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Hello my wonderful patrons! Well, after how pleased I was with how well Diary of a Goth Princess Ch. 1 came out, I decided to switch it from a Patreon Exclusive Story to a story I'd post publicly on Lit, and I thanked you all for your patience and understanding. As well, I made you a promise that I'd post the next chapter for you here, free of charge, and, well, today I'd like to make good on that promise. And so, exclusive here before it gets posted to Lit, I present to you Diary of a Goth Princess Ch. 2. I had a lot of fun with this one (it gets pretty messy), and I like to hope you'll enjoy it as well.



There are a lot of things that happened during senior year at Regan Hills High School that I’d have never seen coming from a mile away, and pretty fucking high on that list was me being in a relationship again. I knew there’d be plenty of sex, and that I’d have a lot of fun with my friends… but not another relationship, definitely not after the last one ended how it did.

Since I don’t wanna depress you, I’ll keep my Jackson rehash short. He seemed like my type of guy, skinny, macabre, was a pretty bitchin’ bass player, and it seemed like we had a lot of fun together. I was dumb and in love and couldn’t tell that he was also a controlling and emotionally abusive asshole, and I thought that tears and breakdowns were just the norm in relationships, you know? He had a way of making me think things were my fault when they weren’t, and when the breakup happened… I might have been stupid and tried hurting myself. Badly.

But this is all backstory; I’m all better now, and I owe it to my friends. Between Mia’s fury, Fatima’s strength, Sarah’s compassion and Hope’s determination, I made it through and started valuing myself, pulled my head out of my ass and put Jackson in the rearview mirror. No matter how many times that asshole tried to get back in my life, I kicked him to the fucking curb.

I thought I was done with relationships, that if you just gave me some casual sex and slutting it up, I’d be fucking happy for the rest of the year.

Funny thing was, my year had different plans. A sweet nerd with a big dick joined our school paper, and even though I met him in the middle of him fucking our editor, he seemed like he might be interesting. When I finally hit him up a couple weeks later and we started having sex, I knew something felt different about him, and not just because he had the biggest fucking cock I’d ever seen. I tried to deny it, tried to tell myself it was just me being horny, but whenever Ryan Collins and I got together, there was some fucking magic between us…

So, yeah, even though I said I wouldn’t ever get in a relationship again, Ryan and I became boyfriend and girlfriend, and we had a great fucking time. We got along, knew how to make each other laugh, fucked like crazy, shared our other sexual exploits with each other, and I don’t think I’d ever met anyone who knew about horror movies as much as I did. Ryan felt like he could be… well, I don’t want to sound too fucking girly, but it felt like he could be the one.

But this chapter isn’t about Ryan. No, this one begins with our girlfriend, Brooke.

Just as Ryan wasn’t the only guy I’d been with this year, I knew I wasn’t the only girl he’d been with, but when I came back from a family vacation to find out he’d also fallen in love with a tiny, blonde cheer slut by the name of Brooke King, one of those popular, ditzy and peppy girls I grew up hating, I was confused at first. Not confused enough to not have group sex with them, but, enough that I knew we’d have to talk shit out afterward for a while.

So, the three of us talked shit out, decided we’d find out if and how poly would work for us, and found out that we could actually make it work.

And it wasn’t long before I found myself falling in love with a tiny, blonde cheer slut with pigtails, a never-ending smile, who said “like” and “totally” far more than I would normally approve of, with an almost exclusively pink wardrobe. Sometimes you need some sunshine in your life, and Brooke, she’s *all* sunshine. Considering how dark some of the places I’d been recently were, she was a breath of fresh air.

Also, she wasn’t nearly as ditzy as I thought. The girl had a sharp mind hidden behind all that sorta Valley Girl talk, and as it turned out had some of the best grades in school of anyone I knew. It may have taken some work to get her into horror, but she was quickly working through her fears and starting to enjoy watching scary stuff with Ryan and me, and when we were in bed… holy shit, I have never been with a girl who had more energy than Brooke King.

Still, there was a lot more work to making the day-to-day parts of our relationship function, and as much as I will defend Brooke’s intelligence, she still had her share of those ditzy moments that fit into a lot of your blonde cheer slut stereotypes well.

So, I guess this is as good a time as any for me to talk about how my girlfriend’s forgetfulness led to me fucking her dad.


At first, when it became a clear pattern of Brooke forgetting things back at her place (textbooks, phone chargers, handcuffs and the like), I thought that was her way of getting out of a bad situation, or sending me out so she could steal more time with Ryan. After enough time together, though, I realized that, as organized and as smart as she was, she was also just forgetful. She blamed it on a busy schedule of cheerleading and parties and sex… and that checked out, really.

Usually she was good enough to deal with this problem and pick up her own shit, but sometimes if she had to stay later at school, or was out hanging out with her friends, she’d ask me very nicely (sometimes begging on her knees, which was a pretty sweet sight), and because she was my girlfriend, I’d say yes.

I had to say yes, because unlike our boyfriend, I had a car.

Brooke had given me a key to her place so I could sneak in and grab whatever she needed from her room, and I’d gotten used to coming and going from her place on my ride home after school while avoiding her parents while they were still at work. I even started texting her whenever I left school as a matter of course to see if she needed me to grab anything.

Like all things that start out easy, though, this got complicated, fast.

I’d been doing this for just over a week when I saw someone unexpected coming out of Brooke’s house.

Gwen Savage.

She was another of those cheer slut types that I’d hardly endeared myself to. Dirty blonde hair, kinda white-trashy, bitchy attitude, big tits, nice legs. Good to look at but not someone I’d ever hang out with. I knew that she and Brooke were friends because Brooke could befriend fucking anyone, but seeing her coming out of Brooke’s house when I knew that Brooke wasn’t home was odd.

So was the fact that she was looking like she just got fucked, and hard. Her hair and clothes were messed up, she was walking funny, and had this stupid little grin on her face that didn’t seem like she might ever shake. I had a hard time putting together what exactly might have happened here, and had to settle on guessing that she’d snuck over to Brooke’s place to use one of Brooke’s many interesting vibrators, weird as it was.

Not wanting to be bothered by Gwen fucking Savage, I drove off and didn’t get what Brooke had asked me for. When I met with her later that night and explained what I saw, all she would do was giggle and apologize vaguely and say it was no big deal.

Now, I loved her, but I knew when I was being lied to, and you could say that got my curiosity going like crazy. However, since she wasn’t saying anything, and I couldn’t guess what was going on, I figured I’d probably just be a curious little bitch who never knew the answer, and that I’d be better off just putting this out of mind.

That thought only lasted until the next afternoon I had to head over to Brooke’s and saw Addison Gonzalez stumbling out. Our beautiful, Latina homecoming queen looked just like Gwen had, freshly fucked and an utter mess, and all too pleased with herself.

This was becoming more of a mystery than I expected. What started out as a curiosity was becoming a minor obsession.

The next four days when I didn’t have babysitting or time with Ryan and Brooke, I continued heading over to Brooke’s place just to see if there was anything else I could find out. On three of those days I saw three more cheerleaders, Kitty Stein, Haley Campbell and Alyssa Nguyen, stepping out of the house and looking much the same. It was looking more and more like Brooke might have had a private little sex den run out of her house, which seemed right for her, but felt weird that she wouldn’t tell me anything about it. It also felt strange that I never saw any other guys or girls coming out of her place on these days, just one girl at a time…

It was on that third day, seeing Alyssa stumbling out, that I saw enough for things to fall into place, when I saw that the garage door to the King house had been left open, and there was a truck parked inside.

Now, I didn’t spend enough time at Brooke’s place to really get a handle on how things were in her family, but this was enough to get me suspecting that something was going on here. I could’ve asked any of the girls I saw stumbling out, but I didn’t want to because I didn’t like most of those girls, and was fine doing my own investigating. It was enough to give me some ideas, enough to put a plan together that would finally confirm for me just what the fuck was going on around here.

I waited for a day when I knew there would be a cheer practice after school all the girls would have to show up for, and sure enough, there was no car parked outside.

I sat in the car, checking myself over. I looked good enough. Makeup was on point, hair looked nice in its choppy way, and underneath my long black coat, I was wearing one of my nicer tank top and leather skirt combos, with torn fishnets and knee-high black leather boots. Not exactly the stuff you wear for the best first impressions, but I wasn’t looking to make a good first impression.

I told myself I was just there to satisfy my curiosity.

I stepped out of my car and crossed the street to Brooke’s place. Though I had a key, I figured this time that it’d be best to knock.

So, I knocked, and I waited.


I heard a TV on inside, someone was definitely here.

I knocked again. Still nothing. I rang the doorbell.

That got results. Soon after, I heard the door unlocking, then it swung open, revealing the dark outline of a mountain of a man standing before me in a faded tank top and boxer shorts.

“Yeah? What do you want?” he asked gruffly, before his voice softened a little. “Oh… Brooke’s told me about you… you’re Josie, right? Her girlfriend?”

He stepped forward slightly, into the light, and the second I saw him, I recognized him from Brooke’s family photos. This man was Brian King, her father… though the pictures never actually gave an accurate scale of the man.

He stood at 6’5” easy, a good 250+ pounds of what looked like solid muscle. For a guy in his early 40s, he looked incredibly fit, with broad shoulders and skin weathered by sun and hard labor. His face was neither particularly handsome or ugly, just similarly gruff to his voice, with a square jaw, faded freckles on his cheeks, a thin smile and steely blue eyes. His face had seen its share of fights, with a couple faded scars and a nose that looked like it had been broken a couple times, yet healed well. His copper-colored hair was kept cut in a short buzz, and was mostly visible in the nearly beardlike smear of stubble that covered his cheeks and chin.

Brooke had told me that her father was a big man from more than 20 years in construction, but it was one thing to hear about him and see pictures, and another to have him utterly dwarf little old 5’4” me. He was far from my type, but I gotta say, there was a certain, overpoweringly masculine vibe to the guy that brought out unexpected feelings.

Clearing my throat and trying to pretend that I hadn’t unexpectedly been ogling him, I said, “Yeah. I’m Josie.”

“Cool… been wanting to meet you for a while, Brooke’s told me a lot of good stuff,” he said coolly, opening the door wider. “She’s not here, and I don’t know when she’ll be back, but you can come in if you want.”

“Sure,” I said, stepping inside under his arm, still braced at the doorframe. He closed and locked the door behind me. “Thanks, Mr. King.”

“Brian. Just Brian. Only guys I let call me Mr. King work for me,” Brian explained from behind me. “Want a beer?”

