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Hello my wonderful patrons! Well this is going to be an interesting one, as this story originally came from a patron-submitted idea that was voted on by you guys to be the exclusive this month. Thank you patron Matt for your suggestion to get a spin-off starring Noa surrounded by jocks (even if I did ultimately narrow it down to a pair of them), and all of you who voted for this story. It was an interesting exercise in trying something new for me, and I think it ultimately turned out to be quite fun!

And, as always, it goes without saying, please do not distribute this story in any fashion outside of Patreon, since, well, it would defeat the purpose of making it exclusive here, and it would make me sad. And of course, special thanks to my editor, Lil_kitty, for her diligent efforts making sure my stories make sense. (Note: As she is still away on an extended holiday, this is only the first version of this story as all the editing has been done by myself, and will stay that way until I get back edits from her. Nevertheless, I will post the final draft to you as quickly as possible.)



“This is such a bad idea,” Peter Nixon said, eyes scanning the area behind Regan Hills High School’s gym for what felt like the thousandth time as his friend first hopped up on the bench, then climbed on top of the nearby Coke machine.

The coast was still clear, but that could change at a moment’s notice. Peter liked to generally consider himself the kind of guy to keep a level head, but he’d also been someone who’d been able to avoid much trouble. Courting it like this… well, that was almost too much risk for him.


Or… or it’s a brilliant idea,” Brennan Dietrich enthused, opening the partially pried-open metal screen attached to the window frame leading into the gym. “You wouldn’t be with me if you thought it was a completely bad idea, would you?”

Peter sighed. “You thought wearing a paper bag over your head for Halloween was an amazing idea for a costume.”

“And I’m pretty sure it got me laid!” Brennan replied proudly.

“I think you got laid because Jason Torrance needed a bunch of guys to pull off a gangbang,” Peter said.

“Very true, but I still got laid, and if I didn’t have the costume, I wouldn’t have been at the party, so… brilliant idea, just like this one is,” Brennan replied, finally pulling the grate far enough back where even a guy as big as Peter could slide through. “And… well, thanks for coming with me on this one, man. If she’s there, and I know she’s gonna be there, I’ll really owe you.”

Brennan may have been a smartass and looked like the prototypical definition of the douchebag blonde jock, but Peter knew the lean baseball player well enough to know how sincere he was when he said that. If it had been any other guy, Peter would have thought this likely to be a prank, but since it was Brennan…

Peter shook his head, climbing up on the bench next to the Coke machine. “If this is everything you say it’s gonna be, you won’t owe me shit, alright?”

Brennan’s grin got thoroughly cocky when Peter said that. “Now that’s what I’m talking about! Come on, she said she’d be in the main gym…”

With that, Brennan slid inside the window and dropped down into the gym.

Shaking his head in amusement, Peter climbed up onto the Coke machine and followed his friend inside.

Truthfully, there weren’t a lot of guys that Peter would have done this for, but Brennan was on that short list. He may have been cocky and overly talkative, but he was nicer and less of a meathead than a lot of the other jocks that Peter knew, and when he said that there was a hot little number who’d have sex with Brennan if he could find another big guy for her to be sandwiched between… well, Peter didn’t have to think hard at all to say yes. There was no team practice and Sasha was going out to a family dinner tonight, and after a quick text to her to make sure everything was alright, Peter was off with Brennan to find the hot little number he’d been propositioned by.

Of course, Brennan had conveniently left out the part where she wanted to meet in the abandoned and thoroughly locked-up gym, but considering how many other students broke into the gym on the regular through the window above the Coke machine, Peter was reasonably confident they wouldn’t be getting caught for this.

Dropping down inside the darkened gym hallway next to Brennan, Peter brushed himself off of any dust that had transferred from the top of the machine. Even though he had already worked up a sweat in the weight room and was wearing one of his less clean athletic shorts and tank top combos, he had a reputation to keep up as a guy who knew how to take care of his appearances, and even now he was going to do what he could to keep things up.

“Hey, man, how do I look?” Peter asked.

“You look good,” Brennan said, nodding, before quickly jumping in, “Not like in a gay or even a bi way or anything like that, but, you know, you look good, not like you went all B & E happy with me or anything. And how do I look?”

Having been a part of enough sexual encounters with at least one other guy in addition to any number of girls in the past, Peter didn’t find the need to qualify himself as much as Brennan did. Aside from wearing an even older tank top and pair of athletic shorts than Peter, Brennan looked good, a 6’1” lean athlete with a charming, handsome enough face that you could ignore his slightly lopsided nose (from taking a line drive to the face two years back) and his dirty blonde hair well-trimmed.

“You look good,” Peter noted. “Not as good as me, of course, but still damn good. If your girl is looking to get sandwiched by a coupla big jocks, I don’t think she could do better.”

Brennan smiled broadly and nodded. “You got that right! Now, come on, she should be in here!”

Peter let Brennan lead the way, as he didn’t want to step on his friend’s enthusiasm. After all, he’d first met the girl, and though he hadn’t given a ton of details about her other than her wanting to get double-teamed by a couple of jocks, he promised that she was cute as hell and athletic to a point where it sounded like she would likely be a handful. All of that sounded perfect as far as Peter was concerned, but even though he had a well-earned reputation as a handsome and charming as hell ladies’ man, he was happy to let Brennan lead the charge on this one.

If his friend needed some help sticking the landing for both of them, though… well, Peter had well-honed wingman skills, and knew he would be able to make sure this night had a happy ending for all involved.

Brennan led the way into the main gym chamber, walking backwards so he could better look at Peter and spreading his arms wide theatrically, “And here… we… go!”

Stepping into the dark, expansive and thoroughly empty gym, Peter looked at his friend unimpressed. “Where is she?”

