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Hello my wonderful patrons! I promise that this is my last contest entry for a while, but I did have a lot of fun with it, and I hope you will, too! I want to thank Patricio for naming this story's sort of male lead, Jason, and all of you whose votes who helped place Gwen as one of the leads of this tale! Since this is my contest entry for Lit's Halloween Story Contest, this is going to be exclusive here for a few weeks before it goes public.

As is often the case these days, my excitement to share with you doesn't line up perfectly with my editor's availability, so this is not the final draft that you'll see on Lit, so I apologize for any unpolished quirks you may find. Still, this is the same content you'll see on Lit, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I had writing it!



“Officious little prick.”

All it took was those three little words. Well, two little words and a bigger one that did little to improve 18-year-old Gwen Savage’s already foul mood. It was Halloween night, and with the streets dark and glowing with jack-o-lanterns and decorations, Gwen knew she should’ve been in the kind of festive mood that Halloween always put her in. Unfortunately, she’d drawn the short straw to be the night’s designated driver, so things started off in a pretty miserable state. Beyond the enforced sobriety of the evening, there were also the safety concerns for this first part of the night that had her unhappy to drive. Though most of the trick-or-treaters had gone in for the night, there were still some out there, and she didn’t need to be missing one not looking both ways before crossing the street in front of her because Sasha *fucking* Pearl had to throw out two little words, and one big one and making Gwen think harder than she wanted to tonight.

“What?” Gwen asked, lowering the volume on the car’s speakers and (quieting “Don’t Fear the Reaper did little to improve her mood) looking in the rearview mirror at her fellow Regan Hills High School cheerleader.

And Sasha was probably her friend, she guessed.

As ever, the willowy redhead with the unstylish glasses could’ve been mistaken for a fucking nerd if you didn’t know how hot she was, that hotness being particularly accentuated tonight with her slutty Little Mermaid costume that Gwen was certain would get her some dick tonight. Sitting behind Gwen, she leaned forward with some amusement to better describe the point she was trying to get across.

That she was clearly already a little buzzed, even before the party, did little to settle Gwen’s annoyance.

“’Officious little prick’. That’s what Jackie called Mr. Ullman after he tried mansplaining when she could and couldn’t go to the bathroom in math class,” Sasha explained. “And she’s right, I mean, he had no right doing that.”

“Who’s Jackie?” Gwen asked, more annoyed at having to ask follow-up questions.

“Nice girl. Brown hair, decent-sized boobs, walks with a bit of a limp? She’s smart, so she probably doesn’t travel in your circles,” Sasha chuckled, eyeing the girl who sat next to her in the car’s backseat for backup.

The stacked Latina, and fellow cheerleader, Jade Alvarez, was wearing her own take on a slutty Snow White costume (which Gwen had to say she was fucking *rocking*), looked from Sasha to Gwen, gauging the room before giving her own response. Seeing the blaze in Gwen’s eyes, Jade soon turned her attention back to Sasha.

“Come on, that wasn’t very nice, Sasha,” Jade said, her voice friendly yet stern.

Chastened, Sasha turned her attention to Gwen. “You know I’m just messing with you, right? ‘cause I’m a little messed up? I didn’t mean to make it seem like I thought you were… fuck…”

Sasha looked miserable, which gave Gwen a little thrill. She knew what people thought of her as a bitchy, big-titted blonde, and that she was hardly the smartest girl in school, let alone the cheer squad, and while there were times where it felt fine to joke about it, especially when she could really roast her friends back, tonight was not one of those nights. As much as she was Sasha’s friend, being called dumb by her, even jokingly, tempted Gwen into considering leaving her on the side of the road to walk the rest of the way to the party.

As usual, it was up to Jade to play a rather apt peacemaker. “She really didn’t mean anything by it, Gwen. But, Sasha?”

Jade eyed her redheaded friend sternly. Nodding, and understanding that she’d clearly pissed off their designated driver, Sasha leaned back in her seat.

“I’m sorry, Gwen. I didn’t mean to piss you off, or be a bitch, or, fuck, man, I’m sorry. I just wanted to share the moment and let it make me stupid, but don’t let my stupid make your night worse, yeah?” Sasha said, smiling that huge, goofy smile that Gwen always claimed to hate, even though it secretly warmed her heart.

Gwen rolled her eyes. “Whatever. It’s Halloween. Good night for some fuckups, and you could’ve fucked this one up worse.”

“Well, I’m still sorry,” Sasha replied, leaning forward to squeeze her friend’s shoulder. “And you’re still the best, and making a huge and awesome sacrifice for us tonight, and we love you for it, and I’ll do whatever it takes to pay you back.”

“You can start by telling me, uh… that thing she called him?” Gwen said, trying to steer the conversation back on course.

After a moment of trying to remember where they’d left off, Sasha suggested, “Officious little prick?”

“Yeah, uh…” Gwen said, trailing off in her bitchiest tone, not wanting to admit that she didn’t know a word.

Thankfully, without having to say it, her friends understood that side of her.

Jade reached up behind Gwen and put a calming hand on her shoulder. “Officious means an asshole, like, a guy who can’t stop sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong and thinks that he’s the end-all, be-all of hot shit and big ideas.”

That helped it click for Gwen, and though it did little for the bitchy sneer on her face, as she lined up the word with her impression of Regan Hills High School’s least favorite math teacher, she agreed, “Yeah. He *is* an officious little prick.”

“Fuck yeah, he is,” Jade agreed, leaning back in her seat and smiling.

“See? Something we can all agree on. And we taught Gwen a new SAT word!” Sasha said teasingly, rubbing her friend’s shoulder from behind again.

“Do you want me to poke her for you, Gwen? Because I’ll *totally* poke her for you,” Jade suggested.

“Poke away. Bitch’s just asking for a good poking,” Gwen replied, amused.

Jade was good to her word, poking Sasha in the side of her bare midriff enough to make her squeal in surprise and delight. Soon there was a full-fledged tickle fight going on in the backseat, full of enough laughter and gropes that Gwen wouldn’t have been surprised if Sasha and Jade had just started getting it on back there.

It wouldn’t be the first time, after all.

Gwen rolled her eyes and turned the volume back up on “Don’t Fear the Reaper” so she wouldn’t have to linger on her friends. Sasha was already a couple drinks in to enjoying Halloween night and not afraid to let it show. Jade was going to be a good girl, as always, and wait for the party before she got drunk and started slutting it up with Sasha. It wouldn’t even take more than a drink or two for them to get lucky, by Gwen’s estimation, while even a light buzz wasn’t in the cards for her this Halloween.

She’d have to find another way to cause some trouble tonight… and oh, would there be opportunities.

Halloween was an excellent night for mischief, after all.

As long as she could remember, her small hometown of Regan Hills, California, had always taken Halloween seriously. Even though October in Southern California was more like an extension of summer with every passing year, things looked enough like a spooky kind of Fall tonight that you could easily ignore the heat. It wasn’t uncommon to see streets where every house had multiple lit jack-o-lanterns and other assorted decorations, with some homes going fairly over the top in an effort to attract as many trick-or-treaters as possible. There were entire blocks known for giving out top quality candy, meaning you’d get kids trucking in from several towns over looking for the best damn trick-or-treating you could find.

When she was little, Gwen would love to go trick-or-treating, and then maybe go for a good scare or two at the Halloween Scream carnival they held over at Regan Hills High School. The cheap, hastily thrown together haunted houses of the carnival used to scare the hell out of her, and now seemed to her the stupidest damn thing that someone could do with a night like this.

Growing up, Halloween had become less about seasonal adventure, and more about one thing and one thing only: parties. There were always a few good Halloween parties being thrown in town by one of her classmates, and after a few bad experiences at mediocre celebrations, Gwen had finally narrowed down the best, and for that matter, *only* party she was willing to attend.

“There’s Scarlett’s house,” Jade instructed, pointing to a house up ahead.

Gwen’s eyes widened on seeing the place. “It’s lit up like the goddamn Fourth of July.”

With a little further thought, she thought that was only half true. Oh, sure, the house was lit up impressively for the night, but it lacked any red, white and blue decorations and fireworks. Projectors threw images of ghosts in windows, while the front yard itself was made up as an elaborate graveyard, with a number of static and moving figures of zombies used to further accentuate the scene. Dozens of lit jack-o-lanterns seemed to be crammed into every crevasse, while a smoke machine gave a decent foggy effect to the darkened cemetery.

With music blaring from inside and a few of their classmates visible milling out front, Gwen would’ve known they’d found the right place even without Jade’s directions.

“Fuck yeah,” she muttered to herself, grinning darkly.

It took a minute to find a decent parking spot, but when they did, the trio of cheerleaders exited the car with a determination that seemed more appropriate for storming a castle than it did approaching a local Halloween party. In their respective Snow White and Little Mermaid costumes, Jade and Sasha stepped out and straightened themselves, strolling toward the party with a clear eagerness.

As hot as Gwen could admit those two looked, as she made her way in front of them, she knew that tonight she was easily the hottest of the trio. At 5’0”, Gwen was quite the stunner, in a vaguely trashy sort of way. Her long, dirty blonde hair fell about her pretty face, with sultry brown eyes that were lively in the way of a predator looking for their next prey. She wore slightly too much makeup even for the night, with heavy eyeliner, fake eyelashes and a crimson shade of lipstick that she mostly managed to pull off. Years of dance had given her a tight body, offset only by her impressive ass and full, D-cup breasts that looked all the more impressive in her slutty Little Red Riding hood outfit. Her corset was tight enough to make her boobs look fucking awesome, and the skirt short enough that it barely covered her ass. Combined with her flowing, hooded cloak, and she knew she looked positively gorgeous.

Yeah, there was no fucking way she wasn’t getting some tonight.

“Anyone wanna take a bet on who’s gonna get laid first tonight?” Gwen proposed, smirking as the trio crossed the street.

“Bets make things mean,” Jade said, shaking her head.

“Yeah, but that’s part of the *fun*,” Gwen shot back. “And I’m all about *fun* tonight. Fun, or trouble, whatever’s easier to find.”

“If I say yes and then make a bet that you’re gonna get laid first, then I can do nothing and still make some cash, right? I mean, Jade’s looking fucking hot, but, you’re gonna get it in like ten minutes, right? Yeah. I’m betting on you,” Sasha said, toying with her purse as if she actually meant to pull out money.

“No, that’s not how this fucking works,” Gwen said, shaking her head. “I mean… fuck, why do I even try with you guys anymore?”

“Because we’re your friends and we love you?” Jade said, fluttering her eyelashes playfully.

“And we know how to make you have fun even when you’re determined to be a grumpy bitch, and how it always, *always* works because we know you so well?” Sasha suggested.

Gwen shook her head in annoyance, mostly because they were right, not that she was going to say it out loud.

“Whatever,” Gwen grumbled, hiding her smile.

Deciding to change the topic to brighten her friend’s mood, Sasha said, “So, Gwen, you finally gonna seal the deal with Jason Torrance tonight?”

The busty blonde shivered slightly at the mention of his name. Jason Torrance was a certified hottie, six feet of toned muscle, a dreamy fucking face, and she had on good authority from a couple other girls on the cheer squad that he had a big fucking dick. She heard from even more people that he was also an actual dick, but that never usually stopped Gwen from giving a guy a chance if he was hot enough

Gwen had made her interest in him pretty plain to anyone and everyone who would listen, especially Jason. She’d been playing coy with him for a while now, teasing him and enjoying when he pursued her just long enough to tease her back, something that he was *very* good at. For a cocky bastard, there was something about him that was naturally intoxicating, and the back and forth pursuit between the two of them had been a lot of fun.

But while it had been a game for the last couple weeks, Gwen thought that they were past the point of playing games.

She wanted some serious cock from Jason Torrance, and tonight she planned on getting it.

Playing it cool, she said, “I’m thinkin’ about it.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but, won’t Jason fuck anything that moves? How is it sealing the deal if all you gotta do is ask, ‘hey, wanna see my pussy?’ Not exactly like there’s a ton of challenge to him,” Jade stated.

Gwen rolled her eyes as they approached the front door. “Fuck, you don’t gotta be such a bitch about it, alright? I know he’s easy, that’s part of the draw… kind of makes us a matched set. It’s just that getting with him’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now, alright? And tonight’s gonna be the fucking night.”

“If you can pull him away from his bros,” Sasha said, noting a problem that Gwen hadn’t considered. “Have you ever seen those guys party? These guys can put a frat party to shame at the best of times, and tonight it’s frickin’ Halloween. They’re gonna be *fuuuuuucked* up.”

Now, Gwen was not a girl who backed down from a challenge easily. She also wasn’t exactly one who was at her best when faced with a challenge, since many of those she faced usually ended in some kind of physical altercation, but her inability to back down was often considered one of her more admirable traits. When presented with the likely problem that Sasha noted, Gwen was quick to respond with a solution, however ill thought out it might have been.

“Fuck it. If they’re glued to each other, I’ll take ‘em all on. It’s fucking Halloween! Everybody knows that’s the perfect time for a gangbang!” Gwen exclaimed, squaring off with the front door.

Keeping her voice low, Sasha replied, “Nobody says that, or knows that… but, you could still be right…”

Aware of the seasonal playlist booming loudly inside, Gwen repeatedly pressed the doorbell to make sure they were heard.

And then, for emphasis, she pressed it in another intense barrage, just to make sure they were heard, and that their entrance was known, because they were motherfucking Regan Hills High School cheerleaders, and they were going to make a fucking entrance.

The door opened soon after, held by a beautiful, 5’1”, light-skinned black girl. With dark, curly hair that fell about her shoulders held back by a cat-ear headband tonight, a domino mask, and a skin-tight black bodysuit, Scarlett Bishop didn’t make the fanciest retro Catwoman, but that didn’t stop the party’s host from owning every bit of her costume. Even though Gwen wanted to stay in her foul mood, it was hard not to find Scarlett’s positive attitude slightly infectious. As probably the biggest party girl in school, and a damn fine mistress of ceremonies, Scarlett always threw the best parties in town, something that Gwen was looking forward to making their senior year exciting.

“Gwen! Jade! Sasha!” Scarlett exclaimed, offering each of them a quick, polite hug before beckoning them inside. “Come in, come in! God, I was wondering when we’d get some cheerleaders in here!”

As the trio of girls followed Scarlett inside, Sasha explained, “Yeah, a lot of the rest of the squad were roped in to helping out those school paper kids at the Halloween Scream, but, we’re here!”

Gwen had to admit that Scarlett had gone all-out for the occasion (something made all the easier by her parents being out of town), with the party’s interior being lit by a number of blacklights, more Halloween decorations translating the darkened cemetery from outside to inside, and one of the tech geeks from school working a DJ table to keep the seasonal tunes flowing. The house seemed packed with almost everyone who was anyone at Regan Hills High wearing their most revealing and elaborate costumes, dancing, making out, getting drunk and high…

Fuck, this was gonna be an awesome night.