“You know I’m eighteen, right?” I asked, confused but interested.

“So? God knows I had plenty when I was your age,” he said, motioning toward the kitchen in an offer to pick up drinks.

Now, I’d been around enough guys who were pushy around drinks to know when to be alarmed, but the way Brian proposed this, it didn’t raise any red flags. It was too casual and friendly to be the move of a true asshole, and while there was still a chance I should have worried, I decided to trust my gut. After all, he may have been on the gruff side, but I got a decent vibe off of him, and he had to have been alright to have raised Brooke so well.

“Fuck it, sure,” I said, as he retreated to the kitchen.

I wandered into the living room, where he had clearly been camped out for the better part of the afternoon. It looked like a suburban dream, no doubt because of Brooke’s mom, Brittany, who the way Brooke described it might well have been the second coming of Martha Stewart. Family photos filled the room, showing Brian in his high school football days, Brittany in her petite pageant girl days, their wedding, and a whole lot of Brooke growing up all over the place.

It was a sight that might have been downright wholesome if it wasn’t for the porn paused on the television right now. It was amateur stuff, a big guy fucking down into a much smaller starlet with his huge cock, but it looked pretty good. Something about each of them looked familiar, but it was hard to make out the details of each of them from this angle.

I don’t know if this was something he left on by accident, or to get a rise out of me, but I wasn’t going to show it had any effect on me.

Brian came back into the living room with a couple cans of cold beer, handing one to me. He opened his one-handed and quickly took a swig, while I took my time before taking a sip.

“Seems I caught you while you were busy,” I said nodding toward the TV.

Without any embarrassment, he chuckled and plopped down on the couch opposite the large flatscreen. “Yeah… my company’s between gigs right now, so I got some free time. Figure I might as well fill it rather than staying bored. That a problem?”

I got the distinct feeling that he might have left it paused on the screen like a challenge.

I knew how to deal with challenges.

“Fuck no,” I said, sitting on a chair perpendicular to the couch. “You do you, man. So long as no one’s getting hurt or in trouble, do whatever, I figure.”

“That’s a good way to think about it,” Brian replied, taking a sip, resting his hand on the remote, but not pressing play. I could see the consideration in his eyes, and the impressive, shifting bulge in his pants, but clearly he wanted to play this cautious.

“So, not to be a bad host, but you mind telling me why you came here? And I know it ain’t just to see Brooke, ‘cause you had to know she wasn’t here, and if you were trying to avoid me, you’d have left already, so… yeah, you get me? You got a look to you, Josie, that says there might be trouble, and I don’t want any trouble,” he said, keeping his voice even.

There was a mild threat to his tone, but no violence, and I knew I had to be careful with this next part.

Don’t get me wrong, I knew how to deal with assholes, but did I mention how much he fucking dwarfed me?

I took a sip of my beer. “Look, I’m the last person to pry into anyone’s personal lives and what they do with their free time, but because I love Brooke, I gotta be honest…”

“Oh, I like honesty,” he chuckled, taking a gulp from his beer. The way he stared at me with those steely eyes made me uncomfortable, but not in a bad way.

Time to handle this delicately.

“Look, I know you’ve been fucking Brooke’s friends,” I said.

Okay, maybe I could’ve said it more delicately. Maybe I wanted to shock him, to put him on edge and set him off guard so I could make my point.

Brian King, however, was completely unshaken by my words. “So? They’re all eighteen. I’d never make ‘em do anything. Absolutely nothing wrong with anything we’ve done.”

I didn’t expect this kind of casualness. Now I was the one caught off guard.

“Maybe not legally, but… well, look, like I said, I love Brooke, and I don’t want to see her hurt, and I just… look, I don’t want her parents breaking up because you can’t help but fuck around, alright? Just lay off and try not to hurt your wife or your daughter in this, okay?” I said, keeping my voice firm and direct and hoping that he wouldn’t notice that I held nothing over him to actually make good on my vague threat.

He looked at me for maybe a second before bursting into laughter.

“The fuck?” I asked, now fairly certain that he understood I held nothing to make good on my threat.

“No, it ain’t you,” Brian replied, holding out one of his big hands as if that was going to calm me down. “It’s just, you don’t got a clue how things go around here, do ya? I thought Brooke mighta told ya.”

Now I was really confused. “I… have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.”

Smiling, he continued in his low, growly voice, “Brittany and me, we got some… well, overactive libidos, you might say, and while we’re fucking lightning in a bottle together, sometimes we need more, and shit happens. So, I screw who I like and she doesn’t judge me, she screws who she likes and I don’t judge her, and none of us judge Brooke and whatever she does in her free time. So long as Brittany and me know we got each other at day’s end, that’s all that fucking matters.”

That… well, that made a lot of sense, actually. It was a lot like how Ryan, Brooke and I handled things with each other, but I still had to be sure.

“And you expect me to believe that?” I asked.

“Don’t believe me, fine, believe your own eyes,” he said, motioning to the TV. “Now lemme just cue her up here-“

Images of impressive depravity shot across the screen, before settling briefly on a big guy fucking a big-titted redhead… who I recognized as Haley from school, meaning the man she was riding was… wow, he looked fucking good at this.

“That’s the wrong clip, but that’s a fun one,” Brian admitted, jumping back into fast forward. “It’s not like Brooke tried hooking me up with any of those girls, but she invited them over enough, and enough of those girls got a look at me, then get that glimmer in their eye, and, well, if they whisper sweet nothings, I’m only human… ah, there we go, there’s the one.”

I looked back to the screen and saw a fit, blonde woman on all fours, getting railed by one of our school’s football players.

“There’s my wife with your school’s placekicker…” he said, before fast forwarding. “That guy’s on the soccer team… and that one’s on the swim team I think… most of those guys met Brittany after they and Brooke parted ways, I think… here she is with a couple of guys from my construction team… here’s her with her boss… here’s her getting double-teamed by me and her boss… you get the idea.”

Alright, I believed my own eyes, and tried not to focus on how wet I suddenly realized I was.

Brooke never told me about this side of her parents, but it suddenly struck me as very possible that Brooke didn’t know everything her parents were up to. Clearly she had some idea, but, it seemed that she was pretty good at protecting their family secrets. I doubt even she knew, however, that they were both fucking around this much, and seemingly recording every minute of it.

Man, Regan Hills, the small town that always managed to surprise you with how many people were fucking how many people.

Pausing the video yet again, Brian sighed and said, “You believe me now? Brittany and me, our marriage is strong. It’s strong because we know ourselves, and each other, and we trust each other. Anything that happens beyond that, hey, it’s all just hot and heavy fun that we get to talk about and make each other hot with after. You might be a kid, but it looks like you got an understanding of that.”

“I got some idea,” I admitted, playing it cool.

He looked me up and down and grinned. “Yeah, you look like you do.”

Taking another sip of beer, I decided to say ‘fuck it’ have some fun with this whole fucked-up setup. Brian King may have been far from my type, kind of a brute, and my girlfriend’s dad at that, but since I doubted Brooke would have a problem with any of this, and the video bits I’d seen made it look like he was a guy who knew how to have a good time.

And even though none of the shots had a good view, it looked like he had a huge fucking cock.

I leaned forward slightly, giving him a view of my impressive cleavage and challenged, “Yeah?”

Brian grinned, unapologetically leering at the view I’d given him. “Yeah.”

“You really think you got that good a read on me?” I asked.

“Oh I’d never pretend to go that far,” he laughed. “But I’ve been around the block a few times, little girl, and believe me… I’ve seen some things, picked up my share of tricks. I won’t say I know you, ‘cause I don’t, but I got some ideas.”

“Like what?” I challenged, raising an eyebrow.

Exhaling, he said, “Like if I told you that I’d started something here before you interrupted me and was gonna continue watching my homemade porn, you’d be more inclined to join me on the couch and watch than you would be to run for the door.”

Brian let the words hang there, then said, “Am I wrong, little girl?”

He said those last two words with some particular sharpness, adding bite to his challenge.

Fine, he wanted to see what I was made of, I’d fucking show him.

Getting up from the chair, I turned around and then joined him on the couch, sitting in such a way that he couldn’t help but get a look at my amazing ass before I sat down. There was enough space between us if I needed to call this off, but not enough to turn the heat down. Yeah, my nipples were hard, my panties were wet, and my heart was probably beating pretty fucking hard, but by the look of the tent in his boxers, I wasn’t the only one enjoying the charge in the room.

“You said you were watching something,” I said, adding every bit of appropriate bitchiness to my voice. “So, let’s fucking watch something.”

“Alright, then,” he said, pressing buttons on the remote as he cued something up. “The girl knows what she wants.”

“Obviously,” I said, taking a long sip from my beer.

“Good,” Brian replied, finishing cuing the video up. “How’s this, then?”

It cut to the image of an 18-year-old girl with dirty blonde hair sitting on the edge of a king-sized bed. She had a great body, toned and tight with a decent set of D-cups. The way her makeup was messed up and her hair was askew, I knew she’d already been having some fun. It was only when I focused on her face did I recognize her as Gwen Savage, the bitchy cheerleader I’d seen exiting this house some days ago.

An enormous man entered the frame, his head cut off by the camera, before his great, big hands reached downward and grabbed her tits roughly. Gwen moaned and pressed against him, looking up at him adoringly as he did this, before pushing her down onto her back and spreading her legs. She looked up at him anticipating, and before she could do anything, he leaned down and pressed his head between her legs, eating her out.

“Oh god…” Gwen moaned, writhing in bed. “You said you’d fuck me, Daaaaddy…”

Her voice was so whiny and cutesy that it felt like nails on a chalkboard to me, but it did make me shift uncomfortably in my seat.

“She calls you Daddy?” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Hey, what can I say, it gets some of the girls going. I ain’t gonna stop ‘em,” Brian replied, chuckling. “Shit, after some of these tapes, even Brit’s taken to callin’ me that in bed sometimes… all fire, that woman…”

Though it still sounded silly to me, as I watched him continue to vigorously eat Gwen’s pussy, I understood how it might have an appeal.

“Kinky,” I admitted, watching the screen as this sex act seemed to go on for quite some time.

Gwen was whiny, and bitchy, but watching Brian eat her out was like watching an artist at work. He got Gwen going, then would edge her down, making the little bitch quiver before going back at her even harder. She had her hands on his head and her legs wrapped around his neck, but he was utterly in control, perfectly playing with her pussy to match his whims.

