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My friends, it has been A Day. x_x 

But I'm here, with a short update about what to expect this week (and next!) from the channel, along with a couple other things!

First! I made a Master Guide Post for the channel patreon. It will remain pinned for the foreseeable future to help you navigate posts here. Hopefully there won't be any changes to the Patreon interface that make this moot. Yay!

Second! Rather than a monthly suggestion post, I'm officially switching over to a Master Suggestions and Request List, as I was considering before. It will be updated periodically! Also yay!

Third! The remaining audios of Here for the Boos have been shifted around a bit in my schedule. The new line-up, along with early access links, follows:

Cute, Perky Witch Helps You Find Your True Love!

Oct. 30 [Youtube] [Early Access]

Shy Library Gargoyle Girl Wants You

Nov. 1 [Early Access]

Yandere Queen Bee Wants to Own You

Nov. 3 [Early Access]

Keeping Your Unwilling Senpai Until She Loves You

Nov. 6 [Early Access coming soon!]

I shuffled the schedule for a few reasons, not the least of which is that Keeping Your Unwilling Senpai Until She Loves You ended up being over an hour of audio--after basic edits, but before sound design. It's a MONSTER and will take a few more days to whip into shape. (It's way more intense than I thought it would be, too! I don't know if YouTube will even let me monetize it. 😬)

I also wanted to get the witch audio out in time for Halloween, since it takes place on the holiday and that was my original plan before I got sick. ^^

Looking ahead to November proper...I have no idea! I'm debating skipping doing a regular audio on November 8, just so I can have a week off after the event to regroup and get things in order for the rest of the year. I had originally planned to do a multi-script animated, wholesome barista audio to contrast with all the montster content:

But idk if I have another five scripts in me right now. I'm tired and while my laptop has handled the event workload admirably, it's still not exactly reliable.

That said, I still want to do Creature Comforts in December, and I have some script possibilities for that, but getting sick has thrown my whole schedule into disarray. I needed a month off ages ago, and was hoping to sort of laze around in October after getting all the event audios done early, but obviously that didn't happen. Now there's nowhere to fit a break! 

Maybe I can squeeze one into January? That's been a slow month two years running, so maybe I can take a short vacation. We'll see.

Well, that's about it for me right now! I'll be back soon-ish with more stuff!




Very Hungry Caterpillar

Cool, thanks for the update! Hope you had a safe Halloween! 🐛🎃