, then you are drastically under leveled for the opponent. If you see a bright light, then you should win. If it is slightly illuminated, then you two are evenly matched and the match will go down to the wire.


“Eww, spooky!” Princess Claudia says in a way that sounds nothing like a true noble of the world should. In fact, if I had to guess, she sounds like a regular player would while playing the game and expecting a quick restart if they failed.


This time I turn to Magister Carthwright and ask, “can I get a quick warm up before the match?”


Magister Carthwright for his part just looks at me with his curious sparkling green eyes for a moment, then after a three count he nods his head and seems to agree.




I begin stretching out my arms and legs, while simultaneously casting spells.


Beginner’s Bolt

Beginner’s Bolt

Intermediate Bolt

Beginner’s Bolt

Beginner’s Bolt

Intermediate Bolt


I cast six spells in rapid succession all in a circle around Claudia. These are far enough away from Claudia that she will not be hit by the immediate spell or any splash damage.






That said, the spells going off all at once, in such close proximity to her are enough to violently shake the ground and cause her to fly up and tumble on her ass.


“Whoa, aren’t those the same bolts that took down the wyverns and their riders?” One student asked.


“Yeah, they were. I remember they came out of nowhere and obliterated the beasts.” A second student stated.


Claudia for her part just saw the charred markings on the ground and then looked up at me with doe-eyed confusion.


“But, but how, I am supposed to be the Valedictorian?” She stammered out, finally realizing that she didn’t stand a chance against me.


Then she said something that made me question everything.


“Logout! I quit!” Claudia began.


Hearing her speak, I could almost swear that she was another player like me. But before I could get too lost in these thoughts, someone else spoke.


“The duel for class Valedictorian between Lady Laurain and Lady Von’Roseblade has concluded with Lady Von’Roseblade quitting the match.” Magister Carthwright’s voiced boomed out.


“What? No, that’s not what I meant.” Claudia began as she got to her feet, but she was already being directed away by some of the extra gate guards who had come out to help protect the perimeter.


“Do we have any other challengers for someone wishing to replace our current class valedictorian?”




“Wait, I…” Claudia began, but was quickly cut off by the sharp biting words of the spymaster.


“Look, she took it easy on you. Knowing full well that you wouldn’t have been able to cast a single spell in the same time she cast six spells, two of which were Intermediate level attack spells.” Lady Von’Graysing began.


Claudia looked like she was about to protest some more, but was cut off by a sharp hiss from the spymaster.


“Look, if you think this is wrong, just wait to challenge her again at the next quarterly competition. Or, if anyone else challenges her and wins, then you can challenge that challenger, but for now you are done.”


I hear her speaking, and am left just being stared at by everyone. By now all of the students who ran off into the woods for shelter had started to come back, and the remaining few stragglers that couldn’t afford to ride by carriage were also coming showing the new class over a little over fifty students from all walks of life on the continent. Well all walks of life that involved current, future, and past royalty that all showed signs of latent magic potential.


“Going once.” Magister Carthwright called out.


“Going twice, for a chance to challenge the current Valedictorian.”




There were slight sounds of kids shuffling from foot to foot. While no one seemed to eager to challenge me, everyone did seem eager enough to leave the impromptu battlefield and now crime scene that served as the final resting spot for dead magicians and wyverns.


I didn’t hear of any official body counts, but if there were, they were minimal. I know this as Magister Carthwright likely took it as his mission to protect the students, versus trying to take down the wyvern riders.


“Then this entrance ceremony is officially complete. Please come inside and get tended to. Healers please stay by the High Priestess’s side and offer assistance to those who need you.”


At that, I look and go to where Magister Carthwright stated. Standing there is the crazy High Priestess from last night, the one that began praying after I managed to translate her book and get the divine blessing. A blessing that was so casually bandied about as if it was nothing.


Seeing the High Priestess I cringe slightly, as I don’t want her to try to recruit me. Though I do as I was instructed and go over there.


To my surprise both Prince Drakerton and Lady Marie De’Claire both come over to join me, along with one other background character that never seemed to get much screen time. Though looking at him, I do remember him being in many of the background scenes from throughout the game.


“Raise your hand if you already know some healing spells?” the High Priestess begins.


With that, Lady De’Claire and I are the only ones who raise our hands.


“Very good, now what spells do you know?” She asks, turning first to Lady De’Claire.


Lady De’Claire for her part just states, “I only know of an imperfect form of Lesser Heal.”


“Very good, and you, the blessed one?” The High Priestess asks.


With that I feel slightly queasy, but still answer, “I know Beginner and Intermediate forms of Rejuvenation, Lesser Heal, and Physical Boosts.”


The Priestess glances at me, and I can see a flash of light burning in her eye. This is a truth detection ability of some kind.


Seeing the detection, and apparently finding nothing wrong with my statements she nods.


“As to be expected of one chosen by the Gods. Know that should you wish, I would gladly take you on as my personal disciple.” The High Priestess began.


