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Hello my wonderful Patrons! A new month is upon us, and I'd like to thank all of you who've stuck around. You guys are fantastic, and your support often keeps me going in more difficult creative times, so I thank you all for everything. Not a ton of updates today (mostly been taking the last few days easy & working on some of the long-term projects), but let's see where everything is, shall we?

The Lit Halloween Contest is Over!

Literotica's Halloween Story Contest is over, and, surprise, surprise, I did not win. Plus side, you won't have to see this update clogging up the updates anymore :P.

All joking aside, there were a lot of entries this year to compete with, and a lot of the voting was all over the place, so this was actually not that much of a surprise. Nevertheless, to all of you out there who voted, thank you very much!

The Elf & The DILF is up for an award!

The Elf & The DILF, a story I've always thought to be one of my hotter tales, has been nominated in the 2022 Literotica Awards for Best Erotic Couplings Story! If you enjoyed the story, and could take a moment to swing by the poll on the Literotica forum I'm linking here to drop a vote if you haven't already, me and my silly author's ego would thoroughly appreciate it.

At the moment, The Elf & The DILF is still in the lead, but only by 9 votes, with the closest runner-up catching up every day. I'd really like to win this one, and can certainly do so with your help (since it's happened before), so if you haven't already, please vote today!

Senior Year Memories Ch. 44

I haven't gotten a start on this one just yet, but I'm excited for a lot of what's going to be brought together in this one, so keep an eye out for more updates as I have them!

Patreon Exclusive Story # 25

Alright, after the first poll shook out in favor of returning Patreon Exclusive Girls, I've opened up the floor for the next poll where almost every character who's had a Patreon Exclusive Story is up for grabs. This one might take a few additional rounds of voting considering how big the pool is, so if you're in the appropriate tiers, let your votes be heard today!

A Ninth Patreon Q & A?

I've opened up the floor to another Q & A, and while there are already some great questions, I welcome more! If you've got any questions on the SYM-Verse or writing you want answered, head on over to the linked post and drop them today!

Additional Long-Term Projects Updates:

Senior Year Memories: Special Editions

Updated: 11/2/23

Chapters 1, 2 & 3 of Senior Year Memories have already gotten the special edition treatment in part of my ongoing plan to get some ebook editions of the series out there for sale, and to say they're night and day different from the original chapters would be an understatement. While fundamentally the same story, there's a lot more character stuff, a lot of sanded down rough edges, and of course, some expanded-upon sex scenes that I think will make these quite exciting.

After buckling down and really getting some momentum on it, I recently finished my revision of Haley's part of Chapter 3 into its own 19,000 word long chapter, while I've split Mrs. Lynn's portion off into a chapter of its own that will now be the new Chapter 4. Yeah, the numbering's going to be a little wonky with the ebooks, but there will be much more material to play with. While I haven't started Mrs. Lynn's chapter yet, I look forward to giving her some more time to shine.

I'm not looking to publish these until I have the first arc (Chapters 1-6 as posted on Lit) completely modified and back from my editor, so, I doubt these will see the light of day until early 2024, but keep an eye out for further updates!

A New Series

Updated: 11/2/23

With about 3,500 words down on Chapter 2 of this new series, it's looking more and more promising that this series is going to become something. I'm still keeping details of this one a bit under wraps, because I don't want to jinx anything, but, as I noted in my earlier announcement, I have been looking to branch out away from the SYM-Verse more and try some new ideas on for size, see if I could expand into some newer, unrelated series. As such, I've been developing and writing a new one that I'm very excited for.

Recently I finished off my first draft of a first chapter, and I'm really excited with how it turned out! I got to do a lot of fun story and character work, set up an interesting new world, and of course the sex was a lot of fun. It's about 19,000 words, and while I'm not comfortable sharing it just yet (I'm hoping to have about 3 chapters before I share it here), this one's looking like it's going to stick. Once I get closer to posting here, I'll be happy to put up a preview post of what to expect before I share the chapters here.

I'm really excited to show this one off, and I hope you will enjoy it as well!


The current polls to help determine upcoming story and character points include:

Patreon Exclusive Story # 25, Poll 2

As always, if you're in the applicable tiers, let your votes be heard!


As of this moment, the likely story lineup looks to be as follows:

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 44

Senior Year Memories: Tori (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 45

Untitled Noa Spin-Off (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 46

Senior Year Memories: Mrs. Lynn (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 47

Senior Year Memories: Mrs. Pruitt (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 48

Senior Year Memories: Dakota (Patreon Exclusive!)

Senior Year Memories, Chapter 49

Patreon Exclusive Story # 25

All of this is subject to change, of course, but should there be any changes, I'll be happy to update you!

That's it for now! As always, be good to yourselves and everyone else!




Looking forward to reading the Mrs Lynn chapter