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I've spent the past few days getting my new channel-only computer set up for 2024, and it'll be a couple more before everything is ready to go. (I had four thousand files related to Vanilla Velvet Audio on my old laptop?! No wonder it was screaming all the time!) 

File re-organization, sound testing, software installs, importing all my old settings and accounts, getting familiar with updated programs and such is taking a bit more time than I thought it would, but I'm excited! I'm feeling creatively energized by the fresh start, even as I'm banging my head against straightening out files with names that are super, uh...not descriptive.

(You can really tell when my ADHD meds ran out at various points of my youtube career vs. when my mental health was doing super well, is all I can say. ^^;)

I'm also going to spend part of January/February finishing office upgrades that I meant to do in 2023. I'm basically sitting on piles of acoustic foam and soundproofing material, and as fun as my impromptu fort is, it's gotta go! I hope there will be an accompanying bump in sound quality in time for Februdere.

Anyway, I'll be back with more substantial updates soon! Stay tuned!


Luke Childers

Upgrades, people! Upgrades! Good luck with the new setup, hopefully it will be a massive QoL improvement for your work process.