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It’s been a long week, folks! I have a ton of irons in the fire right now, with all sorts of goodies on the way. I’m feeling pretty great about where I’m at with everything, but also a little frazzled just because of how much there is to juggle behind the scenes right now. My day job is also kicking my ass, making it basically impossible to work on audio stuff until late at night, but I'm doing...okay-ish!

Anyway, let’s check in on what I’ve got cooking, what's on the way over the next few weeks, and all that jazz!

First up: Art commissions! We recently hit one of our Patreon goals, and the reward was commissioning original art for the channel! I crossed some Ts, dotted some Is, poked entirely too many talented artists to ask them to work with me, negotiated for commercial use, and now everyone’s getting into gear to get things done.

  • Character reference sheet for Velvet: ordered, paid, in progress
  • VVA Banner possibility #1: ordered, paid, in progress
  • VVA Banner possibility #2: ordered, paid, in progress
  • VVA Banner Possibility #3: negotiated, waiting for artist reply
  • VVA Banner Possibility #4: negotiated, waiting for artist reply
  • VVA Bonus art piece: ordered, paid, in progress
  • Spicy Pin-Up: Negotiated, waiting for artist reply

The first batch of art is solely Velvet-related, as previously mentioned. There are many pieces planned right now for a few reasons. First off, it’s our first time getting original art and I wanted it to be a blow-out! Also, I wanted patrons to have a lot of possibilities to pick from with the new channel banner! These will hopefully all be ready to share by the end of March/beginning of April, though the timeline is a bit nebulous at the moment.

After this point, the number of commissions should be a bit more reasonable. Probably around one original thumbnail and one or two Patreon-exclusive pin-ups every set period. I haven’t decided if that should be monthly, every other month, or what! Any thoughts?

As more Patrons sign up and I can afford more goodies, that number will get bumped up, of course! I'll also continue to ask for Patron input on what kinds of pin-ups to get! I have a list of possible poses/costumes/etc. and will make a poll at some point in the not too distant future so you can all help direct Velvet-the-Mascot's new pin-up career!

I will say, commissioning thumbnail art is going to force a few changes behind the scenes. I'll have to plan at least one regular audio about a month in advance to give the artist time to fill the commission. I like to plan ahead, but I also like a little wiggle room; with commissioned thumbnails that's going to be a thing of the past in certain cases! But it's cool. 

Second: Planning for Monster Girl Mayhem has begun! Februdere was a lot more scattered behind the scenes than I wanted it to be, so I’ve decided to make adjustments to my planning process this time to fix those issues.

This year, a Monday/Wednesday/Friday schedule in May will result in 14 audios total. I think that’s the most I’ve ever produced for any single event! As I’m hoping to do a couple of longer multi-script videos for MGM, I intend to start recording much sooner just to get ahead of the curve. I did NOT like flying by the seat of my pants last month; since I’m still without my ADHD meds (and likely will be for the near future ╥﹏╥) I need to better compensate for my squirrel brain.

Here's a partial list of contenders for the event, with my shortlist in bold:

  • Yandere Bat Girl Kidnaps You
  • Your Dominant Yandere Wolf Girl Mate Cuddles YouTo Sleep
  • Yandere Angler Mermaid Wants You for Herself
  • You Discover Your Shy Bunny Girl Roommate's Youtube History
  • Waking Your Bear Spouse Up from Hibernation
  • Your Overprotective T-Rex Girlfriend Worries About You
  • Your Harpy Classmate is Your Secret Admirer
  • Accidentally Freeing a Djinn
  • Meeting a Haunted Painting
  • Meeting a Tsundere Frog Princess (original script)
  • Helping a Plucky Slime Girl! (original script)
  • Inheriting an Evil Queen’s Magic Mirror (original script)
  • Meeting a Cute Crab Girl at the Beach (original script)
  • Found by Alien Sisters (multi-role)
  • Cat Girls Patch You Up (multi-role)
  • Your Dragon Girlfriend Treasures You (multi-script)
  • At the Mercy of the Monster Under Your Bed (multi-script)
  • Spider Mommy Adopts You (multi-script)

A few scripts that didn’t make the cut for Februdere will likely be appearing in Monster Girl Mayhem, as you can see from the list. Some of the others have been in the running for an event since last year, in fact! And I’d love to get ‘em done. (I'm looking at you, hibernating bear and t-rex!) No time like the present!

Right now, the plan is one yandere audio, one multi-script audio, and one miscellaneous one-shot audio each week between May 1-26, with a couple more grab bag scripts to finish out the month on the 29/31. I really, REALLY want to get at least a couple of those original scripts out if at all possible. Kinda catch up on my goal after the past couple of months without any new scripts.

I’m also hoping to use this event as a grand stat experiment! What happens with a longer audio every single week? Will they buoy the shorter scripts in the algorithm? Will the misc. one-off audios sink while the yanderes stay afloat? Will the workload break me? We’ll see!

Because I'm planning so far ahead, I'll also be doing another batch of thumbnails myself for the event. Here's a sneak peek at one for the Spider Mommy, coloring pending:

(Created using one of DesireeU's bases!)

Third: there are a couple of collabs in the works! One collab is a multi-channel spanning event. My audio for that is in the can, waiting for edits, while my lines for the prologue audio are done and the editing is being handled by another channel.

The other is a more standard collab that will appear on my channel once the details are worked out with my partner. 

And finally, a look ahead at the rest of March, with a little peek into April!

This week's youtube audio will be Possessive Yandere Lamia Praises and Cuddles You In Bed:

Which is already in early access! So go check that out if you haven't. It will go live on March 15. 

Next week's audio is also in the can, awaiting edits! It's the long-teased sequel to Making Your Tsundere Mech Pilot Confess, the thumbnail for which I'm sure you're sick of seeing by now: Dating Your Tsundere Mech Pilot!

Due on youtube on March 22! This dang thing has been on my slate for like three months at this point, and I'll be glad to finally get it finished and out there! I committed to it a million years ago in internet time and it's been haunting me.

As for the final week of March and all of April, I have a list of potential scripts I'm considering. I'm trying to take into account the "Favorite Tropes" and "Favorite Genres" polls I posted for you all. Which are still open to votes for the next two weeks, btw! So please go vote in them if you haven't. The results will continue to shape the direction of the channel for the next month or two, at least. 

Here are (a few) of the potential scripts I'm looking at:

  • The Bad Girl Has a Soft Spot for You (multi-script, enemies to lovers, confession)
  • Enemy Ruler Confesses Her Feelings After Being Captured and Forced To Drink Truth Potion (multi-script, enemies to lovers)
  • Merc Friend Breaks You Out of the 'Net (sci-fi, friendship)
  • Medic Patches You Up (sci-fi, friends to lovers)
  • Flirty Girl Chats You Up (sci-fi, meet-cute)
  • Kuudere Scientist Rival Decides To Love You (action/sci-fi, confession, rivals to lovers)

Okay! I think? that's everything??? I gotta go have a late dinner, shotgun entirely too much caffeine and record some things. I'll be back, hopefully in a few days, with either more early access, some art commissions, or maybe both!





Ahh I can relate with the late night caffeine, just don't overdo it! Best of luck recording everything, you make wonderful audio!


So excited!