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Hello, hello! A short update tonight! But I hope it's a good 'un, peeking ahead all the way into January.. Uh, with some sizable gaps. ^^;

This week's audio is: Jealous Punk Girlfriend With a Soft Spot Gets Protective

That's out tomorrow, and already in early access!

Next week's audio: Bullied By a Petty Speedster!

That'll be out on November 29, and in early access sometime before then. I have no idea when exactly. I recorded about half of it a couple nights ago, but I tried to do my best Lori Petty-as-Livewire voice and my vocal cords gave out. I'll try again in a day or two.

Now, instead of diving into Creature Comforts, which is still pretty nebulous, let's look ahead to January 2024! I think I've got the first few weeks generally nailed down, provided nothing goes wrong between now and then and I get permission for all of these. The plan at the moment:

January 3rd: Forced to Cuddle With a Mean Girl to Warm Up During a Blizzard

January 10: (Title Pending) The Thing/The Terror inspired horror audio

January 17: Pulling a Heist With a Bounty Hunter (Multi-script)

And now, backtracking a little bit...Creature Comforts! 

My plans are still extremely nebulous, and I'm a teeny, tiny bit stressed but that's okay. Mostly. I'm really struggling to find appropriate thumbnail art, much less anything for animation. There may not be any animated audios in December at this rate, and it seems like I've exhausted the supply of monster girl stock art in existence.

That said, my list of potential scripts for the event continues to grow, I've got a few thumbnail possibilities lined up, all that remains is securing early access permission from writers, recording and editing...and the audience participation elements, and maybe drawing the art myself if nothing else works out, and all the copywriting and--

...yeah okay, I might be freaking out a little more than I'd like at the moment. But I've also had a long couple of days, so hopefully a good night's sleep can hard reset my brain so it's no longer doing this:

ANYWAY. Since everything is up in the air, please welcome a new feature to the Patreon: THUMBNAILS IN SEARCH OF SCRIPTS!

AKA: art I've paid for and edited that are either waiting for the perfect script to materialize or early access permission to come through.

LIKELY SCRIPT: Library Cat Has a Crush On You, Creature Comforts event

LIKELY SCRIPT: Pampered at the Slime Spa, Creature Comforts event

LIKELY SCRIPT: Succubus Girlfriend Devours Your Bad Feelings, Creature Comforts event

LIKELY SCRIPT: Yandere Goddess, Februdere event (maybe?)

LIKELY SCRIPT: Unknown! But ain't she cute?

LIKELY SCRIPT: Unknown! But sure, a tomboyish muscle mommy furry fox girl, why not

That's all for now! I hope you enjoyed this peek behind the curtain! I'll be back after Thanksgiving with at least one audio and hopefully some more concrete plans for December.

I hope your holiday is everything you want it to be. I dunno if you'll be seeing family for Thanksgiving, or working Black Friday, but whatever is coming down the pike I hope it goes easy for ya. 





Hey Velvet, Really loving the new stuff, keep it up! I know a lot of people get really busy around this time through the New Year. So, make sure you take to relax and to over work and stress yourself. We love the content but without you we don’t get the content so make sure you take care of yourself. ❤️