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Hello, hello! I'm here to bring you the thumbnails, descriptions and schedule for Monster Girl Mayhem! Well, most of the thumbnails, anyway; but eleven out of fourteen ain't bad, right? I'll update this post soon with the last few once they're done, but I wanted to at least get the bulk out for ya.

As the event gets closer, some taglines/titles may be tweaked a bit (and I'm not 100% sold on thumbnail #1 so it may change) but here's what I've got so far.

Dominant Yandere Wolf Girl Mate Cuddles You to Sleep (F4M)

  • May 1
  • Est. 18 mins

You're pretty bad at taking care of yourself. Luckily, your yandere wolf girl is here to keep you in bed where you belong so you can get a good night's sleep. This dominant monster girl will fawn over you, cuddle you into submission and make sure you know just how much she loves her good boy. You!

[Yandere] [Wolf Girl] [Monster Girl] [Possessive] [Dominant] [Good Boy] [Willing Listener] [Established Relationship] [L-bombs] [Rambling] [Sweet] [Soft-spoken][Comfort]

  • Loving Spider Queen Adopts You (F4A)
  • May 3
  • Est. 74 mins

Your village has been destroyed. You flee the tragedy, escaping into the forbidden swamp--and run headlong into the arms of the Spider Queen! Despite her people's fearsome reputation, this monster girl is kind and loving, willing to adopt you into her clan and keep you safe. Will you stay with her?

[Motherly] [Spider Mommy] [Comfort] [Found Family] [Trauma] [Nightmares] [Personal Attention] [Loving]

  • Waking Your Monster Girl Wife from Hibernation (F4A)
  • May 5
  • Est 13 mins.

Your wife is a real bear in the sack! When it comes to waking up, that is. This monster girl has been dozing all winter long, now it's time to get her out of bed so you can spend some quality time together.

[Monster Girl] [Slice of Life] [Very Gentle Dom] [Established Relationship] [Kisses] [Sweet]

  • Yandere Angler Fish Mermaid Wants You for Herself (F4A)
  • May 8
  • Est. 35 mins

Barely surviving a shipwreck, you find yourself helpless, pulled deeper into dangerous waters. A vicious mermaid, looking for a convenient meal, finds you  in the flotsam--but this monster girl decides you'd make a better mate than a snack! Now she'll claim you as her own, whether you like it or not!

[Yandere Mermaid x Human Listener]  [Angler Fish] [Yandere] [Kissing] [Biting] [Possessive] [Dominant] [Soft Dom Yandere] [(Eventually) Willing Listener] [Spicy]  [Nicknames]

  • Kidnapped by a Cute Kitsune (F4A)
  • May 10
  • Est. 240 mins dear god I've lost my mind

You've just stumbled into trouble: a kitsune! Turns out you've gotten too close to a hidden yokai village and she's duty-bound to kill you for it. Luckily (?) she offers you another option: if you'll let her transform you into a yokai, you can live! Sure the transformation spell is purely experimental, and she's never done it before but...it'll probably be fine! Right?

[Fantasy] [Kitsune] [Human/Yokai Interaction] [Offering to be Transformed] [Learning Magic] [Storytelling] [Lore Drops] [Starting a New Life] [Keeping Secrets] [Eventual Romance] [Confession] [Human / Yokai Tensions]

  • Accidentally Freeing a Djinn (F4A)
  • May 12
  • Est. 14 mins.

You've found a powerful, captive djinn and release her, hoping to get three wishes! But life is no fairy tale: this affably evil monster girl plans to be your master, not your servant! When a dangerous genie thinks you're cute enough to keep, you've got no say in the matter!

[Genie] [Diet Yandere] [Ditzy] [Affably Evil] [Cartoony] [Shrinking You] [Captivity] [Treating You Kind of Like an Adorable Pet?]

  • Yandere Bat Girl Kidnaps You (F4A)
  • May 15
  • Est. 11 Mins

You wake in an unfamiliar cave and find yourself captive to an obsessive yandere bat girl! This possessive monster girl has kidnapped you and won't let you go, no matter how stubbornly you want to leave!

