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Hello, Patrons! It's time for your weekly update on what's going on over here at Chez Velvet. To sum up: everything happens so much. But I'm hanging in there!

Februdere is almost at its end! Three audios left, not counting the one that went live today. The event hasn't quite shaken out as I'd hoped, due to extenuating circumstances, but I'm honestly in shock it's (mostly) gone off without a hitch! My youtube audience at large need never know I've basically been flying by the seat of my pants this whole time, that can be our little secret. 🤫

Anyway! Let's look at the week ahead and the rest of Februdere. Right now, the schedule is as follows:

  • