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It's The Arson Betrayal's First Anniversary! 

This time last year, I was contemplating on whether I made the right choice of releasing my game in it's current state. Since then, I could say I improved my skills in developing and writing for the game, met a lot of new friends and peers, and at the end of it, realized this is something I wanted to continue in doing moving forward.

I won't keep this long. To everyone who supported me and enjoyed the game, as well as to my Patrons, you have my utmost thanks. To my fellow developers, thank you for all the help and tips you gave. You defined what it meant to find friends in the unlikeliest of places. To the modding community, your assets was and always will be the very foundation of this game. Thank you for your efforts. Cheers.

(Also, I sneaked something in that picture... Consider it as a gift from me to you all.)

Here's to all of us, and onwards to new horizons.




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