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SU S4 7-8

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Y’all are so real for the Peridot love. She’s my favorite little beast and is so funny in the Andy episode. You also aren’t the only ones to dislike him! There was a LOT of fandom drama when this episode dropped cause everyone thought Andy sucked and was “redeemed” too fast 💀 but that was sort of the point of him imo? He’s that uncle no one likes hanging out with, I really don’t think he’s meant to be enjoyable. Bro v much is just a vehicle for Greg backstory honestly.

SK Elkins

Just to put this one in some historical perspective, this episode first aired not long after the 2016 election, when many people were still trying to come to terms with the surprising election of Donald Trump to the presidency. So the otherwise fairly standard premise of 'having to get along with that diffiicult, AM-radio-listening, reactionary uncle' -- ordinarily a staple of Thanksgiving-based holiday humor in the US-- really fell flat for a lot of folks who were just not feeling particularly inclined to take a gracious approach to such political differences right then. A number of people reacted *very* negatively to this episode back when it aired when really, it was more a matter of unfortunate timing than anything truly wrong with the episode itself.

Project Senpai

Peridot is easily the best character in the show! I wouldn't be against a Peridot Spin off show. Totally agree with you on the Andy thin upon reflection. His character seems like it was definitely made to serve that purpose.

Project Senpai

Ooooooohhhhhh! That's very interesting! I can see why that would have caused such a fuss. Thanks for sharing that, really appreciate it!