By the first time I saw her cum, she looked an utter mess, screaming and shaking and battering her ankles on his broad back. It was an over-exaggerated look that had me rolling my eyes.

“She’s faking it,” I said.

Brian chuckled. “That one, she tried fakin’ it on me first… she probably thought it was a neat trick, but I knew what she was doing; I kept at her until I had her eating out of the palm of my fucking hand.”

I was impressed that he could make her cum like that, but couldn’t show it. Jokingly, I said, “And calling you Daddy, apparently.”

“Yup,” he said, sliding one of his big hands beneath the waistband of his boxers. While I thought he might’ve just been scratching himself at first, the way his hand moved, I knew he was stroking his impressively large cock.

Brian looked at me, challenging, seeing if this would send me running. My nipples were threatening to tear holes in my tank top, and my panties were fucking soaked at this point… but I wasn’t going to run. Looking impressed, he turned his attention back to the TV.

We watched as he continued to eat Gwen out onscreen, making her cum several more times, and I had to admit, at this point I was convinced he was right. He was making that little bitch squirm, scream and squirt, and it was a work of art. The man was a machine, unphased by anything and incapable of tiring, it seemed.

By the time I’d lost count of how many times he’d made Gwen cum, Brian finally stood up on screen and grabbed Gwen by the hips, flipping her over onto her stomach as if she weighed nothing, then pulling her up onto her knees so she was in a face down, ass up position.

“You think you’ve seen her scream so far, wait’ll you see this,” he said to me, enthusiastic as he pointed at the screen with his one free hand. He was even more shamelessly jerking it under his boxers now, still challenging me to say something, *anything* that might get a reaction.

“Okay,” I shrugged, keeping my tone non-committal and even a little bored, even if I was unbelievably turned on right now.

I’d never had a guy as gruff and brutish as Brian King stir up these feelings inside of me; I’d always thought they were pigs and assholes, and usually they were, but Brian… he just radiated this absolute confidence and dark energy that was a crazy turn-on. He was so utterly shameless and audacious that I kind of felt jealous of his confidence, and by this point in my life I considered myself fucking confident.

I could’ve probably taken a few notes from him.

For now… fuck, I was horny… and I wanted to keep this game going.

I reached for the zipper on the side of my skirt and pulled it up, revealing more of my thigh. I knew he was watching this, and, yeah, I made this showy, but like him, I didn’t say a damn thing when I slid my hand in the gap of my now loosened skirt. I made it so he couldn’t see anything for sure, but I couldn’t hold back my sigh of relief when I finally got to push my panties aside and start massaging my clit.

Fuck, that felt a lot better…

“Heh,” he grunted, then turning back to the screen as we both watched him get on his knees behind Gwen and slide his cock into her pussy.

“Fucking camera angle,” I complained, holding back a moan. “It’s too far away, can’t see…”

“What, my cock stretching that little bitch’s cunt wide open?” Brian suggested.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

My eyes widened as I watched him fuck Gwen with a near-animalistic frenzy. His hips were a blur as he fucked in and out of her, his clearly thick cock stretching her to her limit as he brutally fucked her. Gwen turned her head so it was visible to the camera, and I got to see her cycle through the agony of insane pleasure. Her mouth hung open, wailing, occasionally trying to form words and just losing the will as she succumbed to the insane fucking she got on screen.

“That’s right, Brooke’s told me you’re into photography…” Brian said, grunting softly as he continued jacking off. “Well, maybe when we’re done here, I’ll show you the bedroom, you can give me some tips on the camera setup…”

I was already certain I’d be seeing the inside of his bedroom soon, and while I was touching myself, I responded, “Cool.”

“In the meantime, if you wanted a better look at my cock, all you had to do was ask,” Brian said coolly.

As I watched that cock on screen pistoning in and out of Gwen’s tight cunt and felt an orgasm build, I might have been unable to put together coherent thoughts or maintain my cool, but god knows I sure did try. “Sure, yeah, whatever…”

Brian muttered something I lost under the screams of Gwen, but the way he smirked, I think I caught the gist of it. He pulled his hand out from his boxers, then arched his back enough that he could pull them down his legs.

Now, I’d seen some big fucking cocks before, and was currently dating a guy with the biggest cock I’d ever seen. While the nine-inch erection that Brian King sported was slightly shorter than Ryan’s, it was much thicker, and I gotta note that Ryan’s cock was fucking thick. Brooke’s dad sported a cock that was easily about as thick as my forearm, and looked like it’d be every bit as much a pussy pleaser as it was a destroyer.

I mean, I’d been fisted before, and the massive size of his cockhead, steadily drooling precum that glistened down his monstrous shaft intimidated the hell out of me. And those balls… so big and full, even with all the fucking he got… fuck, at the way he got around, it seemed a miracle he hadn’t knocked half the town up.

“So… how’s that for a better view, *little girl*?” he hissed, his voice low with dark promise.

This was a bad moment for me to decide to spontaneously squeeze my clit, but even if it was a little embarrassing, there was something amazing about completely and utterly losing it as I came in front of Brian.

It was a hard cum. A messy one. The kind of orgasm that makes your toes curl and your legs quiver uncontrollably. I closed my eyes tightly and might’ve even moaned a few choice expletives, but I think more than anything, I just moaned and shook.

By the time my head cleared enough to get my bearings, the scene on TV was reaching its crescendo.

“I’m fucking cumming!” Gwen wailed. “Fuck me, Daddy, fuck me haaaaaaaaarder!!!!!”

I watched as Gwen had another of her overdramatic orgasms as Brian pounded her roughly from behind, before he buried himself deep in and grunted.

“Take it… slut…” he groaned, pushing deep inside of her and filling her with cum. It was a painfully hot sight, and as I caught my breath, I turned to look at Brian.

He eyed me smugly, clearly enjoying watching me cum. “Pretty great, huh?”

“I won’t lie… you’ve got a fucking talent,” I said, looking back down at his cock and licking my lips.

“Something tells me I ain’t the only one,” he said, continuing to leer at me. “I bet you got a talent or two.”

“More than you know,” I said defiantly. I tried to sit up straight. I mostly succeeded.

“Uh huh… maybe…” Brian replied offhandedly, leaning back on the couch and going back to slowly stroking his cock.

Looking back at the TV, I saw how Gwen had utterly collapsed, panting and shaking as Brian pulled out of her.

“I’m a way hotter slut than Gwen fucking Savage,” I said, standing up from the couch as if that might give me some level of strength and high ground over the sitting man.

The way my legs still wobbled and I had to grab hold of my mostly unzipped skirt to keep it from falling off, I don’t think I did a very good job of this.

“Prove it,” he commanded, his voice low and authoritative again. “Take off your fucking clothes.”

Defiantly, I replied, “You first.”

Brian raised an eyebrow. I hope it was because he was impressed, and not because he was holding back a laugh since he was only wearing a tank top at this point. Nonetheless, he said nothing as he kicked off his underwear, then pulled his tank top over his head, revealing his chest to me. Though he didn’t have the defined abs of an underwear model, the man was clearly almost pure muscle, with a dark copper patch of chest hair and a visible USMC tattoo on the side of his ribcage.

I wasn’t usually into bulky guys, but I knew I’d be able to make an exception for him.

“Your turn,” he said.

“Alright,” I said, tossing my jacket onto the chair nearby, then finally letting my skirt drop to the floor as I stepped closer to him.

I turned around, giving him a good view of my ass as I bent over and unlaced my boots, pulling them, then my fishnets off. I could have made a show out of this, but he struck me more as the kind of guy who’d want results rather than a fancy striptease, so I kept to the point. Turning back around, I pulled my tank top over my head, leaving me standing before him in only my matching black bra and soaked panties. I knew that with my ink and piercings, my black lipstick and glossy, pixie cut hair, that I didn’t look like a lot of the girls he was used to, but he looked impressed.

With D-cups and an ass as perfect as mine, he better have been impressed.

“Not bad, little girl…” Brian said, nodding. “But you can do better than that.”

“Oh, I know I can do better than that…” I said, reaching behind my back to unclasp my bra. “…I just want to make sure that I’ve got your attention. You’ve been stuck on a diet of cheer sluts lately, and I want to make sure you can fucking appreciate what’s fallen into your lap.”

“Not in my lap yet,” he laughed.

The way he was looking at me instead of the moans coming from the TV, I knew I had him. Unclasping my bra, I dropped it to the floor and baring my tits. His face didn’t change much as he took in my hard nipples and my pierced left nipple, but when I dropped my panties to the floor and exposed my shaved pussy to him, I think I saw his eyes widen slightly. As turned on and wet as I was, I knew I had to look pretty ripe to him.

“Nice,” he said, simply, before his eyes turned to look at the tattoo underneath my right breast. “What’s that say?”

I had a small string of Chinese characters under my breast, and when he asked, I smirked. “’If you can read this, then you speak Chinese’.”

Brian barked another gruff laugh at that. “Not bad! That’s actually kinda funny. You are something else!”

“You don’t know the half of it…” I said, peering back at the TV where Gwen was now giving Brian a sloppy blowjob and gagging up a storm. “Like, you see that there? I can give a way better blowjob than that dumb cunt cheer slut.”

“Yeah?” he asked, impressed.

“Oh, fuck yeah,” I said, running my hands up my body and squeezing my tits. “You want me to prove it?”

“Oh, I want you to prove it,” Brian replied, smiling devilishly. “But first, I want you to turn around… I need a better look at your ass now that I got you bare…”

I rolled my eyes at him, but turned around so he could get a good look at my ass.

“Closer,” Brian demanded.

Sighing, I took a step backwards.

“Closer than that,” he said, his voice harsher and more direct.

I shivered at his tone, then took another step back. When it came to sex, I was used to being mostly dominant… but there were times when being submissive could turn me on like nothing else ever could. Hearing his commanding, dark voice, overpowered something deep inside of me and had me dripping with anticipation.

“There we go…” Brian grunted approvingly.

He reached up and without gentleness or any hesitation, grabbed my ass in his big, strong hands. His skin was rough and callused, and the way he squeezed my ass felt less about trying to arouse me and more about wanting to just grope the fuck out of my ass, but goddamn if I wasn’t crazy turned on by this treatment.

Brian King had a read on me, and he knew how to press my fucking buttons.

I’d have to be careful.

“That’s a pretty great fucking ass you got, Josie, perfect for squeezing…” he said, before spanking me once with a harsh SMACK! “…spanking, hell, maybe even more.”