Finally turning around to look around the gym, Brennan’s face fell. “She… she was supposed to be here. She said she’d be right here!”

“She’s not,” Peter replied, looking around. “Maybe she’s in one of the locker rooms?”

“Maybe,” Brennan admitted, running a hand through his hair nervously. “But she said she’d be here, and she’s not and… ah, fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity FUCK!”

Peter wanted to calm his friend, but with Brennan content to be losing his shit in the moment, he decided against it, figuring it was best to let him blow off his steam before they figured out what was coming next. At least Brennan’s annoyance seemed genuine, so this wasn’t likely a prank on Peter… but the fact that it might have been a prank on one of his better friends didn’t entirely sit well with Peter.

No… no, he had seemed so sure, and Brennan wasn’t the kind of guy who’d go running after any girl on even the slightest promise. He had a good head on his shoulders, and would have only roped Peter in if it seemed like a real offer.

So, based on that, if the girl were here as promised, where would she go if she were waiting on a hookup like this. Sure, she may have gone for the girl’s locker room to use the restroom, but they had already passed that doorway on the way in and he hadn’t heard any noise. If Peter were going to hook up with a girl in the gym…

His eyes scanned the main gym chamber, past the rows of folded-up bleachers, until he found the doorway off to the side with the faint glow around the edges.

“Brennan, you done?” Peter said, raising his voice.

“No,” Brennan pouted. “I’m gonna bitch for another minute or two… then I’ll be done… she said she’d be here, I swear, man, she said she’d be here waiting for me to bring another guy, and I did, she said she’d-“

Peter cleared his throat, interrupting his friend. “Maybe I should’ve said that a different way. Brennan? You’re done. Follow me; I’ve got this.”

Confidently, Peter crossed the gym, and after hearing a brief moment of curious indignance from his friend, Brennan caught up to him.

Closer up, the glow of light around the edges of the doorway to the gym’s mat storage room was far more distinct, and Peter was happy to find the doorknob unlocked when he grabbed and turned it. It swung open easily, allowing him inside the cramped store room.

The mat room was filled with odds and ends athletic pads, mostly made for people to land on when practicing gymnastics or martial arts and even some track and field events. While the pads were mismatched and old, they still did their job of providing a soft enough surface for falling, or for a nice improvised soft surface to fool around on. While Peter himself had never actually had an encounter in the mat storage room, he’d heard stories from friends who had, and Sasha had definitely talked about fooling around with a cheerleader or two in this room in the past.

It wasn’t Sasha he found in this room, however, but a pale, barefoot girl of 5’6” with short, choppy black hair who was tossing around some of the heavier stacks of pads as she tried to make a nice improvised bed. Of Japanese descent, her face was more pretty than gorgeous, with a lively enthusiasm to it that Peter found far more compelling than the model-like beauty of a lot of girls who pursued him. Her body was tight and fit and athletic, with her modest breasts held firmly in a tight, dark sports bra, while a loose pair of oversized basketball shorts billowed around her as she moved. A fixture of the gym and athletic areas around school, Peter knew the girl, if not well, and couldn’t help but grin at the sight of her.

“Hey, Noa,” he said, keeping his voice friendly and conversational.

So wrapped up in making her improvised bed, 18-year-old Noa Kanzaki started on seeing him. “Jesus, Peter! Way to sneak up on me! If I weren’t in such good shape, I’d think you were trying to give me a damn heart attack!”

“Please, Noa, the way you work out, you’re gonna outlive us all,” Peter said, chuckling to himself.

“Assuming no salmon ladder related injuries, you’re probably right about that,” Noa laughed, wiping her hands off on her shorts and smiling. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure? I’m not using anything you need, am I?”

For a girl who’d been on the more direct side of awkward a few months back, Peter had to admit that Noa had a playful confidence, one that you could almost mistake for flirty even that was a good look on her. The way it took over her smile and lit up her face… alright, Peter could admit she was more than just cute.

Before he could come up with a smooth response, Brennan slid around Peter and straightened himself out. “I brought him in! It was me, I got him here because of what you said and…”

“Well, you’re in a much better mood,” Peter mused, grinning.

“Uh huh! Because I did what I was supposed to do and I got Peter here, and since you two seem to get along so famously, that’s, like, a huge victory for me, right? Like even more than if I’d gotten some rando?” Brennan said quickly, trying and failing to sound like he wasn’t making a fool out of himself.

Noa laughed lightly at Brennan’s enthusiasm, hopping off her pile of mats to slowly saunter towards Peter and Brennan. Though she looked at Brennan with pleasant surprise, the way her dark eyes glimmered as she looked over Peter… oh, there was something there, alright. Peter wasn’t quite sure what it was exactly, but whatever else was there, Noa was certainly sizing him up. While not a small girl at a very lean 5’6”, she had nothing on Peter’s bulky and muscular 6’4” frame as he seemed to utterly dwarf her. Though it seemed like she was trying to play it cool, it definitely seemed like Noa was trying to hold back from letting her mouth water.

Though the way she looked at both of them, Peter wouldn’t have been shocked for a second if another part of Noa was quite wet.

“Uh huh,” Noa agreed, “You did find quite a catch, Brennan. Thanks for that.”

“And, just so we’re clear, you did want to invite both of us here so we could have sex with you, right? I really don’t want this to be the kind of misunderstanding that it could be if everything were to fall apart, and…” Brennan trailed off, eyeing Noa hopefully.

Noa laughed a light, pleasant laugh that Peter rather liked. “Relax, boys… it’s all good. This isn’t a setup, I’m not trying to fuck with your heads or anything like that, I’m just horny… very horny… and sometimes when I get horny these days, I get the itch to experiment, and today’s one of those days.”

