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Hello, hello! It's time for your weekly updates on what's happening behind the scenes over here. Spoiler alert: a lot!

First up: Art commissions! Things are moving along at a good clip. Though there was a hiccup with one of the banner possibilities, resulting in a cancellation. That aside, everything is officially ordered, paid for and I've even gotten a few preliminary sketches back already! 

  • Character reference sheet for Velvet: ordered, paid, in progress
  • VVA Banner possibility #1: ordered, paid, in progress; sketch received
  • VVA Banner possibility #2: ordered, paid, in progress; sketch received
  • VVA Banner Possibility #3: ordered, paid, in progress
  • VVA Banner Possibility #4: CANCELLED, looking for replacement artist
  • VVA Bonus art piece: ordered, paid, in progress; sketch received
  • Spicy Pin-Up: ordered, paid, in progress

I'm not sure the artists I've commissioned would be comfortable with me sharing WIPs, so you'll have to sit tight to see what's in store. I'm hoping at least a couple of these will be complete by the end of March.

Second: Planning for Monster Girl Mayhem has not just continued, but recording is already underway! I've settled on the official script selections for the event, with a little wiggle room at the end of the month if I'd like to replace anything at the last minute. The scripts I've selected are, in order:

  • Your Dominant Yandere Wolf Girl Mate Cuddles You To Sleep
  • Spider Queen Adopts You
  • Waking Your Bear Girl Wife from Hibernation
  • Yandere Angler Mermaid Wants You for Herself
  • Kidnapped by a Cute Kitsune
  • Accidentally Freeing a Djinn (Yandere lite)
  • Yandere Bat Girl Kidnaps You
  • At the Mercy of the Monster Under Your Bed (sadodere, yan undertones)
  • Meeting a Haunted Painting
  • Yandere Rattlesnake Needs to Be Your Mate
  • Your Dragon Girlfriend Treasures You
  • Your Overprotective T-Rex Girlfriend Worries About You
  • Your Harpy Classmate is Your Secret Admirer
  • Discovering Your Shy Bunny Girl Roommate's Youtube History

There are four yandere audios planned, four multi-script long form audios, and six miscellaneous offerings of various stripe. It's a good mix of classic monsters I've already played around with and new unusual types, I think! I hope the event will be a success. :D

Let's have a look at where I'm at in recording: 

Better than I was handling Februdere, that's for sure! Four recordings already finished and we haven't even hit April yet. Yay! I will be editing those in the coming weeks and will release them extra early if it's okay with the writers to do so.

A few of the multi-script audios are so long they're requiring multiple recording sessions to get them in the can; I sort of dread editing them, but I hope the end results will be worth it!

Some of the thumbnails are also already done, because apparently I'm really all about getting ahead this time around, so I bring them to you now!

Dominant Yandere Wolf Girl Mate Cuddles You to Sleep

Spider Queen Adopts You 

(My art; base by DesireeU)

Waking Your Bear Girl Wife from Hibernation

(My art; base by DesireeU)

Yandere Angler Fish Mermaid Wants You for Herself

(My art; base by DesireeU)

Accidentally Freeing a Djinn

At the Mercy of the Monster Under Your Bed

I'm fairly satisfied with where I'm at right now, though I'd like to get a ton more done before the month is through. I have this kind of mad plan that, if I can get everything done by mid-April, I can sort of coast through spring break and into May.

Third: The big multi-channel spanning collab I recently teased has an official release date: April 9! I'm not sure I can share that one in early access due to the nature of the project, but if possible I will. 

There are now two other collabs on the backburner as well; I'm waiting for my collab partner's lines in one, and I'll be appearing on another channel in the other. No idea when those will be done, but I hope sooner rather than later!

Finally, a peek ahead!

This week's audio is Dating Your Tsundere Mech Pilot! Already in early access...

While next week's will be Adorkable Yandere Bodyguards Share You; also already in early access! 

Which brings us to the end of March!

April is mostly a blank slate right now, but I do have some inkling of how parts of my schedule will go:

  • April 5: ???
  • April 9: Special collab!
  • April 12: ???
  • April 19: Possible collab?
  • April 26: Adopting a (Recovering?) Yandere Part 2!

That means I have 2-3 scripts to pick out for the month. Maybe I'll put those to a vote before March is over.

I've also found a little time to work on some original scripts somehow! I'm hoping to do a couple audios based on those in June, provided I can finish them in anything resembling a reasonable timeframe. We shall see!

Alright, I've got to go get to work. See you soon!




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