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At last! I've been trying to beat this thing into submission for the past few days. Even though it's still a monster (ha?) that will require two posts, this wound up much shorter than I thought it would. Partly that was because I chose not to pad it with longer pauses, and partly it was because I cut the final script in the series. I made a sound design decision re: spider language that sort of mucked with some dialogue in the final script, but the result still makes a satisfying arc, I think! So, enjoy.

Loving Spider Queen Adopts You

Your village has been destroyed. You flee the tragedy, escaping into the forbidden swamp--and run headlong into the arms of the Spider Queen! Despite her people's fearsome reputation, this monster girl is kind and loving, willing to adopt you into her clan and keep you safe. Will you stay with her?

[Motherly] [Spider Mommy] [Comfort] [Found Family] [Trauma] [Nightmares] [Personal Attention] [Loving] [horrible Spider Noises, so prepare yourself for that] [also, feel free to play "Spot the incredibly stupid gag!" easter egg if you like]

  • Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
  • Scripts by: Waterway_Wordsmith
  • SFX: https://freesound.org all under public domain/CC0 licenses


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