A soft moan escaped my lips when his hand slapped against my ass, and I looked over my shoulder at him, taunting. “No maybe to it… you’re looking at the anal queen of Regan Hills High.”

There might have been a few other contenders for the title, but I didn’t have to tell him that.

“That a fact?” he asked, continuing to grope my ass.

“You calling me a liar?” I replied.

“Nope,” he said simply, before licking one of his middle fingers. “Just means I get to enjoy this more.”

Before I could say anything, Brian slid that thick, strong finger between my ass cheeks, pressed it against my asshole, and forced it inside of me. The pressure was intense, and I grimaced… in pleasure, in pain… yeah, definitely both of those… fuck, my girlfriend’s dad was fingerfucking my ass, and it felt soooo fucking good. His fingers were thick and skilled, twisting and turning and stretching my tight ass as he explored around within me, enjoying this moment of intense depravity.

“Fuck…” I grunted.

“You’re a tight little slut, I’ll grant ya that,” he said.

“Tightest you’ll ever find,” I moaned softly, squeezing my tits as he continued to violate my ass with his fingers.

“We’ll see how you stack up to Brittany, that woman’s tight… but you ain’t bad, though,” he said, thrusting his finger in and out of my ass a few times, roughly and briefly fucking my tight little ass a little harder before pulling out. “Could definitely have some fun with that ass later.”

He took my hips in his strong hands, grabbed me and spun me around so I was facing him. I looked down at him with that smug, satisfied look on his face and those leering eyes, and part of me wanted to teach this asshole a lesson that would have him kissing my feet and begging for forgiveness of this kind of treatment.

The other part of me wanted him to use me until I was a cummed out mess. It goes without saying by this point that when this happened, this part of me was way bigger than the wanting to teach him a lesson part, right?

Yeah, the promise of sex can make me a little crazy sometimes.

“So, what was that you were sayin’ about you giving a way better blowjob than that ‘dumb cunt cheer slut’ you got a hate-on for? Because, while what you’re lookin’ at here may not seem that great, she was pretty fuckin’ good at sucking cock. Don’t get me wrong, it looks like you’re pretty and got a nice pair of lips and all that, but these cheer bitches, they got experience on their knees like you wouldn’t believe, and I have a hard time imaginin’ you match up no matter how much you boast of your skills,” Brian said, chuckling in that low, dark way he had.

He meant to challenge me, to rile me up and make sure I gave him the best blowjob possible.

Mission accomplished.

Determined, I dropped to my knees in front of him. I inhaled his overpoweringly masculine scent, of sweat and precum and something unidentifiable that made me quiver as I leaned in toward his cock. Unhesitating, I grabbed it in my left hand, unable to fully wrap around it as I stroked it and spread his precum.

I leaned in, sucking one of his big balls into my mouth and licking it eagerly with my tongue, taking in his salty, manly taste briefly before letting it pop out of my mouth.

Scowling up at him harshly (while trying to hold back a grin) as I tried to take some control back, I said, “You can be a real fucking asshole, can’t you?”

“Yeah, but that won’t stop you from sucking my balls again, will it, slut?” Brian said harshly. He smiled down at me with that devilish, terribly confident smile that said he had me right where he wanted me, and that he knew I fucking loved it.

“No,” I admitted, before doing exactly as he said.

Yeah, I sucked his balls. I gave them worshipful treatment with my tongue and lips, suckling at them and treating them as if they were the sweetest and most delicious of desserts. I did all this while I jacked his cock with both hands, and the whole time I was kneeling there, naked between the legs of my girlfriend’s father, looking up at him to see if I was getting any kind of reaction out of him.

All I got was more of that smug fucking smirk. I didn’t even make him breathe any harder. I mean, okay, he was thrusting slightly against my hands, but I was giving this bastard everything I had, and here he was sitting around and smiling like I was any other slut?

Nuh uh. No fucking way. I could show him who the fucking best around here was.

I pulled away from his balls, then started kissing and licking my way up his immense shaft, sucking the side of it gently as I made my way up to the top. I dropped my hands to the base of his cock, holding it still while I stared at the intimidating head, positively dripping with precum. Fuck, it was the thickest cockhead I’d ever seen in my life. The thickest *cock* I’d ever seen in my life. My boyfriend’s dick was huge, and I had no trouble deepthroating him after some practice, but this…

I stuck out my tongue and licked around the head, savoring the mild, intoxicating flavor of his natural lube.

Then, without showing a hint of fear, I leaned back and smirked up at him. “Could any of those other sluts do this?”

With that, I leaned forward, opened wide, and managed to take most of his cock into my mouth with one single thrust. My mouth was stretched beyond what I’d thought was possible, my tongue pinned down by his incredible girth, and even my impressive gag reflex being tested by the sheer size of this monster cock. Still, I had a few inches to go, and I wasn’t going to give up yet. Focusing, I leaned in, relaxing my throat and letting his cock in, pushing those last few inches forward, trying to make it all fit…

It was then that he put his hand on the back of my head and groaned, pushing the last bit down himself until my nose was pressing against his groin.

“God, fuck…” Brian groaned. “No… none of those little sluts could do it that easy… fuck…”

He held me like this for a while, threatening to choke me, but before it could be a danger he let me go. I pulled off of his cock, choking and watching as strings of drool still connected my mouth to his cock, but still staring up at him, I smiled cockily.

“I fucking knew it,” I said, taking a breath and getting back to attacking his cock with my mouth, showing him that I could give one of the best fucking blowjobs he’d ever received.

I’d sucked a lot of cocks, and my boyfriend’s was even longer than this one, so I had a fair bit of experience when I got to sucking Brian’s epic dick. But, even with all that experience, it was still a challenge of epic proportions. It wasn’t just the size, or the roughness that would come whenever he would grab my head and forcibly fuck my mouth and throat, no, it was that I think I’d met my match in Brian King. This was a guy who had seemingly seen and done everything when it came to sex, knowing what he wanted and how he wanted it, and who might well have been bored by the same old tricks.

If I wanted to please him, I knew I’d have to give him my best, and fuck if I gave him everything I had. I worked my plump lips hard over his head, suckling and slurping and treating him like I was worshipping at the altar of some ancient sex god. My tongue teased and tasted him, running over every square inch of that glorious, huge cockhead like my life depended on it. I stared up at him, wanting to see him react more than just his initial surprise at how easily I’d inhaled his cock, and only getting that same smug, pleased face.

Now, one of the reasons I loved giving head was how it gave me a sense of control, and seeing that sense rewarded by how I could make a guy crumble at my efforts. That smug stoicism as he continued to sit there just watching me… no, that wouldn’t fucking hold.

I let his cock go, then slowly jerked it as I stared up at him.

“Come on, little girl…” he grunted.

“I’ll keep going, but I don’t want any of this stonefaced prick act you’ve got going on here,” I said, slowing my pace, keeping him on edge and making him tense. “I’m not one of those other little high school sluts who can be impressed by a big cock and a surly attitude alone… my name is Josie fucking Wong, and I’m one of the fucking hottest sluts you’ll ever find. You want me to show you everything I’ve got? You want some of that best? Then you’re gonna need to tell me how much you fucking love it.”

A shadow passed over his face, something animalistic and dark. He put one of his big hands on the back of my head, gripping what he could of my hair and pulling my head back. “You really wanna know what I fucking think about you, slut? You really think you’re ready for that?”

Wincing with pain from how roughly he grabbed my hair and smacking my lips as I looked at his cock, I murmured, “Uh huh…”

“Then suck my fucking cock, little girl, like you fucking mean it!” he practically roared, roughly pulling me back toward his cock and forcing it back between my lips.

I suckled at it eagerly, fucking him with my face while he grunted and moaned and let out a litany of fucking filth.

“Yeah, that’s it, suck my fucking cock, girl… yeah, that’s a good fucking slut…” he groaned, humping up into my face. “Not a lot of girls can choke on my dick like you can… that’s a real fucking skill, and, yeah, I fucking love it… you really are somethin’ special… I don’t know if you’re as much hot shit as you think you are, but we’ll see… but you wanna be treated like something special, like some fucking slut who can take everything I have to offer, just know what you’re opening yourself for… you really think you can take me? You really think you can take it harder than any of those other girls? ‘cause I look at ya, and you just look like some porcelain dollie who’d get broken if you looked at it the wrong way… a hot fucking slut of one, but still breakable…”

“Fuck you,” I choked, pulling off his cock. “I can take everything you got to offer and more… I don’t know about any of those bitches you’ve railed, but not only can I take some fucking pain… I’ll fucking love it… I can take shit that those girls can’t even dream of… now watch me take your fucking cum and make you beg for more.”

With that, I dove in, focusing on sucking his cockhead with a vigor that I didn’t imagine anyone else could, slurping and twirling my tongue over it, jacking his shaft with both hands and staring into his eyes as I probed the slit at the end with my tongue softly, gently…

Looking down at me, I watched as the dam broke on his face, and he tightened those big hands of his on the back of my head and grunted.

“Here it comes, little girl!” Brian announced gruffly.

With a single thrust that pushed his cock a couple more inches into my mouth, he came, almost filling my mouth with the first shot, and overflowing it on the second. I swallowed his salty seed as quickly as I could, gulping and sucking down the next couple shots, but it was just too much. I had to pull off his cock, and with my hands still jerking him, I felt the next few hot spurts splash against my face, some with enough force to bounce off my cheek and streak onto my forehead, while more soon started spraying down my neck and onto my chest.

I felt utterly filthy and completely covered, but looking up at him, breathing heavily as he surveyed the tight little slut he’d once thought he’d beaten, I felt a great sense of pride and success. I showed him my mouthful of cum, then swallowed it and showed him my now empty mouth, sticking out my tongue.

“That was… not bad,” he admitted, reaching next to the couch and tossing me a clean towel he’d probably kept for his earlier masturbation.

Brian chuckled darkly, as I used the towel to wipe myself down of his cum before answering, “That was way fucking better than *not bad*.”

Unexpectedly, he agreed with me. “You know, you’re right. Most high school sluts can’t make me cum before the bedroom… make me do all the work… so, you did good there, Josie. Maybe you are as good as you think you are.”

Now more or less clean, I tossed the balled-up towel back at him and flipped him the bird, smiling when I said, “Fuck you.”

He’d caught the towel easily, then threw it aside before grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me over to him. “Get over here, little girl.”

Brian pulled me onto his lap, sitting sideways with his still mostly hard cock beneath me. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, holding me close and looking me in the eyes with something that felt a lot like fondness.