“Got snacks and drinks in the kitchen, games going on in the rec room, dancing wherever, y’all know where the bathrooms are, have fun and don’t fuck my house up, alright?” Scarlett declared, raising her high voice over the music. “Hey everyone, the cheerleaders are FUCKING HERE!”

A cheer went up around the party, and for the briefest moment, Gwen basked in the attention, loving the feel of all the eyes on her, even if most of those eyes were peeking out from behind Halloween masks. Still, their introduction was brief, and soon Jade and Sasha filtered into the crowd looking for drinks and excitement.

Gwen sought to join them, but was stopped in place when Scarlett grabbed her by the elbow.

Before Gwen could say anything, Scarlett explained, “Look, Gwen, you love to party, I love to party, I think we get each other more than most, so I’ll be real with you. I fucking love Halloween, and I put a lot of work into this party, and I don’t want it ending in a fight, alright?”

“Why would it end in a fight?” Gwen asked, knowing full-well that she’d been in at least three fights at Scarlett’s parties in the past, and that she was lucky that Scarlett still invited her.

“I know there’s some bad blood between you girls and the color guard, and they’re here in force tonight. They’re my friends, and I told them to be on their best behavior, so now I’m telling you to be on yours, alright. I don’t want you and Daphne starting anything again…” Scarlett continued.

Regan Hills High School’s cheerleading squad and color guard had always been natural rivals, but that rivalry had only seemed to increase when Daphne O’Connell, the bitchiest of bitchy redheads in the world, had taken over as team captain for senior year. As arrogantly bitchy as she was leggy, stacked and gorgeous, Daphne was a particular pain in the ass for most of the cheerleaders in general, and Gwen specifically, because she wasn’t willing to take that redhead’s shit. They’d had their share of arguments in the past, but hadn’t had the chance to throw down just yet… but the night was young.

Still, since she liked Scarlett, Gwen said, “I won’t start nothing if she won’t start anything.”

Smiling nervously, Scarlett replied, “I’ll hold you to that.”

Gwen smiled politely, knowing full well that neither of them actually believed that Gwen wouldn’t start something with Daphne if the opportunity arose. Still, she couldn’t see the red-haired color guard captain, and there was every chance their paths wouldn’t cross in a party this packed.

Especially if Gwen were adequately distracted.

Turning her attention to Scarlett one last time, Gwen asked, “Hey, do you know where I can find Jason Torrance?”


It was probably for the best that Gwen couldn’t find Jason that quickly, because she certainly wouldn’t have liked what she saw, as he was parked in a plush chair off to the corner of the party with a half-naked girl sitting in his lap. Now, Gwen wasn’t naïve enough to that this alone would bring out the petty jealousy in her, no, she was under no illusions that he wouldn’t be doing something like this. After all, the guy was six feet of track star deliciousness, tightly muscled and painfully handsome, and thoroughly cocky and arrogant in all the best ways. He was renowned for his charms as a ladies’ man, and it wouldn’t have surprised Gwen to find him with one slut or another that she would soon quickly replace.

No, she wouldn’t have been shocked to see him making out with any random slut… but the girl sitting in his lap wasn’t just *any* random slut, no…

The girl sitting in his lap with her tongue buried down his throat was none other than Daphne O’Connell.

At 5’10”, Daphne was a statuesque stunner, and knew it. Her pale and lean body had been toned by years of dance until she was as flexible as she was strong, making her quite used to having her long, shapely legs bent in all sorts of interesting positions. Dance had also given her a remarkably round, tight ass that offset her impressive D-cup breasts, and while her body alone would have turned pretty much any head, it was her face that could equally captivate and intimidate most guys and girls. Surrounded by long, fiery red hair that was nearly equal parts wavy and curly, she had the narrow, sharp face of a model, with big blue eyes and full, pouty lips. As cunning and bitchy as she was beautiful, she was a force to be reckoned with around Regan Hills High School, and someone you’d be best not to fuck with if you wanted to come out of a conflict in one piece.

She had dressed for Halloween in her most revealing costume, a short, airy white dress that was easy to sneak your hand up while still showing off a ton of her gorgeous cleavage and a pair of matching white high heels that let her tower over even Jason, all of these elements complimented by a clip-on halo and set of wings that easily made her the sexiest angel in town.

What she was doing with Jason wasn’t terribly angelic, though. The six-foot-tall athlete with the close-cropped brown hair had his arms wrapped tightly around Daphne, one hand squeezing her breasts while another was up under her short skirt and groping her ass, while she ground against his cock. It wasn’t nearly as comfortable for her, given his jeans and letterman’s jacket weren’t the most comfortable to cuddle up against, but she’d at least gotten him to remove his tacky as fuck werewolf mask so they could make out.

Groaning softly, Jason broke the kiss, smirking cockily at her. “So, I take it that’s a ‘yes’ to my question?”

Horny, and not wanting to talk any more than she had to, Daphne replied, “What question was that, and why the fuck would you want to ask it if we could be making out?”

He chuckled. “Well aren’t you a touchy little slut… I was just asking if you were having a fun time at the party. Because I know *I’m* having a fun time, and it seems like you *might* be having fun too.”

Daphne rolled her big blue eyes at him. “I think it’s pretty fucking clear that I’m having a *great* time, now shut up and fucking kiss me.”

She leaned in to continue making out, only for Jason to force some slight distance, tut-tutting her like he’d just corrected her on some class assignment.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, come on, slow down a little…” Jason replied, squeezing one of her breasts a little more firmly. “There’s no rush, yet. Haven’t you heard that good things come to those who wait?”

She grumbled in annoyance, forcing herself to look at how handsome he was to better remind herself of why she was doing this. Jason was one of the better looking guys at school, even if he was kind of a douchebag, and rumors that he had a pretty big cock were confirmed to Daphne as she sat in his lap. Being that she was pretty fucking horny, and not wanting to let anything get in the way of that tonight, she wasn’t feeling particularly patient.

“And haven’t you heard of having a stacked, and horny as *fuck*, ginger bitch in your lap who’d be happy to take your hard fucking cock in every one of her holes? Why the fuck would you wait on that?” Daphne replied, her voice equal parts angry and sultry.

Jason nodded, moderately convinced. “Alright… you make a good argument.”

“I know I make a good fucking argument, but what are *you* gonna do about it?” she asked.

He sat there for a moment, running a finger along his chin in a mockery of thoughtfulness that made Daphne’s blood boil. In her eyes, Jason was a fucking fool for not throwing her down on the floor and having his way with her here, but understanding that that wouldn’t exactly be proper, even at a Halloween party in Regan Hills, she still wondered why he hadn’t suggested going to one of the many guest bedrooms of Scarlett’s house.

Sighing pleasantly, Jason grinned wolfishly at her. “Believe me, I do want you, but I’m not ready quite yet… I still wanna party with the boys some before I want to spend my time nailing you, because I like to take my time with that, and when we do get down to it, I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to properly walk. Trust me, the wait’ll be worth it.”

Grumbling, but getting excited at his promise, Daphne replied, “How much of a wait?”

“Well…” he replied, stroking his chin again, “…I could use another drink, maybe two, and I wanna hang with my bros for a while. You know, they’re pretty hopeless without a strong leader like me telling them how to have a good time, what girls to hit on, what trouble to get up to… find me in fifteen-twenty?”

This wasn’t the timeline that Daphne would have wanted, but it wasn’t completely objectionable either. “Fine, I can wait. A *little*. But keep me waiting too long, and I might get swept away by some better cock or pussy, there seems to be plenty to go around at this party. Might even steal some of your ‘boys’ away from you.”

She thought it was a pretty good challenge, but he was quick to retort, “Yeah, but you’re not gonna find any cock as good as mine, and you fucking know it… *slut*.”

Daphne crinkled up her nose in annoyance at this particular boast (mostly because he might’ve been right right), but couldn’t come up with an adequate counter as he soon made his way to stand. She hopped out of his lap, while Jason stood up to meet her, holding her close as he pulled her in for a deep, lingering kiss.

“I’ll be right back,” he replied, disappearing into the dancing crowd and leaving her standing, thoroughly hot and bothered. With her exposed skin flush from lust, her nipples obviously standing out underneath her thin dress and her tiny, barely-there thong feeling utterly soaked through, she was thoroughly hot and bothered and angry.

Why the fuck would Jason turn her down when she was like this? She was easily the hottest bitch at the party, she knew it, he knew it, pretty much everyone fucking here had to know it, why the fuck…

It was a game to him. Daphne knew this, and had been warned about him by pretty much every other girl who’d ever been with him, but she thought she could control him. Fine, if that wasn’t possible, she could have her own fun far away from him. It would take a little doing, but she knew exactly the people who could brighten her spirits ever so slightly.

Or who it might be fun to punish.

She quickly found the three other girls who she’d come to the party with in their own little group near the bubbling cauldron punch bowl, all of them from her color guard squad, and all of them looking nearly as delicious as Daphne herself felt, though still not as hot as she was.

Well, in her eyes at least.

Tall and bimboesque Asian beauty Mikayla Matsumoto made up for her somewhat lacking intelligence with sweetness and some insane curves, with a jutting rack and huge ass, both of which were accentuated by her ghostly bride costume. Slender, prim and proper black girl Lexa Reynard normally had an air of preppy polish to her, which made her sexy zombie costume with all of its strategic rips all the more exciting tonight. Rounding out their trio was Cecilia Dunwich, easily the most beautiful of the three in her unique, casual way. The lighter skinned black girl had her long, dyed-blonde hair tied back in a mismatched set of braids tonight, while she wore only a pair of booty shorts that perfectly showed off her long legs and a cut-off t-shirt that simply said “THIS IS MY HALLOWEEN COSTUME.”

These three girls should have been getting all the fucking attention at this party, and it seemed almost as much a fucking crime that they were unaccompanied as it was that Jason had decided not to fuck Daphne right away.

“Hey, Daphne,” Cecilia said, amused as she got a look at her redheaded friend. “So, Jason ditched you?”

“He didn’t ditch me… he just needs a break before we get to the main event,” Daphne replied.

“Ooh, main event? You’re gonna have sex?” Mikayla replied, her eyes as wide as her voice was high and ditzy.

“Yes, we’re having sex,” Daphne explained.

Mikayla squealed and clapped her hands excitedly at this information, though the response from the other girls was considerably more muted.

“And yet, you’re still mad at him,” Lexa mused. “Ah, the mysterious nature of love.”

“I didn’t say it was love, I said we were going to fuck. There’s a big difference,” Daphne explained.

“Ugh, I just hate it soooooo much when guys play hard to get like that,” Mikayla complained. “It should just be easy, walk up, ask ‘em if they wanna see your boobs and put their dick in you… it shouldn’t be so hard!”

“Some of ‘em love to play the game. I respect that. If you’ve got worth, no problem with leveraging that to whatever fits your desires,” Lexa continued.

Daphne loved playing games as much as anyone else, but tonight wasn’t one of those nights. More than anything, she was looking to get laid, preferably by Jason Torrance, but if she had to go that extra mile and find someone else, she’d be happy to rock some other lucky bastard’s world.

As ever in situations like this, Cecilia was there to act as a calming influence, chuckling softly as she sought to calm her riled friend.

“Now, I don’t wanna police how you’re supposed to enjoy tonight, but do I have to remind you that it’s Halloween? A night for frights and sexy costumes where we tell all this angry stress shit that it can wait until tomorrow?” Cecilia replied, stubbing out the tail end of a joint she’d just finished. “And, incidentally everyone, Happy Halloween, of course.”

She raised her glass of punch, to be joined in a playful toast by Mikayla and Lexa. While Daphne didn’t necessarily feel *that* much better, she was slightly calmer.

“Happy Halloween,” Daphne said curtly, grabbing a cup of punch and downing it quickly. It was almost more liquor than it was punch, but it was good and strong.

Sensing a change on the breeze, Lexa tried to change the subject.

“You did miss some fun,” she piped in, looking around the party a little hopelessly before she turned her attention back to Daphne. “Cheer sluts arrived a few minutes ago.”

This prickled more anger in the hairs on the back of Daphne’s neck. It wasn’t like she didn’t expect there to be any cheerleaders here, since, well, the cheerleaders thought themselves the fucking queens of Regan Hills High School, and Scarlett didn’t have the decent sense about her (okay, fine, she was just too nice) to kick them out, but that didn’t mean Daphne actually *wanted* to see them here tonight. She was too used to having the cheerleaders talking shit about her and the rest of the color guard like they were a second-class spirit group, when Daphne firmly believed the opposite to be true. As team captain, she was as protective of her girls from any outside threats as she was hard on them in practice.

Eyes narrowing, Daphne asked, “Who decided to show their fucking faces?”

“Few of the usual suspects, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Lexa continued. “Most of the bigger bitches are working some carnival booth or haunted house or whatever at the Halloween Scream, but I saw Sasha, Jade, and Gwen.”

Gwen Savage. The name sounded disgusting even rolling through Daphne’s mind. There were a few girls on the cheer squad she hated above the others, and Gwen certainly earned one of those top spots for Daphne’s ire. They’d come near to fighting in the past, but something had always come up to prevent them from actually throwing down. Maybe something would change tonight…

Or maybe the party was too packed for them to even cross paths. Daphne wasn’t sure what she wanted more, a fight, or the kind of fun evening that Cecilia would certainly encourage.

She shook her head of vibrant red curls, annoyed. She’d be better off focusing on Jason and not giving a shit about what those stupid fucking cheer sluts were up to.

“So, I’m still kinda pissed at Jason and want to make him fucking jealous, show him what he’s missing out on. Anyone want to make out?” Daphne suggested.

Lexa, Mikayla and Cecilia all considered this. All of them had made out with each other, and other girls on the squad plenty, with more than a few of them having actually fucked at least once at one party or sleepover or another, but doing it out of vengeance like this was a little less common a reason to make out than usual.

Nevertheless, never one to back down from a challenge, Cecilia replied with her usual calm confidence, “Fuck it. Let’s do it.”

Forcefully, Daphne pulled her friend in, enjoying the feeling of Cecilia’s D-cup breasts pressing into her as she pulled her in for a kiss. While Cecilia may have tasted a little more like weed than Daphne would have liked, she was as perfect a kisser as ever. Cecilia’s relaxed confidence was matched by the softness of her lips, and that strong yet gentle feeling of her hands wrapping around Daphne as she grabbed hold of the redhead’s ass. It was a hot kiss, hot and wet and full of promise and raw sexuality that actually managed to excite Daphne again in a way she hadn’t expected. Fuck, if she wasn’t trying to impress or annoy Jason, she’d have easily taken Cecilia off somewhere private and fucked her into oblivion, but this was pretty nice for now…

There were cheers from the party, and even the flashes of a few cameras as they snapped pictures of Daphne and Cecilia making out. Well, Daphne was never one to avoid putting on a good show, and Cecilia was more than game, running her hands up and down Daphne’s body, exploring and moaning as the two of them went at it, gently grinding her groin against Daphne’s leg. The bitchy redhead, more than she wanted to admit, was really starting to get into this, and even get distracted away from whatever anger and annoyance had held her moments before.

