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Chapter 24

By the time Frank was cleaned up and ready for class, it was already past noon. At which point he was sent immediately to the mess hall, and while all the main servings of food were already removed to be cleaned and stored for later use, there were a few pieces of bread and serving fountains.

That was enough for Frank as he managed to eat a sandwich that didn’t use dried or moldy bread as its base and then the water he drank didn’t taste of dirt and limestone. Compared to his normal meals this one was great, not as good as his death row golden arches meal, but still great.

This time when he made his way from the mess hall to class the sun was out and shined brightly on his pale skin. Instantly he could feel the innate response of his healing energy flowing through his body, healing the damage done, causing a long lingering warmth that was hard to describe.

Pausing for a moment Frank found himself pausing and taking in a deep breath, again the open air smelled crisp, free of dirt, mold, and granite flakes that he was so used to.

Looking up, the world still unnerved him with just how vast and beautiful the sky was.

In all, after years of only being able to read about how beautiful life was on the surface of the planet, this was his first time truly feeling the joy of the upper layers of civilization.

“There you are,” Dr. Evans noted, her tone a mixture of concern and amusement.

“Oh, sorry Ma’am.” Frank said, snapping to attention as he had been taught and rendering a salute.

“At ease. No, I just forget how it is for some of you.” Dr. Evans noted.

Hearing that Frank could only nod in understanding. “I take it I am not your first?”

“Oh, you are my first from the true deeps. Though most of the students that get here from the middle tiers also have the same reactions their first few times seeing the light, as it were.”

With that, a sudden realization hit Frank, “is it that obvious to others that I am from the deep?”

“You have glowing green and purple hair, a sign of your two affinities being claimed. This is an adaptation that we have only seen in those who are from the true deeps.” Dr. Evans noted.

Hearing that, Frank couldn’t help but raise up a hand to touch his hair to see if it had somehow changed to the touch. Oddly enough, it still felt the same as ever.

“I always thought my hair was black?” Frank asked.

“It likely was, though once you awoke it most likely changed to either a shock white or a translucent misty-white color.”

Hearing that, Frank could only nod, remembering how old his parents looked, despite being relatively young. Now that he knew about this facet, Frank couldn’t help but wonder if most of his bias about how being in the slums aged people so much was a direct reflection of how much everyone changed when they were awakened.

Then thinking back to how green his hair must have been after he returned from his trek in the deep roads, Frank realized that there was likely no way anyone believed he still needed to be awakened. Well, anyone that didn’t know about the markings of the hair. For a moment, he wondered if others from the slums knew of this, but then realized that it was likely that no one did, as the odds of being able to cultivate your way out of the slums was so rare that it almost never happened.

Dr. Evans, seeing the contemplative look on Frank’s face, let him process her words for a moment. Then continued, “you ready for your next lesson?”

Deep sigh.

With that Frank took in a deep breath and asked, “let me guess, more forbidden tunnel cleaning?”

“No, that was a bit much. No today, I was thinking about having you see the active tryouts for the group competitions.” Dr. Evans said.

At that Frank just raised his eyebrow expecting his instructor to say more.

Dr. Evans just stared back for a moment, then finally Frank could see the moment her resolve broke as she slightly shook with frustration.

“Fine, since you asked so nicely, I will tell you. Group tryouts are a key component for all new cadets. This is where you show off what you have learned from the classroom, on how your craft can assist a team. While also showing off any offensive or defensive capabilities you might have learned. Like the way you infused Qi into your hands to slice apart the Rudimentary Wind Strike from yesterday was both an offensive and defensive capability that you seemed to have learned somewhere along your journey to Immortality.” Dr. Evans said.

Hearing that, Frank could only pause as he stared at Dr. Evans.


“Isn’t Immortality a lie?” Frank finally asked.

“Who can say for certain, while no one has ever actually obtained true immortality, you have by far the best build to be able to achieve Immortality on your own. Also, if we can get you to rip out the death energy from a still living person without killing them, then who knows. You might be able to help the first few batches of truly great warriors reach Immortality.” Dr. Evans stated.

