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Hi everyone! It’s been another long week for me behind the scenes (I pulled double shifts all last week at my day job, which threw a wrench into my recording schedule, and this week has been a mess of other real life commitments) but there’s been a bit of movement on some stuff so I wanted to update you!

First: Let’s check in on some art commissions!

  • Character reference sheet for Velvet: ordered, paid, in progress
  • VVA Banner possibility #1: ordered, paid, in progress; flats received
  • VVA Banner possibility #2: ordered, paid, in progress; flats received
  • VVA Banner Possibility #3: ordered, paid, in progress; flats received
  • VVA Bonus art piece: ordered, paid, in progress; flats received
  • Spicy Pin-Up: DONE!

I have my fingers crossed that everything will be ready if not by this weekend, then by the end of the first week of April. I also decided to abandon the fourth banner possibility for the moment, after a few false starts with artists; hopefully three options will make for a nice roster to choose from, though it’s not quite as robust as I originally hoped.

Speaking of April, I’m planning to commission another saucy pin-up next month for Patrons only, so I’ll be polling you all soon on what you’d like to see! I’m also considering commissioning something very special for the channel’s upcoming anniversary in June: a new, more sleep-friendly idle screen for audios! I’ve been considering it for awhile and finally hit on something I think would be perfect. But for now that idea is on the back burner.

Second: Monster Girl Mayhem is still in motion! I didn’t get much recording done since our last update, what with being dead on my feet the entire time from work, but I have a couple more rough thumbnail art previews for you at least!

Kidnapped by a Cute Kitsune

Your Dragon Girlfriend Treasures You:

(Both on DesireeU's bases.)

And one more thumbnail, this time for Meeting a Haunted Painting:

I've blocked out some time this weekend for recording/editing, and plan to get at least three more audios checked off my list for May, which should put me at eight down for the event. Here's the (barely) updated checklist, btw:

After some deliberation, I've decided my goal is to have everything finished sometime between April 12th-19th; all the MGM audios should enter early access for Patrons immediately after that. If all goes according to plan, between regular audios and event audios, there will be 18 roleplays in early access next month! Which seems slightly nuts, but I'm not about to let that stop me.

Finally! April audios! 

  • April 5: ???
  • April 12: ???
  • April 19: Yandere Sisters Support You for Low Self Esteem (Collab!)
  • April 26: Adopting a (Recovering?) Yandere Part 2!

The last half of the month is all set but the first two weeks are still twisting in the wind right now. I'll have to make a poll soon to help rectify that!

Welp, that's it for now, folks! Sorry this isn't a beefier update. I'll be back tomorrow with a poll or two and the end of month chit-chat post. See you soon!





Hope this next week isn't as work heavy, thanks for the update! Your audios are great!