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The sight was wild. Far too many wounds had popped up on the Elder’s skin all over his body. His chest, his arms, his head, his legs. From every single one, dark blood poured out. In less than a heartbeat, he was covered from head to toe in the filth of the Dreadflood.

Rieren’s immediate impulse was to pull herself free before it got to her as well. But that would severe the connection with the golden threads. She couldn’t mess that up now.

“Do not waver,” Elder Olg said through gritted teeth. “I am alright.”

Rieren shook her head. “This does not look alright in the slightest, Elder. What has happened? How can I help?”

“It’s the…” He took a little time to recollect himself. “It’s the corruption, I believe. It has intensified my connection to the Dreadflood, so now you see the physical fallout of that.”

“A physical fallout of it bursting out of you?”

“So it would appear.”


“Continue, Rieren. This is also a test for me, you see. I must control this. I must be in charge of the Dreadflood, not the other way around.” He smiled at her through black-bloodied teeth. “It’s your turn to have some faith.”

Rieren took a deep, steadying breath. She froze. Breath. She could breathe again. The very instinct to rhythmically move her chest, to inhale and exhale, had returned. This was working.

This really was working.

“Alright, Elder,” she said. She couldn’t help but sound awed by it all. “I will continue.”

So, Rieren did. By her estimation, not even half the corruption within her had been pushed out yet. Close, but not quite. And if this was enough to make Elder Olg react that way, then what would the entirety of the temporal blockage do to him?

Faith. That was what Elder Olg counselled. He had acquired some faith in her and her capabilities to do what she needed to do, to accomplish what she truly believed in.

It was her turn to return the favour.

Rieren focused and continued channeling out all the corruption within her. On and on. She kept one eye on the Elder, watching how the flow of the dark liquid from his body slowed down until he wasn’t being covered by any new muck any further. She couldn’t ascertain whether his wounds had closed, but at least he was in control again.

She didn’t know how much time passed before she finally felt that she was done. Before her elixir field felt… free, airy, like it could once more push Essence through her entire spirit with no trouble at all. There was no further blockage to work past, nothing holding it back from growing further.

Rieren experimented by trying to make her elixir field grow. It worked. The core of Essence at the seat of her soul expanded by a hair. She could grow again. She opened her eyes.

She was herself again.

Rieren looked down. Strangely, the golden threads still remained, still connecting her hand and the meridians there to the Elder’s ones. But her skin…

Her skin wasn’t dead white any longer. Her fingers were no longer claws. A little laugh bubbled out of Rieren at the sight. The skin on her hand was pale, for certain, but it had the slight pinkish-brown tan of human skin exposed to the sun. She was back. Rieren was back.

She looked up at Elder Olg with a smile. The late day had passed into proper nightfall, but there was still enough light to make out what was just in front of her.

“Elder,” she said. Her voice… It sounded like hers again. She almost felt like clasping her arms around her neck in a warm self-embrace, no matter how odd it looked. “Elder, I have returned.”

With aching slowness, Elder Olg reopened his eyes. They were pure black. His sclera, at least. All dark, just as the fluid still coating his figure. But his pupils had turned pure white instead. “Welcome back, Rieren.”

His voice was a little growly, a little deeper than before. A little more monstrous. Just like hers had been.

“Are you well?” Rieren asked, concern for her mentor rising even higher than her slowly building euphoria at her success. The fact she was experiencing those sensations, however, sent her euphoria soaring higher again, though her face only showed the concern. “Is there something I can do to help?”

“I think I may need some time to get used to this… new state of being,” Elder Olg said. “Otherwise, I am quite alright. In fact—” He smiled at her, the same old smile that Elder Olg always had with her. One filled with warmth and pride. “I am very happy.”

Rieren finally let go of his hand, finally pulled back the golden threads that she could still control for some reason. It ought to have concerned her that she still retained at least that power of her Arisen form, but it was outweighed by the wave of relief coursing through her.

Batcat took its position in her lap with a soft purr, but it didn’t seem to mind the slow drip of tears falling upon it.

Rieren considered trying not to sniffle and sob and drench her little Spirit Beast, but the emotions coursing through her were beautiful. She couldn’t not experience them again. Live them again. Breathe them again.

She was back. Rieren Vallorne had returned.


With one more congratulations, Elder Olg went back under the surface of the Dreadflood. Her concern for him hadn’t receded. Even though he reassured her that he was alright, that he just needed some time to get a proper grip on the higher concentration of corruption within him, Rieren couldn’t help it. She knew full well what it was like becoming a true monster.