Playfully defiant, she held up one of her hands and flashed a middle finger at the people taking pictures, before going back and sliding that hand between a very enthusiastic Cecilia’s legs. Her enthusiastic friend let Daphne take charge, something the redhead took great pleasure in in the moment, almost enough to forget what had brought her to this point in the first place.

Still, even with this delicious distraction, she sincerely hoped that Jason would notice the two of them sooner or later and find reason to say to hell with his boys and grab her and take her away to get fucked every bit as hard as she could take, and she knew he could deliver.

Had she seen how Jason was soon to be intercepted, Daphne probably would have never allowed him to leave her sight.


It took Gwen longer to find Jason than she would have liked. She knew that he was going to be here with a bunch of his dudebro jock friends, and yet with a party this packed in a house this big, it took a few minutes to dial in on just where the hell they were, and that was only after she asked her friend Tommy, who was killing it with his cosplay game tonight, where they were.

After discovering that they’d parked themselves by the beer pong table near the edge of where everyone was dancing, she’d started to curse herself for not starting there first, as it was more or less where guys like that tended to park themselves during these kinds of parties. They were nine of them all told, most of them wearing costumes that consisted of little more than their street clothes, letterman jackets, and pull-over masks they’d clearly gotten from a Spirit Halloween store (save for the one guy who wore a paper bag with a couple of eyeholes cut in it instead of a mask). The only one who didn’t seem to get the memo that there was a dress code was big and black and unbelievably handsome Peter Nixon, who wore a fur-lined trench coat and a large hook in place of one of his hands, who made a pretty good Candyman, all told.

With the guys looking as anonymous as they did in their masks, it would have been easy to make a mistake as to who was who, but a little asking around confirmed that Jason was the one in the mix wearing the werewolf mask. Moistening her lips and hiking up her breasts to make them look extra sweet, Gwen made her approach to Jason.

Sliding in beside him as he watched a couple of his bros playing beer pong, Gwen took on her sweetest tone and said, “Why, Mr. Big Bad Wolf, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’ve been avoiding me this evening…”

Slowly, the horrible, elongated face of that terrifyingly ugly werewolf mask turned to face her. Gwen couldn’t see where his eyes were meant to be, making it all the more creepy to look up at him.

“I’m not the Big Bad Wolf,” he growled back, clearly Jason’s voice.

It also sounded like he was more than a few drinks in, but that was something that Gwen could still work with.

“Oh?” she teased back, gently running her hand over the arm of his jacket. “Then who would you be?”

“When I bought the mask, the label attached to it said its name was… Peachfuzz,” Jason replied, still growly, but unable to hide the amusement from his voice.

Gwen was more annoyed than excited by this, but if she wanted to seduce a guy this many drinks in, she knew that she needed at least a little patience. “Well that’s a strange fucking name for a wolfman.”

“Kinda what I thought, but, what’re you gonna do?” he replied, tilting his mask up and down as he looked her over. “Whoever I’m supposed to be, you look good enough to eat tonight.”

“That a promise? Or just something you tell all the sluts partying here?” Gwen teased, stepping away from the table and leading him over to the dancefloor.

Jason eyed her for a moment before following, clearly wanting to stay close to her. “Can’t it be both?”

Jason hardly had the reputation of a guy who was into going down on girls, so she knew that was a lie, but with this chase having gone on for so long, Gwen smiled, moving in time with the music as she began dancing, showing off the goods in the hopes of impressing him further. She already knew that he was interested, but she was willing to do what it took to seal the deal.

Considering that Jason began to dance with her, trying to get nice and close to her, it seemed like things were off to a good start.

“So, there have been other sluts tonight?” she teased, smiling seductively.

“Maybe,” he admitted. “Ah, who am I kidding, of course there are. They can’t get enough of me.”

“Or you surround yourself with them,” Gwen replied. “But I understand why you’d do that. We *are* more fun, aren’t we?”

“Always,” Jason laughed, pushing himself nice and close to her, wrapping his arms around her as he got a good feel for her body.

Gwen hissed at his pleasurable touch, enjoying how he took advantage of what her hooded cloak covered as her reached down to squeeze her ass.

“I like girls who know what they want, and don’t want to play fucking games… don’t get me wrong, the chase can be fun sometimes, but most of the time, I’m a man who likes things direct,” Jason explained.

Now, this was the kind of opportunity that Gwen would have taken to kiss him, and then kiss him some more, and then keep kissing him while they grabbed and groped at each other until they could find another room, but that did lead to some challenges when he was wearing a mask, and was at least a foot taller than her, and she didn’t want to look like an idiot pulling it off the wrong way.

Still, there were other ways to be direct that she thought he would appreciate.

Grinning seductively, Gwen reached forward and began to rub his cock through his jeans, finding him already enjoyably hard.

“How’s that for direct?” she challenged.

Jason nodded his big, wolfy head down at her, squeezing her ass even more obviously. “Better than some girls here, not as better as some. Almost better enough to pull me away from my boys for good; you really know how to tempt a guy.”

She rolled her eyes, keeping it nice and obvious so he couldn’t miss how he was fucking up his priorities. “Seriously? You’ve got a hot piece of ass in front of you, one who will do fucking *anything*, and all you can think about is your boys?”

He chuckled, playfully swatting her ass. “What can I say? Halloween’s a big night, and this is probably the last one we’re all gonna get together. I’m not just gonna abandon my boys, even if it is for a piece of ass as top shelf as yours. I can’t miss out on that time with them, but if you want to do something quick…”

Gwen didn’t want to do something quick. She had been wanting to fuck Jason Torrance for a long time, and now that the opportunity was this close, there was no way that she was going to let it slip through his fingers.

Gwen thought back to her earlier boast, and then on the kinds of guys that Jason usually surrounded himself by. He surrounded himself by some good-looking guys, maybe not all that smart (even compared to her), but on average pretty hot. Thinking hard on this before coming to a fateful decision, she rubbed his cock a little more eagerly through his jeans before grinning up at Jason.

“Well, if spending quality time with them is soooooooo important to you, why don’t you invite them up with us? Everyone’s always telling me I’m a ‘people pleaser’,” Gwen said.

She hoped laying on the seductive tone as thick as she had would help disguise the fact that nobody would ever accuse her of being a ‘people pleaser’. The fact that Jason stopped dead in his tracks, even his groping, seemed to indicate that she’d played her cards well.

Cocking his head, Jason asked, “Seriously?”

“Uh huh!” Gwen emphasized, reaching for his fly and pulling the zipper down. Soon she snaked her hand inside, squeezing and rubbing his erection through his boxer shorts while he slowly thrust against her.

“Fuck… you really are a dirty slut, aren’t you?” he groaned.

“Uh huh,” she replied, her tone darker as she continued to rub him. “A dirty slut who’ll do fucking anything and everything, just name a time and a place…”

Playfully, Jason growled a little before responding, “You know, my friends can be pretty demanding.”

“I’ve been with demanding guys before,” Gwen replied, stroking him more swiftly.

“And when they’re excited, they can get a little… *rough*,” he continued.

“Is that a promise?” she said, smiling up at him.

“It was meant more as a warning, but it’s also a promise,” Jason said.

“Good thing I like it rough,” Gwen boasted, stroking him harder. “And will you be rough with me too?”

He groaned. “Only if you make me.”

“I’d make you,” she shot back quickly. “I *want* to make you.”

Jason looked down at her, groaning as she continued stroking his cock and dancing up against him. Gwen found his indecision, for once, enticing and promising, and even the fact that “Monster Mash” began playing in the background did little to distract her from what was turning into a very promising evening.

“You know, when I came here tonight, I thought I’d spend it playing the field… talking a big game without making any actual promises, waiting to see when the best offer came along before committing to anything. I thought I could play the whole night like this before I made my decision, ending everything on a bang for one hell of a Happy Halloween, and then you come along. You had to fucking come along and blow all those other sluts out of the goddamn water,” he chuckled, shaking his head.

“Never doubt a fucking cheerleader,” Jason finished.

“You’re right about that,” Gwen replied, shooting him a cocky, victorious grin. “Alright… so, time and place?”

He nodded, thinking. “I’ll need a few minutes to rally the troops, but upstairs, guest bedroom on the left at the end of the hallway, you know the one?”

“I know the one,” she confirmed.

“Good. I planned for something like this and put a sign up that it was off-limits, so it should be clear for us to fuck in,” Jason explained, reaching down to squeeze her ass lecherously as he dropped his voice into something dark and thoroughly exciting. “I’ll get the boys together, and then we’ll make sure you get everything you fucking deserve.”

Gwen quivered at the thought, her body breaking out in gooseflesh and her nipples feeling particularly hard at the thought. The moisture between her legs had increased impressively over the course of this conversation, and she was looking forward to finally doing something about it. If he didn’t need to pull things together, she would have dragged him off here and now, but-


Gwen was faintly aware of the presence storming across the dance floor toward them, but that awareness became sharp and clear the moment she was grabbed by the shoulders and yanked roughly away from Jason.

Looking up at the redheaded fury towering over her, Gwen could only smirk up at her.

“’sup, Daphne? Something the matter?” Gwen teased.

Though she was dressed like a slutty little angel, Daphne looked like she was ready to breathe hellfire and utterly annihilate the blonde in the Little Red Riding Hood costume. Filtering through the crowd were Daphne’s concerned-looking friends from color guard, Mikayla, Cecilia and Lexa, making Gwen feel suddenly surrounded. If these bitches wanted a fight, she’d happily give it to them, but that didn’t mean she still wouldn’t have liked better odds.

“Yeah… you’re making a move on Jason all because you saw him and me making out? Are you really that much of a petty fucking *cunt*?” the redhead spat, looking like she was two steps away from throwing down with Gwen.

As a matter of fact, Gwen hadn’t known that Jason had been making out with Daphne earlier. She looked up at him, only to get his shrug. She couldn’t blame him, really, he was a little drunk, and he was trying to tap some ass, and there was worse ass that could be tapped at this party than Daphne O’Connell, but that didn’t mean that Gwen was willing to admit any of that out loud.

A small crowd had begun to gather around them to see if this would develop into a good cat fight, with Jason pulling off to the edge toward his friends, while a handful of people pulled out their phones to see how fun this would get. Knowing that she had an audience, Gwen knew that she had her reputation to keep up, and there was no way she could let Daphne get the last word.

“Hey, if you’d kept a better eye on him, maybe he wouldn’t have come to me. Snooze ya lose, ya dumb bitch,” Gwen taunted.

Daphne snarled, “I thought he’d have at least some better taste than scraping the bottom of the barrel for some little white trash, dumbass *bimbo* like you, but alcohol can make you a fucking dumbass sometimes.”

Now, there were only a few things that would send Gwen into an instant fighting frenzy, but being called white trash was easily one of them. Eyes blazing, she looked from one side to the other, looking for anything she could use as a weapon, a jack-o-lantern perhaps, maybe a decorative broom…

Fuck it, she figured. If she was going to throw herself at Daphne, fingernails would get the job fucking done.

She took a step toward the tall, gorgeous redhead in the angel costume, only to have another redhead dive in front of her, hands held out between the two of them.

“Hey, hey, guys, come on, it’s Halloween! Do we really need to be doing all this stupid shit, that can *so* wait until we get back to school, when we’re having a really kickass party?” Sasha pleaded, smiling her goofy, friendly smile in the hopes that it would throw them off just long enough to cool down.

Gwen and Daphne, however, were not in a position to be cooled off, throwing themselves at each other and pushing Sasha out of the way. The redhead in the mermaid costume fell on her butt, hard, yowling in pain while Gwen and Daphne tried to attack one another.

“What the fuck!” Sasha complained.

Unaware of her friend’s plight, Gwen made to give something for Daphne to remember her by as she aimed to rake her fingernails across the color guard captain’s pretty cheek.

Before she could, however, a pair of arms wrapped around Gwen’s chest, pulling her back.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough of that,” Jade said, before lowering her voice to a whisper in Gwen’s ear. “Are you *trying* to get us all kicked out?”

Gwen still flailed her arms on the chance that Daphne might still try to get a clumsy attack in as well, only to find that Daphne was being restrained and pulled back in much the same fashion by Mikayla and Lexa. Daphne put up considerably more of a fight, which Gwen couldn’t be outdone on, so she thrashed and cursed and tried to get to her. At this point it was a show as much as anything else, to help keep up her reputation, while Jade held Gwen back with a practiced patience.

Gwen couldn’t help but notice that Jason and his boys were standing back, watching and laughing at this with some amusement, and while that *did* annoy her, she was glad that the audience seemed appreciative.

But all good things had to come to an end, and soon Scarlett stormed between them, blasting an air horn over her head.

“Alright, everyone! People! Friends! Color guard and cheerleaders! Listen up!” Scarlett declared with casual authority and quick-worded confidence. “I know we’re all having a good time here, but there is such a thing as *too* good a time. Keep the fighting up and I’ll have you out on the lawn. I don’t want that, you don’t want that… now I’m not gonna ask you bitches to kiss and make up, because I know that’s not gonna happen, but either stay the fuck away from each other, or take it outside, aight?”

Gwen finally wrestled herself free of Jade and said, “Alright, alright, even if that dumb whore can’t be big, I can be. This is a party after all, right?”

Gwen looked to Jason and his friends with seductive eyes, before her gaze turned steelier as she directed it to Daphne. The tall, busty redhead as staring daggers at the shorter, blonde cheerleader, but she made no effort to keep the fight going. Her friends guided her away, but that murderous gaze in Daphne’s eyes couldn’t be ignored.

This fight wasn’t over, merely… postponed.

Gwen was fine with that.

Soon, she became more aware of the world around her as Daphne’s threat faded away, watching as Peter reached out his non-hook hand to help Sasha off the ground.

“You alright there?” he asked her.

Accepting his hand, and looking up at him with slightly dreamy eyes as he helped her to her feet, Sasha replied, “I’m fine… I’ll be even better if you dance with me, I think…”

Considering the willowy redhead he’d aided, Peter grinned his sweet, gorgeous smile and replied, “I’m down for that.”

While Sasha might have been staring daggers at Gwen as she was being helped to her feet, Gwen couldn’t help but feel proud of her friend. Even after getting tossed onto her ass, Sasha had it in her to make a move on Peter Nixon, one of the hottest guys in school. All she had to do was keep putting on the charm, and she had no doubt that Sasha and Peter were gonna fuck later… good for them.

“Seriously, Gwen, what the fuck?” Jade said, shaking Gwen by the shoulder. “You’ve been talking about this party all week, and now you’re gonna try and get yourself thrown out? That’s fucking stupid.”

“Fucking brilliant is more like it,” Gwen replied, smiling up at her friend and hugging her. “Made Daphne look like a stupid, jealous fucking bitch, while I’m gonna go get gangbanged by Jason and his friends. *Great* fucking night for me. You want in on it? It’s a lot of guys, I could sure as shit use an extra set of holes.”

