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Chapter 26

Frank felt no less than five sets of eyes turn to him and truly take in his measure. One set of eyes belonged to Dr. Evans who watched to ensure he understood the current task being provided. Then there were the eyes of Constance, the patient. A patient that seemed oddly calm all things considered.

In addition to those two were the eyes of the assistant who managed to get Constance into this vulnerable position on the operating table.

After those immediate three, were the two doctors who were watching from the balcony above.

Pausing Frank turned to stare at the elder vampire. Being this close there was a certain power that all but radiated from the creature. A power that clearly glowed through her body and expressed itself in the coloration of her eyes the most. But there were other signs as well, the slightly glowing reddish-purple hue of her skin. The way her hair seemed to glow with a lustrous sheen, even though it was clear she had not had time or been given the ability to groom herself in any meaningful way.

Taking her in, Frank could not help but pause to realize something was off.

“What is it?” Dr. Evans asked.

Frank paused, wondering for a moment, then the answer came to him. “She isn’t afraid.”

It came out more as a statement than a question.

“No, she isn’t afraid. In fact after numerous times of trying to operate on her we find ourselves at a stalemate with her.”

“A stalemate?”

“Yes, by now she knows that we can’t kill her, but as it stands, she cannot break free. As such, all she can do is bide her time while we try to come up with a counter for her kind.”

Hearing that Frank could only nod in understanding.

Looking at the ancient monster, Frank didn’t think he quite understood the problem. Then he realized that this monster was a cultivator of darkness Qi. Not just one who was infected, but a monster who had learned to create a separate organ devoted entirely to circulating the chaotic energy throughout her body.

“Do you see anything?”

“Yeah, she’s a cultivator right?” Frank asked.

With that all five sets of eyes looked at Frank with shock, though Frank himself only saw the expression from two sets of eyes. That of the patient, and the doctor.

“That is correct,” Dr. Evans began. Then going closer to the bound creature, who had a giant metal ball gag bound in her mouth to keep her from opening her mouth or using her sharp teeth to bite violently. “Tell me, what else can you tell?”

Focusing for a moment, Frank reached out and felt an odd sort of resonance with her skin. Reaching out to touch the creature’s bare skin, everyone let out a hiss once he made contact.

Everyone save for the doctor and the patient.

The doctor looked interested, while the patient almost seemed to smile around the giant metal restraint in her mouth.

Frank for his part, felt the intense surge of energy rub up against his skin, turning his skin a glowing shade of purple, before he managed to focus his will and force the energy to enter his body.

“Whoa!” Frank said, feeling a slight rush as his heart beat faster as he had never felt such a surge of energy fill his body.

Moving forward to brace Frank, Dr. Evans asked, “you okay?”

“Yeah, that was… intense.” Frank finally managed.

With that, the look of joy that had filled the monster’s face faded, as it was slowly replaced with shock.

Around him, had he bothered to look, the other sets of faces would show similar reactions but to varying extents.

“Do you want to try what I have in store for you?” Dr. Evans asked.

Pausing for a moment, Frank eventually asked, “can I hear what it is first?”

With that Dr. Evans nodded in understanding. “That is a fair question and given everything that has happened I will allow it.”

Then pausing for a moment to figure out how to say this next part nicely, Dr. Evans paused.

“Go on.” Frank said, encouragingly to the doctor.

Evans hearing that, paused then finally decided to press forward.

“You have a gift. A remarkable gift to be able to draw out the lingering remains of darkness energy from people around you. That said, your form is violent and unrefined.” At that Dr. Evans inadvertently stroked her cheek where Frank had managed to pull out shards of dark energy earlier.

Hearing that, Frank realized now why he hadn’t been asked to remove any more lingering shards of darkness from people.

“Are you okay?” Frank asked.

“Me? Yes, I am fine. Though again I am an expert wielder of life energy and was able to quickly heal most of the damage you caused by your act.” Dr. Evans stated.

With that, Frank felt a myriad of emotions take him. Chief among them was regret at having done something that could have been potentially dangerous.

“Can I ask what I did?”

Hearing that Dr. Evans seemed to debate with herself for a moment, but then answered.

“Okay, when you pulled out the shards from my face, you managed to nick a few tiny blood vessels in my face. This could have caused scarring, internal bleeding or worse.”

Hearing that Frank realized that he had just pulled the shards right out, not even thinking about the potential consequences of his actions.

Seeing Frank’s face, Dr. Evans immediately went into damage control mode. “It was good. A very good first attempt. And I was glad you chose me to try it on, versus one of your female classmates who might not be able to heal the damage and then be left with a permanent scar due to your seemingly good deed.”

At that, Frank imagined some of the girls and guys on campus waking around with permanent scars or disfigurements due to his actions. Hearing that, Frank could only nod in understanding.

“Now, all we are going to do, is focus on your control, and your ability to remove energy smoothly.” Dr. Evans said, before pointing to the patient who now looked shocked, though she tried to hide it under a layer of anger. Fortunately, Frank could read through that expression easily, as it was just feigned strength to show a hint of fear.

