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Recently I put out the call for more questions to run another Q&A, and as usual, you guys delivered! You guys clearly had a lot of fun with the questions today, and I look forward to really tearing into them! Alright, let’s see what you have for me today…


Bob asks, “So! Does Ryan have some sort of genetic abnormalities in him of why his dong is colossal and his Libido is more hyped than a Roman Army after eating Oysters, and able to produce gallons of semen into the girls without issues?”

To answer this question, I will point you to the disclaimer I put at the beginning of every story I post on Lit, “All the characters in this story are 18 years old or older, and since we're living in the wide wonderful world of porno-land here, where clichés roam free and things might get a little unrealistic from time to time, please remember it's all in good fun.

In short, I’m writing a porno, and aspiring to physical realism has never really been one of my main goals.

Poison Pen asks, “Have you ever come across a mention of "SYM" on another site? Like someone discussing or recommending it?”

Truth be told, I haven’t really gone looking. I never really expected to have anything resembling an impact, but if people are talking about it elsewhere (and, you know, not trying to steal my stuff and make it look like their own), that would be pretty neat.

Dan E asks, “Would you consider a POV switch when writing the main SYM story? We can view the story from the chapter's leading lady while they are with Ryan or even have two POVs. This can give you a fresh or new set of ways to write while continuing on Ryan's story (this can also be complicated or cumbersome to write or read so I get why this might not be possible). Maybe something you can do in the Patreon exclusives?”

This is something I’ve considered before, and after a bit of experimenting in Diary of a Goth Princess, something I find that I’m unlikely to do, really. While I understand the narrative possibilities that that would offer, it runs into a few challenges. The first is, at the end of the day, I’m not good at really differentiating a lot of different first-person voices, as my writing all kind of comes out to a voice that’s undeniably mine. Writing spin-off stories in third person has definitely helped remedy that issue, I will admit.

The second main part is that, well, after Diary of a Goth Princess, I’ve come to realize that the interest in that is kinda-sorta limited. With the vast majority of my readers being male, writing something from the female perspective was something that got a lot of both disinterest and some outright hostility, which is something I generally try to avoid in life. So, I’ll never fully close the door on this in the event that I get an amazing idea, but I don’t have plans to really jump in anytime soon.

Dried Squid asks, “Are you going to add more frustrated MILFs that doesn't get enough from their husbands? The Book Club is the reason I'm here so I'd be happy to have more. Also, do you have plans to turn Diary of a Goth Princess into a 3rd person?”

There’s always room for more MILFs in Regan Hills, so fret not there.

And, no, while I know the female perspective of Diary didn’t work for you, I have no intention of rewriting them in third person. For the most part, I try to look forward, and going back and redoing one of my stories that didn’t garner a ton of interest in the first place is not high on my priority list.

Faqt3 asks, “Have you considered doing a story featuring a milf teacher and one or more of the many slut students? Ryan can't be the only student taking part in all of their nympho fun. Or even just bringing one of his friends/girlfriends along. How the heck has he not brought Josie and/or Brooke along to one of his after school lessons with Brenda?”

In the wake of the events of Book Club Memories, I would not be shocked if more of the teachers were open to having some fun with student-teacher conferences. While there are no definite plans for any of this anytime soon, yeah, I’m quite interested in the possibilities this would create.

Faqt3 asks, “And on the subject of teachers, will Principal Carpenter be next on Ryan's list to conquer, or will she remain blissfully unaware of the debauchery that takes place within the walls of her school?”

Next on Ryan’s list? Heavens, no. But I wouldn’t be shocked if Principal Carpenter had an increased presence in the story sometime around the April arc…

woofbarkdonkey asks, “Is it possible in the future we will ever see a AI art version of Ryan's photo collection? Also are we ever going to see Ryan himself?”

I would absolutely love to be able to recreate Ryan’s album, but this is where I run into the limitations of the technology currently available, and my own limitations in manipulating it. I’m honestly lucky to be able to get the pictures I’ve been sharing with you guys lately, as they take a lot of work and iterations with the AI generator to get as good and non-horrifying as they are. Someday, I’m hopeful that the album will be possible, but for now it’s a no-go.

Ryan on the other hand is one of those lines I have no intention of crossing. While I have described him in some odds and ends detail over time, I kind of like leaving him a blank slate of sorts so the readers can project whatever particular image they want on him, making it a lot easier to get into his position in these stories.

Pat Reon asks, “Is there any upcoming chapters/story arcs that you’re excited to write?”

I’m not going to lie that I’m really excited to get into the March arc with the drama students, as I’ve got a lot of colorful, hot characters I really want to dig into and have fun with. Ryan’s going to have his hands full with some of these girls, and some unexpected challenges that will also drive the month. It’s been a while since he’s had a proper antagonist, and one of these is brewing in March…

Benjamin Kern asks, “Still want more of this story, but any plans for any other stories in the future not in the SYM Universe?”

I would love to stretch my wings and explore stories that have nothing to do with the SYM-Verse, but at the end of the day, that’s something of a challenge. My one real experiment with leaving Regan Hills, with Once Upon a Halloween, was received with lukewarm enthusiasm, at best, and has left me a little gun shy with trying more outside of the comfortable confines of the SYM-Verse. Given time, though, I might get a little braver and experiment with that.

beeZr asks, “Do you have any plans to release an ebook? How do you make your character art?”

I’m going to answer these questions in reverse order. The character art I’ve been making lately has been predominantly with the help of two websites, Lexica.art (for clothed headshots) and Soulgen.net (for nudes). They both have their pluses and minuses, but have been great to me overall.

As for ebooks… that’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while, actually. I’ve really wanted to go full George Lucas on the earlier chapters of SYM and release extended special editions in ebook format. It’s my hope of being able to get this process started later this year, so, stay tuned for further updates there!


Thank you again for all of the questions! This was a lot of fun, and I look forward to doing this more in the future!




For what it’s worth I’ve found Diary of a Goth Princess to be very good as well as very much enjoying all your other spin offs


Thanks for answering my questions! I look forward to seeing the MILF teachers get more intimately involved with their students affairs, both male and female. I hope one day you can George Lucas some of the earlier chapters, when you are able to of course. It's interesting to go back and read early SYM's and see how short they are, both in the length of the chapters themselves and the main sex scenes of those stories. It's like going back to the beginning of your favorite TV show and seeing a major important character just in the background because they didn't know at the time how awesome they would be. When you know how important Brenda is, for example, and you see that her debut scene is about half the length of what a main sex scene would be now.