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Being both studious and beautiful has its disadvantages, as Jessica has discovered.

From a young age, she was often loved by her teachers because of her intelligence and her studious attitude, admired by the boys in her class for her looks, and hated by other girls out of jealousy. But it got worse once she entered the illustrious Ablesmith Academy.

Rumors were spread by other girls that she was offering sexual favors to professors in exchange for higher marks. Of course, these rumors were all false, but what could Jessica do when it was her word against almost all the girls in her class?

Fortunately, the news got to Sydney, who immediately dispelled all the rumors and ultimately ensured that everyone who took part in spreading the rumors about Jessica was either expelled or suspended.

And such was the start of both a beautiful friendship and an unbreakable bond between the two.

~ Crispy Chicken



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