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Hello my wonderful Patrons! I hope you're all having a very happy new year, and that 2024 is treating you alright so far! Finally having recovered from the holidays, I've gotten a jumpstart on getting back into the wide, wonderful world of the SYM-Verse and beyond, so let's see where everything is, shall we?

Not Such a Bad Idea After All

Yes, the long-awaited Noa spin-off exclusive finally has a title: Not Such a Bad Idea After All. No, this isn't my commentary on the story itself, but to know what it means you'll have to give it a read when it comes out. I've got a little over 2,000 words down on this one so far, and with my goal being about 10-12,000 words, this one's moving along at a pretty good clip so far! Keep an eye out for more details as they come!

Create a Senior Year Memories Character # 4

It's been a long time since we've done one of these, and I felt we might be overdue. As I plan for the April story arc, I wanted to open the floor to help create a new character to add to the SYM canon. You guys have already decided by a good margin that she should be a foreign exchange student from Ireland with flaming red hair, and a fiery (if occasionally classy) personality. With these now set in stone, I've set up a number of polls to help determine her physical and personality traits. If you're in the applicable tiers, let your votes be heard now!

Additional Long-Term Projects Updates:

Senior Year Memories: Special Editions

Updated: 1/3/24

Chapters 1, 2 & both halves of 3 of Senior Year Memories have already gotten the special edition treatment in part of my ongoing plan to get some ebook editions of the series out there for sale, and to say they're night and day different from the original chapters would be an understatement. While fundamentally the same story, there's a lot more character stuff, a lot of sanded down rough edges, and of course, some expanded-upon sex scenes that I think will make these quite exciting.

I recently began work on the fifth special edition chapter (introducing Nadia), and though it started at about 9,000 words, I've already gotten it up to 13,600. There's a long way to go, but I'm definitely having fun revisiting and expanding on these earlier segments.

I'm not looking to publish these until I have the first arc (Chapters 1-6 as posted on Lit) completely modified and back from my editor, so, I doubt these will see the light of day until early 2024, but keep an eye out for further updates!


The current polls to help determine upcoming story and character points include:

Create a Senior Year Memories Character # 4, Poll 4 (Run-off)

Create a Senior Year Memories Character # 4, Poll 7

Create a Senior Year Memories Character # 4, Poll 8

Create a Senior Year Memories Character # 4, Poll 9

Create a Senior Year Memories Character # 4, Poll 10

Create a Senior Year Memories Character # 4, Poll 11

As always, if you're in the applicable tiers, let your votes be heard!


As of this moment, the likely story lineup looks to be as follows:

Not Such a Bad Idea After All (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 46

Senior Year Memories: Mrs. Lynn (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 47

Senior Year Memories: Mrs. Pruitt (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 48

Senior Year Memories: Dakota (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 49

Senior Year Memories: Sophie vol. 2 (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 50

Senior Year Memories: Sasha (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 51

UNSORTED STORY IN QUEUE: Unconventional Ch. 2

All of this is subject to change, of course, but should there be any changes, I'll be happy to update you!

That's it for now! As always, be good to yourselves and everyone else!



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