Still. The Elder had said to have faith. He had shown his belief in her by assisting in her plan to return to her true self. Now, she had to display the same faith in him.

Nevertheless, as Rieren returned to her usual haunts, she resolved to come check on him again soon.

Once she had left Elder Olg’s vicinity, however, the excitement started to return, dampening her concern. She was truly back. It was miraculous. The fact that her plan had worked, that she felt herself—that she could feel again—made her spirit soar like nothing else ever had.

Rieren was so excited to see herself again that she couldn’t even wait to get back to her little glen. Batcat woke up when she paused halfway there, at some random spot in the woods, but went back to sleep. Rieren summoned her Domain.

Clear. The water was crystal clear, not murky and dark as it had been when she had been an Arisen. It spread out around her in a shallow pool, but Rieren summoned more water while keeping its bound localized. That just made it deeper, the surface turning solid and reflective.

Enough for her to see herself.

Rieren couldn’t hold back her gasp. She was back… but she also wasn’t. Of course, she wasn’t a monster any longer, but her experience as one had clearly left a strong mark.

Unlike before her transformation, the current Rieren’s hair was mostly gold. She was no blonde. It looked so strange. Even more so because her hair wasn’t flaxen through and through like Rollo’s or Rykion’s. No. The outer strands were gold as sunlight, but the inner, more hidden hairs were her old dark locks.

She could have passed for a blonde with ease. But if Rieren shifted her head, her hair moved with her too, and revealed the darker base underneath. So strange.

And then there were her eyes. The sclera wasn’t monstrously dark anymore. She ought to be thankful for that. They were regular, normal white again. But her pupils hadn’t turned back to normal. Like her hair, they were a mix of gold and black. Twin suns flecked with tiny charnels of darkness.

The traits of an Arisen had left their marks upon her.

Rieren had to wonder what other little permanent changes she was yet to spot. She’d need to perform a more thorough examination of herself later.

Right now, she smiled. She could bask in the things that had become familiar once more.

Her skin was smooth and unmarred, her own again. Her lips, her teeth, her nails, they had all turned back to what they had been before she had been twisted into a monster. She had retained some of the Arisen’s height as well, but she had shrunk a bit too, so that now she just looked like an abnormally tall woman. Kind of like Amalyse.

But the shrinkage made her robes hang loose on her. She would need to get some new clothes. Perhaps a completely new set, to reflect her new transformation.

Best of all, she placed a hand against her chest. Thump, thump, thump, went her heart. She had a heartbeat again. When she breathed, she could feel the air fluttering between the fingers she held up before her mouth. When she blinked, tears pricked the corner of her eyes again. Her humanity, her vitality, her life, had truly returned.

It took some time before Rieren could make herself get going again. Took some time before the feelings lessened in intensity enough for her to realize she was standing in the middle of nowhere.

Her thoughts weren’t in any proper shape for her to consider… well, anything. There was too much she wanted to do, and too much she ought to do instead.

Rieren wanted to meet Amalyse. She wanted to take advantage of her current looks and stroll into the main tournament grounds. Of course, she would still garner some attention because of her comparatively striking appearance, but it wouldn’t be horrified and frightened and enraged attention.

She wanted to meet Mercion and Silomene as well. Perhaps she could even meet Clanmistress Avathene. How would they all react to seeing her back—well, perhaps not back, but more human at least?

How would Kalvia react?

Then there were the monsters too. She looked so little like them anymore. No enormous figure, no hair carving up like horns, no glaring dark eyes or curved claws. Would they still believe in her, still hold faith in her the way Elder Olg did? Would they believe that she could keep the promise she had made them?

By the time Rieren reached her glen, her thoughts had run through their excitable course. Other, more sensible priorities were taking back their proper positions in her mind.

Like cultivating. Abyss, how had it taken her that long to remember and realize that yes, she could cultivate again? Not just channel Essence, but actually use that Essence to strengthen her elixir field and grow. She could continue climbing the ranks of cultivation once more.

“Could you do me a favour, Batcat?” she asked.

The winged kitten was a little displeased that she had roused it, but it was happy enough that it could now once again enjoy ruffling through Rieren’s hair that it didn’t mind much. It jumped off her head, ready to carry out whatever task she had in mind.

“Go find Amalyse,” Rieren said with a soft smile. “She’ll be happy to see what I have accomplished.”

With a meow that sounded that had the quality of a strange salute, the cat ran off. Rieren waved a farewell. Then she closed her eyes and focused.

