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Hi, hi! I come bearing some updates about where we're at with Here for the Boos! content, as well as a few other little fiddly things.

First off, I managed to record this weekend! So that's nice. I am on the mend good and proper after tangling with COVID.  ( ✿◠‿◠ )

That said, while my voice has mostly recovered in that I no longer sound like I swallowed a handful of gravel and a ground glass chaser, I'm acutely aware I'm still not functioning at 100%. My stamina is shot, my breath control is utter crap, and my sinuses are a bit fucked, which is resulting in some very snotty outtakes!

Basically, I can't get as much vocal resonance or power in my performances as I want, and I sound quite gunky and gaspy in places--which means doing more takes than usual to compensate, which means more time behind the microphone, and more time to edit. I noticed the breathing/sinus issues a bit as I was getting sick (and I've definitely heard it while editing the audios I recorded a couple weeks back) but it's so much worse now.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful to be feeling so much better! But I am also more than a bit frustrated at slamming into the brick wall of lingering symptoms while trying to work.  And it's kind of amazing how much a week and a half of being sick has thrown off my groove. I've had to shuffle around plans all the way into December. November is going to be a real crunch.

Anyway, as a result of this whole mess, I've had to make some changes to the Here for the Boos! schedule. I updated both schedule posts (1, 2) to keep you up to date, bumping everything back by a week; that's the plan for the moment. I may compress the schedule toward the end of October and release an audio every day just to get the queue cleared, but it depends on how things go behind the scenes.

Which brings us to this week's schedule, and a couple related updates!

Your Popular Tsundere Cheerleader Cat-Girl Best Friend Finds Out She's Fictional - Animated!

October 16: [Early Access] [Youtube]

Chained Yandere Dragon Queen Wants to Seduce You - Animated!

October 18: [Early access coming later tonight]

This one has been trimmed from a multi-script audio down to a single script, just because I couldn't maintain the voice long enough to record the originally planned trio of scripts. I was looking forward to that series so I'm quite grumpy about it!  Sadly, it can't be helped.

I still plan to do the other multi-script audios that are on the slate for later in the event, but I'm prepared to trim them down too if I have to. Hopefully I won't have to!

Seductive Kitsune Courtesan Pampers You - Animated!

October 20 [Early Access]

Man, I really gotta figure out the best way to share animated videos on Patreon. Vimeo Pro is apparently an option! I don't want to have another subscription to manage, but y'all deserve full early access. It should also be easier to get animated audios into early access once I have a less crappy computer. Right now, ten finished minutes of audio can take between an 1-4 hours to animate, edit and render. That should become more reasonable with more powerful equipment.

Next, checking in on the Here for the Boos! to-do list...

Considering the circumstances, it's looking pretty good! And even with cutting down a multi-script audio, and updated time estimates, I'm on track to outpace last year's event by about eighty minutes of audio. Not bad! A bit insane, perhaps, to hit nearly 300 minutes of audio in one event, but not bad!

Patreon stuff on the agenda...

Patreon has undergone some updates over the past few weeks. I don't know if you've noticed, but a lot has changed around here! Tags on posts are, um, basically nonexistent, italics keep breaking, some links have been wonky, things like that. I'm finding it more difficult to navigate to find posts myself, so I imagine some of you are as well.

To compensate, I'll be editing the pinned post soon to link specific tags and such. I think I'll also be shifting the monthly request post to one main post that will be updated regularly, and linking that. Just trying to consolidate a bit to make finding things easier.

I'm also considering releasing a "new" perk for lower tiers (pink/red): ad-free audios. Basically, I'll just be unlocking existing early access audios for the lower tiers, once they've been up for a bit.

Other channel items on my current to-do list:

There are a lot of things I've had on the backburner that I've...well, avoided talking about! I'm paranoid, I guess? There have been times when I've spoken about stuff I was planning on Patreon, only to have another channel essentially "scoop" me by doing something similar, and even though it's probably just coincidence it always makes me a bit nervous.

But that's silly, and I need to get over it, so here I am to spew a bunch of ideas at ya!

Outtakes Volume 3: I have a file ready to go, but I've been so scattered I just haven't finished splicing them together. I want to get that out this week!

Official Vanilla Velvet Audio Website: I started work on this before I got sick! I used to have a pinned reddit post that listed all my audios with descriptions and such, but after a couple years it got quite unwieldy! So, I decided to get to work on a proper audio catalog that is easier to scroll through, with descriptions and watching built right in. It's still in the very early stages, but here's a peek at that:

More spicy character pin-ups! I did one for Des from the Your (Recovering?) Yandere series, but I have another couple sketches that I need to buckle down and finish. (One for Bossy, Sassy but Loving Wife and one for Cuddling With a Perky, Curious Wolf Girl)

Here's a very unfinished set of flats for Bossy Wife!

Character Stickers, ding-dang it: I teased these like a year ago and have done nothing with them! So I need to get on that.

Characters I want done before I launch 'em:

  • Bossy wife
  • Perky wolf girl
  • Des from Recovering Yandere series
  • Yandere Mom/Tsundere Daughter
  • Tomboy yandere stalker
  • Bell from the Kuudere succubus series
  • Yandere mad scientist wife and duplicates

Thumbnail prints for Patrons! Again, something I floated months ago after getting some licenses for certain thumbnail images. I still haven't figured out how to do this, though. BUT I AM GONNA GET ON IT. DANG IT.

An etsy shop! For reasons. YOU WILL SEE. Maybe.

Top Secret Side Project #1: A ton of free youtube thumbnail bases: This is a silly one! I'm constantly saving public domain images because "Oh, neat! That'd make a nice thumbnail!" but of course I don't do anything with them because my channel already has a set aesthetic. Well, I decided to do something with them!

Throughout 2023, whenever I've had a few minutes to spare, I've been putting together about half a dozen packs of thumbnail bases in various styles for anyone to use. They've all been cropped and edited to fit into different sets with a consistent vibe across all images. Will anyone want them? shit dude, idk. But they won't be sitting on my hard drive anymore, at least! Here's a sampling of those.

Pastel Pack:

Cottagecore Pack:

Noir Pack:

Like I said, kinda silly. I have no idea if anyone will use them. But I wanted to give back, and it's been a nice little side project to get lost in when I want to do something mildly creative but I have no time/energy for something more robust. With the push against AI art in ASMR lately, I hope it's also a timely resource.

Top Secret Side Project #2: Ambient Waifu: This one is way down my list. I spoke about this briefly a few weeks back, but didn't talk about it in depth. I recently got the idea for a second channel for relaxing soundscapes.

I've been sitting with the idea long enough that I'm having second thoughts about it (what if nobody likes it?!) but I really enjoy sound design and I figured it's a way to use up some of the AI-assisted art I purchased that I can no longer use in roleplay audios. I could write off the loss, I guess, but I hate to waste money. And all soundscapes will be made available to Patrons as special bonuses.

Aaand I think that's it. For now. Maybe now that I have an official-ish to-do list publicly posted I'll actually get some of it done before I turn ninety.

I'm going to go finish editing the last couple of audios I have recorded to get 'em into early access tonight. I'll see you soon! I hope!





Super excited for the upcoming events and very glad that you're recovering. Can't wait to see what's in store next!

Joseph Brown

I'm happy you're (hopefully) starting to feel better Vanilla. Looking forward to merch in the future. Sassy Wife is one of my favorite audios so I would love a sticker or pin up if it can be a thing in the future.