Seeing him just staring into the eyes of the monster, Dr. Evans acted. “Go on, if at the very least you can work her down so that we might be able to break through her defense and finally end her life.”

With that, Frank paused before adding, “I think I already could end her.”

At that, all sets of eyes once again refocused on Frank with an intensity that he could once again feel.

“You can?” Dr. Evans asked.

“Yeah, I mean, it is solid, so I would likely need to provide energy to shake up the structure, but I think I could do it.” Frank said.

“Can you show me?” Dr. Evans asked, pointing to Constance.

“Sure.” Frank said, as he held out his hand and then focused on the intense power crystals that had formed just under the monster’s skin.

At first the monster looked on with confusion, but after a second of nothing happening she began to relax. Even going so far as to provide a mocking smile to her would be attacker.

Seeing the mocking face of the monster, Frank reached down deeper and pushed out his own strands of energy into the monster.


There was an odd warbling sound that started out low and then began to grow as Frank found himself pushing more and more of his stolen death energy into this attack.

“Mmm.” The restrained creature who had been staring with a mocking smile moments ago suddenly began to panic and twitch as part of her body seemed to be causing intense pain.


“GAHHHH!” The monster cried out in pain as finally Frank managed to exert enough force onto the creature’s condensed dark crystals to cause a few of the outer crystals to burst, causing a small two-inch gash to appear on the beast’s side.

“Remarkable!” The attendant behind Frank cried out moving past a slightly dizzy Frank who for his part felt like his mind was covered in a thick foggy soup.

Then seemingly out of nowhere, the attendant who had been nearby suddenly pulled out an empty glass tube and began letting the pouring glowing blood of the creature pour into the tube. There wasn’t much, just a few drops that were gathered, before the doctor pulled away the canister and carefully held the tube to the side, pulling out a towel that he tried to wipe off a drop of the dark blood that poured down the side.


Upon contact the corrosive nature of the blood was immediately observed, as the fabric of the cotton towel began to break apart on contact with the dense slime.

Once externally cleared, the technician pulled out a stopper and quickly sealed the dark substance within the phial.

Holding up the phial with its brightly glowing and now wisping blood inside the attendant who had the room prepared for the doctor exclaimed, “do you know what this means?”

“It means we will have a complete breakdown and containment field activated if you are not careful with that vial.” Dr. Evans chided.

At that, the excited attendant quickly regained his composure, pulling in the phial to be closer and in an easier spot to hold, especially with his oddly thick work gloves.

“You are right. I will get this to the lab immediately for testing, if you will excuse me.” The Attendant exclaimed before leaving the room quickly, excitement filling his face as he no doubt prepared to test something about his most recent acquisition.

Frank just stared at the attendant who left excitedly. Then pausing he waited to see when Dr. Evans would turn back to him as well. Only once the attendant was fully gone from the room did Dr. Evans finally turn to Frank.

“Good now that he is gone, we don’t have to hold back any more.” Dr. Evans stated.

Frank for his part knew that he was apparently missing something in this exchange, but figured he would let the doctor explain what was supposed to happen next.

Dr. Evans turned to the restrained elder vampire and watched her. No, not her exactly, but her wound.

“She isn’t healing.” Dr. Evans stated.

“Isn’t that to be expected?” Frank asked, wondering how long it would normally take to heal a two-inch gash along the side of one’s torso without any help or assistance.

“Not for her. Once they are at her level of power, they become exceptionally resilient to slashing and other forms of damage.” Dr. Evans said, moving closer to look at the monster. She even reached out her bare hand towards the creature, an act that Frank was about to react to, especially given the excited smile that once again crested the monster’s beautiful lips.

Pausing, Dr. Evans looked on in horror at her outstretched hand. Then looking on in anger, she saw that the monster all but beamed with excitement when their eyes met.


Seeing the monster delight in her almost fuax pas, Dr. Evans went over to the side of the room where rows upon rows of thick lab coats, protective masks and thick rubber glovers were all present.

Frank watched as Dr. Evans expertly went over, grabbed a set that had specifically been made for her, especially as it had the ‘Evans’ name already engraved on a patch over the chest.

Frank watched as the doctor went over and put on her uniform, complete with a thick clear plastic mask that had been recently replaced.

Seeing the new mask that looked somehow incongruous with the rest of the equipment that had been well used and maintained, Frank couldn’t help but ask. “Was she the reason you had dark fragments within your face?”

At that both the doctor and the elder vampire both stared at Frank. Dr. Evans stared at Frank as she realized just how intelligent he was at being able to pick up on the string of events at such minor context clues provided.

“Yes, yes she was.” Dr. Evans said, nodding her head as she answered, each shake would slowly ease the tension that had been growing within her.

The patient, this Constance on the other hand, she stared at Frank for a different reason. As her mind now began to piece together the conversation. Granted they had spoke about the violent removal of the energy right before her, but it was only now that the vampire realized that her sources of external power that had been left to linger in the doctor were now gone.

At that, Constance stared at Frank with a sense of horror.

“Do I get a set of gloves and aprons?” Frank asked.

