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Hello, Patrons! This is hopefully the first of many weekly updates now that things are calming down around here. Next week I plan to be posting on Mondays again! A proper schedule! Hooray!

First things first: this week's audio will be Drunk Popular Girl Confesses to Being Your Secret Admirer!

You can always tell when I'm in a crunch because I do a voicemail audio lmao; my days off didn't quite go as smoothly as I wanted them to last week. 

By which I mean I lazed around and slept and read and did housework and all those other things I haven't been able to reliably do for the past couple months.


Anyway, that audio will be out in early access as soon as everything is done rendering and uploading properly. (An hour? Maybe? I hope?)

I don't know what next week's audio will be yet, but there are a number of potential scripts that I'm considering for the rest of September, and/or the first couple weeks of November. I really want to get ahead so I can take a proper break after Here for the Boos!

Here are some possible thumbnails for those:

First Time Cuddles With a Sweet, Understanding Escort

Falling in Love With a Tomboy Karate Girl (multi-script)

Sweet, Wholesome Barista Falls for You (multi-script, animated!)

Tsundere Bully Confesses to You

Maybe I'll put these to a vote with some of the other sad little neglected scripts that have been on my to-do list for awhile?

But no matter what, I hope to record three in the next day or two, schedule them all nice and put them into early access for ya immediately.

Then begins the recording for Here for the Boos!

The script list is still not quite finalized--I'm three audios short of the necessary baker's dozen--but I did secure permissions for some that were still up in the air, and changed a couple things around. For now, the script list:

  • October 2: Countess Bathory Takes You In
  • Meeting a Bullied Succubus
  • Kitsune Courtesan Pampers You
  • Job Offer From a Demon
  • Guardian Angel & Demon Fight Over How to Care for You
  • Yandere Listener x Captured Senpai Speaker (horror)
  • Possessive Yandere Elf
  • Popular Neko Cheerleader
  • Captured Dragon Queen
  • ?
  • ?
  • ?
  • October 30: Cute Witch Welcomes You to Her Shop

Everything in the middle can be shifted around, but I know based on script content that I want Bathory up front and the Witch at the end. I'm going to try not to schedule animated audios back to back, too. Aaaand if possible, I'll try out a bunch of new accents? I don't want everyone to get bored with my standard stable of voices! I'm worried I'm starting to go stale!

Finally, there...may be a top secret side project coming to fruition soon. It's not one I planned on at the start of the year (RIP Red Velvet Audio--for now), the idea sort of fell into my lap, but I think it is something I'd like to do. KEEP IT UNDER YOUR HAT. TELL NO ONE. LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS. etc. and so on.

More details will be forthcoming, I think! I hope! Maybe. It all depends on a new computer, really, but when that happens: look out world, I'll be unstoppable! There's another little side project goal that's inching toward completion, too. Rest assured, any content I make for this and other side projects will also be available for ALL patrons as a special bonus.

Alright, this concludes your update for the week! I will be back with an early access audio in the next hour or so, maybe some more Here for the Boos thumbnails, and hopefully more audio content before the week is out.

See you soon!





what is the secret project? is it....a secret project? or is it just my imagination? how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Was The Simpsons made as a time capsule to capture moments from the future rather than the past? To quote Your Yandere Wife Duplicates Herself ''Why the sun? Why anything?''

Jake C (that1otherJake)

I'm crossing my fingers the Witch RP at the end is another magic shop. 😊