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The following reactions are now available!

Futurama - Season 3 Episode 16-19

Gumball - Season 3  Episode 19-20 & 21-22

Spongebob - Season 2 Episode 7-8

The Legend of Korra - Episode 1

WATCH HERE! -  discord.gg/5QbjVSG

How to link your Discord -  https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-gb/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access

* All Elite+ reactions & Bleach Masterlist (EP 1 -192+) are found in the Elite+ Member Zone in the Project Senpai Discord Server and are only accesible by Elite+ members. You will need to link your Discord account to Patreon to access the reactions *




Not too familiar with Discord. How do I find the videos?

Project Senpai

Just link your discord account to your Patreon account (there's an link in the post above showing you how) then just simply join the discord server (link also above) and you'll automatically have your role when you join and you'll have access to all of the reactions in the Elite+ Member Zone :)


I can't find Futurama 16-18 anywhere. Was it uploaded on discord?

Project Senpai

Those were filmed and scheduled before this tier was made so they will be posted in there later today! :)