Reaching to the bottom of her sports bra, Noa pulled it up and over her head, tossing it aside and revealing her bare, B-cup breasts to Brennan and Peter. They were every bit as pert and firm as the rest of Noa looked to be, with firm, dark, pointed nipples that stood out begging for attention.

“Oh, hell yeah! That’s what I needed to hear!” Brennan exclaimed, bounding across the room toward Noa.

Amused, Peter watched as his friend immediately went for Noa’s breasts, first grabbing and squeezing them gently, then leaning down to suckle hungrily on her nipples. Noa groaned appreciatively at this contact, running her hands through his hair and holding Brennan’s face to her chest as she held him close. While her eyes were closed tightly at first, when she opened them, she looked deeply into Peter’s. She smiled a pleasant, playful smile, one tinged with mischief and hunger.

In their brief interactions around the gym in the past, Peter had always gotten the impression that deep down, Noa Kanzaki might be a bit of a freak. Getting that confirmed? Well, that made Peter’s day.

Slowly strolling toward the two of them, he asked, “So, not that I’m complaining, but of all the places in and out of the school you could’ve gotten double-teamed by a couple of the best-looking jocks in school, why’d you want to do it in the gym? I mean, that’s pretty on brand, isn’t it?”

Noa moaned, pinching her eyes shut tightly as Brennan sucked on her nipple particularly hard, opening them again when Peter stood right next to her. Her mouth open in a cute O of pleasure, she looked up at him with her sweet, dark eyes, then smiled.

“Hey, I lost my virginity in this gym. It’s got fond memories attached, and I won’t have you talking shit about it,” Noa replied, giggling sweetly.

Peter ran one of his hands up her side, lightly gliding his fingers over the firm flesh of her abdomen before he reached up to squeeze her other breast. Pinching her nipple between thumb and forefinger, he liked how responsive Noa was, moaning and pushing her chest out against the two athletes pleasuring her.

Looking down into her eyes, Peter smiled his handsome, charming smile and said, “I wasn’t talking shit about it. I’d never talk shit because, I got a lot of good memories in this gym, too. I just like to know what the score is before I go jumping in, especially when I’m planning on making some more sweet memories in here.”

“Ooh,” Noa groaned, parting her lips again.

Peter took that opportunity to lean in, pressing his lips to Noa’s. Her mouth was eager and receptive against him, her lips soft and wet and easily parted. She darted her tongue into his mouth tentatively, an action that Peter was happy to return with greater enthusiasm as the two of them began to properly make out.

Straightening himself out, Brennan laughed to himself. “Making some more sweet memories in here? Shit, man, that’s smooth there! No wonder you landed Sasha.”

Peter could have joked at length about how Brennan would do well to take some notes if he wanted a girlfriend as good as Sasha, but when he was kissing a girl as fine as Noa, jokes would have to wait on the backburner. Kissing her was a new and exciting experience, as the tight-bodied athletic beauty had enthusiasm to spare. Peter could have kissed her for a long time, taken this nice and slow, but deciding not to be greedy, he was all too happy to push things to the next level.

Removing his hand from her breast, he slid it down her abs and under the waistband of her shorts, then under the elastic band of her panties. He could feel her heat radiating off of her sex the closer he got to her, and past her well-shaved pubic region, he soon found her prominent lips hot and moist waiting for him. Breaking the kiss so he could look her in the eyes, Peter grinned, then lightly pressed his middle finger against her clit.

“Oh!” Noa cried out lightly, almost surprised at his accuracy. “Oh, fuck… yes, right there!”

Slowly, Peter started working his finger in firm circles over her clit, experimenting with her sensitivity as he kept pushing her further and further. Noa looked into Peter’s eyes with great want, her breathing quickly becoming ragged as he pleasured her.

It was a beautiful look on her face, but one that Peter knew he would have to share as Brennan took her face in his hands and turned her toward him, the two of them kissing luxuriantly while she rocked her hips against Peter’s hand.

While Peter would have been fully content with this being the first act of the evening, Noa seemed to want a more active approach to kicking things off. Reaching out, she slid her small, strong hands down the waistbands of Brennan’s and Peter’s shorts, hunting around until she found their cocks and started stroking both of them. Already rather overexcited, Brennan’s cock was quickly slick with precum. Peter took a little more coaxing, but only just, and soon the three of them were all receiving some enthusiastic, if understandably distracted manual pleasure as they stood there. Every so often, Noa would trade off kisses between the two boys while the other would play with her breasts or squeeze her ass.

Ultimately, since she was the one who got everything going, it made sense that Noa was the one who would take things to the next level.

Pulling her hands out of the boys’ shorts, she grabbed Brennan by the shoulders and pushed him down onto the pile of pads, making him yelp in surprise.

“Take off your clothes,” Noa demanded of him, her smile playful even if her tone wasn’t.

With wide eyes, Brennan quickly hurriedly complied, reaching to take off his shoes and kick them away. “You got it! And, might I say, thank you for inviting me here, I promise you won’t be disappointed!”

Shaking her head, her smile every bit as playful as it was when she’d knocked Brennan down, Noa turned her attention back to Peter. He looked down into her eyes, finding the energy between them thoroughly exciting, and wanting to see exactly what the three of them would bring out of each other.

“I’d throw you down too, but I was only able to get him by surprise. Since you’re also much larger… if you’d be so kind?” Noa proposed.

“Sure,” Peter said, grinning and pulling off his tank top.

Noa looked up at his impressively muscled chest with a giddy smile she could only just hold back by biting her lip, but she was unable to resist reaching out and running her hands over him.

“Well, I see someone doesn’t miss… well, any muscle group day,” she chuckled.