With that Frank could only nod, then his eyes grew wide as he remembered the feeling that the Warden from the prison had given off.

Looking back, at the time Frank hadn’t been as exposed to death energy as he has since that encounter. Now he would likely recognize the event for what it was, a person who was infected with death energy and sentenced to rot away in prison. Knowing that the Warden’s last act of fealty being that he would watch over the other inmates who were sent to either rot away the rest of their existence, or slowly starve to death, before they would agree to any deal.

Dr. Evans once again reading his thoughts let him have his own moment to ponder everything. Then as his eyes seemed to regain their clarity, she continued.

“I am also to inform you that the Armed Forces ball will be held this weekend. All cadets are expected to attend.” Dr. Evans stated.

With that, a new level of fear filled Frank’s mind as he went over simple logistics, what to wear, would he be expected to have a date? What is the purpose of such an event. Mentally he knew that this dance was mirrored in the slums, as it was why he spent so long practicing his own dance moves to impress Maddie. Then just as he had that thought, he remembered how Maddie had stood him up, making him look like a fool, as he went to the dance without a partner.

“I don’t think I can go.” Frank said, hoping that there would be an exception as he was so new to this whole ordeal.

As he spoke, he felt the unmistakable presence of death energy approaching. With that he turned his head to see his other instructor Demoniker coming into his field of view. While he was still a good distance away, Frank was surprised that he could still feel the presence of Demoniker. Well not Demoniker himself, but the dark energy that had taken root within his body.

“And why not?” Dr. Evans asked, though she had a knowing smile crest slightly on her lips. It was clear that she had prepared for this exact moment, though Frank couldn’t understand why.

“For starters I have nothing to wear. Then there is the whole idea that I would likely need to have a date for this meeting, right?” Frank asked.

Hearing those two points, the smile on Dr. Evans’s face grew brightly as she all but burst into life at the new challenge.

“Don’t worry, for clothing all you have to wear is your class A uniform. And don’t worry we are altering it now as we speak to have both of your attunements noted on it, along with your new body cultivation level.” Dr. Evans said, then pointed out the markings on Frank’s arms that showed only a ‘V’ followed by three vertical slashes.

Remembering that he had just completed the ninth and final stage of Body Cultivation, Frank was almost going to ask about what was required to begin the Blood Cultivation process, when his thoughts were derailed by the doctor.

“As for a date, do not worry, as I am certain that given your prowess, many experienced cultivators will use the night of the ball in order to woo you over to their side.” Dr. Evans said, a not of suggestion in her words.

Hearing that, and having his thoughts drastically switch from trying to advance into the realm of Blood Cultivation, only to be sidelined by the thought of having a bunch of older cougars try to vie for his attention caused him to lose his voice for a moment as his lips moved, but his mind and vocal cords were at a loss for what to say.

“What the good doctor means is, that she has already been approached by multiple prominent experts who all wish to have a dance with you at the ball, and you are looking at possible forms of bribery.” Major Demoniker said, having heard most of the conversation and finally deciding to join.


At the sudden appearance of Demoniker, Dr. Evans jumped in fright. Then only regained her composure a moment later, “I hate it when you do that.”

Chuckling Major Demoniker just smiled, then stared at Frank and realized that Frank had seen him all along. “So you could see me?”

Frank nodded, but then corrected. “More like felt, but yes. You stood out like a beacon to me. Honestly, I thought the Doctor saw you, when I stared back at you.”

“You saw him from back there?” Dr. Evans asked, remembering the far-off look Frank had and even glanced in the distance for a second only to disregard the feeling.

“Yes.” Was all Frank said in reply.

Dr. Evans just stared at Frank, then turning to Demoniker she only said, “you know what this means right?”

Hearing that, Demoniker just nodded. “I’ll note it in the official report now. I’ll note it under still testing.”

