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Epilogue V

“Hello everyone, welcome to Larry Presents BiPrism Podcast, where I present to you all things BiPrism. Today I have the best BiPrism remix of the week, featuring the work of everyone’s favorite spell caster Cassiopeia Spiritlight to the track of War Pigs, by Black Sabbath, hope you enjoy.” Larry the Intern begins.

As he is done talking his head shrinks to the bottom right as the main screen fills up with the images of Casseopeia Spiritlight on floor 210. By now most of the videos from the battle and scenes have been viewed countless times as multiple people wondered exactly what type of Death Ray Cassiopeia used to mow down all the corrupt officials.

In addition to Cassiopeia’s live feed were RaSean and Alilean’s feeds that both provided additional footage of the events of Monday’s Tournament that started off fairly typical for a combat tournament.

However, this video began on the days prior, where Cassiopeia along with Zero were seen investigating the shining liquid that was used by the richest priests that dominated the 210th floor. There the priests could be seen bathing in the waters and laughing from a distance.

This all showed while the intro music built up.

Then finally the chorus began.

Generals gathered in their masses

Just like witches at black masses

Evil minds that plot destruction

Sorcerer of death's construction

At the end of the first verse it showed Cassiopeia standing over a few malnourished corpses Resurrecting the dead combatants, while the crowds cheered on.

Chief among those that cheered the most were the priests, the so called Zealots of the World Tree.

Then right after the last bodies are brought back from death, the scene changes to show live combat of a flame mage winning her match by setting her opponent on fire.

In the fields, the bodies burning

As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind

Poisoning their brainwashed minds

Oh lord, yeah!

In this, it shows the matches of the last night. Where the jaw muscles of Cassiopeia can be seen tightening ever so slightly, despite giving full commentary.

The screen then shifts to show the Priests who were clearly well fed, and were often seen eating food while everyone seemed focused on the matches. This time even RaSean and Alilean seemed to witness their misdeeds in real time.

Politicians hide themselves away

They only started the war

Why should they go out to fight?

They leave that role to the poor, yeah

Once again the entire video changes as it shows the poorest of the mages and Qi cultivators fighting with battered and torn uniforms, all so they could get enough food to eat for the day.

Yet, once again the video shows the same priests wearing nice robes and outfits that don’t have a single thread out of place. Then you can see them clearly laying down wagers of food on the upcoming matches. Food that was more than the losers got for even trying to compete, food that would have to last them a month.

Time will tell on their power minds

Making war just for fun

Treating people just like pawns in chess

Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah!

With the last verse, it shows Cass rising high in the air, as she begins to finally speak out about the injustices that she has borne witness to. Her words are drowned out by the musical back drop that suddenly gets a lot heavier.

There is a quick showing of the priests raising their fists and their spells to challenge Cassiopeia.

For a moment twenty-plus highly explosive spells converge on one point, right where Cass was flying just a moment ago.

There is a bright explosion that temporarily causes the world to turn black.

Then before anyone has a chance to respond, Cass is seen firing out her own measured response to those who dared to attack her a moment ago.

Now in darkness, world stops turning

Ashes where their bodies burning

No more war pigs have the power

Hand of God has struck the hour

With the last line, the images zoom in on Cass’s hand that has two fingers standing straight up and gathers beam upon beam of energy to fire out and strike down the priests.

At that, it shows all of the corrupt priests bending over, as they clutch at their chests, right where a beam of energy struck them moments ago. Many collapsed instantly, while a few of the more powerful found a railing to brace themselves against as they were seen calling out to Cass.

Day of judgement, God is calling

On their knees, the war pigs crawling

Begging mercy for their sins

Satan laughing, spreads his wings

Oh lord, yeah!

Then the end showed Cass relax the tension that had been on her face, and her natural smile took over making it look like she was actually laughing.

Once the video ended there was a brief moment of silence before Larry hit a button, letting his face fill up the screen.

“That was your best BiPrism remix of the week. This is just a reminder that I claim no rights to the music. All rights belong to the band "Black Sabbath" and any other copyright holders." Larry begins his disclaimer speech, before continuing. "Once again I am Larry, and tune in next week as I bring to you more of the ins and outs of the ongoings in the world of BiPrism. Till then, have a great night and a great rest of your week everybody.”