Now, Jade was as open-minded a cheer slut as any other girl on the squad, and even though she looked utterly disgusted with Gwen, the blonde knew that her friend was certainly tempted. That would explain well why she hesitated before finally shaking her head.

“I love ya, Gwen, but you can be a real fucking cunt sometimes. You’re on your own, and if you get into trouble again, I’m not gonna bail you out this time. You can get kicked out on your own,” Jade said, turning her back on her friend and melting into the party.

While she might have to pay for this tomorrow, and kiss Jade’s butt (possibly literally) if she wanted things to carry on like they usually did, for the moment, Gwen couldn’t have cared less. Though Daphne was a speed bump she could have done without, Gwen hadn’t felt this turned on, or *alive*, in a very long time. There was nothing quite like a fight, or sex, to get her motor truly running, and combining those two things like this… fuck, she was horny. She’d probably have to find some way of thanking Daphne later if this all shook out well, you know, assuming she’d ever have it in her to thank Daphne for anything.

Licking her lips and grinning devilishly, Gwen looked to where Jason and his boys had been, and found them tantalizingly missing. No doubt they were looking for one last round of refreshments before the fun truly began, plenty of time for Gwen get a little preparation in herself.

And then… then the *real* party could begin.


If Daphne were capable of breathing fire, by this point, she’d have burned the entire house down. Her rage had been held back by her friends, but it could not be contained… no, it could *never* be contained, not when she’d gone this far.

Gwen Savage had to pay, that much was clear, but the when and the how of it were something Daphne still didn’t know. Perhaps waiting until they got back to school would be best, find some way of properly publicly humiliating her… but a person had to have shame to be humiliated, and the fiery redhead had her doubts that that white trash little blonde had anything that even resembled shame.

No, it had to be tonight… it had to be vicious, and sudden, and conclusive. The bitch had to be put in her place.

Pounding down another glass of punch that was probably more alcohol than punch at this point, Daphne steeled her resolve.

“I’m gonna do it,” Daphne said.

Sighing, Lexa replied, “Please don’t do it.”

“You don’t have to be an accessory. I’ll do this myself; I don’t need other people to fight my battles like those cheer bitches do,” Daphne said.

Lexa sighed, putting a hand on her friend’s shoulder in the hopes of calming her. “I wasn’t expecting to be an accessory, but has it occurred to you that I, and all of us who call ourselves your *friends*, might be concerned for you, and might even, dare I say, have your best interests at heart? Picking a fight, or finishing a fight, however you want to look at it, is only going to put a sour taste on what has been, until this point, an awesome Halloween party. The last one we’ll ever have this year. Wouldn’t you rather make some good memories here with your friends, have fun, party ‘til fucking *dawn*, instead of starting a petty, stupid fight that’ll get you kicked out of here over a guy you don’t even like all that much?”

Daphne considered making her feelings for Jason Torrance quite clear to Lexa, but had to stop herself when she realized that her friend was right. She didn’t really like Jason all that much, nor did she dislike him, really. He was pretty hot, and he was fun to make out with, and she really wanted to feel how big his dick was… but in the end, yeah, he really wasn’t that important to her.

Craning her neck, Daphne finally spied Gwen through the crowd, making her way upstairs and looking like she was up to absolutely no good.

Shrugging off Lexa’s hand, Daphne said, “In the end, it doesn’t matter what my feelings for Jason are. It’s the principle of the matter, and that little bitch needs to know that I’m not to be fucked with. That *we’re* not to be fucked with. All those cheer bitches think that just because we got into color guard and spin flags while they toss their little pom-poms that they’re better than us, and that we’re just failures who couldn’t make it the way they could. I’m sick and fucking tired of that fucking treatment, and I’m not taking it anymore.”

Lexa sighed. “I’m still pretty sure this is about you wanting some dick… but do what you have to do. If you need an alibi, text me.”

Grinning wildly, Daphne pulled Lexa in for a quick kiss and said, “I will. Thanks!”

At that, Daphne stormed off in the direction she’d seen Gwen disappear in, storming upstairs in her general direction.

Though according to Scarlett, upstairs was supposed to be off-limits, the fact that the decorations and dim lighting translated from downstairs indicated she meant that more as something she was supposed to say on her parents’ behalf, while fully expecting her friends to take advantage of the entire house. Several doors were already closed, sounds of moans and ecstasy coming from within. None of them had that whiny little bitch sound that would indicate Gwen was inside, not that she had time to get anything started yet, but where was she?

And then Daphne saw it, a door at the end of the hallway that was neither open, nor closed. Pale purple and orange light spilled through the crack, while a cheery plastic ghost hung on it, fluttering lightly from the air pressure inside. It wasn’t the best evidence that Daphne could have gone on, but she felt almost certain that Gwen had to be inside. She’d set up some slutty little rendezvous with Jason, or some other guy, and was just in there waiting for them… well, Daphne was happy to give the little bitch a piece of her mind before any kind of fun like that could be had.

Slowly, she crept up to the door and peered through the crack. Purple light bulbs gave the room a unique glow, while several lit jack-o-lanterns provided that orange lit, Halloween vibe. With cheesy paper bats hanging from the ceilings, fake cobwebs across most of the surfaces, and a plastic skeleton sitting in one corner chair, it looked like Scarlett had gone all out on making this room a Halloween haven, or at least the world’s cheesiest-looking sex den.

And there she was, standing in the middle of the room, her back to Daphne, still wearing her red hooded cloak. Fuck, Daphne’s blood was up… she grinned to herself with an almost maniacal delight, ready to charge in and give Gwen exactly what she deserved.

Pulling the door open, Daphne stepped inside, then slammed it behind her, causing Gwen to startle and turn around.

Gwen turned around, shouting, “What the fu-“

Of course, before she could finish, she had fully revealed herself to Daphne, causing even the redheaded stunner to pause.

Seeing Gwen topless had a way of doing that to people.

She had removed the corset of her costume in an effort to impress the hell out of Jason, or whoever she’d encouraged up here, leaving her standing wearing only her crimson cloak and short red skirt, and stood there looking at Daphne with slack-jawed shock on her face. Daphne’s eyes fell to the blonde’s tits, and… well, even she couldn’t deny that they were pretty fucking great. As a girl who found herself equally attracted to men and women, Daphne could easily appreciate the round swell of Gwen’s full D-cup breasts, her nipples already firm and excited. If it were any other girl, Daphne might have had some very different ideas on how to approach the next part of this evening, but as her anger had never left her, she found it easy to guide what came next.

As she approached Gwen, the blonde reached up to cover her bare breasts with both hands. “What the fuck, Daphne?!?! Get the fuck out of here!”

Using both of her hands to cover her breasts was a mistake, as that made it all too easy for Daphne to haul back and slap Gwen across the cheek.


The sharp, impacting sound echoed through the room as Gwen took the impact roughly, yowling and cursing as she then rounded on Daphne, now no longer concerned with keeping her perfect rack covered.

“What. The. FUCK?!?!?” Gwen roared, rounding on Daphne and moving to slap her.

Laughing, the redhead dodged out of the way. “Oh, please… you’ll have to try harder than that.”

Daphne was taller than Gwen, which made it easier to get out of her range more easily. However, Gwen could more than make up for this disadvantage by being scrappier, and far more willing to go in for a low blow. When her first slap missed Daphne’s face by a mile, she quickly whirled around and landed a hard one on the redhead’s ass.


Daphne looked at her, dumbfounded. “Did you just spank me?”

“Fight like a bitch, get treated like a bitch,” Gwen snarled, throwing herself at the redhead.

Again, Daphne dodged out of the way, sticking her foot out and tripping Gwen over it. Yelping in surprise, the blonde tripped and fell against the bed, a position that Daphne was all too happy to take advantage of. Pinning Gwen down with one hand, Daphne pulled her hand back and began to spank the blonde savagely through her cloak.


“Two can play that game…” Daphne gloated as she continued to spank Gwen harder.


Groaning and yowling in pain, Gwen shot back, “You do that like you think I wouldn’t like it…”

That was enough to throw Daphne’s concentration off for just a moment as she asked, “Wha-“

A moment was all Gwen needed, kicking out and hitting Daphne in the shin.

“FUCK!” Daphne cried out, stepping backwards slightly, dodging one of Gwen’s clumsy mule kicks backwards.

She didn’t dodge the second, however, as Gwen’s foot caught Daphne in the side of her stomach, knocking the wind out of her and knocking her sideways. The redheaded beauty fell to her knees on the floor.

This gave Gwen the chance to hop up from the bed, as she grabbed at Daphne’s costume, tearing off her halo and wings.

“Stupid fucking costume!” she yowled, grabbing Daphne by the hair and yanking hard. “Stupid fucking dress!”

With that, she ripped at the fabric of Daphne’s white dress and spilling the redhead’s own immaculate D-cup breasts out. Had she been more aware of such things, Daphne would have understood that her nipples were rock hard right now, but with Gwen still holding tight to her hair, she had other concerns.

“Stupid fucking BITCH!!!” Gwen roared.

Retorting in kind was certainly an option, and one that Daphne had the vocabulary to do, but it wouldn’t have helped turn things in her favor. No, this required some creativity, and the kind of brute strength that Daphne could summon that Gwen couldn’t. Reaching back, she grabbed tightly to Gwen’s wrists and pulled, hard, wrestling the blonde to the ground in front of her, before Daphne tackled Gwen and tried her best to pin her down. It was something that was easier said than done, as Gwen was a wriggly and strong little spitfire, but Daphne managed to hold her down for a moment.

What to do after pinning her down, was another matter entirely, though. Daphne had put a lot of thought into what she wanted to do to make Gwen pay, but little into what her exit strategy was going to be. As strength and stamina went, it seemed the two of them were evenly matched, and if they let this go on any longer, there likely wouldn’t be *any* winner, just a whole lot of pain and suffering in which they would share. Though she wouldn’t admit Lexa was right to her face, right here, though, she had to admit that her friend had some points. Now that her blood had cooled slightly, stupid reality was returning, and with it, a desire not to waste the rest of this night.

So, while Gwen yowled and struggled and repeatedly cried out “Bitch!” and “Cunt!” and “Slut!”, among many other choice words, Daphne angled herself to keep the topless blonde pinned, and sought to end this.

“Alright! Alright! I think we can agree we fucked each other up, yeah?” Daphne grunted. “And that we didn’t solve anything. And if we keep going at it like this, nothing will change, we’ll just get more pissed and everyone will end up more hurt than we already are, and this night will end only in misery. Is that what you really want? Because I’m willing to call this fight a draw if you are. We both got our licks in and can say we got what we wanted out of each other, proved we’re bad bitches and all that and can let our friends and everyone else know that we got to fuck each other up. We call this a draw, we go our separate ways, nobody has to admit they were wrong, and we call that that, yeah?”

Panting angrily, Gwen looked up at Daphne with a furious rage in her eyes. If her eyes could actually blaze, Daphne imagined that they would melt steel. Even then, though, there was a distinct consideration in Gwen’s eyes that Daphne couldn’t ignore, and it felt like she may have gotten through to the bitchy blonde.

“You’re really calling for a truce?” Gwen panted, eyes darting around defensively.

“Fuck, no,” Daphne replied. “We both know this is going to keep going one way or another, all I’m doing is suggesting that we go back to our corners for now, and pick this up again later when we’ve both had time to recover. Nothing has to change, nothing *needs* to change, we just stop fighting for tonight.”

Gwen thought about this. “I don’t like this.”

“I don’t like it, either. It’s a lot easier to stay pissed at you and want to fuck you up, but here we are. It’s a lot less fun fighting in costume than I’d have expected, and we *are* missing the party,” Daphne replied.

“Yeah,” Gwen admitted, nodding slightly. “You’re right about the costumes.”

“Thanks,” Daphne replied. “And you looked really fucking good in yours.”

This was hard for Daphne to admit, but it was true, and she was hoping that it might buy her a little credit with Gwen toward ending the fight. The blonde looked up at her with some consideration and expectation, before her eyes went to Daphne’s exposed breasts hanging above her.

“You too,” Gwen admitted, grumbling. “Alright, fine… maybe you’re right. But I got a different suggestion for you, ya know, about this fight?”

Daphne raised an eyebrow, considering as she let some of her weight off of Gwen. “What is it?”

Eyes flashing with that steely rage again, Gwen hissed, “This!”

As quick as a snake striking, Gwen arched her neck upwards and bit Daphne on her left nipple, clamping her teeth down hard.

Though it might have felt good for a fraction of a second, soon Daphne cried out in pain, “Fucking bitch!”

The pain, and Gwen’s persistence, was enough to force Daphne to let up in pinning Gwen down, letting the blonde wiggle one of her hands free to slap Daphne across the cheek. In their current position, it was an awkward attack given her position, but it was still enough for her to wriggle herself completely free from Daphne’s grasp.

Daphne reached up with her hands to cradle her painful cheek and tit while Gwen scrambled away, hopping to her feet and tossing aside her hooded cloak as she got into a fighting stance. Honestly, she knew she should have known that a cheer slut like Gwen would have fought dirty, but this was a trick so dirty that Daphne couldn’t help but be impressed.

Impressed, but still pretty fucking pissed.

Now also on her feet, Daphne roared in rage and frustration and charged Gwen, wrapping her arms around the blonde and tackling her to the floor. Gwen was ready for the attack this time, however, and used her impressive strength to roll on top of Daphne. By this point, both of the topless girls had their hands in each other’s hair, pulling and screaming and yowling while they used their free hands to attack the other. Whatever order this catfight might have had, whatever peace Daphne sought to throw together in the spirit of salvaging Halloween night, none of that mattered. Now they were simply fighting for the sake of fighting, their reasons long-lost.

During one of the occasions where Gwen wound up on top of Daphne again, the redhead took her chance for some revenge for the bite earlier, grabbing and squeezing one of Gwen’s nipples hard, forcing the blonde to cry out in agony. She slapped Daphne for this again, but Daphne held on, laughing through her pain as Gwen continued to fight and squeal.

It was also about this point that something changed between the two girls, as the heat of the moment made certain things clearer and clearer.

The first, was that they began to understand that they were incredibly turned on, with both of them dealing with stiff nipples and soaked pussies as they fought.

The second thing was that they weren’t turned on because of what promises Jason had made, but mostly because of how good it felt to be fighting someone they hated so much who was also stunningly hot and half naked. Both Gwen and Daphne loved fooling around with a hot girl as much as anyone else, and while this wasn’t exactly how that was usually supposed to go, they both realized at around the same time that this was kind of working for both of them.

There was a moment where the two of them locked eyes, a hint of confusion in the midst of all the hair-pulling. To be sure, the hair-pulling and fighting was still occurring, but they had slowed down, the two girls taking in the fiery beauty of each other amidst this utterly mad situation.

