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Interlude I



Princess Claudia Von’Roseblade



Claudia awoke to look at her hands and was momentarily shocked at how skinny they were. They were the picture of elegance, long dainty fingers that appeared to be a symbol of perfection. Seeing the fingers, Claudia couldn’t help but begin to think that something had happened. Something major at that.


Pausing for a moment she took those long slender fingers and used them to ever so slightly rub against her body. There she found things that her mind told her should be there and shouldn’t be there. For starters her breasts were where they should be, but they weren’t large and frumpy. Instead, they seemed to be pert and perky, almost perfectly so.


Then there were other things that all seemed off.


Taking in a deep breath, there wasn’t the deep wheeze that she used to feel, but rather a perfectly healthy breath of air. This felt heavenly, as Claudia couldn’t remember the last time she managed to take in a perfect breath of air.


“Did the operation go well?” Claudia asked herself, then running her fingers down her sides she felt ribs. Actual rib bones protruding from her sides, then on her stomach were rippling muscles. Not the fake or bulgy ones she had expected, but what felt like individual feathers that popped up from her stomach and seemed to point out that not only had the operation gone well, to remove her excess weight. But now she also had the benefit of having a six pack. No wait, there were more than six, maybe an eight or twelve pack.


Looking down Claudia pulled up her silk night gown and tried to begin to count, only to find that her perky breasts were getting in the way of her sight. At first this was annoying, until she realized that not only had they managed to remove all the excess bodyfat from her stomach and torso, but from all over her body.


Then looking at her slender fingers and arms, she saw not just skinny arms, but rippling muscles that spoke of long hours of work and training.


However, before Claudia could get too far into this thought, a vaguely familiar, yet person she had never actually seen before appeared to enter her room.


“Good morning princess,” the gorgeous woman who could easily be a model began.


Claudia hearing someone other than her father refer to her as princess sent a pang down her spine as she remembered he died so long ago. That was part of what caused the spiral, what caused herself destructive tendency to gorge herself to death. It was part of a coping mechanism to try to die so she could join her father.


Fortunately, she got the help she needed, and was finally talked into getting the elective life saving surgery, that led her here.


“Good morning?” Claudia began.


“Oh, I see you are still a little tired from your awakening. Don’t worry, I know full well how disorienting the awakening process can be.” The energetic lady began.


As she spoke, Claudia could feel faint memories coming back to her. Memories that felt both nostalgic and oddly personal in nature. It was as if she had somehow met this person, but never actually knew who this lady was.


“I’m sorry do I know you?” Claudia asked, this time her mind was aware enough to see just how much her voice had changed. How her voice seemed to be deeper and more angelic than she ever had imagined. For a moment she found this too to be both memorable and concerning as well.


“I’m sorry, Princess Claudia Von’Roseblade. But you do seem to have had a bit of awakener’s amnesia. My name is Lady Alexanderite, I am your personal maid who has been assigned to you to assist with all things related to your magical studies. Given that I was just called for yesterday at the revealing of your not one, but three magical affinities I saw you. Though you were clearly suffering from awakener’s fatigue.” The very attractive woman, Lady Alexanderite, began.

Hearing that, more words came to Claudia’s mind, as she remembered the name that was used to describe her. That was Princess Claudia Von’Roseblade, the main heroine of the Otome game she had been playing the week leading up to her surgery.


It was with that thought in mind that she panicked for a second and then looked down at her hands and skinny arms, her ample chest and then felt her rippling stomach muscles once more.


Seeing her suddenly flustered, Lady Alexanderite began to try to deescalate the situation. “I am so sorry Princess Claudia Von’Roseblade, you seem to be suffering a bit. Here, let me summon the healer we have on staff.”


With that Lady Alexanderite quickly left the room, calling for someone down the hallway.


Just looking at the room around her, she saw opulence. There were gold etched wooden dressers around the room. Large ornate paintings depicting various scenes from outside on her walls. Then before she could get too lost in her own thoughts, Lady Alexanderite reentered the room, quickly followed by a woman who looked to be the picture of elegance.


Badump, badump, badump.


Seeing the newcomer Claudia’s heart began to beat quickly, for it was the ice queen herself. The frozen healer who was so powerful that she could resurrect the dead. Of course, she was considered terrible for love interests as she was the head priestess and very nearly a saint. In fact, if she was chosen to be the initial retainer for Claudia, then she would eventually be declared a saint.


