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Hello, everyone! How are you? I'm doing okay, but the IRL summer crush is still...well, crushing me. Labor Day can't come fast enough. Also, I'm not even in a place that's really getting hammered by the heat, but the glue holding the acoustic panels to my office walls and ceiling is still melting off. If you're in Texas or Florida or a similar climate with face-melting heat, I am thinking SO many cool thoughts for you. It's brutal out there!

Anyway, I do have a very short update for you today, but next week's should be more robust. In August proper, both planning and recording for Here for the Boos begins in earnest! But we'll get into that in a bit.

First off, this week's audio will be Going Out With Your Confident Blacksmith:

(Title may change, I'm waffling!)

The entire series is four scripts long, but they're all quite short and light on sound design, so the end result should hit somewhere in the 20-25 minute range. I hope to record and edit it tonight, once it's cool enough in my office, and then put it into early access for you tomorrow.

I'm also thinking about August's upcoming audios, but nothing is set in stone right now. I'll probably put a bunch of scripts to a vote here because my brain is fried and I'm bad at decisions. The month will likely see a lot of shorter 12-18 minute audios, to make room for event recording.

Now, talking about Here for the Boos! As you already know, the event is moving into September. I have no idea how that will go--will people be eager for Halloween-y content a month early? Will they not? Search me! But the shift will definitely make fall and winter less of a crunch.

The only solid plan I have at the moment is to do four animated audios and four multi-script audios throughout the event--one of each every week. That may turn out to be too much effort to balance during August, but I'm going to try! I've purchased so many character sprites and animated backgrounds over the past month or two, I'm chomping at the bit to use them. I think the event would be a great opportunity to stretch myself! Perhaps too thin!

As a result of getting more ambitious with visuals, I'm also giving serious consideration to  upgrading my video editing software, so that I can start getting really fancy-pants with everything. Properly learning a whole new editing suite will probably have to wait a bit though; that will definitely be too much on my plate.

In September, while I quietly run Here for the Boos, I'll also resume organizing collabs with other channels. I have a stack of offers in my inbox that have been languishing because I've been too busy to correspond and plan things out with people since April. Monster Girl Mayhem followed by the summer rush really did a number on my ability to answer messages that require more than one brain cell.

Okay! That concludes your update for this week--I think. I've got to go like, eat an actual dinner like a person, catch forty winks until the office cools down, and then record. I'll see you soon!





Currently in the ER rn but its nice to hear this update. :)


Hey Velvet, good to hear back from you. I’m really sorry about the heat going on—while I’m in a part of the country where it is more mild, it’s still be scorching (for our area) since the start of summer. And it’s honestly amazing that the “Hottest Year” record literally got broken in *one* year! Hopefully, this finally gets people in power to take environmentalists seriously, especially because people are getting restless and hateful. In any case, I’m excited for this years “Here For The Boos”! I think it’ll be pretty good to experiment a bit and see it early. Besides, with how busy you were earlier this year, I think you deserve a more mild autumn and winter. Plus, more collabs and animated videos are always a plus! Looking forward to them all and to the Monthly Chit-Chat and Suggestions!