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Hello my wonderful patrons! It was brought to my attention tonight that there was an error in the tier perk listings, and I'm coming to you tonight to apologize and clear up any confusion. Now, whether the fuck-up is mine, a good, old-fashioned glitch in the system, or the doing of gremlins, I can't say with any level of certainty, but nevertheless, I would like to apologize for any and all confusion and inconvenience.

Now, what happened?

Well, as has been my intention ever since I started posting AI pictures to this Patreon, at the Oddballs ($3) tier and above, you were supposed to have access to clothed AI character pictures, while at the Puma Press ($5) tier and above, you were supposed to have access to the nude character pictures. Now, for some reason that has only recently been brought to my attention, the nude art perk was listed on both the Oddballs and Puma Press level tiers,

This has since been fixed to help avoid any confusion, but all the same, whatever the reason for this error, I would genuinely like to apologize for any and all confusion that this mislabeling created. That was not my intent, I don't know how it happened, and I will try to pay attention to the tier pages more often to avoid any further confusion.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding, juggling this Patreon and all my various writing projects can be a real challenge sometimes, and I'm sorry for whatever inconvenience, confusion, annoyance or whatever this fuck-up may have created. I really try to be better than this, and will try to do that for you in the future.



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