Bending over to pull his shoes off, Peter replied smoothly, “I try not to.”

“I don’t miss anything either! I’m really good at not missing a workout also, and I sometimes spot for Peter, too!” Brennan exclaimed from his spot on the pads.

The two of them looked over, with Noa looking impressed at the truthfulness of Brennan’s claims in his now nude state. While he wasn’t as big or hulking as Peter, he was lean and well-muscled, and with his decently-sized seven-and-a-half-inch cock, Noa certainly looked impressed by everything she saw.

“Not bad, Brennan,” Noa said, walking over to him and climbing on top.

She leaned down and kissed him feverishly on the lips, making out with him eagerly as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close.

It looked like a good party, and Peter wasn’t the kind of guy who skipped out on good parties. Finally shedding his shoes and socks, he then pulled down his shorts and underwear, freeing his thick, eight-inch-long erection. He stood there for a moment, watching as Noa and Brennan made out, and found the sight pretty impressive. For a guy who was as overeager as Brennan was, the guy actually seemed to know what he was doing with Noa, kissing her passionately and not trying to dominate the situation too intensely, while Noa… fuck, did that girl know how to bring the fire. For a small, if thoroughly athletic girl, she had a lot of energy, keeping Brennan pinned as she feasted on his mouth, arching her back into him to make sure he couldn’t possibly ignore her breasts. Her ass, firm and jutting out as she knelt over Brennan… well, it made for a tempting sight, even in the loose shorts she wore.

Of course, Peter was willing to bet that she looked much better out of those shorts.

Walking up behind her, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her shorts with practiced ease, pulling both her shorts, and her panties, down to her knees, revealing her bare, firm ass to him. Noa moaned into Brennan’s lips when he did this, and Peter couldn’t help but laugh, playfully swatting her on the ass.

“You’re a little overdressed for the occasion, Noa…” he said.

“I was working on that, but then I got distracted because I was horny!” Noa exclaimed, laughing along with Brennan.

“Yeah, but you wanna fuck around, don’t you? And that’s a lot easier when you’re naked,” Peter replied.

She thought about this, still chuckling. “He’s right.”

“He’s got an infuriating ability to be right about such things,” Brennan said, looking up at Peter and shooting him a thumb’s up. “Except about this being a bad idea!”

“Yeah, you were right about that, this was not a bad idea,” Peter replied, watching appreciatively as Noa quickly stood up and completely disrobed.

Seeing her completely nude and looking down to her tight little pussy, every bit as shaved as she’d felt and looking so deliciously moist… well, Peter couldn’t think of any finer a sight he could be seeing in this moment.

“Fuck, you’re hot, Noa,” Brennan agreed. “And I’m sure you’re all hot and all that, too, Peter, the way she’s practically drooling over you. But remember who invited you!”

“Oh, shut up,” Noa joked, looking between them. “You’re both hot, I’m hot, can’t we all just agree to be hot together and fuck? I’ve wanted to get pinned between two big, muscly men for so long like you wouldn’t believe… and I’d say this is mission fucking accomplished.”

“Well, not yet, actually,” Brennan said, standing up and walking up behind Noa. “You’re almost nice and sandwiched…”

Brennan cocked his head, encouraging his friend over, and Peter took the hint quickly enough. He walked over to Noa, keeping her nicely between the two men as they loomed over her. By the look on her face, it seemed like it was taking all her restraint not to squeal out loud and fucking jump them then and there, something that Peter took no small amount of personal pride in.

“Ah, there we go. Well done, Peter,” Brennan said, nodding to his friend.

“Well, thank you, Brennan. Now, tell us, Noa, are you satisfied with how sandwiched you are yet?” Peter asked, keeping his tone polite and smooth.

Licking her lips, Noa replied, “Yeah, probably not my exact definition, but so the fuck what? This is… ah, fuck, if I was touching myself right now, I’d be cumming down my legs like you wouldn’t believe. Just literally gushing girl juices.”

“Then why aren’t you?” Peter asked, leaning down to kiss her.

“Yeah! That sounds like it would be crazy fucking hot. You can get started now if you want!” Brennan enthused.

Reeling slightly from her kiss with Peter, Noa replied, “I mean, I could, but I think I’d rather drop down on my knees and start inhaling your cocks. And I’m sure that you two would probably prefer that too.”

Peter thought of his best response that’d seem cool and erotically charged, one that would ensure that Noa was properly excited and primed for one hell of a sexual encounter.

Then, Brennan said, “Oh, FUCK YEAH!”

Ah well, you couldn’t be cool all the time, Peter reasoned.

Peter and Brennan each took a step back, allowing Noa to drop to her knees in front of both of them.

“You know, this is a big step up for me,” Noa said, grabbing a cock in each hand and stroking them. “Just a few months ago, I was a horny and frustrated virgin with an exhibitionist streak and not a whole lot to show for it. I’ve done some experimenting with guys and girls, but never had more than one guy at a time. I’ve always thought that was pretty advanced stuff, but I think I’m ready for it now. This is a good step forward.”

“A good step forward?” Brennan groaned. “To what?”

“Let her do her thing, man, stop complaining,” Peter hissed, dropping his head back as he enjoyed the enthusiastic handjob.

“Oh, it’s not a problem for me!” Noa laughed. “I’m just looking forward to when I can take being surrounded by a bunch of guys like you two, completely giving myself over to being used and fucked every which way.”

“You want to help arrange a gangbang? Because I’ve taken part in some before,” Brennan suggested, moaning as she stroked his cock more eagerly.

One,” Peter corrected. “You’ve taken part in one. And it ended with a guy jumping out a window.”

“Yeah, but…” Brennan replied, not having a real response to that.