[Yandere] [Kidnapping] [Captivity] [Unwilling / Reluctant Listener]

  • At the Mercy of the Monster Under Your Bed (F4A)
  • May 17
  • Est. 80 mins

Something has been watching you drift off to sleep: the monster under your bed. This creepy monster girl has decided to make you her prey in an age old cat-and-mouse game that you'll never escape...but that doesn't mean you won't try. Can she break your spirit and make you hers? Or will you resist right up until the end?

[Sadodere] [Developing Yandere Elements] [Being Dragged into the Underworld] [Horror] [Chasing You] [Capturing You] [Keeping You Captive] [Eventual Forced Transformation] [Is She Developing Feelings? Whoops!] [Forced Monster Cuddles] [Immortality is Boring without a Pet to Torment] [AM vibes if AM caught feelings for his victims] [HATE. LET ME TELL YOU HOW MUCH I'VE BEGUN TO HATE etc. etc.]

  • Rescuing a Haunted Painting (F4A)
  • May 19
  • Est. 7 mins

A centuries-old abandoned house is supposedly haunted! You've decided to peek inside and investigate the urban legend; but instead of a ghost, you find a different kind of monster girl inside! A lonely living painting, who wants nothing more than to see outside her prison. Will you free her and show her the world?

[Platonic] [Friendship] [Spooky but Sweet] [Lonely]

  • Yandere Rattlesnake Needs to Be Your Mate (F4A)
  • May 22
  • Est. 18 mins

You've been living alone in the woods peacefully, completely unaware that a yandere lamia has been watching you... At least until you come home to find this obsessive monster girl waiting to claim you! She wants to be your mate and won't take no for an answer!

[Yandere] [Lamia] [Cool Snake Facts] [Stalking] [Ambiguously Willing Listener]

  • Your Dragon Girlfriend Treasures You (F4A)
  • May 24
  • Est. 45 mins

You've been with your girlfriend for awhile, but she has a secret to confess: she's really part dragon! Now that she's fallen in love with you, she's struggling with her desire to treat you like a treasure, when all she wants is to love you like a person. Can you help this monster girl balance her primal needs with a more human love?

  • Your Overprotective T-Rex Girlfriend Worries About You (F4A)
  • May 26
  • Est. 11 mins

Your girlfriend is an overprotective t-rex girl! She can't understand how a little human like you can survive without fangs, claws or a thick hide for protection Or maybe...this monster girl doesn't want to understand? So she has an excuse to protect you?

[Giantess] [Overprotective Lover] [Primal Setting] [Romantic] [Cute]

  • Your Harpy Classmate is Your Secret Admirer (F4A)
  • May 29
  • Est. 12 mins

You have a secret admirer, the cute harpy you from one of your old classes! And you catch her in the act of dropping a love note at your door! Not that she'll admit it. After all, you don't have a crush on her! ...do you?

[Slight Tsundere to Start] [Light Angst] [Mutual confession] [Friends to lovers] [Kisses]

  • Discovering Your Shy Bunny Girl Roommate's Youtube History (F4A)
  • May 31
  • Est. 16 mins

Your laptop is in the shop, so your cute bunny girl roommate lends you hers! But her computer hides a shameful secret: she listens to ASMR and Audio Roleplay! And--gasp--she's into...humans?! Could this mean she's got a crush on you?!?

[Bunny Girl Speaker] [Shy] [Denial] [Stuttering] [Ear Tickles] [Implied Fsub] [Friends To More]



Whoa, you're actually doing the Monster Under The Bed series!! I'm surprised--I didn't think it was your style (even if it has a monster girl in it), but I'm kind of excited--I haven't found anyone who's done the full series just yet, and I'm interested to see how you'll do the audio and portray the character. As well as a little nervous cause... I gotta be honest: the series comes across to me more as a "Kidnapping Simulation" series. Not saying you shouldn't do the series or anything! I'm just expressing my thoughts, and I'll listen to it when it comes around May. I also will say that I'm really excited for the djinn/genie story, since even if I'm not a big fan of the whole "the genie wants to be the master" idea, I've been itching to hear that audio for a while! Especially since genies are so rare to find in ASMR RPs (if not stories in general). To be honest, I hope this doesn't come across as offensive or creepy, but the premise kind of reminds me of Mala ASMR's Yandere Genie audio--though I'm guessing this djinn will be a bit more laidback than her. :)