“Good call.” Dr. Evans said, then Demoniker began typing on the qi pad that flared to life on his wrist, as he began typing away at a keyboard that only seemed to appear for the Major. Frank felt that if he focused he might be able to see what was being typed, but then realized that this was likely a taboo subject, spying on what his instructors were typing out in their personal comms, even if what they were typing was most likely about him. As such Frank turned away and faced the Doctor.

“So you could feel him?” Dr. Evans asked.

“Not him, but the dark energy within him. I know it is a slight distinction, but one nonetheless.”

“No, that is good. Please make sure to keep these exact details noted. Have you been able to do this before?”

Pausing Frank noted a few times that he felt this way before. Then pausing for a moment, he decided to answer the question as honestly as possible. “I felt it clearly when I was cleansing the zombies. But thinking back, I remembered feeling that type of concealed dark energy earlier.”

Hearing that, Dr. Evans took on a look of immense curiosity, “when?”

“When I was sent to prison,” Frank began, at that Dr. Evans’s intensity dropped a bit, figuring he would likely note the number of zombies that he faced on his way out. Which was why she was surprised to hear what he said next.

“When I was there, I remember feeling something similar coming from the body of the Warden and a few of the guards that were on duty. I didn’t have much experience with death energy back then, but I am fairly certain what I felt then was similar to Instructor Demoniker just now.” Frank stated.

With that both Demoniker and Dr. Evans paused as their eyes grew wide with shock.

Frank paused wondering if he had said anything incorrectly. Then before he could ask, Dr. Evans spoke first, though not to Frank, as she turned her head to face Demoniker.

“Okay, you know what this means?” Dr. Evans asked.

Demoniker paused, and turned to Dr. Evans, “Christie?”

“What, no. Well, eventually, but no, if this is for real then…” With that Dr. Evans’s voice trailed off as she couldn’t even complete her thought.

Frank just stood there, letting the two clearly process something that Frank had absolutely no clue about. Finally, Demoniker broke from his own thoughts first, as he turned to speak to Frank.

“Kid, I…”


Then just as Demoniker was about to say something, his wrist chimed to life letting everyone know that an important message had arrived.

Hearing the sound, Demoniker stopped his thoughts, then looked down at his wrist.

“Ah, I have to answer this real quick.” Demoniker said, then locking gazes with Dr. Evans she nodded, allowing Demoniker to turn away as he began reading and responding to messages that were now pinging one after the other.

“Okay, so Cadet Fotos, I think we might skip the live field practice for today. Or at least observing other healers, and how they show off their proficiency with healing. Instead, we might set you up with the accelerated program.” Dr. Evans stated.

“Accelerated?” Frank asked, wondering exactly how this was going to go.

“Yes, somehow I think teaching you how to carry unconscious soldiers from the front lines while healing them the entire time to the back of a line will be a wasted effort of your talents.” Dr. Evans noted.

“It will?” Frank asked.

“Yes, it will, right Major?” Dr. Evans pressed.

Hearing that, Demoniker paused his responses and turned to face the Doctor, “I’m sorry what?”

“We are skipping Combat Medic and rescue courses and going to move ahead to the more advanced surgical courses.” Dr. Evans stated.

Hearing that Demoniker froze as he seemed to take in the new information. Then after a second, he nodded, “okay, I’ll inform the higher ups.”

“Okay, we will be in facility three, when you are done.” Dr. Evans noted.

“Facility three, got it.” Demoniker stated, apparently typing out that exact statement and adding it to his report.

Hearing that, Frank could only pause as he tried to understand what exactly was happening, only to realize there was a lot going on that didn’t quite make sense.

“Come on, follow me.” Dr. Evans stated, waving her hand for Frank to follow her.

“I take it, I won’t be learning how to show my worth to a team?” Frank asked, while following in lock step with the doctor.

“Oh, you most definitely will, but not in the conventional way. No, we are going to go ahead and get you recorded in the advanced classes.” Dr. Evans stated.

“The advanced classes?”

“Yes, that way you can get all the Badgers to recognize your prowess at the ball.”