“It’s tempting, but, I gotta walk before I can run… but I’ll be happy to walk with you two,” Noa said, leaning in and taking Brennan’s cockhead between her lips.

Brennan’s eyes flew open as Noa eagerly attacked his cock, sucking down nearly every inch in one go before she bobbed back and forth more quickly and took the rest, eagerly sucking and slurping his cock.

“Oh, holy fuck!” Brennan groaned, laughing. “Fuck, she’s way better at sucking cock than I would’ve thought… you really kick ass at this, Noa!”

Letting his cock pop out of her mouth, Noa beamed up at him. “Thanks!”

This was only a brief respite, however, as she soon went back to sucking Brennan’s cock with gusto, moaning and groaning as she took his length into her throat. Though he couldn’t quite be as impressed with her oral skills yet, Peter was rather enjoying her handjob skills, grunting and thrusting back against her as she eagerly jacked his cock.

“Fuck… I think I’ve been wasting my time chasing cheerleaders,” Brennan grunted, looking down at Noa with some awe. “No offense, because those girls are hot little numbers who know their shit… but I’ve been limiting myself only going after them, I think…”

“An open mind’s never a bad thing when it comes to sex, man. Why limit yourself to one flavor when life’s a fucking buffet of opportunities just waiting for you to experience them?” Peter asked.

“You’re damn right,” Brennan replied, running one hand through Noa’s hair while raising the other to fist bump Peter.

Peter happily returned the gesture. He may have been oversimplifying things for Brennan’s sake, of course, because this wasn’t exactly the best time to go into the complexities of relationships and sex. He knew that he and Sasha had a relationship that was certainly… atypical given their sexual adventures both together and apart, and that if she had asked for a strictly monogamous relationship, he would have gone for it. When she made it clear that she wanted to experience all the delights that Regan Hills High School had to offer, though, who was he to deny her, and why wouldn’t he partake himself?

Especially if it meant moments like this with Noa.

She let go of Peter’s cock and stopped sucking Brennan, switching between the two boys with impressive ease given her admittedly limited experience. Peter groaned as she sucked his cock down in almost one go, her head bobbing quickly as she blew him energetically. Looking down at her, he groaned, running a hand through her hair as he fucked back against her face. Seeing her lips stretched obscenely around the heavy thickness of her cock, feeling the way she would swirl her tongue along the underside of his shaft as she pulled back, Peter was in heaven.

Not that Brennan seemed to be having a bad time either, as Noa grabbed hold of his cock and stroked it, never once missing a beat and keeping him nice and excited.

“Fuck me… this is… this is pretty fucking amazing…holy fuck,” Brennan intoned.

“Yeah, yeah, you want me to tell you this isn’t a bad idea again, I’ll tell you again that this wasn’t a bad idea… in fact, if anything, it’s one of your best ideas ever, man,” Peter replied, before turning his attention down to Noa. “Fuck, girl… you’re so fucking hot.”

Though her eyes were watery and her lips were stretched to the extreme, Peter could swear he felt her trying to smile in that moment. Noa had always been cute in his eyes, but like this, it felt like she might have been one of the hottest girls that Peter had ever had the privilege of being around.

And much as he would have enjoyed letting her suck him for the foreseeable future, when Peter had an opportunity like this with a gorgeous woman, he didn’t let it slide.

With great difficulty, he pulled his cock from Noa’s mouth, then reached down and picked her up. She seemed surprised, and Brennan seemed a little disgruntled from not having her stroke him anymore, but Peter was not a man to be stopped once he set something in motion. Practically tossing Noa down onto the pads that she’d laid out as an improvised bed, Peter climbed on top of her, spreading her legs.

“Ooh, yes…” Noa moaned, looking up at him hopefully and running her hands down his chest. “I was really hoping we’d get to do this…”

“And you’re hoping to do it with me too, right?” Brennan asked, sitting down next to them. “Because I know you wanted to get with two guys and everything, but I did help you set it up and all that, not like that’s a really big deal or anything…”

“Of course!” she replied, turning to him and smiling at his light sarcasm. “But Peter grabbed me first, so he’s gonna get first go, but you’ll both have your time with me, I swear…”

“Fine, fine,” Brennan sighed, “I’ll just keep jacking it over here… I guess…”

Peter and Noa shared a slight smile before kissing each other once again. It was a slow, tender kiss even, a kiss between people who were once friendly and now were opening up a new level of their friendship. It was slow and lingering, though not everything about them was. Noa happily took this opportunity to reach down and grab Peter’s cock, lining it up with her pussy as she ran it over her lips. She made sure to spread their mutual lubrications around, getting nice and excited in the process as her moans became more eager with each passing moment.

Leaning in, she whispered into his ear so low that Brennan could not hear, “I’m glad you’re both here, but you… I was really glad to see you here. I’ve had this tiny kinda crush on you for a really long time, so this is… this is kind of great for me.”

Groaning softly, Peter replied, “You’re so fucking cute, you know that? And I’m glad I can make you happy… you ready?”

Biting her lip, Noa nodded. “Yeah… let’s do this!”

Unhesitating, Peter pushed forward, pressing his cock against her tight pussy lips. Noa groaned, leaning into Peter and gently biting his shoulder. The pain was sudden and sharp, and playful as it was, it lit a fire in Peter that was rather unexpected. It was as if more fuel had been added to his tank, and rather than take this slow and easy, he now couldn’t help but rock back and forth with more vigor, pushing his cock forcefully against her slick, hot pussy lips, unable to hold back as he forced his way inside. Opening her legs wider, Noa rocked her hips, allowing a slightly better angle for him to enter her.

