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Chapter 9



In the end I was granted a scholarship’s dorm room. Particularly after I demonstrated twice more the effectiveness of my Arcane Repair Bolt. This time I did it while demonstrating not just the Beginner’s Perfect, but also the Intermediate Perfect form of the spell.


During this introduction and showcasing of my talents, I was introduced to the head Priestess of the school. Honestly, I knew that religion was a sort of big part of the school, and that the school allegedly had many altars to pray to for the different gods and or goddesses. Each offered a quick boost to power initially, but would always cost you as time went on, making the choice of purposefully choosing a deity completely pointless from a long-term cost benefit analysis. Particularly as you were trying to raise food and funds for an army, but seven percent of all that you reaped in the form of taxes went right back to the temple of your deity, lest they curse you at the last minute on the battlefield.


Yeah, the Gods and Goddesses were complete pricks like that, as such I did not interact with them much outside of my first playthrough or two where I didn’t quite know the world nor its long-term costs. Better to be a godless vagabond, than a god fearing street urchin who despite starving to death, still had to make an offering to the Gods they worshiped. And Gods forbid you try to worship more than one deity, as then you have to make double payments.


Fortunately for me, even though it was now just 2 AM, and we ended up waking the head priestess up, I still had both Magister Carthwright, the President of the University, and Lady Von’Graysing, the University’s Spy Master by my side during this whole ordeal.


Otherwise, I swear I would have been forcefully converted right then and there.


Particularly as I found myself converting the block of parchment that was stuck on the podium.


“Child, I will give you one task to see if you will be worthy of my direct teachings.” The High Priestess began, then pulling me over to the podium that had been carved from ancient stones I saw writing engraved onto the stands.


Looking at the language I could see that this was likely the Rosetta stone for this world, as the book that was opened and seemingly forged in place was stuck on the first page of the ancient script.


Seeing the text, I smiled slightly from behind my mask that still hid my features, as I felt that this was an interesting puzzle. A sort of blending of the two languages that I have run across in this world. As the text in the forged book was a blend of the glyph like language of the Ancients that I had spent the last three months learning through language immersion, and the typical language of this world which was flowing bubble cursive.


The text I read, seemed to denote a time of prophecy that happened after the Ancients perished from the world, and the survivors or first New Inhabitants of the lands came back and began exploring the old ruins.


It read it once, but then the texts began to glow brightly.


Seeing the glowing scripture the High Priestess spoke up, “what is that? What are you doing?”


“I’m just reading it as you stated.” I reply back a bit defensively, though even now the words and glyphs both seemed to glow with a form of ancient energy that I had never seen before.


“Do it again, but this time read it out loud for all to hear.” The High Priestess demanded.


A quick look showed that both the spymaster and president of the University were also interested in this outcome. Hearing her, and seeing everyone else’s reaction, I could only shrug at the command. Then with that I began reading the texts. Texts that had allegedly been on display for hundreds of years just waiting for someone to read them.


“When the founders first came upon the sacred lands of their ancestors, they found a great cataclysm. For the Gods had witnessed the plights of the Ancients and struck them down to the very last soul.” I said, finally finished reading the scripture out loud.


In all it was sort of a fun challenge, of trying to blend together the two languages, with my tongue. In an end the words came out in sort of a song like tone that seemed to echo in the chambers. In the end, I must say for a pseudo-religious-history text, I felt oddly comfortable with my reading of the events being discussed.


After I spoke the words glowed with a golden light that spoke of a level of intensity as a bright glow erupted. Similar to one I might expect when solving a particularly hard puzzle and realizing that I was going to receive a spectacular reward for my actions.


Just seeing the all too familiar glow that I had witnessed hundreds of times during my playthroughs, but this time seeing and being able to feel the glow of golden light filled me with a joy I hadn’t quite experienced before. This was a brand new hidden scene and event that I had never even heard about in any of the lore.


The sad part is I remember seeing the old stone book that the Priestess often spoke over, but never had I known that by reading the script out loud I would have been able to unlock a new achievement.


Deep warm tingle.


I felt warmth at my very core. It was as if I somehow swallowed sunshine and my body was able to convert the energy to just the correct temperature to make me feel warm, but not burn me up entirely. Almost like drinking warm cocoa on a winter’s day, but somehow more enjoyable. I can’t really describe it.


At the same time that smoke was rising up from the dirt being burnt away from the sacred scripts, as the page now looked completely cleaned from all dirt and debris and looked like it had just been cleaned with bleach. That is when the head Priestess bowed down and began to make a wild gesture with her left hand.