“Do you need a set?” Dr. Evans asked while staring at Frank’s fingers. Fingers that he had used to directly touch the vampire.

At the time, Frank didn’t understand what was happening, nor why everyone suddenly looked surprised at his direct contact with the patient. Though now, he wondered “what were you going to do if I couldn’t contain the energy?”

“Simple, I would have amputated your hand, quarantined the room, set off the automatic burning suppression chambers and tried to regrow as much of your hand as possible.” Dr. Evans stated casually, as if slicing off a hand and setting a whole room ablaze was something one always did on a Monday.

Then pausing, Frank realized one thing.

“I take it in that disaster scenario Constance here wouldn’t make it out before the flames erupted?”

Shaking her head, Dr. Evans confirmed.

“But she would survive that anyways?” Frank mused trying to make sure he understood.

At that, a look of resignation filled the doctor’s face as she could only nod in agreement.

“Huh,” was all Frank could say to that as he let his mind wrap around all the possibilities.

“Are you ready to go forward with today’s lesson?” Dr. Evans asked.

Pausing for a second Frank almost agreed, but then paused as he saw the giant protective coat that the doctor now wore. Seeing it, then looking down at his school uniform that looked brand new, despite already needing to be altered again, Frank asked. “Can I at least get a lab coat?”

Pausing, Dr. Evans looked at Frank, then following his gaze down at his school uniform could only nod in understanding.

“Go, take the one on the left of where I got mine.”

With that Frank went over and put on the heavy apron the way Dr. Evans did a moment ago.

To his surprise, Frank looked down to see that this coat too had the same name ‘Evans’ etched on it. Looking down, Frank realized that this coat was slightly longer than the one worn by Dr. Evans, a clear indication that this was for a different Evans.

Realizing that there was likely a lot of drama that might otherwise be distracting to today’s lesson. Namely interacting with a deadly elder vampire that can corrode and kill most humans with but a single touch, Frank felt it best to leavy any questions about the ownership of this coat to someone else. Though a quick glance showed that the face plate for this coat had also been recently changed out.

That was enough for Frank to draw some conclusions, but ultimately, he decided not to comment on anything.

Dr. Evans’s eyes fluttered from Frank’s face to the nameplate he wore, then back to his face, before she asked. “Any questions?”

“Nope,” Frank replied, and then just walked over toward the operating table where the elder vampire still had the faintest trace of a scar on her side, but the dark corrosive blood had stopped pouring out.

Dr. Evans let out a deep breath of relief as Frank walked past her. Then wiping away at a freshly forming tear with her sleeve, she let out a deep breath, then moved behind Frank. Exhaling, Dr. Evans readied herself, before going into the lesson, well the advanced lessons at the very least.

“All right for this, we are going to start out small. Making sure to watch out for her long fingers, I want you to grab her bound wrist. Then hold your hand for as long as possible and tell me what you notice.” Dr. Evans began.

Hearing that Frank paused, mentally trying to calculate just how far the long slender fingers of the monster could stretch. Despite how graceful and delicate they might look Frank was more than aware that those long fingers could also be used to crush his bones if he was not careful. Heeding the warnings provided, Frank moved inside the outstretched arm of the monster and reached out for a spot on the wrist that was closer to the monster’s also restrained elbow.


As he got closer, the monster cried out loudly from her bound and gagged position.

Realizing this is one of those moments, like the time when he had to stare down the rodent that somehow survived the purge. Frank calmed himself and then stared menacingly back into the eyes of the monster.

Badump, badump, badump.

Yet, as he stared, something stirred within Frank. He locked gazes with the monster and saw her, truly saw her. From a distance she was clearly beautiful, long graceful form that had seemingly been perfected by cultivation. But being this close to her, seeing her this close Frank felt an attraction to her that was indescribable.

“Hush,” Frank said, his voice firm and in control. Not demanding, but one that exuded confidence, not only in himself but in the situation he now found himself in.

Then to his surprise, with their eyes still locked, she seemed to go quiet.

Seeing her visibly relax, Frank nodded to himself, as he then looked down at the long delicate arm. Seeing the arm, Frank very lightly ran his fingers along the arm, starting with the elbow and slowly made his way to the spot indicated by Dr. Evans.

Dr. Evans for her part just stared on in wonder, as she had never seen Constance react to someone the way that she was now doing with Frank.


At the touch, Frank couldn’t help but chuckle slightly before responding, “are you ticklish?”

Dr. Evans wanted to chide Frank, but then to her shock and amazement Frank was right. Goose flesh seemed to cascade down the arm from where Frank had touched the monster.

Then looking up at the monster, Dr. Evans was confused at what she was seeing in her face as her face seemed to be glowing slightly brighter. Only after a second or two of staring did the sight before her make sense, is she embarrassed?

Dr. Evans watched Constance carefully, seeing a monster that had never shown any reaction to contact other than monstrous rage and anger, she now looked somehow human.

Yet, before Dr. Evans could make any comment about the current state of Constance. Dr. Evans’ world was flipped upside down by nine simple words uttered by Frank.

“All right, I have found her pulse, now what?”