Of course, she was just a hidden option, and only one that you could get if you made a few successions, namely getting rid of the fat yellow eyed monsters aptly named Karen.


Then with her eyes growing wide, Claudia realized that this might be an issue, particularly if she didn’t address this issue to begin with. However, before she could speak, the saint took one look at Claudia and then inwardly winced as she came over.


“Poor princess, here, let me help. This isn’t much, but it is the most I can offer right now.” The Sait began, as she held out her hand and let healing waves of energy race out from her gentle hand that she gently placed on Claudia’s arm.


Then as soon as her hand made contact with her arm, healing magic poured out and through their connection, filling Claudia with healing energy that seemed to burn away the rest of the mental fog and exhaustion that was plaguing her.


With this she remembered more about this world that she was in. A world where magic and war were a given, where magical and fantastical quests were performed all for the idea of gaining political allies and lovers to your side.


This was perfect, also Claudia now had the prettiest female in the game right by her side.


Which reminded Claudia of her one playthrough with the yellow eyed traitor. The ugly girl that would eventually spark a revolt when she found out about her ancient bloodline and lineage.


While there were parts of the story that were a lot easier with her, by and large she started an internal civil war at the exact wrong time and ended up costing her the game. Fortunately, the second time through was a lot easier, as rather than accepting the default traitor as her retainer, she then went with the better healer of Saint Marie De’Claire.


The very Saint who now stared into her eyes with a look of compassion and concern.


Though remembering the past life, Claudia felt she had to make sure to address the elephant in the room. She needed to make sure the potential future traitor to the kingdom was taken care of.


“Where is the commoner named Karen?” Claudia asked, trying to remember more about the ugly girl, only to realize that there wasn’t much to go off of. She was fat, yellow eyed, and a traitor, three things that Claudia hated. Well it didn’t help that Claudia, the real Claudia, saw a lot of herself in that traitor. In a way, she knew that if she was subject to the same treatment she would act and do the same exact things. Particularly once she found out that she was descended from an Ancient and advanced race of highly practiced and capable beings. Beings that by all right should still be ruling the world to this day, had it not been for some odd happenstance that wiped them out from all existence.


Hearing her speak, Lady Alexanderite looked momentarily shocked but then quickly recovered. “I see, your powers of Prophecy have awakened.”


With that, Claudia paused, realizing that yes if she showed off too much of her in game knowledge of events and people, then people might get suspicious. Well they normally would, except for the fact that Princess Claudia Von’Roseblade was what was called a legendary Air Affinity user. Where all three of her magical affinities were covered under Air magic.


“Here, let us see if you have increased your talents.” Lady Alexanderite called out and grabbing a clear crystal ball from her dresser, turned and came over.


Seeing the crystal, Claudia’s eyes went wide with both shock and in memory of what she was now seeing.


“This is a Status Crystal. This will be important for you as you can use it to find out how much you have grown. By placing your entire hand or just part of your hand you can reveal either all of part of your status screen. This is an important secret of our empire, and one that we cannot let get out to the public. That said, place just two of your fingers on the sphere and we will see your magical capabilities.” Lady Alexanderite began.


Seeing the crystal, Claudia’s eyes went wide, as she had seen the shattered sphere in her room on those times when she came back to visit her home. That said, she never quite understood why Claudia would keep just a random sphere of broken glass on her dresser, but now she knew. Though she still didn’t know how it broke in the game.


Before she could get too lost in her thoughts, she reached out with two fingers and then touched the crystal and then like magic her partially revealed status appeared before everyone.


Name: Claudia Von’Roseblade

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Magical Affinities:                   Current Rating  /  Maximum Rating

Primary: Wind Combat                 F                                              SS

Secondary: Psychometry              F                                              A

Tertiary: Prophecy                           F                                              SSS


With that, Claudia felt relieved that those were exactly as she remembered. You start off at F rank in everything, and then auto-train, where you walk away and come back and then suddenly you are fully capable.


Seeing the images a look of contemplation came over Lady Alexanderite’s face, but it was quickly covered by her typical demeanor.


“Everything okay?” Claudia asked.


“Yes, though I must ask you spoke of a girl as if you knew here?” Lady Alexanderite asked.


Hearing that, Claudia realized that this was her number one way of keeping the yellow-eyed monster out of her hair.