Little by little, he could feel his cock begin to spread her pussy lips, before it felt like she gave way entirely and allowed his cock to slide inside her hot, almost painfully tight folds. Noa’s eyes flew open at his penetration, crying out a low, primal roar of pleasure as he continued to burrow his cock inside of her. She locked her legs behind Peter’s ass, pulling him forward as he pushed inside, until every inch of his cock was buried to the hilt in her pussy.

“Fuck… fuck she’s tight…” Peter groaned, describing this for Brennan’s benefit, before looking back to Noa, “Fuck you’re tight… but you can really fucking take cock.”

Noa laughed. “That’s what happens when you lose your virginity to Ryan Collins.”

Now it was Peter’s turn to laugh. “Ryan… my man…”

“I’m missing some important details here, aren’t I?” Brennan asked.

“Pretty important,” Peter replied as he pulled back, then began to fuck Noa more properly. “I’ll fill you in better later.”

“Oh, cool!” Brennan replied, furiously jacking his cock as he watched Peter and Noa fuck.

Brennan might have said something else at this point, but Peter and Noa were too lost in each other to really notice anything but each other. The athletic Japanese beauty looked up at the muscular black football player with hungry eyes, moaning softly with every thrust into her.

Well, moaning softly whenever she wasn’t cursing, that is.

“Yes, yes, fucking yes, come on, harder, harder, fuck me harder, I can take it,” Noa groaned, kissing Peter fiercely.

“Alright, alright, just didn’t want to break you,” Peter replied, grunting and fucking her harder.

She laughed, loudly and proudly. “Yeah? You think you can fucking break me? Nobody, and I mean fucking nobody can break me! A lot of guys have tried and all of them have failed, because they never seem to understand one… simple… fucking thing!”

“What’s that?” Brennan asked.

With shocking strength, Noa flipped Peter over so that he was now on his back, sitting up on his cock proudly as she bounced wildly. “That I’m NOA… FUCKING… KANZAKI! And I know what I’m fucking doing!”

Peter wasn’t going to begrudge Noa that point since she seemed to know exactly what she was doing. She was bouncing up and down on his cock at a furious pace, her tight pussy squeezing his cock almost painfully well as she went. It took a lot of effort not to cum here and now as she went, looking up at her beauty and seeing that intense look of longing and concentration on her face. Peter was no longer in control, and he was fine with that, contenting himself to running his big hands up her sides before cupping her breasts, squeezing and massaging them as she bounced, one of her own hands between her legs and massaging her clit as she rode him.

As a guy who had made it fairly around Regan Hills High School, Peter had thought he was well past the point of being surprised by anything any girl was capable of, and yet here he was, having to admit that he never would have seen this side of Noa coming. The cocky and playful and maybe slightly awkward wannabe Ninja Warrior was hardly the kind of girl that he would have expected to rock his cock this hard, and yet here he was, watching as she impaled herself on his cock again and again, fingering her clit silly until she had no choice but to let the inevitable sweep over her.

“Yesyesyes, fuck, yes, right there, gonna cum, I’m gonna cum… I’m gonna FUCKING CUM, YES! YES! FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!” Noa cried out, her pussy clamping down on Peter’s cock hard as she came explosively.

The beautiful athlete shook and shuddered on Peter’s cock, her pussy positively gushing as she writhed and moaned and let the pleasure take her to another plane. Peter, quite naturally, did everything to encourage this, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples at first, then letting her fall into him so she could kiss her way through the last, lingering vestiges of her orgasm. These kisses were sweet and tender, bearing none of the fire and passion that Noa had brought to their earlier making out, punctuated with light little gasps of pleasure as her pussy spasmed on his cock and her bouncing slowing to a crawl.

Kissing him one last time, Noa’s eyes fluttered open.

Breathily, she said, “Thank you.”

“No problem,” Peter replied, grinning. “Seemed like you really knew what you were doing.”

“Yeah, but it takes two to tango. At least the way I like to do it. Three if you wanna do it the way I wanted to do it today,” Noa joked, sitting up on Peter’s cock and turning her attention back to Brennan. “I could use a cock in my mouth while I get Peter’s rocks off. You want in?”

“Uh, yeah!” Brennan exclaimed, practically jumping onto his feet on the awkward, shifting pile of mats as he stood beside Peter.

Grinning between the two boys, Noa began to bounce on Peter’s cock again, then took Brennan’s into her mouth, eagerly sucking down his hard cock as she began to ride Peter with everything she had once more. Peter looked up at her, impressed with her ability to multitask as she sucked and fucked with seemingly equal ease, even as she bounced rapidly. It was like watching an artist creating, watching Noa fuck, seeing how as simple a canvas as three naked bodies came together under her particular guidance to create something truly special. He did his part, grabbing hold of her hips and fucking up into her with an energy that matched her own, pumping much of his cock in and out of her with every thrust, while Brennan, standing above him, did much the same for her mouth.

Finally happy to be back in the fray, Brennan was hard to shut up, not that Peter could blame him. “Ah, fuck, Noa… you’re amazing at sucking cock… so fucking hot, so fucking good at this… isn’t she good at this? Isn’t she one of the best cocksuckers you’ve ever run across? I mean, I’ve been with a lot of girls, but you, your mouth… fuck, you’re fucking amazing, Noa… isn’t she fucking amazing?”

“Yeah…” Peter replied, fucking up into her more firmly. He could feel his own orgasm coming together, and he wanted to focus, but given how he’d slightly sidelined his friend, he didn’t tell Brennan to shut it either, even if he might have wanted to a little bit.

Instead, he focused on fucking up into Noa, gripping her hips tightly as he pounded up into her, watching her firm breasts bouncing hypnotically as he could feel his balls swelling and fill with need for release. He was going to cum, and he’d be cumming soon, it was only really a matter of time.

