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Hi, everyone! Don't worry, I'm being a good girl, getting lots of rest, and there's someone around to check in on me, pat me on the head and feed me soup.

I'm still a bit under the weather, but I am (tentatively) feeling better-ish, so I'm slowly resuming editing duties from the relative comfort of my sick bed. 

It's not much, I know, but it's a huge improvement over last week when all I could do was lie on my couch in a feverish, delirious lump and moan in misery while Star Trek episodes played on a loop in the background. (COVID: 0/10, do not recommend. Star Trek with a fever brain: 1701/10.) 

My voice/lungs will need a couple more days before I try to record anything, but the plan is to resume posting Here for the Boos! content on Youtube either by Wednesday the 11th, or Friday the 13th. I'd like to get on that sooner rather than later, but I'm allowing some wiggle room in case I relapse or something. I don't want to commit to starting uploads again before I know I'm 100% able to follow through.

If my voice doesn't recover soon, I may have to make adjustments to the schedule and move stuff around. The good thing is that I had nine audios recorded before I got sick--two of which are now out on my channel--and the remaining seven just need sound design and/or animation. While there are four left to record, I can always move them to the end of the month if my voice is still a wreck for another week. 

Obviously, getting nailed with COVID was not ideal! But if it had to happen right now, I'm glad it got me when I had a lot of audios mostly complete so that I can pick at them while I'm on the mend.

All that said, no matter when Youtube uploads resume, I will post early access audios here for Patrons as I finish editing them.

Thank you for so many well wishes and your continued patience. I will return with your slightly-delayed-regularly-scheduled-programming soon. 




Jake C (that1otherJake)

There's a delicious irony to you possibly resuming on Friday the 13th. Lol I'm glad you're starting to feel better, Ms. Velvet. (Which Star Trek are you referring to?)


There definitely is. ^^ And mostly I indulged in some TOS/TNG! Stuff I knew by heart that I could drift in and out of without missing much. When I'm too sick to function I crave comfort food media.

Chupacabra Fuel

Glad to hear that you're feeling a little better! Don't push anything if you're not ready, take all the time you need.