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Hello, Patrons! We've officially reached the end of Febru-dere. It's been something of a clusterfuck behind the scenes, as you already know, but we made it! Now I get to lazily rest on my laurels until the next big scheduled event in May.

Just kidding, I don't! I have a lot to do! For instance: this past weekend, the Vanilla Velvet Audio Patreon blew past its next patron goal. Which means I'll be commissioning original art for the channel to share with you all! As for the timeline for that, it's *gestures broadly*. 

The current tentative plan is to commission a proper character/costume reference sheet for the Velvet character and a few pieces for new channel art. I may even let Patrons vote on what becomes the new banner, and the "losers" will be patron exclusive extras! Then I gotta decide on how to handle commissioning thumbnail art! Decisions, decisions.

Beyond that, I signed on for a rather big, multi-channel spanning collab like an absolute madwoman! Whether it will come to fruition of not remains to be seen (the scripts aren't even written!) but I hope so.

Next on the agenda: planning March's scheduled audios! As February was yandere and urban fantasy heavy, I'll be taking a break from those story elements for a couple of weeks. The potential audios under consideration at the moment:

That's...actually a pretty solid roster, if I want to play it that way. Some scripts under consideration for this month lost a poll back in January but I'd still like to do them, and I committed to that mech pilot sequel a couple months ago so I should really knock that out sooner rather than later. Plus the collab! Don't want stuff piling up.

I guess the only real thing to figure out is if I want to take this week off from posting to youtube (I do, but I shouldn't!) and in which order those audios will get their wide release.

I think I'll sleep on the schedule...and I guess we'll see if I take a short break, depending on if I'm not too tired to record tonight/early tomorrow morning! Even if I do beg off youtube this week, new audios will be posted for early access because I'd like to get ahead. I just don't know if I've got it in me to get ahead tonight.

In the meantime, have some thumbnails, a couple of which I'm sure you're sick of seeing by now!

Reluctant Queen Can't Rule Without You

Dating Your Tsundere Mech Pilot

Yandere Bodyguards Share You

Possessive Yandere Lamia Praises and Cuddles You In Bed

All right. That's all for now! I am going to have a very late dinner while I look at scripts and see if I pass out at my desk. 🤞





Yay! Seeing you pass milestones, regardless of the platform, really makes me proud. You work hard and make excellent stuff. What's crazy to me is that the one year mark for the Patreon is right around the corner, isn't it?