“I’m gonna have a lot of fun with you, I think,” he said, leaning in and kissing me forcefully.

His mouth was every bit as rough and skilled as the rest of him, and while I might have been enjoying my moment of defiant strength, I had to admit, it felt really fucking good being wrapped in his big, strong arms as he kissed me deeply. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kept him close, kissing him back as I wiggled on his lap, enjoying the feel of his throbbing cock rubbing against my dripping pussy lips.

Sighing, I moaned contentedly and broke the kiss, smiling at him. Though his smile back at me looked almost the same as any of his other cocky grins, I was pretty sure I saw some of him being impressed with me.

I soon became aware that the TV was on in the background, of him fucking yet another of the girls from the cheer squad. Hearing her moaning and whining and calling him by that name that Gwen seemed to enjoy so much… it seemed every bit as absurd as it did erotic.

“Admit it, I was fucking amazing,” I said.

Brian kissed me, hard, then said, “I admit it.”

“Ha!” I exclaimed, kissing him back. “I fucking knew it… and, yeah, you’ve got an amazing cock.”

“I know,” he growled back, reaching one of his hands down to grope my ass.

The girl on TV squealed quite loudly, causing us both to laugh, slightly.

I rolled my eyes at the absurdity of it all. “Next thing you know, *I’m* gonna be calling you Daddy, aren’t I?”

He chuckled, reaching up and squeezing one of my boobs and making me moan. “That’s up to you, little girl.”

Suddenly, things didn’t seem so absurd, and as I realized how wet the kinky thought made me, I found my voice suddenly quite soft as I asked him, “Do you… want me to call you Daddy?”

Brian looked down at me, appraising, though I swore I felt his cock twitch against my cunt. “Do *you* want to call me Daddy?”

I shivered at the thought, closing my eyes and leaning against his chest before smiling. “Maybe… maybe a little, yeah.”

“Heh,” he chuckled, before grabbing me in his strong arms and lifting me from the couch. “Let’s go someplace more comfortable and find out.”

Brian stood up with me in his arms, then in one smooth move, swung me so that I was bent over his shoulder, carrying me like I was truly conquered. I admit, I squealed slightly as I found myself flung about, my face now looking down his broad back as he held onto my feet with his arm.

“Yeah? You fucking like that?” he asked, but before I could answer, he swatted me on the ass, hard.

I yelped.

Brian laughed as he carried me down the hall. “Thought you said you liked a little pain.”

“Oh, I do,” I said, dropping my voice. “Doesn’t mean I won’t curse up a storm if you keep spanking me like that.”

“Noted,” he replied, slapping my ass hard again. I yowled, then scratched at his back with my fingernails.

Brian hissed, turning the corner into a bedroom and kicking the door behind us before swinging me onto my back on a nearby, king-sized bed. In a bit of a daze, I took in the King house’s master bedroom, more spartan than the living room, but a room that looked familiar from the porno recordings he’d had on the TV.

“Oh, you’re gonna have to pay for those scratches, little girl,” he said, walking toward a digital camera on a nearby tripod and turning it on.

“I’m counting on it,” I said lustily, turning myself on my side and exposing myself to him.

Purposefully, he walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, grabbing me and pulling me over until I was face down, bent over his lap. With his rock-hard cock pressed against my side, and my soaked pussy dripping against his thigh, I found this a particularly fun position. I looked over at the camera, knowing what was about to come, and grinning.


The impact of his big hand on my ass was intense as he spanked me, stinging and making my pussy drip.

“Motherfucker!” I exclaimed, looking up at him. “That hurt!”

He grinned down at me darkly. Even with that look, I could see a sense of trust and understanding, and knew that if I were in any real trouble, he’d stop if I told him to. That was good to know, but far from necessary, now.

“Apologize for the scratches, little girl…” he threatened.

I was borderline on whether bratty or submissive was how I wanted to handle this, so I kept somewhere in between. “Hmmm, I dunno…”




Each spank stung more than the last, and by the time a fifth impact hit my ass, it was feeling rough. Being that I’d had a lot of guys and girls do a lot of damage to my ass in the past and it never felt close to this… even being as much of a pain slut as I was, I might have bitten off more than I could chew with Brian King.

Not enough to stop him, or prevent my pussy from dripping down his leg, but enough that I had to admit my limits.

With tears in the corners of my eyes, and an ass that must have been glowing at this point, I looked up at him and said, “Okay! Okay! I’m sorry I scratched you!”

“Yeah?” he grunted, grabbing what he could of my hair and arching my neck so I could look him in his blazing eyes.

As turned on as I had ever been, I dropped to a less defiant, more timid voice. “Yes… I’m… I’m sorry… Daddy…”

This word caused a grin that was equal parts handsome and frightening to cross his face, as he pulled me back up to sitting in his lap, holding me close and forcibly making out with me. I responded in kind to his passionate kisses, reaching down and stroking his cock as he held me close, and we grunted and moaned together.

Then, without warning, he swept me up into his arms again as if I weighed nothing, stood up, then set me down on the bed. It was a hard landing, but a comfortable mattress, and with my head on the pillow, I was feeling pretty good about this.

Brian walked around to the foot of the bed, standing over me, looming. The man looked like a monster from ancient myth come fresh from a battlefield. So muscular, so utterly enormous, his face at once so broken and so wild with lust. If I’d seen him in public, I wouldn’t have given him even a second glance, but right here, right now… holy fuck, he might have been the sexiest man on Earth. The absolute, unrelenting lust he held for me, and the way his enormous cock throbbed, I knew that I needed him more than anything else in this moment.

With those steely eyes of his, he looked between my legs. Knowing exactly what to do, I spread my legs for him, then reached between them, spreading my pussy lips with my fingers to give him the best view possible of his prize.

Upon seeing my exposed, pink cunt, all that smug motherfucker did was smirk that utterly arrogant smirk that seemed as natural to him as breathing.

Somehow, this of all things made me moan, softly.

He knelt down onto the bed and took my thighs in his big, strong hands, spreading them apart even further and allowing him easy access as he bent down. His face now between my legs, he inhaled my scent, and looked up at me, smiling.

“You smell tasty, little girl…” Brian said, chuckling softly. “My, my, my, you look good enough to eat!”

I pushed myself up onto my elbows as I looked at him. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?”

He leaned in and closed his lips over my clit.

“HOLY SHIT!” I yelled as I felt him begin to suck, dropping my head back to the pillow as my body was overcome with the utter insanity that was my girlfriend’s father eating my pussy.

Beyond that, however, he was really, *really* fucking good at it, too. I’d heard a lot about what experience could do for anyone when it came to sex, and while I doubted all guys took the lessons of age and knew how to put them to work, Brian King was clearly one of the guys who did. He knew just the right amount of pressure, just the perfect flick of his tongue to drive me absolutely wild, filling my body with a dark energy as I surrendered myself to this absolutely mad union.

I shouldn’t have been here, and I sure as fuck shouldn’t have been here doing this with him, but that somehow made it all the hotter for me. Looking down between my legs and seeing that smug fucking face looking up at me, giving me some of the greatest pleasure any man had ever given me with his tongue, it felt so fucking wrong I might have cum right there if I had any say in it.

The thing is, I didn’t have any fucking say in it. Still looking up at me with those blue eyes of his, at once cold and fiery, I could see the twisted machinations working within, and just when he saw that he had me on edge, he slowed down. He didn’t stop, no, Brian would never stop, but he kept me on edge, whiny and needy, wanting to explode on his face and curse him out and beg for more all at once, and getting none of that satisfaction I needed.

Brian slid a hand between my thighs, teasing my entrance with one of his thick, rough fingers as he continued to lightly graze my clit with my tongue.

“Oh, this is so fucking not fair…” I moaned, whiny and desperate for release. “Please, Daddy… please make me cum?”

Kissing my clit firmly, he pulled his mouth from me briefly enough to say, “All you had to do was ask nicely, little girl…”

With that, he licked at my clit more vigorously and forced his finger inside of me, curling it upward and massaging inside of me, looking to see if he could find my g-spo-

“HOLY FUCKING SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!” I cried out, nearly screaming as I violently came all over his face. I could feel my juices practically exploding from me as they splashed against his face as he pushed me through a truly devastating orgasm. This was one of those cums that shakes you to your very core, waking up every nerve you didn’t know existed and reminding it what pleasure feels like. I could feel this great wave of tightening and release in my core as my body bucked against the bed, pounding my fists against the sheets as he kept me cumming.

I kept crying out. Fuck, by this point I was screaming. My legs had pretty much lost all feeling as my body was kept in a constant state of trembling. I was useless to this world, catching my breath as I nearly lost consciousness… but I wasn’t going to do that. No, I wasn’t going to do that, not when I had this specimen of a man between my legs, doing god only knows what. I’d seen what he did to Gwen, this wasn’t going to be the last time he’d try to make me cum with his mouth, and I wanted to be awake for that.

So, I forced my eyes open, wanting to curse them for only being capable of fluttering softly as my vision slowly came back. When things became clear, I saw that Brian hadn’t moved an inch. He looked up at me, smiling smugly with a face that now glistened with my juices.

“Never told me you were a gusher, little girl,” he chided, slowly curling and uncurling his finger inside of me.

I moaned, a low, spasmodic sound as my body jolted from the aftermath of the orgasm. “You never fucking asked…”

“True,” Brian laughed, licking my clit. “Pretty fucking good at eating your cunt, aren’t I?”

“Yeah…” I admitted, still in some awe that the brute between my legs was this capable at giving that kind of pleasure. “Fuck… where’d you learn that?”

“More sex than you can possibly imagine,” he replied, arrogant and proud as ever.

“I can imagine a lot,” I said.

“I know. And it’s more than that,” he replied, licking my clit again.

“Fuck…” I groaned, reaching up and cupping my tits. “I can see why you’re so popular.”

“Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet… but before that, I’m gonna make you cum a few more times, make sure you’re nice and wet before I fuck ya,” Brian said, pressing his finger into my g-spot again, making me kick my right leg unconsciously.

“Fuuuuuuuck…” I murmured. “But I’m already soooo wet, Daddy…”

The word still felt strange coming from my lips, but saying it made goosebumps break out on my skin and hardened my nipples like nothing else. Maybe there was something to it after all, at least with Brian…

“Heh” he chuckled. “You’re not bad, but I’ll make you wetter.”

Sighing, I replied, “If you say soooOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!”