For a moment I thought she was warding off evil spirits from the smoke, but I later found out that she was trying to invoke the right of clarity. By waving her hand through the smoke that rose from the dust being burned away from the glowing parchment, and then invoking a major spell form, she was able to apparently cast some high tier magic.




Glowing blue lights erupted outwards, towards the heavens and towards me.


I saw how the glowing blue lights bounced off of the glowing core that was still burning brightly within me.


Only then did a limited system message appear before me and everyone that was gathered around to witness the marking.


Blessing of the Virgin Bestowed: This blessing is bestowed upon one who is pure of heart, mind, and body. So long as the bearer of this blessing remains celibate, they will receive a permanent increase in their overall Magic Power, Magic Capacity, Magic Range, Magic Accuracy, and Magic Abilities. Ratings increase by 1% per year that blessing remains pristine. Current Permanent Rating: 1%.


There it was, the absolute best blessing in the game. One that didn’t require constant tributes to different Gods. One that was apparently agnostic in whether I actually needed to choose one God or Goddess over another. The only real catch was that I just needed to remain a virgin while attending this university. That is if I wanted to increase my benefits from this blessing.


Basically, this was the world trying to tell me that while I might be in the world of an Otome, love was not in my foreseeable future. At least not if I didn’t want to lose this amazing blessing.


I was still blinking away at the notification. After reading it a few times I think I saw something in there, that I hope others also would agree with.


Looking around I tried to find someone that I could converse with about the odd system message and the sort of wonky way that the priestess made my recent achievement visible to everyone. Basically casting a blue power spell directly into me, they mirrored the blue texts of a system message. Smart, and only slightly breaking of the immersion factor that I was experiencing.


However, seeing the message, I realized a few more things. While I might be in the paramour hangout, I was still not to be a part of that world, despite coming to the University, with my last name already unlocked.


Still, despite all that, I felt that I needed to ask.


“Does this mean what I think it means?”

To my surprise, or maybe not as the head priestess still seems intent on randomly chanting and praying through the spell that she is still continuing to cast.


“Yes, it means that unless we get you out of here right now, you will likely be locked away in the virgin vault for all eternity.” Lady Von’Graysing states, as she grabs me and begins to lead me away from the ceremonial chambers.


Oddly enough there is a sort of possessive grip offered in that grab that is hard for me to fully understand why.


For his part, Magister Carthwright looks just as confused as I feel.  Though all it takes is a quick glance from Lady Von’Graysing to make it so the president of the school also follows us out.


There is sort of an unspoken need to keep silent as we all escape from the cathedral, and only once we are out of the detached building and halfway back to the rest of campus does Lady Von’Graysing begin to speak.


“Now, as my student, know that I will not require you to attend any church services.” Lady Von’Grasysing begins to speak. As she does, a clear look of agitation washes over Magister Carthwright’s face.


“Now Lady Von’Graysing, it is not right for you to assume she would be interested in your paths for developments. Surely someone of her magical caliber would be interested in learning the finer arts of magic and unlocking her true potential.” Magister Carthwright states.


Hearing the speech, I realize this is that moment in the game where I get to choose my base development path, which will then ultimately determine my future class and build opportunities in the future.


Seeing the moment for what it truly is, I can only stare in slack jawed amazement as to how this new playthrough brought about this decision path.


Clearly, I could have chosen the path of a priest or healer, which would have been the path of turning around now and joining the head priestess. Someone who seems to be more lost in her devotion to the Gods and Goddesses of this world than of listening to the relevant moments.


Then with Magister Carthwright, I would in fact make choosing to be a mage my primary career path.


For Lady Von’Graysing, I would choose the path of the rogue.


Pausing for a moment, I do find it odd and slightly sexist that I am not at least offered the chance to be a warrior. Though maybe that is what the priestly options would be, forcing me to develop my Combat Support affinity so much that I end up becoming an indomitable Paladin of sorts. Still a hard pass to both the warrior and the Priestly paths, as that seems like I would all but need to force myself to convert to a God or Goddess, and that is clearly not something I would be interested in.


Still, seeing that I am at a crossroads in such a unique way is oddly exhilarating.


While I am curious about what it would be like to be a direct disciple of the Headmaster, I can’t also shiver with excitement at the idea of being under the direct guidance of Lady Von’Graysing. Just the thought of being under her sends shivers down my spine. As it would mean more quality personal time with her.


Then I realize I might be mistaking in my assumptions, as someone as powerful and influential as Lady Von’Graysing might just pass me off to someone else within her organization. With that, I decide to ask for clarification.


“So, this is you asking me to choose to learn under both of you directly? Or is this just a general request that my scholarship would go towards one of your department’s overarching free slots?” I ask, trying to get ahead of any misconceptions I might have about this situation, right here and now.