“Yes, there should be a three affinities commoner named Karen coming. No last name, no family lineage. You will know her by her distinctive pale-yellow eyes, and her large body. Should she come to this kingdom you are to immediately arrest her and imprison her for future crimes against the kingdom. She is a foreign spy and one that was sent to sow discord in our lands.” Claudia said, wondering just how adaptive this world was to her commands.


Seeing the look of shock on the two servants’ faces, Claudia couldn’t help but feel that this was going to be good.


“Very well, I will go make plans to warn others of this discovery. I do know that last night a few guards were sent to pick up a three affinities girl from one of the local villages, though she seemed to have escaped in the middle of the night.” Lady Alexanderite stated.


Hearing that Claudia just paused, as she remembered the bandit camp that once was seen as the home of Karen. How after that mission, she found the ancient tomb of the ancients that started Karen on her destructive path.


Realizing that this was going beyond the scope of the story, Claudia pressed. “Send out guards to find and arrest her.”


“Very well, is there anything else that I might assist you with?” Lady Alexanderite asked.


At first Claudia was willing to turn everyone away content that she had managed to get this far without signaling any start overs due to immersion breaking on her part. That was when she decided to push a bit further.


“When will I be able to go to the University?”


Hearing that Lady Alexanderite nodded in understanding, “The fall semester is set to begin in three months’ time. Until then, it is recommended that you both choose a retainer and practice with your magical affinities.”


Hearing that Claudia could only nod, but then acting decisively she decided to push off the need for choosing a retainer. “I have already chosen my retainer. No one will be more suited towards assisting me than Saint Marie De’Claire, here.”


With that Claudia pointed to the healer that had been brought in.




Hearing her, the two paused then seemed to exchange glances for a second before turning back to Claudia.


“You, you have seen it?” Marie began.


Hearing her, Claudia could only pause in confusion for a second, before she asked. “Seen what?”


“The fact that I will become a Saint?” Marie asked, a note of reverence in her voice. Then she continued, “also you know of my lineage?”


Hearing that Claudia realized that she might have spoken out of turn, as the use of a last name only denoted royalty or people who could prove their descent from royalty. The fact that Claudia knew of Marie’s last name and lineage implied one of two things, either first she had out of hand knowledge from her time playing through as a casual fan of the game. Or second, she had prophetic abilities and was reading the future.


Realizing that this might be one of those immersion breaking moments, if she didn’t cover it well, Claudia did the only thing she could do, she lied.


“Yes, I saw it all,” then pressing her advantage, Claudia continued. “Marie, if you follow me, I will help not only turn you into the Saint, but also show undeniable proof of your ancestry and lineage.”


“My lord,” Marie said, dropping to one knee and bowing before her. “I pledge myself to you and your service.”


And like that, Claudia smiled as she realized this was going to be a fun playthrough, hopefully this time she could actually corrupt the seemingly incorruptible saint and get her to join in the future harem that Claudia so intended to create in this world.




Additional, what happens when Karens eyes go dark yellow and her training reduces her weight? I mean they are looking for a large girl with pale yellow eyes and not for an athletic girl with dark golden eyes? Except there is a easy way to identify/assess her status which shows her name and her affinities.


Good questions. So the dislike comes from the fact that this Claudia only played the game twice. The first time was with the disastrous betrayal just at the end that caused a complete game over for this Claudia. The second one was the one where she avoided Karen and just went with the celibate priestess, she forced a monogamous relationship, but this Claudia didn't seem to realize that more than one paramour was possible. You are correct that Karen's eyes will change and that the training will partially reduce her weight. So the APV out for the old Karen is misleading. Ultimately this Claudia thinks she is on her third run through and will use the knowledge she gained from her first two times through to have more of the world displayed, particularly as she thinks she knows a way to get the saint to allow polygamy, or at least where she will now allow polygamy so long as certain key factors are avoided at all costs. (Basically the corrupting the Saintes route, though she is not going to be aware of those consequences). But to perform the corrupting the Saintes route, all ties to Karen and the Saint must be voided (a bit of foreshadowing/spoiling here), but I hope that helps. Also, thank you for reading.

Bored Goddess

I am enjoying this story greatly. I can't wait to see where this goes. Also, when Claudia realizes this is real life and no longer a game and her actions have real consequences for real people...presumably.


Thank you, and yes it will be an experience for both. Though for drastically different reasons. Also, thank you for reading.