And that began Brian making good on his promise, as he resumed eating my pussy, and made me cum, a lot. The immediate aftermath of that first squirting orgasm was, and still is for that matter, hazy as hell, but I know I counted three orgasms in there before my senses fully left me, and they were every bit as strong as the first one. Stronger, probably. I remember a lot of cursing, a lot of feeling like I was floating before it felt like I’d gotten hit by the world’s hottest bolt of lightning, and a lot of looking down into his eyes, seeing his unbearably cocky confidence and finding it painfully sexy.

I remember the aftermath of one devastating orgasm, by this point I’d lost all count and was wondering just how he had this much fucking stamina. If he was trying to take me to my limit, he’d found it.

Not many people could boast that.

I put my hands on his shoulders, moaning, “God… fuck… okay, you won… that’s… god… that’s amazing… no, fuck, better than amazing… if my head weren’t all fuzzy right now, I could tell you all the words you are that are better than amazing, but, holy fuck, you got me. I don’t have words.”

I laughed at that thought. I never usually lacked words, but with him, fuck, there I was.

“Heh,” Brian chuckled.

With my eyes still closed, I felt him get up and start moving. That wasn’t enough to make me open my eyes yet, but feeling his lips on my stomach certainly did. They were firm and moist, kissing their way up my body as his rough stubble scratched me. It was a sensation between pain and tickling, enough to make me giggle and open my eyes as he worked his way up my body.

I was seized by a sudden, intense feeling of anticipation… but also dread, I think. Even as his lips closed over my nipples, first suckling and licking at my right nipple, then my left, where he playfully nibbled on the bar piercing the nipple, bringing me pleasure that made me moan lustfully, I was aware that this man was enormous. As he climbed over me, I fully began to understand that I was about to be fucked by a giant with a huge cock, one who could do pretty much whatever he wanted in this position. While a little frightening, it was also undeniably thrilling as he continued to climb over me.

I’d known for a while that this was how it was going to end… shit, maybe I knew it even before I got here. I told myself that I was going to come here to make sure I stood up for Brooke and her family, but didn’t part of me think all along that I was going to end up in this exact position, getting fucked into oblivion and looking every bit the cum-drunk whore like all the other girls who stumbled out of here?

Finally, his face was above mine, just as I felt his cock sliding between my utterly soaked inner thighs and graze against my pussy lips. It was the lightest touch, but enough to send tingles through my body and drive me wild.

Fuck, he looked good. His muscles, so defined and tense, and that face, looking so perfectly smug and cocky, almost drenched by my juices. Brian King was a conquering hero who was about to get laid yet again, and all I could do was smile up at him like a giddy schoolgirl and speak in a cutesy voice.

“You gonna fuck me now, or what, Daddy?” I asked.

Nodding slowly, he smirked. “Yeah. Yeah, I was thinkin’ about doing exactly that, little girl…”

Again that look passed between us, the one that was past blind lust, that look of trust and understanding between two people who knew how this all really worked, that fleeting glance he gave to make sure I was okay and wanted all of this before we got truly filthy. I cocked my head slightly in acknowledgment, in thanks for the closest to gentleness we would get.

That glance disappeared quickly, overtaken by that dark, delicious malevolence that he had. With little gentleness and never-ending want, he pushed forward, pressing his cockhead against my entrance forcefully.

Part of me hoped that because of how wet I was and relaxed my body felt after all of those orgasms he’d given me, that this would be easy, that he’d just pop right in, stretch me exquisitely, and that we’d both have a lot of fun. Of course, when a pussy as tight as mine and a battering ram as thick as he had hanging between his legs, easy was never going to be in the cards.

Grunting, he pressed into me, pulling back and pushing forward, thrusting at my entrance and getting very little progress. It felt great, of course, with a cockhead that thick trying to get inside, feeling my lips try to wrap around it and make this happen. Looking up at him, I stared in awe at his muscular body, and at that look of intense concentration on his face as he grunted and kept going with his short, quick thrusts that rocked my entire body.

“Fuck, little girl… you’re a tight one, ain’tcha?” he laughed, his voice distinctly annoyed.

“You’ve fucked tighter…” I grunted, trying to let him in. “You can fucking do it…”

“Tighter… some of ‘em, yeah… but you’re giving those cheer sluts a run for their fucking money…” Brian laughed, pushing forward again and making little progress.

“I’m gonna take that as a compliment,” I moaned, closing my eyes and trying to will myself to open. “Come on, you can do this… you can do this, come on, fucking do it, open up… you got this, come on, Daddy, fuck me, fuck me, do it, put it in me, fuck me with your huge, fucking cock, Daddy! FUCKING FUCK ME ALREADY!”

With an angry, challenged grunt, Brian pushed forward, and I felt a breakthrough. The insane, massive head of his cock was now buried inside of my cunt, along with what felt like an inch or two of cock with it. I looked down between us at the obscene sight, watching that cock stretch my pussy insanely. There was this moment of intense disconnect as I considered the utter insanity of it all, but as my nerves reminded me that they existed, and I was hit by the overwhelming tempest of pleasure and agony, I cried out.

“HOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLYYYYY FUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!” I screamed, dropping my head back to the bed as my eyes rolled back in my head. Lightning sizzled through my entire body as every nerve ending that could feel pleasure positively exploded, making me shake and shiver as I got used to his enormous cock buried deep in my cunt.

“Yeah? You fucking like that, slut?” he grunted, forcing me to open my eyes and look up at this giant of a man with his cock inside of me. He pushed a little more inside, making both of us hiss.

I pulled him in for a kiss, then declared, “I fucking love it…”

Wrapping my legs around his ass, I pulled him forward, making him bury more of it inside of me. “…and I want it all!”

A brief flash of surprise shot across Brian’s face, but that was soon replaced by his usual smug arrogance. Still, for getting him to crack that much, I was pretty fucking proud.

“You want it all, huh?” he grunted, pushing more of his cock into me. “You’re gonna get it, little girl…”

Brian had already pushed more than half of his cock inside of me, but at my challenge, he pushed the last few inches in with one, final thrust. My eyes flew open, and I think I screamed again and smacked him in the side, but that didn’t stop the fact that I was about as full as I had ever been. I was filled by one of the biggest cocks I had ever seen in my life, its immense girth was pushing me to some of the highest peaks of pleasure I had ever known.

My girlfriend’s dad was balls deep in my pussy. The insanity of it all hit me all at once, and as I turned my head to look over at the video camera on its tripod filming this mad act, I laughed. It was a soft sound, a crazed one, but enough that it felt like I had been set free to fully enjoy this unique act of complete and utter debauchery.

Brian didn’t care that I was laughing. He simply began thrusting in and out, slowly as he got accustomed to my girth, but in no time, he worked up to a fast pace. My pussy was deliriously overstimulated as I felt him slide in and out of me, that immense head pushing up against my g-spot with every thrust inward, and while that was its own sort of beautiful thing, it was the sight above me made me gush.

Brian King, sex god, was so completely and utterly lost. He was a grunting, rutting beast, fucking down into me without even the slightest hint of mercy. To him, I might have been nothing more than his latest conquest, the most recent slut that he had charmed his way into bed with (even if his charm was brutish in its way), but watching him work was like watching an artist crafting their greatest work. The screwed up concentration in his face, the tension of his muscles, that completely masculine smell of his sweat as he railed me mercilessly… holy fuck was it a turn-on.

But I was more than just another of his girls… no, I was someone special. I was Josie fucking Wong, and there was no way in hell I was going to let him forget me.

“That’s it, that’s it, fuck me, Daddy, fuck me harder! Give it to me, fuck me harder than you fucked any of those fucking little cheer sluts, I can fucking take it, Daddy!” I cried out, my voice alternating between sickly sweet and the low, throaty growl of that girl from The Exorcist.

He laughed, and continued fucking me hard. “Yeah? You fucking like that, little girl? You think you can fucking take it harder than all those other sluts?”

I grunted as he reached up and started roughly squeezing one of my tits. “It’s not a matter of think… I fucking know I can take it harder… better than any of them… fucking nastier than any of them… you think those cheer sluts are the pinnacle of high school cunt? My pussy will change your mind… my body will change your mind, fuck, I *am* better than all of those other bitches combined, and by the time we’re finished here, you’ll fucking know it.”

Brian looked impressed, kissing me fiercely as he continued pumping into my pussy rapidly. “We’ll see about that… but don’t think that just ‘cause you got some ink and some piercings and wear a lot of leather that you know the shit these girls can get up to… I can tell you all sorts of stories that’d shock the hell out of you… which of your classmates like to get tied up, and which ones like to watch. I can tell you who’s into step-fantasies, or bein’ on the receiving end of a golden shower, or even which of your classmates cum the hardest pretendin’ they’re being knocked the fuck up every time I screw them… I’m not telling you to be someone you’re not, because you’re one of the hottest sluts I’ve ever fucked… but if you wanna beat them on nasty, you’ve got a high bar to clear…”

That was… alright, that was a lot more intense than I had expected to hear of my classmates. Ryan and Brooke had told me a lot about what kinds of crazy sluts the girls on the cheer squad were, but I hadn’t expected anything quite as creative as what he was describing. I may have had to reevaluate my biases on those cheer sluts after all.

“Oh god… fuck… I can still beat ‘em all…” I groaned, feeling the pressure building inside of me. “But, god, don’t fucking stop… please, don’t fucking stop, Daddy… fuck me, Daddy, fuck me harder, I’m gonna cum again soon!”

“Do it… cum for me, slut… come on Daddy’s cock…” he grunted, his hips a blinding blur as he fucked down into me.

I closed my eyes tightly as the pleasure overwhelmed me, my voice an impossibly high whine as I came yet again. “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!”

Brian didn’t slow down, or even show any acknowledgment of my orgasm beyond a laugh as I gushed around his cock. Fuck, I thought I was coming over here today to show him a thing or two, and here I was, a screaming, mewling little whore who called him “Daddy” getting fucked blind and loving every minute of it.

As days that ended differently than I expected them to go went, this was a pretty great one.

With Brian still fucking me like a machine and every thrust seemingly pushing me closer to the headboard, I wrapped my arms and legs around him and held on for dear life. In this position, I didn’t seem to have much choice in the matter, I was just along for the insanely pleasurable ride as he worked up a sweat fucking me. I was overcome by the sights, sounds and even his overpoweringly masculine smell, this fuck driving me to, and then past, my limits as he kept fucking away at me.

Another orgasm built deep inside of me, one that promised to be fucking apocalyptic if it was set off. I needed a little more work to get there, and maybe a few dirty words…

Grunting, Brian said, “Gonna cum, little girl…”

Those words would do.