And then, at once, they leaned in and kissed. Neither of them could have said who started it, but they both realized quickly that they were both *very* invested in making out with each other. The two girls rolled around on the floor, fighting for a dominance that neither was certain they wanted to win or lose. With soft lips mashing against one another and tongues practically battling it out, the two kissed with an intensity they rarely tapped into as their hate became something else. Oh, sure, there was still plenty of hate, as between their kisses they still took moments to grunt and call each other “bitch” and “slut” and “cunt” and “whore”, before they would go back to kiss each other even harder.

At some point, the rest of Daphne’s dress was ripped off, and Daphne had practically torn off Gwen’s skirt. While Daphne wore a white thong that barely covered anything up, Gwen had worn no panties beneath her costume, allowing easy access to her wet pussy, surrounded by its dark thatch of pubic hair.

On discovering this, Daphne sneered. “Such a fucking slut…”

Grunting, Gwen forced herself on top of Daphne and pinched one of her nipples, hard. “Speak for yourself, thong girl.”

“Hey, I look fucking *good* in a thong. You probably would too if you had anything like class,” Daphne spat back, grabbing Gwen by the hair so she could pull her in for another deep kiss.

As much as she hated to admit it, Gwen couldn’t deny that Daphne was a great kisser, and that it was easy to get lost in her mouth. Even if she still hated the redheaded color guard bitch, she knew that fucking her would be absolutely amazing, and that that was very likely where everything was headed right now. Even with a certain heated brutality to their coupling, Gwen couldn’t help but find a certain satisfaction in sliding the front of Daphne’s thong to the side and sliding two fingers inside of her in a deliciously dominant move. Not one to be outdone, Daphne forced three of her own fingers into Gwen, the two of them fucking each other lustily, completely having forgotten why the hell they’d come upstairs in the first place.

“Well, boys… I won’t say that I expected this, but, I’d definitely say this falls under the ‘treat’ category tonight, wouldn’t you say?” Jason Torrance chuckled from across the room. “Don’t stop on our account, ladies…”

Oh, right.


That was why they’d come up here.

Turning to look at Jason and looking like they’d both been caught with their hands in the cookie jar (rather than in each other’s pussies), Gwen and Daphne saw that the room had gotten considerably fuller since they’d last looked. Wearing his werewolf mask, Jason stood at the head of a phalanx of his jock bros, all of them still wearing their half-assed uniform of their letterman jackets, t-shirts and jeans, while their faces were covered by various off the shelf Halloween masks that concealed their identities. They were definitively jocks, big guys with broad shoulders and muscles that were clear even through their jackets, dwarfing the two girls and impossible to read with their masks.

With Peter unaccounted for and Jason easy to identify, both Gwen and Daphne had to go on the masks to give identity to the other seven guys.

Ghostface. Clown. Scarecrow. Devil. Teddy Bear. Lizard. Baggy (a.k.a. he who decided to make a mask out of a paper grocery bag with a couple eyeholes cut out).

While both Gwen and Daphne had had their share of unique sexual encounters, both of them likely would have admitted if given the time that this one was certainly more unique than most.

Sense returning to them, the two girls pulled their fingers out of each other and separated, with Daphne standing up, and Gwen getting up onto her knees. Gwen had to acknowledge a certain pride at hearing a couple of the guys groaning in disappointment as the two mostly-naked girls separated from each other.

“Jason… I’d completely forgotten you were coming…” Gwen said, unthinking.

Jason put a hand to his heart in mock sadness. “That hurts me, Gwen… certainly I’d expected that I left a bit more of an impression on you than that… but given the company you’re keeping, I think I can understand your distractability.”

“You’d better,” Daphne replied, arrogantly, before turning her attention to Gwen. “This your doing?”

Sighing pleasantly as she looked at the wall of jocks, and realized what she’d set in motion, Gwen said, “Yup. I’m gonna get gangbanged. Hey, can one of you guys lock the door? I think eight of y’all is enough in this case.”

Putting her hands on her hips as Lizard obediently locked the door, Daphne shook her head. “Fucking slut…”

“Never said I wasn’t,” Gwen acknowledged.

“It’s one of her better qualities, honestly,” Jason said, a tad too arrogant and dismissive of the blonde kneeling on the floor.

Though she would have done anything for him a moment ago, Daphne didn’t like his tone, and almost chose that moment to send Jason packing so she could continue with what she’d started with Gwen… but she was also horny as fuck, and realized she still wanted dick every bit as much as she wanted to fuck Gwen into oblivion.

Licking her lips, Daphne turned her attention back to Gwen and hooked her fingers into the straps of her thong. “You got one thing wrong, Gwen.”

Looking up and down the nearly-naked body of the redheaded goddess standing next to her, Gwen had to stop herself from drooling and said, “What’s that?”

“You’re not getting gangbanged,” Daphne replied, dropping her thong to the floor. “*We’re* getting gangbanged.”

This wasn’t a suggestion, but a command, and one that Gwen couldn’t fight as she got a good look at Daphne’s beautifully shaved pussy. There were plenty of guys to go around, after all, and the previous fight and makeout session and fingering had created a sort of solidarity between the two of them. While Gwen would have certainly enjoyed having all eight of the guys in the room to herself, seeing Daphne on her side was strangely heartening, and made what was about to happen between all of them suddenly seem less daunting.

While Jason tried to play it cool that Daphne was unexpectedly joining the gangbang, from the back of the group, Devil yelled, “Oh, hell yeah!”

Chuckling, Ghostface fist-bumped Devil and said, “Happy fucking Halloween.”

Daphne knelt next to Gwen and squeezed the blonde’s hand comfortingly. Before she could stop herself, Gwen leaned in and kissed her quickly and fiercely, getting another round of grunts and cheers from the gathered guys before she turned to face them with a playful defiance.

“So, what, are you guys gonna stand there watching, or are you gonna get the fuck over here and fuck the two hottest bitches most of you are ever gonna see?” Gwen challenged.

Daphne liked this side of her and joined in on the taunting. “Yeah, seriously… we’ve got the sweetest lips, the tightest cunts and the best asses any of you are gonna find, and we’re so fucking horny. If you’re not gonna stuff our slutty holes fucking ASAP, then get the fuck out of here.”

For emphasis, she reached back and slapped Gwen on the ass, hard. The blonde moaned, and as that sharp cracking sound echoed through the room, it seemed to force the guys out of their collective stupor.

“Come on, boys. It’s Halloween, and these sluts are open for tricks and treats. Let’s give ‘em a bunch of both, yeah?” Jason ordered, unbuckling his belt as he approached the girls.

While Jason was rather shameless in dropping his pants to the floor, shedding his shoes and socks as he stepped out of them and kept moving toward the girls, the other guys were suddenly a lot more reluctant. As their leader was now naked below the waist save for his straining briefs, they suddenly seemed a lot more timid, even with Gwen and Daphne naked and eager and demanding their attention. Most of them were too cocky and macho (or at least intimidated by Jason’s leadership) to do or say anything about it.

And then Baggy spoke up.

“So, this is weird, right, guys?” he chuckled nervously. “Like, we’ve all seen each other in the showers, but this is a whole different kind of thing. I’m not alone for thinking it’s weird to want to fuck some really hot girls with all my friends around, right? I mean, come on guys, this isn’t exactly usual, right?”

Without breaking stride, Jason walked right up to Gwen and Daphne, looking down at them through his frightening werewolf mask with dark intent. Although the group seemed to consider Baggy’s objections, Jason was unaffected by his friend’s observations.

“Do whatever you wanna do, man, the door’s right there…” Jason said, toying with the waistband of his underwear while Daphne and Gwen looked up eagerly. “…while the *real* men here are gonna have all the fun with these hotties…”

With that, he dropped his underwear to the floor, letting his thick, eight-inch-long cock spring free to the eager girls who knelt before him. He was mostly hard already, but as Gwen and Daphne leaned in for a better look, it twitched fully to life, getting low sounds of approval from each of them. While it wasn’t the biggest cock either of them had seen, or would see by the end of senior year, it was still a nice cock, and, in theory, more than enough to satisfy each of the hungry girls who knelt at his feet.

Seeing this cock exposed for the first time, both girls flashed looks at each other, a little of that messy rivalry they’d been engaged in not even ten minutes before flaring as they both found themselves presented with the cock they’d been trying to get their hands on all night. Their eyes boring into each other, the two girls waited to see if their recent peace accord would hold, or if they would get back to fighting with each other. Knowing that Jason would enjoy that certainly seemed to have its charms for both of the girls, but through silent communication, they decided on something else entirely.

Eagerly, the two busty girls leaned in and placed their mouths on his cockhead, kissing and sucking at it before running their mouths up and down his cock. They made sure to coat his cock well with their saliva, worshipping it as they ensured he was properly excited. By the time they next made it to his cockhead, Gwen was slightly faster, sucking the head between her full, practiced lips, before downing several more inches of his cock hungrily. Daphne was unfazed by this, dropping her head so she could suck on Jason’s balls.

The recipient of this attention simply groaned, running his hands through their hair as both girls pleasured him with their mouths.

Laughing arrogantly, he said, “Fuck, you guys don’t know what you’re missing… these sluts’ mouths, they’re actually kinda alright!”

His words seemed to snap any uncertainty out of the group, as soon the guys began stepping forward, taking off shoes and undoing their pants to join along with their leader.

Lizard and Clown got their cocks out first, with Clown pulling Daphne away by the hair and sliding his cock into her mouth. The redhead eagerly took to it, easily swallowing his cock and bobbing up and down on it eagerly, before switching her attention to Lizard. As these guys had smaller cocks than Jason (and indeed, Jason’s was the biggest out of all the guys in the room), it was easy for her to go back and forth between the guys, sucking one while jacking the other, enjoying the way they grunted and groaned and fucked against her face.

It wasn’t long before Scarecrow and Teddy Bear had dropped their pants as well, joining Jason as they surrounded Gwen. The big-breasted blonde was happy to alternate between them, sucking and jacking every cock she could get her hands and mouth on and enjoying the rough treatment as the three guys who’d started fucking her face grabbed her hair and really began to go to town on her. While the blonde was happy to receive this kind of treatment, she was soon a complete and utter mess, her makeup smeared and running while drool and precum ran down her neck and onto her tits. Breathing was a challenge as the trio began to fuck her throat roughly, with Jason periodically forcing his cock down her throat and holding it there, watching as she struggled for air, before giving it to her.

Daphne wasn’t doing much better, especially as Ghostface and Devil joined in. Though she only had one mouth and two hands, whichever of the four guys surrounding her wasn’t occupied seemed all too happy to jack off and wait their turn, occasionally taking turns to reach down and squeeze her tits. As a girl who completely and utterly liked to be a bitchy control freak at school, something felt so utterly freeing to give herself over to this circle of guys around her, sucking and stroking and being completely and utterly used. No doubt they saw her as little more than a piece of meat, but on a night where everyone wore costumes and no one was as they usually were, there was something freeing in this for her. Being used, and *wanting* to be used, she felt more alive than she could remember feeling in some time.

It was this feeling of goodwill that also kept her from feeling too annoyed when Clown turned his attention elsewhere, his eyes wide as his jaw dropped.

“Dude! You didn’t have to get completely naked!” Clown announced. “That’s, like, so gay!”

Though Daphne could only barely see it, she caught that Baggy stood near the guys surrounding Gwen, completely nude except for the paper bag he wore over his head.

“First off, I’m not getting my clothes dirty, and secondly, we’re gangbanging these girls. We’ve all got our cocks out, and even if we find some way to completely avoid touching each other, which is pretty fucking unlikely given all the thrusting and close proximity and all that, it’s still gonna be at least a little gay. Or, more bi in this case, since we’re all gonna be railing Daphne and Gwen here, but still… I’m just being smart. You’re gonna get your shirts and jackets all covered in cum and girl juice and whatnot, while I’m gonna walk out of here clean as a whistle!” Baggy exclaimed, confidently walking up to the guys surrounding Gwen.

Daphne had to admit, the guy had some good practical points, even if his costume was easily the shittiest in the room. It seemed that Gwen agreed, for soon she was deepthroating Baggy without abandon (no idle feat considering he had the second biggest cock here), sucking him down with a particular gusto and seeming to make the other guys thoroughly jealous. The way she went at him with both her hands and mouth, thoroughly leaving the other guys high and dry, might have just been her way of giving the last at the party a little more attention, but seemed more likely a ploy to get the other guys riled up.

And in that way, it seemed thoroughly successful. While she licked and sucked and deepthroated with a distinct gusto, Jason, Scarecrow and Teddy Bear started to growl and complain, jacking their cocks and tugging at Gwen’s hair in a bid for attention and getting none. She must have sensed their frustration, as she only gave more attention to Baggy, stroking his balls as he grunted and thrust into her face, clearly having the time of his life. Gwen seemed to love having her mouth so properly filled, grunting and moaning through her gags, her eyes as alight with energy as they were watery with exertion.

Frustrated, Jason followed Baggy’s lead and pulled off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt, tossing them aside so that he was now naked save for his werewolf mask. This got Gwen’s attention, as she stopped sucking Baggy, jacking his cock while she slurped down Jason’s erection. The cocky jock held her head in both hands, fucking into her to make up for his pent-up frustration.

With it now seemingly clear that Gwen wanted the guys naked, Teddy Bear got the hint, ditching his letterman’s jacket and pulling his t-shirt over his head with some difficulty and getting a handjob for his trouble. Scarecrow, however, was a little overstimulated from jacking it for so long and grunted, loud and hard as he came on the side of Gwen’s face and chest. Though she groaned extra hard as she was partially painted while sucking Jason’s cock, she was otherwise completely unbothered by the sudden facial.

Unlike Scarecrow.

He complained, “Wait… it’s not fair… I wanted my turn in her mouth again, and… fuck! It’s not fair!”

Groaning as he thrust against Gwen’s hand, Teddy Bear patted his friend on the back and said, “Better luck next time, buddy. And, uh, it’s still not gay that I patted you on the back like that, alright?”

“Whatever,” Scarecrow replied miserably, wobbling over to a nearby chair and sitting down, before yelping upon realizing he’d just sat down on a very hard, very plastic skeleton. Drunkenly, he grabbed the skeleton and made to throw it aside, before reconsidering and just settling it down on his lap.

Looking into the empty eyes of the goofy plastic skeleton, the drunk Scarecrow mused, “You won’t judge me for cumming fast, would ya, buddy?”

Grunting, Baggy said, “None of us are judging you, man! Happens to the best of us!”

“I’m judging,” Jason chuckled cockily. “Can’t keep it together, you might as well walk out of here and leave it for the real men…”

Miserably, Scarecrow wrapped one of the skeleton’s arms around his shoulders and sulked, lazing into a drunken stupor on the verge of passing out.

While Gwen kept sucking and stroking Jason, Baggy and Teddy Bear, Daphne found that her hands and mouth were pretty full with Ghostface, Clown, Devil & Lizard. These jocks were considerably more patient with the redhead than the others were with Gwen, for the moment anyway, alternating in fucking her face and getting their handjobs while the unattended would jerk his cock or grab Daphne by the hair, or maybe reach down to fondle her tits if it didn’t mean he was touching one of his bros’ dicks.