“Badgers?” Frank asked, clearly feeling that he lost something in this whole exchange.

“Yes, Badgers, those women who only go after the men with the most accomplishments on their chest. Right now, you have quite the list, especially with that fancy Acquitted badge, but we will get you more, just wait.” Dr. Evans noted.

At that Frank couldn’t help but feel that Dr. Evans was making some obscure joke at his expense, but for the life of him, he couldn’t understand what the joke or punchline was.


As they walked away, Frank failed to notice the gazes of multiple students who witnessed the Academy’s two main powerhouses interact with one promising student. There at the center was Major Demoniker, the dean of discipline and the one instructor that always seemed to know when people were about to do something stupid, and who had the seeming ability to show up right after a crime was committed.

Then the other instructor was the head surgeon and medical officer for the entire Academy, someone who was so prolific in her craft that healers from around the world would come to attend her lectures.

The fact that both high profile professors were temporarily reassigned to teach one student did not go unnoticed. Added to that was the fact that this same student was one who had managed to easily break apart a Wind Cutter attack from a high level junior cadet meant that he was not one to be messed with.

Added to the whole mystique and mystery was the fact that the new soldier seemed to be quiet, mostly keeping to himself, despite being a complete powerhouse who had managed to reach the upper layers of the Body Cultivation phase.

“I hear he is a Dark Ops operator, one that was sent into the depths of the void and managed to come back alive.” One student muttered.

“I heard he faced down a legion of undead single handedly.” Another student replied.

Bethany Song could only listen to others talk about the man who still caused her heart to beat wildly at just seeing him. Hearing the others speak about him, she could only wonder how they got so much more accurate in their information now, not twenty-four hours after all but declaring that he was a candidate for stolen valor.

Now Bethany, like so many other students could only watch from a distance as Frank as he walked away to the secret medical labs that were reserved for medical experts.

Though Bethany was far more focused on the broad back filled with rippling muscles that barely seemed to be constrained in the exceptionally tight military uniform that the Academy had provided. Seeing the tight uniform, Bethany could only stare on, only able to move and think clearly once he had finally moved turned out of sight. Only then could Bethany finally realize just how much she had been staring at him.

For a moment, Bethany thought about telling the others the truth about Frank, but then realized that if she did, then likely more people would try to vie for Frank’s attention. Right now, she had the decisive advantage, for no one knew about him. At least none of the students who were in a communications blackout with the outside world. Meaning that if Bethany got the chance, she could ask Frank to be her date at the Armed Forces ball that would be held this weekend.

It was perfect, she was new, he was new. They both didn’t know anyone, now all she needed to do was find a time when Frank was alone, and ask, no, demand that he go as her official partner for the ball.

Yes, that was what she was going to do.

Then blinking, she realized that she would need to get close to him if she was ever going to succeed. That’s when doubt crept in, and having slightly trembling hands, Bethany realized she would need to go out of her comfort zone if she was going to have any success in this.

Taking in a deep breath, Bethany steeled herself that she would do this, not for her scholarship, which she still signed, but for her. The fact that she would also pay off the interest portion of her scholarship was just a bonus. Though, she couldn’t help but feel slightly sleezy from being forced to make contact. Still, it’s not like she wasn’t attracted to Frank, as his back alone was a work of art. Added to that is the fact that he is a guy who can actually dance and well, there was no reason why Bethany couldn’t go for this.


Patting her cheeks hard, Bethany let out a long breath and then gave herself a pep speech, for the next time she saw Frank. That’s when she would make her move.

“I can do this, I hope…”



How would you rate the different stories in terms of writing enjoyment?


I'd say I enjoy different parts of all of them. I love the zany wackyness of AA. The cerebral future vampire/werewolf killer of Psycher. And the new still evolving platform that is F-Rank Frank. Ultimately with these three stories I feel content, no extra stories going round, no random ideas pulling me away from others. I hope that helps, good question and thanks for asking. Most importantly thank you for reading.