He looked down at me with a determination that I found powerfully erotic, and I knew then and there where I wanted him to cum.

I locked my ankles behind his ass and begged, “Cum inside of me, Daddy, fuck me hard and cum inside of me, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?”

“Heh,” he grunted, fucking away. “Here it comes, take it… take it, FUCKING TAKE IT!”

With a roar, Brian buried himself deep inside of me and came. The feeling of his hot cum filling me, pumping deep within me as he tried to give me every last drop, set me off with another orgasm. I came screaming, trembling and tightening my grip on him as my pussy muscles let loose, spasming and encouraging his cum nice and deep inside of me.

Finally empty, he slowed down, nearly collapsing onto me as he claimed my mouth with his again. He was a good kisser, maybe not the most skilled, but certainly enthusiastic. After a fuck like that, with how turned on I still was, I had no problem just lying there for a moment, making out with this conquering hero as I released my arms and legs from around his body.

Brian climbed off of me, rolling onto his back next to me. Panting, he said, “I don’t know about you little girl, but that was pretty fucking alright for me!”

Pretty fucking alright? Oh no. Oh, no, no, no, you don’t just have some mind-blowing, life-changing sex like that and call it pretty fucking alright. I was better than that, and even if his hand felt really good as it reached over and squeezed my tit, and I was enjoying indulging my submissive side, and… where was I? Oh, right, I was cum drunk and distractable, and I guess I still am while I write this…

Right, that’s where I was! Even if he really did things for me that I never expected to feel, I still felt motivated to show him that I was the best he’d ever have.

So, I laughed. It was a loud, clipped bark, a laugh of mocking.

“That’s really the best you got?” I asked, challenging him.

Brian raised an eyebrow at me. “I know you didn’t just tell me I could do better, little girl.”

“Oh, I know that you could do better. You were just giving me the treatment you give all those other little sluts from my school, and, yeah, it feels pretty fucking good, and I came a lot, and you came, but, come on, you barely broke a sweat. You were going easy on me because you were afraid that you might break me,” I said.

He growled. “I gave you more than that.”

“I know what you gave me, and, yeah, like I said, it was fucking great, but you can do better than fucking great. I know you can do better, you know you can do better, so why are we fucking around like this when you and I both know that this body…” I said, waving my hands down my delectable form, “…deserves more than you gave me?”

I looked down at his cock, which still looked impossibly hard, even with what we had just done. His eyes blazed with a silent, lustful fury. I smiled at him, making sure to keep my grin equal parts cute and innocent, as well as cocky. The cocky look worked so well for him, and I thought it might work in response just as well.

Brian licked his lips, then grinned back at me. “Maybe you do.”

“No maybe to it,” I said, crawling up onto my very shaky hands and knees and looking right into the camera. I flexed my ass for him, wanting to drive him on, and give him a view of my cum-drenched and beautifully defiled cunt.

“You’re gonna fuck me now, and you’re gonna fill me up with cum again and again like this sweet little slut deserves, okay, Daddy?” I challenged, looking back over my shoulder at him.

I wasn’t expecting the sight of him already kneeling behind me, but it still made me smile.

He gripped my ass with both of his hands, squeezing and flexing it a bit, before he silently lined his cock up with my pussy. Grunting, he pushed his cock into me, hard, and didn’t stop until he was buried nine inches deep in me yet again.

What proceeded from that point was some of the most savage fucking I had experienced in my entire life. Brian and me, we were two fucking machines designed for this exact purpose, going at each other in some of the roughest, nastiest sex that I could imagine. If he was an unstoppable force, I meant to be the immovable object, never giving up and never breaking down as he fucked me at this insane pace. I may have been calling him “Daddy” because it felt good and it made him fuck me harder, but I wasn’t going to break down like any of those little cheer sluts he had in those videos he showed me.

By the second time he came in my cunt, he’d pulled me up from all fours and gripped my throat in one of those big hands. Not enough to choke me, but certainly hard enough to keep my attention. No doubt with the two of us in this position, we made for one hell of a sight as we came together. I stared into the camera, making sure it got the best side of my orgasm as I screamed and gushed on his cock.

If he was hoping for a breather, I chose not to give him one, immediately pulling off of him so I could suck his cock and keep it from going down. Brian looked surprised as I kept his cock rock hard, and when I knew he was ready again, I climbed on top of his cock and gave him the ride of my life. It was a different feeling, looking down at him as he looked up at me, watching that stoic cockiness crack as he began to feel truly impressed by me.

This fuck was likely our most acrobatic yet, as even though I started out on top, I didn’t end that way. We wrestled for dominance, and though he usually ended on top, the sheer number of weird fucking positions he contorted me into more than made up for it. I knew I wasn’t as flexible as the cheer sluts, but when the two of us were fucking, I knew I was holding my own.

When he came in me a third time while pile-driving the fuck out of me, for once he was the one to collapse from exhaustion. He fell onto his back on the bed panting, and while I unfolded myself, I simply lay down next to him, riding the high from the orgasms I’d simply lost count of, and from holding my own against a sex god of this caliber.

“Turn off the camera? Don’t wanna be wasting memory on catching my breath,” he said.

“Sure,” I replied, fully expecting the swat on the ass he gave me as I got up to stop the filming. By this point, my ass was practically numb to his treatment, but I yelped anyway in pleased surprise.

Collapsing onto my stomach on the bed, I propped up my chin with my hands as I looked at him.

“You didn’t want me to stop filming because you’re gonna get mushy on me, are ya? Because I don’t think mushy’s exactly our style,” I said.

Brian laughed. “No mushy here, just wanna catch my breath. I’m no robot, you know.”

“You aren’t? Huh, I was trying to figure out how you got so damn good at this, and robot was one of my better ideas. Like, you were a Terminator, or something like one, but made for fucking instead of killing John Connor,” I explained.

He laughed and swatted me on the ass again. I giggled.

“Ah, fuck… feels good… Daddy,” I murmured, looking up at him cutely.

“You know what you’re doing, little girl… gotta say, I thought you might have been all talk, but you’re fucking good at this. Brooke’s damn lucky to have found ya,” Brian said.

I laughed. “Yeah, I think that often.”

He sighed pleasantly, putting his hands behind his head. “So, now I got a question for you.”

“Shoot,” I replied.

“You mean what you said about being able to up our sex tape game? ‘cause Brittany and me, we get a lot out of watching these, but if I can make things better, I want to,” Brian said.

Sighing, I shrugged. “I mean… yes and no… I was talking a big game earlier, most of my experience is with still photography, but I do have some experience with videography. I can offer some tips, maybe look into some equipment that might help you up your game.”

“Hey, if you can offer any advice that means I don’t gotta pay it out of the ass, I’ll take ‘em. I make good money, but in this economy, saving every penny’s a good thing. Brittany’s big on saving, and god love that woman, she’s a freak. We combine both of these… we’ll be set,” Brian said.

“I’ll be glad to help. Once we’re both dressed, anyway,” I said.

Leering at me, he replied, “That’s gonna be a while, I think.”

“I was thinking the same,” I said, sighing pleasantly.

The two of us lay here for a moment, just looking at each other, recovering, no doubt wondering where things were going next. As I looked over the bed and caught another framed photo of Brian and his wife, something came to me that I’d been meaning to bring up.

“I wanna ask you something,” I said.

“Go for it,” Brian replied, running his rough hand down my side with surprising gentleness.

I hissed, loving his touch. “You… and Brittany… how long have you two been like this?”

“Sex freaks?” he asked. “Probably as long as each of us knew what sex was.”

“I meant… well, yeah, that’s obvious, but you’re together, and you’re also so open about what you do with other people,” I said.

He nodded. “I see what you’re gettin’ at. Her and me, we met after I got discharged, and we hit it off right away. It was like lightning, ya know? We just knew who we were for each other, and we knew that our appetites were big enough we couldn’t just limit it to each other. We’ve been that way since the beginning, and it’s worked pretty well so far.”

“And you haven’t had any problems?” I asked.

“Oh, problems, sure… every marriage has problems. Anyone who says relationships should be easy, they’re just fucking wrong. Fights’ll happen. That’s life. But we’ve always gotten past them, ‘cause we love each other, and we’ve been making this work more than twenty years now,” Brian explained.

I thought about this. It brought more comfort to me than I’d expected, and I realized I was actually happy to get some good, adult advice on something I hadn’t been able to voice for a while.

He raised an eyebrow. “You askin’ for fun, or are you askin’ about you and Brooke and your guy?”

“Ryan,” I explained.

“Ah, right, Ryan… still gotta meet him, too,” Brian replied.

“And, yeah, it is,” I said, sighing. “I’m feeling something for those two I didn’t think I’d ever want to feel, and I know I don’t know what the future’s gonna hold for any of us, for now at least, I just want to try to make it work. I hope it will. I think it can. We’ve all got this open thing where we do what we want, and it feels good, but sometimes I worry that it’s too good to be true how easy some of this is for us, so, I’m just, kinda scared sometimes, too, you know?”

Brian sighed, probably not expecting to have to talk about something like this after the sex we’d just had, but ready for the challenge. “Look, you got a lot of fear no matter what you do in life. I think that’s normal. Just focus on the good stuff, and don’t let the fear stop you from taking chances and having a good time, alright?”

“I guess,” I said, knowing I had to think on this a lot more before I committed to anything. Smiling devilishly, I added, “Thanks… Daddy.”

He laughed, then swatted me on the ass again. “Anytime, little girl. Though I’m gonna be clear with you like I’d be with anyone else dating Brooke; you break her heart or hurt her in any way, I’ll kick your ass.”

“Wouldn’t want that,” I replied, knowing he was joking, but pitying the poor bastard who caught him when he wasn’t joking. “Besides, there’s a lot else my ass is waaaaaay better for.”

“That a fact?” he asked, palming my perfect ass.

“Uh huh,” I nodded. “I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again: I’m the goddamn anal queen of Regan Hills High School. You can find out if you want, but I gotta tell you, once you’ve had a taste, you’ll never be the same again.”

Brian looked at me, then barked a laugh. “You got spirit, little girl. No one can take that away from you. But I’ve seen some arrogant little bitches in my time who thought they could take this cock up their asses, and they’ve come up short. What makes you think you won’t be one of them?”

“Get some lube on that cock and I’ll show you… *Daddy*,” I said, raising my voice into a higher, sweeter tone.

He eyed me, clearly wanting to not show me how impressed he was with me, then rolled over and reached for a drawer on the bedside table nearby. I watched him pull out a bottle of KY and lube himself up, licking my lips at the sight of his once again fully engorged cock.