Daphne, for her part, was absolutely loving the position she was in. While it may have been a seemingly subservient one (and, though she’d never say it aloud, she did love her submissive side), she relished the power she had over these guys. She knew that she was one of the hottest pieces of ass in Regan Hills High School, and that these guys were lucky to have this kind of chance with her. She took her time with each of them, making sure they all got the attention they deserved, while having her fun as well. Any time one of them tried to rush her, she would simply switch to the next guy until the unfortunate fool who’d crossed her knew his place, something these guys soon began to understand very well.

Still, she couldn’t argue the simple fact that these guys were being good, and they all had really nice cocks. Not the biggest cocks she’d ever dealt with, which for a size queen like Daphne was a minor annoyance, but they were respectably sized and delicious all the same. Though she really wished they weren’t wearing those foolish jackets and Halloween masks, she wouldn’t begrudge them some of their affectations on Halloween, since it was a night for silly affectations, but she had her limits, and she thought that she could come up with a nice compromise that would allow for everyone to have a little more fun.

Daphne let go of the cocks she’d had in hand and let Lizard’s cock fall from her mouth with one good, last, definitive kiss on the head, before she stood up between the four boys and looked at them with an arrogant grin on her face. The four of them took their chances to grab at her, running their hands over her skin, grabbing her tits and her ass, with Ghostface even managing to slide a couple of his rough fingers into her soaked pussy. She groaned at their touch, writhing and enjoying this kind of being surrounded. As a naturally tall girl with a body that could easily see her walking a runway someday, it was a certain novelty to be dwarfed by these four hulking athletes, stirring up a certain excitement in her. As a proud bi girl, she generally leaned slightly more toward favoring women to men, but there was something about being surrounded by all this muscle and testosterone that did it for her like few other things could, making her pussy positively gush at the thoughts of what would come next.

“I don’t know about you boys…” Daphne said, keeping her tone playful and sultry as she turned around, eyeing each of their swollen, dripping cocks and lightly grazing them with her fingers to keep the guys nice and excited. “…but I’m ready to actually get this gangbang started. You can keep your masks if that’s such a big deal for you, keep it festive or whatever, but the first of you to get naked gets to fuck my slutty little cunt.”

The four boys standing around her seemed mostly struck dumb and silent by this pronouncement, save for Lizard’s lowly muttered, “Oh, shit!”

Looking impatient, Daphne crossed her arms under her tits and said, “Well, what are you fucking waiting for?”

The four boys who’d been groping Daphne and fucking her face then set about trying to completely strip down in record time, something that the busty redhead took no small amount of amusement from. They all seemed so thoroughly committed to keeping their masks on that they didn’t realize how awkward or silly it made their efforts at stripping down without removing them look. Even so, they did manage, and Daphne did thoroughly enjoy the show as all of their rippling muscles were exposed. Thick arms, tight pecs, rippling abs… yeah, she’d had mixed sexual experiences with jocks, finding that most of them didn’t really know what they were doing, but damn it did they still have some things worth praising.

It was a close race between Ghostface and Clown, but in the end, Ghostface wound up winning, standing proud and erect before Daphne. If he weren’t wearing this stupid fucking mask, she’d have made out with him then and there, but lacking that, she was happy to let him squeeze her tits while she grabbed his cock and led him to the bed.

They didn’t make it, though, as Jason soon cut in, pushing Ghostface away and grabbing Daphne by the arm.

“What the fuck, man?” Ghostface protested.

Chuckling arrogantly, Jason replied, “Step aside… I had my eye on this bitch for a while… she’s mine, first. You guys can have my leftovers, though, when I’m done with her…”

Daphne shot Ghostface a sympathetic look, while Gwen looked on thoroughly annoyed (even through her mouth full of Baggy’s cock), and while Daphne would have been happy to join her in that annoyance, she was too busy being thrown down onto the bed to really feel much of anything for long. After all, she’d still wanted to fuck Jason tonight, even knowing that he was kind of a dick, and as he climbed on top of her with his thick, pulsing cock sliding up against her inner thigh, she was too excited to stay annoyed for very long.

There was a distinct, dark thrill to be looking up at him in his frightening werewolf mask as he reached down, pressing the head of his eight-inch cock right up against her slit. Daphne moaned at the contact, hoping for a little more tease, a little more play, wanting this encounter to be, if not special, certainly memorable as she finally got to fuck Jason.

Of course, that wasn’t exactly to be, and with a swiftness and very little buildup, he buried every inch of his cock into her waiting pussy. She counted her blessings that she was as wet as she was, as it meant that him sliding in wasn’t complete misery, but she remained ultimately unsurprised *and* disappointed that he immediately went to pounding away as hard as he could at her pussy.

He was lucky that he was as hot as he was, and had as nice a dick as he did, or Daphne would have truly been annoyed.

Annoyed, Ghostface still protested, “That’s fucked up… that’s so fucked up… I won! I won fair and square! I did all that and he-“

After clearly debating about how gay the action would or wouldn’t be, Clown patted his friend on the shoulder in commiseration and said, “I get ya, man.”

Coming up for air, Gwen gasped and stood up. She was a fucking mess, and she knew that she should have had a bigger problem with Jason fucking Daphne, after that was something she had spent a remarkable amount of effort tonight to prevent, but seeing how he treated his friends, even a girl as bitchy as her couldn’t help but feel for them a little. There was nothing wrong with a little group sex with your friends, but if you got too greedy, then no one would have a good time. She couldn’t let that happen, not when Halloween gangbangs were one of those things that didn’t come around very often.

“Alright, guys, I think I’mma gonna need some of that, too,” Gwen said, licking her lips and looking up at all the towering, masked jocks around her.

She had her pick of the litter, but in an unusually charitable moment, she reached out and grabbed Ghostface’s hand and pulled him toward the bed.

“Come on,” Gwen explained, crawling up onto the bed on all fours. “You get my pussy first… and whoever makes it to my mouth first gets to fuck my face! I wanna be sandwiched between as many of you as I can, so get the fuck in there!”

Not one to pass up a good thing, even if he might have been slightly more excited by Daphne, Ghostface climbed up on the bed behind Gwen and slid his seven-inch erection into her waiting pussy. The dirty-blonde girl moaned lustily, pressing her magnificent ass against him as he grabbed her hips and began to fuck her. He wasn’t as rough or impatient as Jason was, taking his moment to savor her tightness and properly give it to her. Gwen, for her part, was a little too far gone to want much more than to be fucked into oblivion, but she liked his technique.

What she liked even more was when Devil dashed around the bed and climbed up in front of her, presenting his own seven-inch erection to her face and rejoicing as she eagerly sucked him down. While it might have taken some adjustment for all three parties to establish a pace and rhythm, soon Devil and Ghostface were fucking into Gwen with a firm, swift rhythm, keeping her nice and enjoyably stuffed as they took out their pleasure on the busty blonde cheerleader.

Soon, thoroughly enjoying their rhythm, the two masked jocks each raised a hand and fist-bumped the other, sealing their camaraderie in this intense moment. Absolutely loving her spit-roasting, Gwen moaned luxuriantly around Devil’s cock, reaching between her legs with one hand to furiously finger her clit as they went to town on her.

Turning her head to see the treatment her rival was getting, Daphne had to admit that the blonde bitch looked like she was having a lot more fun than her. Looking up at Jason above her, grunting and thrusting away as he gave it to her hard, Daphne had to admit that she was… underwhelmed. Sure, he had a decently-sized cock, and he was a smooth talker, a good kisser, and fucking gorgeous, but that beauty faded quickly as she realized what a lousy lay he was. He was selfish, grunting and pounding away at her, never taking any instruction or caring about what she wanted. When she tried to reach for her clit, he reached for her hands and pinned them above her head, grinning down at her darkly as he used her body for his pleasure.

Now, if a guy knew what he was doing, Daphne loved being utterly used and even a little degraded if the occasion suited it. As it ultimately turned out, Jason Torrance didn’t know how to do any of that right. All he knew how to do was rapidly piston in and out of her, pin her down, and think he was god’s fucking gift to sex.

“Yeah? You like that, huh? You like me pinning you down like a cheap little slut? You’ve never had it this good, have you? Never had dick like this? Never had a guy fuck you like you deserve to be fucked, like I can fuck you? I’m the best you’ve ever fucking had, aren’t I?” he intoned, moaning to himself as he sped up.

“Sure, why not?” Daphne replied.

Jason missed her clearly layered sarcasm, laughing and kissing her, but at least he didn’t last very long. After a few more decisive thrusts, he pulled out of Daphne and jerked his cock, cumming all over her stomach and pussy, before climbing off of her on wobbly legs. For a guy who always wanted to look like he was in complete control, it was a moment of vulnerability that amused Daphne more than his fucking her ever could.

“Alright, guys…” Jason laughed, taking an amused, if hungry, glance at Gwen. “I broke the bitch in for all of you, now you can stop jackin’ it and get some for yourselves!”

He clearly thought he was the king of, well, everything, not noticing the shaking heads and clearly miserable looks of the rest of his boys. Daphne wasn’t absolutely certain, but it felt like she might’ve heard one of them mutter the word “asshole”.

Nevertheless, it became clear to her that if she wanted to be used like how *she* wanted to be used, she was going to have to take matters into her own hands. Luckily, there were still four jocks who were otherwise unoccupied, and Daphne wagered that with a little guidance, she could make good use out of them.

Quickly, she rolled off of the bed and knelt beside her discarded costume pieces, finding her purse and quickly rifling through it until she got exactly what she was looking for, a small bottle of lubricant.

Standing up, she lifted one foot onto the bed and leaned into it, looking every bit a conqueror as she lewdly displayed her used (if not *well*-used) pussy to them. They all seemed taken aback by her sudden authoritative stance, but none were quite as surprised as Jason, who seemed to think that he had truly rocked her world.

If that’s what he thought, Daphne was more than happy to show him what it really looked like to have her world rocked.

“Alright, guys, I’ll put it to you plainly. I’ve got three holes and I want them all stuffed at the same time, so you better all be up for the task,” Daphne explained, eyeing the guys and their cocks as she determined how she wanted it. “Lizard mask, I want you lying down on the bed, you’re gonna get my pussy. I want to ride you hard this time, so you better be up for the fucking task.”

“Fuck yeah!” Lizard exclaimed, scrambling over to the bed and jumping onto his back.

Daphne had to admit that, while his cock didn’t seem nearly as big as Jason’s, seeing it standing so proudly while Lizard was so excited was exciting. Jason was just looking to claim his dominance among the guys, but Lizard, he was just excited to be here, not even slightly put out by Gwen getting double-teamed no more than a foot away from him.

“Teddy Bear boy?” she continued, turning her attention to her next conquest. “I want you standing over him; I’m gonna suck you off, and if you don’t cum, you’ll get one of my other holes. I hear anything from you or Lizard about how you think that’s gay, and you won’t get anywhere near my holes again, am I understood?”

“Yeah,” Lizard said quickly.

“No problem,” Teddy Bear said, climbing up onto the bed and getting into position.

Looking at the remaining two boys, Daphne quickly continued, “Sorry, Clown, but you won’t get my ass. Yet. But if I’m not mistaken…”

With a resounding grunt, Devil then came, hard, pulling out of Gwen’s mouth and jacking his cock, painting her face with multiple thick shots of cum.

Grinning, Daphne continued, “…there’s an opening with our blonde slut. Don’t you think she’d look good sandwiched and double-penetrated between you and Ghostface there?”

“I… I do!!!” Gwen cried out, her own efforts to cum paying off as she had a messy, wet orgasm on Ghostface’s cock. It was a fairly hard one, her whole body jerking as she cried out in ecstasy.

If it hadn’t been for the visible gush of juices and that special way her legs quivered, Daphne would have thought that Gwen was faking it, or at least putting on a show for everyone, but as a girl who knew what a good fake orgasm looked like, she knew Gwen to be genuine. As much as she was starting to at least respect the blonde, this instead made her annoyingly jealous for having gotten off, which made her next words come out harsher than they might have.

“Hands out,” Daphne directed Clown, squeezing some lube onto them. “Go nuts, wreck that little whore’s ass.”

“Hey!” Gwen protested, wiping cum from her mouth.

“Oh, come on, you *are* a whore, and so am I. And I’m gonna get my ass wrecked soon too,” she said, smiling hopefully as she turned her attention to Baggy. “Hands?”

“Seriously?” Baggy asked, holding his hands out. “I’ve… well, I’ve never done this before, which actually seems surprising considering all I’ve heard about the girls around school, and I’m not completely hopeless with the ladi-

“Fucking seriously,” Daphne interrupted, squeezing lube into his palms as she kept her tone firm enough to quiet him. “Lube your cock up and get it into my ass ASAP, and if I’ve got any instructions, you better fucking listen to them. That goes for all of you! I wanna get off here too, and even if some guys here might not know what to do with a woman, I’ll make sure you’re up to the task whether you want it or not.”

She looked at Jason with a playful challenge, maybe hoping to get a rise out of him or make him realize that he wasn’t as hot shit as he thought he was, but it seemed as if he was completely unaware that anything he said or did might have had any influence on what he was saying. The guy was hot, to be sure, but getting less attractive by the moment in Daphne’s eyes. If she were in a different position at the moment, she would have thought it appropriate to try and teach him a lesson, but the situation was less than ideal. Surrounded by his friends, it might not be the safest course of action to pull something, but Daphne was patient, and horny, and knew that the moment would present itself eventually.

She just had to wait for it.

Until then, she was more than happy to climb aboard Lizard’s cock, burying him balls-deep in her pussy in one simple movement. While his wasn’t nearly as impressive as Jason’s cock, the jock groaned pleasurably, seeming to enjoy the weight of the moment as she sank down on top of him. He reached up, squeezing her breasts and making her groan.

Daphne didn’t ask for much awe, but when she got it, it was pretty fucking sweet.

Teddy Bear then stood in her view, his thick cock bobbing in front of her full lips. Leaning forward slightly, she licked at the head, teasing it with a kiss.

Looking up into his absurd teddy bear mask, Daphne told him, “I’m waiting until my ass is full, and then I’ll give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had, alright?”

With surprising patience, he quietly nodded down at her, running a hand almost tenderly through her luscious red hair. Daphne grinned up at him, thinking that she’d have to do something extra nice for him soon, so long as he didn’t cum too quickly, anyway.

Gently rocking her hips as she slowly fucked Lizard, Daphne peered over her shoulder, eyeing Baggy as he crawled up behind her. His nicely-sized cock was hard and glistening with lube, and she quivered at the thought of how good that would feel up her ass in the near future.

“Are you ready, or what?” she taunted.

“Ready for this? Fuck no,” Baggy admitted, not that it stopped him from crawling over to her and squeezing her ass in his hands. “Unlike a lot of the other guys here, I’ve never been up a girl’s ass before, and even though I’ve always wanted to, it’s not like I ever expected that I’d only get to do it while a couple inches away from one of my bros fucking that same girl’s pussy. It’s a little surreal, is all.”

