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Time for the final audio of the event!

I actually found myself in bit of a pickle last night when I settled in to record: the poll to pick the final audio of Februdere was tied! The Yandere Kitsune Wife and Yandere Lamia were (and still are!) neck and neck in a dead heat. So, I decided to record both and flip a coin to see which would be released as the finale. The Kitsune Wife won (the coin came up...TAILS!), so it'll be released on Youtube tomorrow. It's about 28 minutes of rambling and a couple extra minutes of a crackling fire.

That said, the Yandere Lamia audio will still be released for Patrons later today! And it'll be released on youtube sometime in March, probably for the last week of the month.

For now, please enjoy... Yandere Kitsune Wife Comforts You to Sleep in Her Lap

Your wife is an obsessed yandere kitsune who loves you unconditionally. Come lay in the comfort of her lap beside the fire, and listen to her possessive rambling as you fall asleep, wrapped in her fluffy tail.

[F4A] [Soft Spoken] [Yandere] [Personal Attention] [Tail Fluffing] [Hair Caressing] [Lap Pillow] [L-Bombs] [SO Many L-Bombs] [Established Relationship] [Marital Bliss] [Domestic Bliss] [Kitsune] [Fox Girl] [Monster Girl] [Possessive] [Rambling] [Urban Fantasy] [Crackling Fire]

  • Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
  • Script by: Yan-con
  • SFX: https://freesound.org all under public domain/CC0 licenses



We get both? Well, that's an excellent compromise if I ever saw one!