“You better pick your position, but just know that if I get it in there, I’m gonna destroy your fucking ass, little girl,” he said as he continued stroking his cock.

“I’m counting on it, Daddy,” I replied, rolling onto my back, then folding my legs up. I wasn’t as flexible as a lot of girls I knew, but once he was on top, I knew that he’d be able to keep me folded in half quite well. It would be one of the tightest possible ways of entering my ass, but with everything and everyone I’d had in there, I was pretty sure I could take him.

“Good choice,” he said, looking me up and down before climbing on top of me.

Once again, I was looking up at this muscular mountain of a man above me, but this time I felt especially vulnerable. I was giving the guy my ass after all, and the way I was folded in half, he could pretty well do whatever the hell he wanted with me. Once his weight settled down… god, I’d just be his little fuck doll, wouldn’t I?

Brian reached down, grabbing his cock and sliding it over my exposed asshole. He rubbed his epic cockhead over my tightest hole, making me shiver as I felt every stroke, every slight sensation. It seemed impossible that he might be able to fit inside of me, but I’d thought similar about my pussy, and, well, the fun we’d had there was still dripping steadily from my ruined cunt.

Even if I couldn’t see what was happening in detail, I couldn’t help but look down. I watched as he continued manipulating his lube-slickened shaft, rubbing it in delicious, insistent circles over my asshole, taunting and teasing and in general just driving me wild. My breath had gotten quicker, and sharper from anticipation, and every time he pressed against me brought about a slight whimper.

Grinning malevolently, Brian stopped teasing and pushed forward. I groaned as I felt my asshole stretching to accommodate his head. He pushed forward ceaselessly, and every moment I thought he had to have popped in by now, I kept stretching. My ass was in insane torment, torn between pleasure and pain as I just kept stretching… fuck, it was like I was an anal virgin again. I didn’t miss those days, but the way he kept stretching me well past what I thought was my limit… fuck.

Finally, with a grunt, I felt his head pop in my ass entirely.

“H… h… holy fuck…” I grunted, looking down again, then back up at his smirking face. “Hoooooooly fuck that’s a huge fucking cock…”

“Too much for you, little girl?” he challenged, holding his head just inside my tight entrance.

I grunted, then grinned up at him. “Not on your fucking life, Daddy… come on, give me all that dick, I need every inch up my slutty little ass… fuck…”

“Heh,” Brian grunted, wordlessly fulfilling my wish.

Pressing me into the bed, he bore down onto me, ceaselessly pushing his huge fucking cock inside of me, stretching me in ways I didn’t know could be stretched as I felt his epic dick splitting me open.

I screamed. I squirmed. My eyes rolled back and my body shook. Fuck, it was amazing, inch after inch of such a thick cock testing me, filling me in ways I’d never been filled.

With one last grunt, one last thrust, Brian’s cock was buried deep inside of me.

“You got a… fuck… you got a tight little ass, little girl,” he said, leaning down to kiss me.

I kissed him back, moaning like a whore and needing more than this. “Please fuck me… please fuck me, Daddy… fuck my slutty little ass… make me cum… fuck this anal whore, pleeeeeeease?”

“Heh,” he laughed again, pulling almost all the way out and then slamming back home, ensuring my ass was brutally filled. “You like that, huh? That’s some serious fucking cock… gonna make you gape for me like I did with your cunt…”

“Make me gape, make me scream, make me cum, fuck me Daddy, please, fuck me hard!” I moaned, holding on for dear life as he did just that.

Brian fucked me with a savagery that I hadn’t expected from him, even after everything we’d already done. It was like my ass had started this whole dirty fuck session over from scratch, unlocking the beast inside of him as our bodies brought out each other’s peaks of sexual potential. He was an unspeaking monster, pounding into my contorted body and giving my ass the fucking of a lifetime, while all I could do was lie back and take it.

This was all so different, so intense, and while I wasn’t going to be having sex like this all the time (I liked being in charge way too much, what can I say), I knew I was going to be coming back here any chance I got. It didn’t matter who the hell Brian was already with, either I’d join in, or push her off and show those other girls who really knew how to rock his cock.

I don’t know how long we were fucking by the next time I came, the way his cock overstimulated my ass kind of made time irrelevant, but it was the most powerful one yet. I might have been struck by lightning for how hard I thrashed beneath him, but underneath his strong body, I couldn’t get away. I was his little girl, completely enslaved in the moment to his body as he used me and power-fucked my slutty ass. If he minded how hard I gushed all over him, he didn’t let me know, and kept fucking me even harder still.

It was a fuck of epic proportions, and looking up at him, I couldn’t help but surrender to my lust. His rough face, contorted with arrogant concentration as he plowed me, couldn’t have been more gorgeous in this moment. I must have looked a mess, utterly used and defiled, but I knew that even then I was hotter than hell. His smile, still cocky and full of himself, held a nice warmth to it by this point.

I’d breached his defenses. Whether he liked it or not, I had impressed him, and he would know that I was one of the fucking best he’d ever had.

That was a good point of pride.

“Fuck… I’m gonna cum… you want my cum all over you, huh?” he grunted.

“Yes, Daddy…” I purred, savoring how he slowed down, then pulled out of my well-used ass and let me unfold myself.

Jerking his cock, he came with a grunt, spraying my stomach and pussy with cum, with some of the higher pressure streaks blasting against my tits.

It was an epic fuck for the ages, one that nobody would’ve blamed either of us for giving up then and there to catch our breaths. Brian certainly looked like he’d been run through the ringer… but I wasn’t going to let him give up. I pulled him in for a deep, messy kiss, then nibbled on his ear.

Whispering, I said in my sweetest voice, “You know we’re not done yet, right, Daddy?”

Brian laughed, roughly squeezing one of my tits. “Oh, we’ve only just begun!”


Sometime during our marathon afternoon of fucking, I found a moment to take a break and send a text that I knew needed to be sent. It was one that kept flitting back and forth into my consciousness during various moments of this encounter, but when he stole a moment to go get another couple beers, I sent the text to Brooke that I knew I would have to send sooner or later.

JOSIE: Brooke… I came by your house to drop something off, and I don’t know what happened, but I sort of wound up having sex with your dad. I’m sorry.

Rationally, I didn’t think Brooke would be angry given her attitudes about sex, but irrationally I was torn up and kind of afraid that everything was about to fall apart.

However, by the time Brian came back into the bedroom, gloriously naked and carrying a couple bottles of beer, the hungry, animalistic part of my mind took over control from even my most basic irrational thoughts, and I went back to fucking him.

We kept this up for what felt like hours, and if I’m being honest, it felt like we could have kept it up for days.

It was while I was riding him, the two of us well past dirty talk as my tits bounced and my ass jiggled and my stretched pussy took his enormous cock, that we were finally interrupted by a hand at the bedroom door.

“Hey, honey, don’t mean to interrupt anything you’ve got going on,” a familiar-looking woman said, stepping into the room. “I just got in from work, and was wondering how hungry you are, and if you knew when Brooke was getting back, because I want to know if I can sneak in a shower before dinner. Oh! Are you Josie?”

I had to double-check this new woman wasn’t Brooke at first, because at a glance, and by her voice, they could have been sisters. But yes, even though this woman was blonde, just a shade over five feet tall and had a small bust, she was distinct from my girlfriend. Her face was distinctly older, rounder, but still beautiful, her blonde hair was up in a bun instead of Brooke’s trademark pigtails, and her hips were wider with a no doubt fuller ass. Dressed in a business suit, she was a rather beautiful MILF, and easily identifiable.

“That’s… oh god… me… and you’re Brooke’s mom?” I said, holding out a shaky hand as I continued riding her husband.

Letting her bun down in a cascade of honey blonde hair, the woman laughed delightedly. “Brittany! It’s Brittany; you’re dating our daughter, you’re practically family, you can call me Brittany.”

“Okay, Brittany…” I groaned, leaning back and continuing this hard fuck.

“Seems our daughter’s dating a wild one, isn’t she?” Brittany giggled.

“You don’t know the half of it, hon’, this one, she’s something special,” Brian grunted, smacking my ass with a loud crack. “We’ll have to watch the video later, I know it’s gonna be awesome.”

“I’m sure it will be,” Brittany replied, looking down at me and smirking, amused. You wouldn’t know to look at her that she just walked in on her daughter’s girlfriend fucking her husband, but I could certainly deal with this kind of casualness.

“And, yeah, shower, whatever, I’m in no rush, and Brooke’s still not back yet. Unless you wanna join in,” Brian grunted, looking up at me with his cocky grin.

Brittany looked at me, clearly tempted, but ultimately sighed and said, “I’d love to jump in and show Josie a thing or two, but I really need to wash the day off of me soon. It was lovely meeting you, though,  Josie!”

“You… toooooo!” I said, my voice getting high with another orgasm as Brian came deep inside of me again, both of us laughing slightly as Brittany disappeared into the bathroom.

When I finally came down from my orgasm, I dropped onto his chest and laughed, “Your wife’s hot.”

“Tell me about it… you know how to fuck, but her… god, once you get her started, she don’t stop,” Brian said.

I laughed again. “I believe you.”

“So, you staying for dinner? I think Brooke’s practice’ll end sometime soon, if she don’t run off to get laid of course, and Britt’s one hell of a cook. It’d be good to have dinner, the four of us, I think,” Brian offered.

I thought about this, then looked at a notification popping up on my phone, currently set on the bedside table.

“Maybe,” I said, trying to hold back a stab of dread as I reached for my phone (without letting his cock fall out of me), and checked to see Brooke’s reply.

BROOKE: OMG, I’m so sorry! I should’ve warned you, he’s done, like, most of my friends, and they all say he’s very persuasive. Totally fine, love you much, tell me you’re staying for dinner? I’ll be home soon!!!

Setting my phone down and smiling at my beautifully insane life, I looked down at the giant whose cock I still sat impaled upon and said, “Yeah, I guess I’ll be staying for dinner after all, Daddy…”

Grinning up at me, Brian King smiled and smacked my ass once more.

I could really get used to this.



Loved this, one of my favorites so far. Would love to see some more stories with Brian and the other cheerleaders.

J Bone

Great story. I wasn't sure if fucking Brooke's dad was a good idea. Plus her not bring able to control herself with him even when she thought it might hurt Brooke. Then all I could think was, she's gonna end up fucking Ryan's dad too. Something tells me they share similar genetics....