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Hello, Patrons! It's time for early access. But first, a preamble! 

I have found myself in a pickle of my own making! (As usual! Me and my pickling!) I sound designed the final audio of Here for the Boos but decided to use a soundtrack in a couple of spots. Youtube allows the use of popular songs in its library, which is great! I had a macabre idea and ran with it! It makes me giggle in the worst possible way! Mood dissonance for the win! But the pieces I chose make the video ineligible for monetization due to licensing restrictions.

I knew this going in, and only planned to add the soundtrack for my own amusement, but after a lot of waffling, I feel these songs are integral to striking the right the tone in the audio and that it’s not as strong without them. I made an alternate version with a different royalty-free soundtrack, and it’s good, but it’s not my ideal. My greedy moneygrubbing side went to war with my artistic side, and it wasn’t even close. That avant-garde bitch won quite handily! I’ll be turning off ads for this, clearly!

(I mean, there was a pretty good chance youtube would have restricted it anyway, so I figured why not shoot the works, right?)

That said, while I can release the alternate cut for you all here, the one with copyrighted content can’t be put on Patreon; the licenses will not allow that. But: I can link to a private video version for Patrons only. (YouTube doesn’t allow reused content, so I don’t think I can keep it up indefinitely, but it should stay active for a bit.)

So, that’s what I’ve done. This Patreon-exclusive upload is the alternate cut without the copyright songs. Consider it a backup if the licenses expire or youtube explodes or something. [Here] is the private “Director’s Cut” version, which premieres for everyone tomorrow.

I’m so sorry for this bizarre compromise, but it really is a better audio as originally envisioned. Damn it.

Anyway, ignore the horrible dramatic death throes of my inner Scrooge McDuck. Please enjoy!

Keeping Your Unwilling Senpai Until She Loves You

You're an obsessive, possessive, violent yandere--and it's time to get the girl of your dreams to love you. You'll do whatever it takes to make that happen: kidnapping her, keeping her captive, and...maybe even worse.

[F4A] [Reverse Yandere] [Horror] [Twisted Romance] [Yandere / Slasher Listener] [Scared Speaker] [Senpai / Final Girl Speaker] [Trying to Force Stockholm Syndrome] [Kidnapping] [Obsessive] [Possessive] [Unstable] [Anger Issues] [Threats] [Violence] [Listener is an all around bad egg] [Intentional Mood Dissonance] [Open Ending]

  • Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
  • Script by: NyanToDaMax145 on reddit
  • SFX/Music: Licensed from Envato elements; other SFX from https://freesound.org all under public domain/CC0 licenses


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