Daphne rolled her eyes. “Keep complaining and I’ll call Jason over, I’m sure he’d be happy to if he were hard again…”

Jason chuckled. Daphne’s taunt, and his laugh, certainly got Baggy’s attention.

“No! No, no, no, I’ll fuck your ass, I just like pointing out life’s little eccentricities sometimes, and purely in a self-effacing way, I’m ready! I want to fuck your ass, I swear, I do!” Baggy said hurriedly, grabbing hold of his cock and sliding it beneath her ass cheeks.

Daphne enjoyed the feeling of it sliding over her tightest hole, every time his head making contact with her making her shiver. She knew that she was going to be more stuffed than usual, having both her pussy and ass filled by some sizable guys, and that while it would carry its own unique discomforts, that the pleasures would be more than worth it. She tried as much as she could to relax, but there was only so much relaxing you could do before you were double-penetrated, and as she leaned forward to accommodate him, Daphne gritted her teeth.

Thankfully, for his size, Baggy was a lot gentler than Jason would have been, pushing slowly into her ass. She rocked her hips and pushed back against him as best she could, encouraging his cockhead into her tightest hole. It took some focus, and their combined efforts, but soon Baggy’s cockhead popped into her asshole, causing both of them to groan loudly. Daphne had never felt this fully without the aid of toys before, and felt a delicious electricity overtaking her body. It was as if every nerve ending was on fire and begging for release, and all she wanted was more. Baggy was happy to oblige, pushing deeper and deeper until every last inch of his cock was buried up her ass.

For Daphne, it was absolute ecstasy.

“For the record, I can feel your balls on me,” Lizard said, complaining only slightly. “Just making sure we all know this isn’t gay.”

“Or, like I said, bi,” Baggy amended. “But even if it was-“

“Dude, shut up and fuck her ass already before you make this weirder than you’ve already made it,” Lizard complained, thrusting up into Daphne’s pussy.

Amused, and too deliciously filled to complain, Daphne had to laugh a little. This was what she got for fucking around with guys, but in spite of all the playful machoness and gay panic, she had to admit that there was nothing quite like being stuffed full of eager thrusting cocks. In her pussy, in her ass…

…and as Teddy Bear stepped forward grabbing her hair and sliding his cock between her lips, her mouth was claimed as well.

Though inexpert at this exact action, it only took a moment for the three guys to develop a rhythm, all of them fucking and groping and using Daphne to the redhead’s content, delightfully defiling her as she moaned lusciously and had the time of her fucking life. Though she wanted to put on a bit of a show to let Jason know how lousy he was by comparison, soon she didn’t need to act, surrendering to this uniquely dirty moment as she had all of her holes filled by thrusting, throbbing cocks as she let rapture overtake her.

Gwen, for her part, was mostly having a pretty good time as well. She was on her knees with Clown in front of her, fucking her pussy, while Ghostface was behind her, thrusting away at her ass. That Ghostface hadn’t cum yet seemed a miracle to the blonde cheerleader, and she found herself thinking that she had to look him up after the fact. Right now, though, with two decently hung boys double-penetrating her in a kneeling sandwich, fucking away more or less in sync with each other while Ghostface reached around and roughly groped her tits, she was in a pretty good place, more or less.

If only these guys could remember where the hell they were.

“Fuck… she’s so tight…” Clown groaned, dropping his head back before looking back over Gwen’s shoulder at Ghostface. “You see those plays Coach wants us to run in next week’s game?”

“Fucking bullshit, right?” Ghostface answered. “You think her pussy’s tight, you should feel her ass, it’s wicked tight… and if we go with those plays, we’re gonna fucking lose.”

“Lose *again*,” Clown clarified. “I keep telling everybody they gotta fire Coach. They gotta fire Coach and let my dad take his job, ‘cause my dad once almost played minor league and-“

“Yeah, we all know, he blew out his knee and didn’t get to be the biggest and best in the whole wide world,” Ghostface replied, annoyed, yet still mercifully pounding Gwen’s ass.

If she weren’t feeling as much pleasure as she was, she might have given these guys a piece of her mind. After all, they were double-teaming one of the hottest bitches in school, why the fuck wouldn’t they be giving her their absolute attention? She’d fucking earned it, hadn’t she, with her tight body, good looks and amazing fucking sex skills. They should have been all about her right now, and they were worried about the next game and who should’ve been coaching their team?

You think at least they’d be focused on Halloween, but these dumb jocks couldn’t even get that right… fuck, they were lucky they had great bodies and nice cocks, or Gwen would’ve fucking torn them a new one.

Wait, why couldn’t she do that anyway?

“Fucking seriously, guys?” Gwen grunted, reaching around and grabbing Clown by the ass and smacking him with a little less playfulness than he was expecting. “I’m here and ready and hotter than any other slut you’re gonna find at this party, other than Daphne maybe, and that’s what you’re talkin’ about? For fuck’s sake, I should just ditch you right now and make you finish yourselves off.”

Admittedly, she knew this could go a lot of different ways, as most guys like this that she knew didn’t like to be confronted by their shortcomings. These guys, at least, were decent and dumb enough that they didn’t let her words anger them.

“Sorry, Gwen,” Clown said.

“Really sorry…” Ghostface grunted, fucking her harder. “You’re really, really fucking hot, and thank you for letting me fuck your ass like this, and… fuck… you’re gonna make me cum… please make me cum, you feel so fucking good and I don’t think I can hold it anymore…”

That was better. She liked these guys when they knew their proper place, and when they filled her so nicely. Ghostface had apologized decently enough, she thought that was enough for a reward.

“It’s all good…” Gwen replied, reaching back to stroke his muscles. “You can cum in my ass if you want. I’d like to be nice and filled.”

Thrusting slightly quicker, Ghostface grunted, “Cool… cool… fucking cool!”

With a firm thrust and a deep grunt, Ghostface squeezed her tits and came hard in Gwen’s ass. It was a decent, thick load, and she groaned at the feeling of the spreading warmth inside of her. Fuck, it turned her on… it got her going in a way where she wished he’d taken off that stupid fucking mask so she could kiss him, but whatever dumb agreement the guys had made with each other when it came to their masks, he was keeping to it. Probably thinking that if they couldn’t look each other in the eyes, they could pretend they hadn’t done anything with each other at school. She was looking to tease them a fair bit, but for now she was looking to get another nice, good cum in…

Daphne got there first, however. Though she couldn’t cry out, getting her holes filled by three guys at once seemed to have done the trick for her one hell of a lot better than Jason ever could. Getting it rough from the trio had her screaming around Teddy Bear’s cock, but the big guy standing over her wasn’t going to let her be heard. Too busy thrusting his cock deep down her throat, he was content to let her be a quivering, shaking mess while her eyes rolled back into her head.

Even with Ghostface pulling out of her ass, she still felt herself on the edge of cumming. Even with Clown’s increasingly wild thrusts up into her pussy becoming more frantic by the moment, seeing Daphne in the throes of ecstasy as she had managed to both completely surrender to and control her situation, Gwen couldn’t help but let go. The sight of the busty redhead taken by the throes of pleasure made it easy for Gwen to surrender herself to the moment and cum, hard, on Clown’s cock, her muscles clamping down on his decently thick cock as she shook and shuddered and enjoyed every moment of yumminess that came with it.

“Fuck… fuck… fuck…” Clown groaned, pulling out of her and stroking his cock, cumming on her leg with a few loud, grunting spurts. “Fuck, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to make a mess and-“

Laughing softly as she caught her breath, Gwen leaned into him and kissed his chest. “It’s all good… I like the cum… and you did good… really fucking good…”

Clown chuckled, and unable to restrain himself, wrapped his arms around her and pulled Gwen in for a quick hug. It was such a warm and strange gesture that even her bitchiness was temporarily disarmed, and she couldn’t help but wrap her arms around Clown and share his quick hug. It was a brief moment, but a nice one in the midst of all the hardcore fucking.

And one that Jason was all too happy to break up.

“Alright, show’s over,” he said, roughly pushing Clown to the side, before pushing Gwen onto her back on the bed. “This one’s mine.”

Normally one to enjoy the rough treatment, even Gwen was taken aback by the suddenness of Jason’s intervention, and even more when he slid his cock inside of her, groaning. He seemed to rather enjoy himself as he roughly shoved every inch inside of her, while Gwen thought that he could have used at least a *little* finesse. Nevertheless, the way he chuckled, he was probably pretty impressed with himself.

“Fuck… got a nice, *fine* vagine there… almost as nice as Daphne’s… almost, but not quite,” Jason said, his voice low and taunting. “You’ve probably fucked more guys, I bet, made you a little looser? I won’t hold that against ya, though. But I will ask, what’re you gonna do to impress me more than she did, huh? What’re you gonna do to my big, fat cock to make me forget about the ginger bitch whose world I fucking rocked?”

It seemed like Jason was going through a checklist of things that would turn Gwen off as quickly as possible, and not even his good looks were enough to really make this as enjoyable as it could have been. Nevertheless, he was all the way inside of her, and she thought she might as well enjoy what he could before he finished.

Not that she wouldn’t give him a little attitude.

“I dunno… I mean, you let me on top, I can show you what I’ve got…” Gwen said, her tone bitchy as Jason began to fuck her in the same mechanical fashion with which he’d taken Daphne.

“Nah, I like this just fine… let’s me be in charge like I’m supposed to be,” he said, playfully arching his neck and howling. “You’re with the alpha wolf tonight, baby! Not as many girls get this as oughta, so you’re in for a fucking treat!”

“Sure,” Gwen replied, groaning in spite of herself as he fucked in and out of her, his cock hitting at least some decent spots.

Turning her head to look at Daphne again, Gwen couldn’t help but feel jealous, and she hated how much she felt jealous of Daphne *fucking* O’Connell. The redheaded bitch was getting properly filled by three guys, and in quick succession was making them cum. Teddy Bear pulled out first, cumming all over her face and tits, while Lizard soon gave her a decently thick-looking creampie. With that, she soon forced Baggy onto his back and climbed on top of his cock, riding him with his cock up her ass until she was a screaming, cummy mess of her own.

As Jason mechanically thrust away at her, as unimpressive to Gwen as he was impressive to herself, she sighed, beginning to wish that she’d locked the door and just kept fighting and fucking Daphne earlier.


While certain elements of the gangbang were hit or miss, it was hard for either Gwen or Daphne to admit that they didn’t get their money’s worth over the next couple hours. Save for the passed-out Scarecrow still lounging half-naked on the chair, it felt like both girls had managed to get each of the other seven guys’ cocks in most of their holes at least once. It took a while for the jocks to recover, so on occasion it was down to one girl fucking one guy, but every so often all seven of them would be up and running and willing to fuck (or at least jack it until they were cumming on one of the girls) to make sure that each of them was truly well fucked and cum-drenched.

Of course, as the night went on, some of the novelty began to wear off. Over the course of the evening, Clown, Devil and Teddy Bear had cleaned up and left, rejoining the party downstairs, while several of the other guys looked like they were on the verge of giving up in the near future. While Gwen and Daphne were both hot enough to get almost any guy to do whatever they wanted, these guys still wanted to get some partying in, drinking and messing around and maybe even finding another girl to take home at the end of the night. It took their hotness, and the efforts of Jason’s single-minded vision of what this gangbang should be like, to keep the remainder around, though even the girls were beginning to tire of things by this point.

The two girls were on their hands and knees at this point, with Daphne being fucked from behind by Jason and Gwen being taken by Lizard. In Jason’s wannabe porn choreographer mind, this was meant to allow the two girls to make out while they were being fucked, but given the awkward nature of the position, and the rough thrusting from the guys, there was no way they could have done this without slamming their heads into each other. No, instead, the girls angled themselves so they could avoid collisions, and talk lowly with each other.

“Fuck… while this *is* fun, I think the novelty wore off a while ago,” Daphne grunted, wincing as Jason slapped her ass.

“Yeah, this is… like, alright, but I could use some time with a vibrator, or a tongue, or some fingers that actually know what they’re fucking doing,” Gwen said, keeping her voice low so only Daphne could hear her.

“Seriously,” Daphne replied, wincing again as Jason smacked her ass slightly too hard.

“Yeah, you fucking love that, bitch, don’tcha?” Jason laughed.

“Oh, you’re the best!” Daphne replied, rolling her eyes to Gwen and keeping her sarcasm clear, not that Jason seemed to care.

“I feel fucking stupid for thinking he was such hot shit… fuck that’s good,” Gwen groaned, pushing back against Lizard as he fucked her, liking the particular angle he was taking.

“I’m with you,” Daphne replied, equally irritated and in the throes of half-assed passion, since Jason was still a step above incompetent when it came to sex.

Looking at how annoyed Daphne was, and how fucking hot she looked, all sweaty and covered in cum and flushing with lust, an idea began to form in Gwen’s mind. Like most of her best ideas, it was still an angry and impulsive one that could use a little more polish than she understood how to use, but its simplicity this time made it seem like it couldn’t go wrong.

“Wanna get back at Jason? Give him a real fucking scare?” Gwen said, grinning darkly at Daphne.

The stacked redhead, even through her mediocre fuck with Jason, couldn’t help but smile and agree. “God, yes… it is Halloween after all, sounds only right. What do you have in mind?”

Gwen grinned, leaning in for a kiss. Awkward as it was given their mutual fucks, they managed to make it work for the moment, much to the entertainment of the guys who were participating or watching.

“I need to get some help… think you can keep the guys distracted for a minute?” Gwen asked.

“Bitch, please,” Daphne said, kissing Gwen again. “I’m a walking distraction.”

“Good,” Gwen replied, pushing back against Lizard so that his cock fell out of her, then crawling away.

“The fuck?” the confused jock replied, looking down from Gwen, to his cock, then back again, the length of his mask whipping around as he stood comically in his confusion.

“I need a break, and a drink of water. Daphne’s got you covered, right, bitch?” Gwen said, all bravado and cockiness as she crawled across the bed and dropped down to the floor, stretching out her muscles.

“Oh, I’ve got this…” Daphne replied, pushing off of Jason (despite his best efforts not to let her go) and rolling onto her back on the bed. “You boys want to see how flexible I am while you jack off all over me?”

Ghostface, Lizard and Baggy certainly seemed to find this prospect enticing, enough that even Jason couldn’t raise his voice against them. It was also made all the easier by Daphne showing just how flexible she was, contorting around on the bed in various splits while the boys knelt around her, slowly stroking their cocks for Daphne’s amusement.

Well, *almost* all the boys. Before she could make it to the bathroom, Gwen quickly grabbed Baggy and dragged him in with her.

“What… what’s this?” he asked, confused.

“Pin me against the fucking wall and fuck me, alright? I wanna talk about something…” she directed.

“Oh, alright!” Baggy exclaimed.

He grabbed her and pushed her against the nearest wall, grabbing and raising one of her legs for better entry as he slid his thick cock back inside of her. Gwen moaned, enjoying the way he filled her, and the slow, methodical way he slid in and out of her cunt. This would have been a moment that Gwen normally would have savored, trying to stretch it out as long as possible, but now that they were out of earshot and Daphne had the others distracted, they had some business to get down to.