Hearing my question, Lady Von’Graysing just smiles brightly as she appears to try to stare past my mask and directly into my eyes.


“Oh, you are good. Honestly, had you not asked I likely would have passed you off to one of my subordinates as not being worth my time. But since you asked, I can safely say that I would most definitely take an active role in your direct development. While I might not be able to always work with you, I feel that you are like a diamond that needs minimal shaping and direction to help you display your true inner luster.”


Hearing her speak, I can’t help but be impressed by her eloquence and ability to keep with and expand on the same diamond metaphor.


“I must agree. The fact that you come in nearly perfect in your spell castings and incantations, not even needing to resort to mnemonics, or gestures is a huge plus. Additionally, your knowledge of and further mastery of a unique and rare form of magic all but makes you a prized pupil for the Arcane arts that I could not help but offer you my own personal guidance and resources, should you choose to follow the path of the Master Magician.” Carthwright stated.


Hearing them, I could almost feel them about to go into a bidding war over me. I stand there silently waiting and hoping that this is the case. Then just as both of them look like they are about to start a bidding war to end all bidding wars, they stop, before looking directly into each other’s eyes.


In that one gaze they seem to say a million things while saying ultimately nothing at all.


After their gaze is over they stop, then nod to each other before turning back to me and seeming to say as one.


“So who would you choose to study under?” They ask in near unison.


Translation, leave the virgin to her own choices, and let’s not get into a bidding war, now.


Looking at this logically, I could see want to wait on allocating resources. For coming in were students from all around the continent. Students who were all descended from ancient noble families going back to the first reclaimers who came back after the cataclysm that wiped out all of the Ancients from the continent.


With so many true blood nobles coming, having some resources available to bid for and bribe perspective students to either continue being part of a particular part of the school, or to be a new initiate to a different school of learning made sense.


That said, I knew what I was worth, and furthermore knew what the incoming class of students offered in terms of possible talent.


“I tell you what, right here and now you both agree to take me on as your prized pupil, or we wait.” I tell the two of them.


“Wait? Wait for what?” Lady Von’Graysing asks, a note of intrigue filling her voice.


“We wait for you to see the other students that are coming and then we can have a talk about how much I am truly worth to not only your individual departments, but to the University as a whole.”


Hearing me, Lady Von’Graysing just smiled the way a cat would if they saw the mice coming out and trying to set up what at first appeared to be an obvious ambush.


Magister Carthwright on the other hand appeared to have a bit of a questioning look to his face. Of the two, it looked like Magister Carthwright would be the first to break from the proposed truce that the two had apparently agreed to with their secret eye lock earlier.


“That or I could always go back to the High Priestess and ask her what she would think about this deal?” I posit.


Hearing me invoking the Head Priestess caused the two to once again look at each other. This time there was a slightly shorter stare, where Lady Von’Graysing was the first to speak for the duo.


“Fine, we will both take you on as our primary disciple, but we first have one condition.”


Hearing this level of contrition I could only smile as I knew I had them. That despite whatever they decided to throw at me as their final condition, I would pass their challenge handedly.


Smiling from behind my mask, I couldn’t help but lock gazes with the spymaster and answer confidently, “let’s hear this one condition of yours, though I do not foresee it being a problem.”


With that, the spymaster let out a surprised smile on her face that let me know that I had truly piqued her interest.


“Be careful what you wish for, for the task we have in store for you is a rather tough challenge…” Lady Von’Graysing began to speak and as she did I couldn’t help but feel vindicated that even though I had never seen this playthrough, I had guessed the end result rather easily.


The whole time that the university’s spymaster spoke about my upcoming condition. The more I smiled to myself, as I couldn’t wait to fulfill my one remaining condition needed to become a master Spy-Magician hybrid class wielder. Someone who could boast of having been trained by both the Magister and head Spymaster of the Arcane University.


Hearing the challenge, I could only smile as I realized I was close to one of my all-time goals.




Thx for the chapter 👍👍😎 but …. 1) Meanie, you didn’t tell us what her last demand was 🥺 2) We got again a cliff hanger and maybe you will skip over this challenge too 😢 3) Pls tell me, the blessing is fixed to the hetero side and in their ignorance/bigotry/blindness the gods don’t consider yuri as loosing your virginity … I mean then this hetero ballast would finally have a good side 😁🤣😆😂 4) The Head Priestess was/is creepy *shiver* I can’t wait to read more. Pls keep it coming. 😊😃😁😎👍


LOL 1) The demand didn't come up as there was no real need to note it in this chapter. 2) No skipping the challenge. 3) It will be explained, but yes. 4) Yes, completely agree. Thank you, and thank you for reading.