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**To state it clearly, at no point is this justification or anything, it's more just understanding it psychologically** I would not call Tucker evil, I would call him broken. Allow me to explain. He and his family suffered from poverty, he and his wife were having constant spats ABOUT money, and his daughter was clearly suffering for it. From his perspective, the license was their salvation. His goal was that salvation, and so he sacrificed his wife to save everything else he cherished (namely, his daughter). Definitely bad, but I could see someone psychologically broken falling into those thought patterns. Fast forward 2 years, and the threat of that situation looms over him again, he NEEDS the state certification or he loses EVERYTHING, he goes back to those miserable times from before. He obsessed over it, and when the deadline loomed near, the reason he needed the certification so badly (for his daughter) was lost to the simple shortsighted idea that he NEEDED the certification. I never like people acting like Tucker is just "evil", like no one else would ever do something like this out of sheer desperation. Would the girl from the last episode be evil had she shot Ed out of her desperation to get her fiance back? What she would have done would have been very, very bad, yes, but not evil. I look at it the same with Tucker. He was desperate, and did something bad, the reason he's looked at being ESP bad was due to it being a child he did this to (though, arguably, Ed is a child too). His drivel afterwards is abhorrent, but it sounds like a lot of cope, since he didn't transmute his daughter beforehand. If he really did believe the stuff he said, he would have done that as soon as his wife-chimera died, but he didn't. He doesn't actually believe it, he rationalized his actions due to how desperate he became. And honestly, this is prolly the point where he becomes beyond saving, because he has nothing now. Had he had the time, he would have come to realize he lost everything in pursuit to save everything. Anyways, there are a lot of people who find Tucker fascinating to break down psychologically, as his actions do make sense in a very blind and twisted way. Honestly a lot of the characters are interesting to break down.