“So, you like me, right? I’m not saying *like* like, but, you like fucking me and think I’m hot, right?” Gwen asked.

“Is it that obvious?” Baggy grunted, thrusting into her more enthusiastically. “But, yes, the answer’s yes, of course.”

“And do you like me more than you dislike the way Jason treats you and your bros?” Gwen proposed.

Jason gulped, his pace breaking slightly, but not enough that he was going to stop fucking her. “He doesn’t… it’s just tonight and… fuck, okay, yeah, I don’t like how he treats us. Thinks he’s our fucking king, and that the school’s fucking his now that Kyle’s expelled.”

“Wanna help take him down a peg?” Gwen asked, groaning as he kept fucking her perfectly, leaning in to kiss Baggy’s chest.

Baggy thought about it. “You’re not gonna hurt him?”

“Nothing on purpose. It’s just… Halloween, ya know? I think he’s earned a good scare. A *big* fucking scare. And I think you agree,” Gwen groaned, running her hands down Baggy’s chest.

Now, Gwen knew how to manipulate guys pretty well… she’d learned from the best on the cheer squad, after all, but every so often there was a moment where she didn’t have to do much of anything. Sometimes it was fun to get guys to do what she wanted because she knew it was also what they wanted, and after a little time with Baggy, she got the impression that they were on the same wavelength about Jason.

Though his eyes showed conflict through the mask, soon he said, “Yeah… I do.”

“Good,” Gwen said confidently, wrapping her arms around him for stability. “I was gonna bribe you with a one-on-one date, but, you made it easy.”

Baggy slowed down his thrusting, before picking back up as he considered what she said. “You can still bribe me with that if you want. I like being bribed. And I like dates. So, you know, feel free to try bribing! It should work!”

Gwen laughed, but kissed his chest again. “See how the plan goes, then we’ll talk.”

“If it means going out with you, I’d burn down the entire school,” he replied, before quickly adding. “I mean, figuratively, as an expression of what I’d do for you. I wouldn’t really do that since it’s illegal and all, and all our friends are there, and-“

“You wanna help?” Gwen interrupted, squeezing his cock with her pussy with particular fervor.

Baggy groaned, slowing down. “What do you need?”

She smirked, reaching down to squeeze his ass. “First… I need you to get the other guys out of the room… I want it to be just me and Daphne and Jason… and I need you to leave the door unlocked.”

“Doesn’t sound very scary so far…” Baggy admitted.

If she hadn’t taken that moment to moan, Gwen would have rolled her eyes at him, but the sex was feeling good enough that she couldn’t really argue with him.

“And that’s why I need you to get dressed and head back to the party…” Gwen explained. “I need you to find a friend of mine down there…”


The plan came together slowly, but Baggy was good to his promise. After the other guys had had their fun cumming on or getting sucked or stroked by Daphne while she showed off her remarkable flexibility and just what those shapely legs of hers could do, Baggy had coaxed Lizard and Ghostface to leave with them, leaving Jason alone with Daphne and Gwen. Gwen hadn’t been able to explain much of what was happening to the redhead, so she could only hope that she wouldn’t freak out too much, but she had instructed her to get her phone’s camera ready soon, that there would be one hell of a show.

So, while a messy Gwen, her hair all over the place, makeup streaked and absolutely covered in sweat and cum, distracted Jason, Daphne surreptitiously got her phone and turned on the camera, recording.

Not noticing this, Jason looked to the two girls and smiled smugly. “Ya know, my boys are my boys, but in the end, this was how it was all supposed to shake out, I think. At the end of the night, I’m the last man standing with all the prizes, two of the hottest bitches in school… fuck, I love winning.”

“Really?” Gwen asked, sarcastic.

“I never would’ve guessed,” Daphne said, trying to outsarcasm Gwen.

“I know, I seem like a humble guy, but it’s true, I fucking love winning. One of the main reasons I got into sports. Real men gotta win, and I’m as real as it gets baby,” he said to Daphne, before turning his attention to Gwen. “And you’re baby also. That sounds weird. But, fuck it, I won, I won you, you’re my trophies, and that’s fucking awesome.”

“Whatever,” Gwen replied, looking to the bedroom door with anticipation.

Unaware of her annoyance, he continued, “So, what do you girls wanna do next, huh? Take turns watching me fuck the other? Make out? Please say make out, I’d love to watch you make out…”

“Hard pass,” Daphne replied, shaking her head. “I mean, yeah, I want to make out with her, and I will soon, but not for your benefit. I want to do it because she’s a hot fucking slut and a really good kisser.”

“Thanks… and, you’re pretty fucking hot when you’re not being a cunt. Even when you’re being a cunt, actually, fuck, you’re just hot all the time, aren’t you?” Gwen proposed.

“You’re damn right about that,” Daphne laughed. “But I’m still not making out with you while he’s here…”

Jason looked like he had been slapped, when it had really just been his stupid masculine pride. He stood tall and proud and indignant, clearly wanting to show the two girls with him who was boss, when it was fairly clear that neither of them was in a mood to put up with his bullshit.

“Hey!” he complained, appealing to them as he grabbed Gwen by the wrist. “What the fuck! You have any idea how many girls are drooling over me? You two are lucky to be with me! This is Halloween! The night that all the sluts come out! I could’ve gotten with any of those whores, but I went with you instead, and I think I’m entitled to-“

Before he could share what he felt he was entitled to, the bedroom door was kicked open, and standing in the newly torn-open portal was a massive man in a terrifying, and impressively screen-accurate, Leatherface costume. Hulking and breathing heavily with dark eyes staring through the holes of his piecemeal mask, he held a grimy-looking chainsaw in both hands.


Dramatically, he pulled the starter cord of the chainsaw and raised it over his head, filling the room with the roar of the tool as he charged toward them.

Now, when Gwen set everything in motion, she expected a number of different outcomes and ways that Jason might take this. He had the reputation of a fairly fearless athlete, but she got the impression that if anything got real that he might be unpredictable. She expected tears and begging and pleading, and honestly, that would’ve been a lot of fun.

Not nearly as fun as what actually happened, but still fun.

Gwen didn’t expect Jason to scream an impressively high and thoroughly girly scream, and she *certainly* didn’t expect for him to jump naked through the nearest open window.

“Holy shit!” Daphne explained, running over toward the window.

“Holy shit,” Gwen agreed, laughing, sauntering lazily over toward the window so she could see exactly what happened.

And, she guessed, to make sure he was still alive.

Looking down on the front lawn below, she saw that Jason had gotten some nice distance before his fall was broken by a number of foam tombstones. She worried that he might have been dead, or at least seriously hurt for a moment, before he popped up and looked back up at the window, terrified.

“Tommy, stick your head out the window and rev the chainsaw again?” Gwen suggested.

“You got it, girl!” the man in the Leatherface costume replied in his naturally high, sweet voice, bounding over to the window and sticking his chainsaw out of it, revving it as he yelled in his deep, roaring voice, “YOU! I’MMA GONNA GET YOU AND MAKE YOU PAY YOU… YOU MOTHERFUCKER!”

Tommy turned to Gwen. “That sounds nice and butch, right?”

“Oh, totally,” Gwen replied.

“Cool,” Tommy said, before turning his attention back out the window and roaring, “MOTHERFUCKER!!!”

Jason let out another of his high, girly screams, before sprinting across the lawn and down the street buck naked.

The large man in the Leatherface costume slipped back inside the house, laughing softly to himself. “Oh, he’s got a cute little ass, but looks like such a douche.”

Daphne looked to Gwen, impressed, and gave her a slow clap. “That was… that was amazing. I’d take my hat off to you if I had one.”

“I’ll take it,” Gwen acknowledged. “But you gotta give a lot of the credit to Tommy here.”

“Tommy?” Daphne asked, curious.

“That’s me!” Leatherface said, pulling off his mask to reveal the wide, round face of a partially-bearded 18-year-old and utterly sweet-looking young man she vaguely recognized from around school. “Tommy Jarvis, one of the only male cheerleaders in Regan Hills High, bear-in-training and third best cosplayer in town, at your service. Fuck, the way he screamed, you’d have thought he thought my chainsaw was real. He looked like he was about to shit himself… I mean, it was real once, but I took the chain off, so there’s no real danger…”

“Give him another block and he probably will shit himself,” Gwen replied, looking to Daphne. “You got that all on your phone?”

Now that she had an image of what was going on, Daphne’s senses returned. “All of it. I’ll forward you the clip.”

“Do that. Not sure what I’m gonna do with it yet, but it could prove to be useful someday,” Gwen admitted before turning her attention back to their rescuer. “Tommy, I owe you big for this one.”

“You owe me big for a lot of them, girl, but not this one. I’m gonna be laughing about this for months, and that was worth *everything*,” the big boy said, laughing. “I was gonna point out the two of you were naked and cummy, but since that’s probably pretty obvious, I’ll leave you to it! Call me if you ever need a rescue again, that was a hoot!”

Chuckling to himself, Tommy left the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

This left Gwen and Daphne alone and looking at each other, wondering what came next.

“That’s Tommy… he’s kinda camp, but he’s good,” Gwen said, trying to fill the silence.

Daphne smirked. “I can tell. Good to have friends in high places sometimes, no matter what flavor they come in…”

Silence reigned as the two naked woman stared at each other, eyes rolling over each other’s bodies as they got a proper chance to look at the other for the first time in a while. Neither could deny the attraction between them, the heat and the hate intertwined. Her eyes running from Daphne’s pussy to her tits, Gwen couldn’t help but bite her lip.

“So…” Gwen said.

“So…” Daphne replied, setting her phone back down on the nightstand. “I still think you’re a fucking bitch.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” Gwen replied. “But that’s not all bad, is it?”

“Not really. Made Halloween a *lot* more interesting than I was expecting. I should probably thank you, but we’ll probably wind up fighting or fucking some more if we stay here together any longer, won’t we?” Daphne replied.

Gwen grinned, then reached back and quickly slapped Daphne across the cheek. The sharp crack of the slap echoed throughout the room, and furious-looking, Daphne whirled on Gwen, slapping her back. Though it snapped Gwen’s head to the side, the blonde looked up at the redhead with a defiant smile.

And with that, the two of them were on each other again, arms wrapped around each other as they made out and wrestled each other toward the bed. Their lips were inseparable and their hands were roaming over each other’s bodies, but after how this night had begun and what had happened with the guys, the two of them were ready for some serious release the way they wanted it.

Daphne grabbed Gwen by the hair and wrestled her to the bed, the redhead landing on top of the blonde, though Gwen, ever the scrapper, was quick to roll on top of Daphne, reaching down to finger the redhead’s steaming cunt, while Daphne reached up to do the same.

“Fucking bitch…” Daphne growled, gently squeezing Gwen’s clit.

“Cunt,” Gwen groaned, thrusting her fingers inside of Daphne and feeling around for her g-spot while she still thumbed the redhead’s clit.

Gwen leaned down, sucking on one of Daphne’s nipples hard as they continued to fuck each other.

Daphne moaned lusciously, her eyes rolling back from the kind of pleasure she’d hoped to take out of the gangbang. “Fuck! We should’ve done this from the beginning!”

“Mhmmm,” Gwen agreed, biting Daphne by the nipple.

This was enough to set the redhead off, crying out and gushing on Gwen’s fingers. It was a quick, hard, leg-shaking orgasm, but one that made up for a lot of the pent-up energy she’d accumulated through the boys. To be sure, she did have a lot of fun, but at the end of the day, for Daphne anyway, there was nothing quite like how a girl could get her off.

“Ooh… fuck…” Daphne moaned, kissing Gwen deeply. “Ooh, fuck, why are you so good at this?”

Gwen tried to remain smug, but she couldn’t deny that the feeling was fairly mutual. “You’re… pretty fucking great, too… for such a cunt…”

Daphne smirked. “You better believe it, bitch…”

Regaining her strength, Daphne grabbed Gwen and rolled over on top of her, disentangling herself just enough so she could sit on the blonde’s face before leaning in for a quick and dirty 69. Daphne didn’t know if Gwen could get her off as quickly as she wanted, but she was beyond caring as she really wanted to make the blonde scream. She leaned in, licking and suckling and fingering Gwen’s cunt, feeling the blonde cheer bitch crying out against her own pussy lips before returning the treatment. Though their own juices had mixed and matched with a large number of guys at the orgy, the two girls lapped them up as if they were ambrosia, eating the other out with gusto as they sought another round of ecstasy. Having just cum herself, Daphne was at a distinct advantage, and being a girl who was rather proud of her oral skills, she had Gwen on the precipice in no time.

It would have been so easy to draw the situation out, to truly torture the blonde cheerleader and really make her suffer before giving her a devastating orgasm, but when a tasty pussy came along, Daphne couldn’t deny that she was a little greedy, and so she just dove in, giving Gwen everything she had until the slutty little blonde was gushing on her face, powerless to do anything against her.

Daphne kept this going for a moment, before easing up on Gwen, then turning back around so the two of them were face to face, their large breasts pressed against each other.

Giddy and unable to stop herself, Gwen leaned up to kiss Daphne. “Fuck, I hate you.”

Daphne kissed her back with a fiery passion. “I hate you too.”

“But…” Gwen had to admit, “…it’s been a pretty fucking awesome Halloween.”

Smiling broadly, Daphne replied, “Agreed.”

The two girls descended into making out again, prepared to do whatever it took to seek their pleasure out from each other, before a groaning across the room stole their attention. They turned to look, only to discover the forgotten and thoroughly pantsless Scarecrow standing up from his chair, still entangled in his plastic skeleton.

“Did I…” he groaned, running a hand over his head. “Did I miss the gangbang?”

“’fraid so,” Gwen replied.

“Sorry,” Daphne replied, even though her tone wasn’t sorry in the slightest.

“Oh, dammit,” Scarecrow moaned, dropping the skeleton to the ground. “I mean, I wasn’t all that hot on fucking you with all the guys, that was more Jason’s bright idea, but I was hoping to get *some* and… ah, fuck, I really just fucked up Halloween, didn’t I?”

His misery must have struck a chord with the two girls, as they soon looked at each other in consideration.

“You wanna?” Gwen asked.

“I mean, I could… he seems so pitiful right now, I kind of feel bad for him,” Daphne explained. “And we can still fuck each other more after we’re done with him.”

“Truth,” Gwen replied, before turning her attention to him. “Yo, Scarecrow? If you don’t mind sloppy… well, I’ve lost count, but it’s sure as shit more than seconds… if you want some, we’ll fuck ya, no trouble.”

He perked up with hope. “Really?”

“Really,” Daphne replied with a grin, curling her finger for the boy enticingly. “Happy Halloween, Scarecrow, come on over for one last treat…”



Your trademark humor and expression of each unique personality transforms what could have been merely an erotic word salad into another world-expanding entry in the Regan Hills ‘verse. Bravo!