Groaning as he fucked Noa’s face, Brennan continued, “And is she… fuck, I feel like an ass asking because we’re all so wrapped up in this, but how is she? Because she looks like one hell of a fuck… and I mean it, Noa, you look like one helluva fuck, I wouldn’t doubt you if you told me, but your mouth’s full and I trust Peter, but-“

“GODDAMNIT!” Peter cried out, holding Noa close as he came hard in her pussy.

Noa seemed to rather enjoy having this level of power over Peter, moaning around Brennan’s cock as Peter kept pumping into her, giving her every last drop of cum he had. She slowed her pace, rocking her hips gently as she coaxed out the last of his orgasm, even pulling Brennan’s cock out of her mouth for a moment so she could look down at Peter with a smug, playful kind of superiority that came with the knowledge that she could make him cum so impressively.

Overwhelmed by pleasure, Peter couldn’t help but look up at this girl with some kind of awe. He looked forward to a time when he could have her to himself, or possibly even share her with Sasha, but in this moment, he was pretty much good with anything happening. The rest of the football team (plus or minus a couple of its assholes) could have stormed in right now and just gangbanged the hell out of Noa, and so long as she was happy with that, Peter would have been fine sitting on the sidelines and watching.

So, that was what made it a little easier once his orgasm abated to have Noa climb off of his cock. Her mouth dropped open in a quick, pleased little ‘o’ of pleasure as she did this, before she fell to the side on her knees, giggling and smiling at Peter.

“Glad I could return the favor,” Noa said, licking her lips as she looked down at Peter, before returning her attention to Brennan. “Alright, you’ve been good and patient and I’ve kind of fucked around with you a little ever since I caught sight of Peter, but I’d really like to fuck you too, Brennan…”

She dropped to her hands and knees next to Peter, looking over her shoulder at the blonde athlete standing next to her. “Still wanna fuck my tight little cunt?”

“I mean, it’s probably not so tight after Peter’s monster’s had a chance with it, but…” Brennan began, dropping to his knees behind Noa and playfully smacking her ass. “…fuck yeah, I am!”

Noa groaned, pushing her ass back toward Brennan. “Oh, come on, you can spank me harder than that! You remember what I told Peter about breaking me, and if he couldn’t break me, you won’t either. Come on, give it to me, you can go harder than that!”

Brennan smirked. “Oh, I knew I was gonna like you.”

He pulled his arm back and came down hard with an open hand, the sound of a loud crack of impact filling the room. Noa yelped, in equal parts pain and surprise, before she looked back at Brennan again with blazing eyes.

“Ha! That’s more like it! Again!” she commanded.

Smiling, Brennan raised his hand and smacked her again three more times, her pale ass turning a bright pink shade from the repeated impacts, but Noa couldn’t have been happier, it seemed. Groaning and squealing and rocking her hips back toward Brennan invitingly, she cried out with greater pleasure, demanding more until she couldn’t help but reach back and grab his cock, line it up with her pussy, and push back against him.

Brennan slid in easily, but not too easily given her inherent tightness, groaning and gripping her hips as he buried his cock to the hilt inside of her. Unhesitating, he began to pound into Noa with her encouragement, fucking into her almost as savagely as she was capable of fucking back against him.

Now, as an innocent bystander to all this, Peter couldn’t help but watch and be impressed. While he might have felt a certain personal connection to Noa that was undeniable, watching Brennan and Noa go at it, he couldn’t help but think that these two looked sexually perfect for each other. Noa was a bit of a spitfire, while Brennan was a lot more of a giver than he might have seemed, adjusting his technique to whatever Noa seemed happiest with. The two of them made sex this rough look good, and each of them seemed more than happy to banter back and forth as they went to town on each other.

“That what you were looking for, huh?” Noa challenged, laughing and groaning deeply as they fucked. “It’s one thing fucking watching me, but being buried balls-deep in my pussy? Better than you fucking imagined, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I think that’s one of those things that goes without saying,” Brennan replied, reaching back to smack her ass again. “I know I’m not as big as Peter, but I’m guessing by your reactions that my cock’s a shade above satisfactory?”

Noa laughed again, pushing back harder as she fucked him. “God, yeah, your cock’s fucking perfect… and you fucking know what you’re doing with it… you both do… size, it’s good, thickness better, but talent, fuck, talent’s the fucking best. I know I’m fucking new to this… fuck me harder, dammit! I’m… fuck, sorry… I’m new to this, but I know fucking talent when I see it and feel it, and you’re both so talented, thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this, thank you for fulfilling my stupid little fantasy…”

“Not stupid,” Peter replied.

“Never stupid…” Brennan grunted, playfully smacking her ass again. “Never stupid to want a threesome.”

“Damn right,” Peter said, holding his fist up for another fist bump that Brennan was happy to return. “If everyone’s on the same page, there’s nothing better than a good threesome. Or foursome. I’ve done some of my best work in foursomes, actually.”

“Shit, I’m still getting used to threesomes,” Brennan replied.

“Says the guy who’s still hung up on his Halloween gangbang adventure,” Peter replied.

To be fair, Peter recognized that Brennan had every reason to be hung up on that particular threesome, but since that was also the night he and Sasha hooked up for the first time, he wouldn’t have traded that for anything. Not even group sex with Gwen Savage and Daphne O’Connell, or getting to see the look on Jason Torrance’s face as he dove out of a second-floor window butt naked…

Though he might have missed out on that fun, Peter was happy with what was unfolding right now. Noa was fucking hot, and Brennan had proven himself an able and not terribly annoying organizer and partner in crime when it came to what they were doing with her. The three of them worked pretty well together, and between the thoughts of what else they could accomplish together, and the hot sight of Noa’s face as she groaned and bucked back against Brennan’s cock, well, Peter was hard again in no time.

