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<<<UPDATED: Now has Audible link to Alexa Thyme book 1.>>>>

Good morning everyone,

The Choose your own Writathon Entry is over and you have spoken.

You all have voted and by on overwhelming majority we will see 55,555 words of Augmented Aspects grace our screens this month for the April Writathon.

Thank you all so much for your support during this time and know that with Augmented Aspects being the primary focus this should not impact my normal workload too much as such I still intend to maintain roughly the same following numbers of releases this month.

Augmented Aspects : 3 (after the surge from 1-5 April 2024) a week.
Psycher Chronicles: 2 a week.

F-Rank Frank: 2 a week.
UFF: Honestly, no clue. I am going to try for at least 2 chapters a week here as well, but we will see how that goes.

OTHER House Keeping Items:
Alexa Thyme Book 1
: Is available for sale on Audible, and will become available on 30 April.

Link here: https://www.audible.com/pd/B0CZ2KFPD6

Alexa Thyme Book 2: Should also go to Amazon sometime in April as well. And recording for book 2 for Audible should already be started.

Alexa Thyme Book 3: Is already at the editors, and a cover is being worked.

As I find out more, I will share it all with you.

As always, thank you all for your support and let's win another writathon.

Hope you all have a great day!


Lorraine V

Maybe pin this and unpin March?

Lorraine V

Gratz on Alexa audible/publish!


Thank you, a lot of work went in and is still going into this, glad it showing and being received well.