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It's finally here! Uh. Here-ish? Some writers got back to me, so I secured early access permission for a couple things that were up in the air and ditched stuff that fell through; I put in an order for SFX materials that should be here in a day or two (fancy slime for foley work!); and an artist who vanished resurfaced and will (hopefully!) have art for a couple animated videos available before the end of the month!

This event has been a real crunch, kind of a perfect topper to 2023's continuous, gradual spiral out of control, but all things considered I'm not nearly as stressed as I could be!

Portrait of the artist.

I'm actually considering taking a couple months off audio production completely, including suspending the Patreon temporarily, just so I can breathe for a bit and meaningfully regroup. I said I was courting burnout like, five months ago, but it's getting pretty dire now. March/April is looking pretty likely, if I do decide to take a break. That way I can come back fresh for Monster Girl Mayhem! And maybe not go crazy over the summer!

Anyway, I am EXTREMELY grateful to my past-self for deciding to do mostly one-shot audios this month because things have been nuts behind the scenes. It's a feeding frenzy out there, y'all; everyone I know in retail/food service looks like they barely survived a cage match with a rabid alligator at the end of the day. Light candles, say a prayer, send good vibes out into the Christmas trenches, they need all the help they can get.

The news isn't all bad, though. My new computer for audio production arrived awhile ago! Now it's just a matter of finding time to set it up for recording/editing, transferring all my files over, and getting all the bits and bobs organized. My ancient laptop can finally be put out to pasture, on a nice farm with all the other old laptops, where it can chase bunnies and run nothing but games until it finally gives up the ghost.

So, with all those updates out of the way, that brings us to the last half of the schedule! Here it is, descriptions/tags pending because my brain is fried and I can't find the file I wrote them in.

  • Your Loyal Mech is in Love With You
  • F4A, Dec. 14
  • Est. 13 min

  • Shy Shapeshifting Neko Girl Has a Crush On You
  • F4A, Dec. 18
  • Est. 13 mins

  • Your Plant Girl Girlfriend Tries to Make Dinner
  • F4A, Dec.  20
  • Est. 18 mins

  • Valkyrie Comforts You on the Eve of Battle (thumbnail may change, I'm waffling)
  • F4A, Dec. 22
  • Est. 10 mins

  • Cuddle Therapy at the Slime Spa!
  • F4A, Dec. 25
  • Est. 15 mins.

  • Your Succubus Girlfriend Devours Your Negative Emotions (art pending; animated?)
  • F4A, Dec. 27
  • Est. 30 mins.

  • Subby Bunny Maid Gets Affection on Master's Lap (art pending; animated?)
  • F4A, Dec. 29
  • Est. 14 mins.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go do boring grown-up stuff. I'll be back to post early access audio tonight! Maybe more than one? We'll see if I opt for a long nap instead of extra work. I'll be real with you, the nap is probably going to win.





You definitely should take a break if you feel you need to, we don't judge here, though I do still wish to support you, I totally understand if you feel like suspending Patreon for a while. Looking forward to the audios to come, as always.

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Take as long as you need. We'll be here when you get back. And yeah I totally get the stress of the season you're talking about. Kind of made me hate this time of year tbh.