Noa was quick to notice this, looking down between Peter’s legs hungrily. “Oh, hell yeah!”

Brennan followed her gaze. “Oh, awesome! We can totally spit roast her now!”

Noa moaned loudly. “Fuck, I’ve fucking dreamed of getting spit-roasted for a long time now… fuckfuckfuck, keep going like that… come on, Peter, you know you want your cock down my throat again!”

This was true.

Getting up on his knees, Peter crawled around in front of Noa. He reached down, sweeping her hair out of her eyes as she looked up at him with a smile. Brennan had already slowed down, but wouldn’t be patient for long, so Peter knew that if he wanted to enter her, he would have to do it soon.

Or, Noa could do it for him. Too excited to be held back, she craned her neck and opened her mouth, sucking Peter’s cock down to the root.

“Oh, fuck…” he groaned, grabbing hold of her hair and fucking into her mouth.

“Fuck yeah,” Brennan replied, fist-bumping Peter again before grabbing hold of Noa’s hips again. “Come on, let’s give the girl what she wants, yeah?”

Though they were in the kind of precarious position that Peter would have worried about with a lot of other girls, that determined look in Noa’s eyes reminded him that Noa wasn’t like a lot of other girls and could easily take whatever the two jocks could give her. So, he grabbed hold of her shoulders and matched Brennan’s thrusts, fucking in and out of her in almost perfect sync with his friend as they truly gave it to Noa.

Reaching between her legs with one hand to finger herself, Noa was happily along for the ride as the two hulking jocks had their way with her. The longer they went, the rougher they got with her, and perhaps some for some other girls (even some Regan Hills girls), this would have been a challenge, but not for Noa fucking Kanzaki. She had always been determined when there was something in life that she wanted, and when she wanted to be spit roasted by a couple jocks, she did everything she had to do to make sure that dream was everything she hoped it would be.

Her first orgasm in this position was so sudden and violent that the two guys fucking her had to do everything to catch her and make sure she wouldn’t collapse, but Noa recovered quickly, keeping her quaking arm and legs braced against the mats as they fucked her mouth and face.

A second orgasm followed not long after that all three of them were better prepared for, and while Noa’s cries were loud around Peter’s cock, she seemed in no danger of collapsing this time.

By the time her third spit-roasted orgasm came, Noa was a gushing, quaking and shivering mess, her body nearly limp as pleasure had completely overpowered her. Though they were both overcharged and on the verge of cumming themselves, she pushed Peter and Brennan away and crawled to the floor, getting on her knees and looking up at both of them with her mouth open and tongue out.

Peter and Brennan had watched enough porn to know what this invitation meant, and they both scrambled to their feet in front of her, jacking their cocks feverishly.

Brennan came first, grunting loudly as his cum sprayed out over her face and into her mouth while Noa ran her hands over her body and moaned lusciously, cum flowing out of her mouth and spattering against her tits in messy, ropy strings.

Peter took a little while longer to cum, but soon unleashed a slightly smaller, but not unimpressive load on her face. Cumming hard enough that he began to wonder if he’d be able to keep his feet beneath him, Peter was awed by how covered Noa was by their mutual orgasms, her pale face almost perfectly glazed while her mouth held practically a lake of cum.

By the time his orgasm abated, Noa was unrecognizable as the girl they’d first found in this room, but she couldn’t have looked more satisfied. Proudly showing off the cum in her mouth, she quickly swallowed it down, then ran her hands over her body as she rubbed their juices into her skin.

“Well, that was everything I hoped for,” Noa chuckled. “Oh, I’m a fucking mess… and a well-fucked mess… thank you, both of you…”

“Our pleasure,” Peter replied.

“Ditto,” Brennan said breathily.

Noa turned her beautiful eyes to Peter and smirked, a particularly good look on her well-glazed face. “And next time Brennan tells you he’s got a brilliant idea, maybe you should listen to him?”

Peter chuckled. “To be fair, I did listen to him this time…”

“It just took some coaxing,” Brennan replied.

“True,” Peter said.

“So, maybe next time take less coaxing?” Noa suggested.

Peter nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I think I’m gonna do that. Sorry I doubted you, man.”

“Eh, don’t worry about it,” Brennan replied, grinning. “Just hear me out on my next idea, and we’ll call it even?”

Cautious, but curious, Peter replied, “What is it?”

“Well…” Brennan said, turning his attention to Noa. “You’re a fucking mess.”

“Thanks,” she replied, rolling her eyes and licking cum from her lips. “But it’s not like you’re wrong, either.”

“I know,” Brennan said, running a hand through her hair and grinning, before turning his attention to Peter. “And we’ve worked up a helluva sweat, haven’t we?”

Peter could catch his friend’s meaning pretty quickly, and smiled. “Showers?”

“Showers,” Brennan replied, nodding.

“Oh, fuck yeah, I could use a shower like you guys wouldn’t believe,” Noa said, wobbily getting to her feet. “Or, I guess, maybe you could…”

Before either of them knew what was happening, Noa darted for the doorway, laughing. “First one to the showers gets to fuck me up against the wall!”

She disappeared just as quickly, leaving a naked Peter and Brennan standing there laughing.

“So, you wanna race?” Brennan asked.

Peter chuckled, then waved toward the doorway. “Nah, this one’s all you, man. Something tells me we’re just beginning with this girl.”

“You got that right,” Brennan replied, strolling toward the doorway. “And, thanks.”

Catching his breath, and thinking on how fucking hot Noa had to look under the blast from the shower, Peter followed his friend.

Shaking his head, he softly said, “No problem.”



Great story looking forward to the future when Peter and Sacha find some free time for Ryan


Sasha and Noa with Peter sounds like a great tease