I am about to try to find a tactful way of turning her down, when I am fortunately saved by someone eavesdropping in on our conversation.


“Now we spoke about this, she has already made up her mind and completed a deal to earn her instructors.” Lady Von’Graysing states.


Hearing her, I can’t help but let out a sigh of relief.


“Yes, Palmyra, the Candidate has shown herself to be most capable and already earned the right to be my disciple.” Magister Carthwright stated, also apparently barging into this conversation.


At this, it looks like there is going to be an intense argument, but it will be a two on one conversation. Fortunately, at this point, the first of the Paladin knights pulls up the body of a student. At which point the three of us quickly peel off and begin treating the first victim.


Seeing how deep the burns are, I begin casting a plethora of spells.


Intermediate Rejuvenation.

Intermediate Heal.


Marie for her part tries to cast an additional heal, but quickly found that her spell was negated by my own.


“You can’t cast, unless you have a spell cast to the same quality of my own.” I state, pointing out the basics of spell theory. Since I’ve cast perfect forms of the Intermediate spells, her spells will not be able to land and assist.


“So what can we do, just watch?” Prince Drakerton asks, a note of frustration in his voice.


Seeing him, I remember the number one reason why Prince Drakerton was considered the best healer, even better than Marie, when he got proficient enough.


“Actually, you can. You have Healing, Elemental Healing, and Elemental Recovery, right?” I ask, listing off his three affinities.


“What, yeah I do, but how did you know?” He asked.


“Spymaster, remember. Well one in training at least. Anyways, have you tried casting any elemental recovery spells yet?” I asked.


“No, they are far too advanced for me,” Prince Drakerton says a bit coquettishly.


“No, you’ve got this, you just need to feel comfortable. Here, I’ll give you the full spell, just try to copy it as much as possible.” I state, then give him the perfected form of Burn Recovery.


Yeah, this is the annoying thing about the world. Just because you know the words to a spell doesn’t mean that you can cast the spell. Instead, you just look like you are mumbling gibberish.


That said, I quickly found why the perfected form of the spell was the last one learned as Prince Drakerton was terrible at the spell. His annunciation, inflection and points of vocal power were all off.


With that, I decided to try to remember the monotonous tones used for the regular version of Burn Recovery, and within a few tries of that one, he managed to cast a simple version of the spell on the poor student who was mostly recovered and awake by this point, and just stared at us, while I gave a lesson on Elemental Recovery magic spells.




The spell landed on top of the charred and scarring skin. Since the damage was caused by fire magic, the spell Burn Recovery began eating away at the burn markings that were left as visual reminders of the trauma that the boy faced.


“Oh wow, that is so cool, you made it go pink.” The boy said, eventually feeling good enough to sit up, while looking at his once red and irritated skin that was slowly turning a healthier shade of pink.


“Yeah, I did.” Prince Drakerton said.


“You will likely need to keep working at it, and reapplying the spell daily to make sure the scars go away entirely.” I state, “but that will be good practice as you can continue to work on your spell work and inflections.”


“That, that is amazing, thank you!” Prince Drakerton said, then compulsively lunged forward and hugged me. Only to realize afterwards that I was apparently too squishy for his liking. “Oh, sorry about that, I really shouldn’t have done that.”


“No, it’s okay.” I admit, knowing that I am apparently too curvy for him.


“Good job, I might have you come in as an assistant for some of my healing classes.” High Priestess Palmyra said, though I am not sure if Palmyra is her first or last name.


“Well, see if she has the time, though she will be very busy with her studies.” Lady Von’Graysing replies, cutting in by my side and taking away any chance of me being lured away to the priestly order.


“Yes, yes, I agree.” Magister Carthwright adds, coming in to be on my other side as he stares down the High Priestess. “Now, with all of the students taken care of, I would say it is time we head off to the recording ceremony.”


This of course was the part where you displayed you had your status screen displayed and read by everyone in attendance.


After this point, my prior knowledge of the magical affinities of each person will not be as odd. As they will all but be a given, along with the current rankings for each affinity, attribute, and skill.


With that the four of us, Prince Drakerton, Lady De’Claire, the healed minor noble, and I all made our way towards the recording ceremony.


“I can’t wait to see what abilities you have, along with their ratings, I bet they are all super high.” Prince Drakerton said, when facing me.


Chuckling nervously, I reply “we will have to wait and see.”




Still having some delusion of being in the game I see, both of them, or it really is and they'll only know it if or when the die and wake up in a fancy sci-fi capsule


Very true in either case. That or get a Game Over scenario and the "game" still goes on. Thank you for reading.

Bored Goddess

Heh wait and see indeed. I enjoyed the duel(s). I am surprised Karen hasn't confined on to the fact that Claire is a player though. I mean she all but screamed it.


She did mentally note it, but didn't have a chance to talk to her separately, as Claudia was taken away. While Karen had to stay behind and help learn about healing. Also, thank you for reading.

H.A.L. Tiebosch

Thank you for writing another chapter.