Essence. So much Essence around her. So much spiritual energy that she could draw in and use to enhance her growth and make her spirit stronger than it had been. Rieren began pulling it all in.

Of course, the ideal Essence would be Aspectless. Unfortunately, Rieren didn’t have enough Credits to purchase any purifiers. A sad state of being, especially because as she began cycling, she realized just how much Essence she was going to need to climb another stage through the Exalted realm.

Extra frustrating because she was quite close to a breakthrough. The other requirement of the Exalted realm was increasing one’s renown, and Rieren had already accomplished most of that. Her efforts in the tournament—both qualifying all the way to the final match and other factors such as curing Rykion—had really raised her fame among all those attending the Trials.

Enough to get her to Peak-Exalted. If she could manage to get enough Essence.

This was why she had been originally so intent on participating in the tournament. Under regular circumstances, it would have taken her a lot longer to get through the Exalted realm. Another year or two to build up her renown enough, while she gained enough Essence to break through the stages. And that was if things went ideally.

In her previous life, it had taken even longer, simply because Rieren had always preferred to work alone. Plus, there hadn’t been that many people left alive to know her in the first place.

Rectified though that was in her current life, the sheer amount of Essence required would still pose a problem. She’d have to find a solution, somehow.

Rieren didn’t get to draw in new Essence for long, unfortunately. Less than an hour later, she sensed someone approaching. Someone that was clearly not Amalyse, though familiar still.

“You great, monstrous baboon.” Remis Sharan stormed into the glen like a hurricane incarnate. “You absolute ass. You gods-cursed, monkey’s-balls-gargling—” She stopped short, her eyes widening as she finally took in Rieren’s appearance. “Why in the Abyss do you look like that?”

“Hello, Sharan.” Rieren got to her feet. She was beginning to suspect why Remis Sharan had appeared here.

“Don’t hello me. Not after what you did.” Remis Sharan pointed a finger so accusatorily at Rieren, she was surprised it didn’t poke a hole through her chest. “I should kill you where you stand, but that’s not going to solve anything, is it?”

“I would be quite miffed if you killed me now, yes.”

“Oh, I bet you would. But my satisfaction is going to have to wait, at least until that pet Banishedborn of yours sods off.”

“If you have nothing better than to fling insults at anyone and everyone—”

“Insults aren’t the only thing I came here to tell you, Vallorne.” Her face darkened. “I also came here to deliver a warning.”

Rieren’s jaw tightened. Her heartbeat quickened too. The physical sensation had been missing for so long, feeling her pulse quicken almost distracted her from her current conversation. “Is Starloper moving the day he will draw the other Banishedborn here?”

“Not that kind of warning.” Sharan took a step forward, her maddened eyes growing brighter. “I came to warn you. You understand the problem I have, don’t you?”

Rieren took a moment to nod. “You are troubled by the fact that my match with Rykion never occurred. We spent no Essence, so the amount of residual Essence you have to work with is not as high as you wanted it to be. This has set you and your pet Archnoble back a bit.”

Remis Sharan growled. “Incredible how astute you are. It’s almost like you had this sabotage planned from the very beginning.”

“No need to be ridiculous. I neither poisoned Rykion Karlosyne with monstrous corruption, nor expected him to forfeit his match entirely.”

“But you still healed him, so the blame for the event ultimately falls at your feet.”

“You know, if I never healed him, Rykion would never have been able to get to the match in the first place. You would have ended up with one less battle anyway. So you see, I was trying to ensure that we all got what we wanted there.”

Remis Sharan opened her mouth, but no words came out. She looked confused for a second. Then she got angry all over again.

“I don’t care!” she said. “I’m here to rage at you, you cat-haired hag. Stop spouting logic at me.” Then she froze again for a heartbeat. “Hold on. If you hadn’t healed that Karlosyne bastard, his little brother or some other Archnoble brat would have ended up fighting against you. Which means you still ended up ruining things!

Rieren sighed. That was another delightful little thing she was capable of once more. Sighing to her heart’s content.

“What was this warning you spoke of, Sharan?” Rieren asked.

Another accusing finger came flying at Rieren, stopping a hair away from her. “This isn’t over, understand? One way or another, we’re going to get the residual Essence we need, no matter what. Just you watch.”

With that, Remis Sharan turned around and stomped away. Rieren watched her disappear, slightly consternated. The Abyss had she meant by that last statement? Well, Rieren was going to find out eventually, she supposed. For now, she turned back to cultivating.

And then she’d have to prepare for upcoming final match.


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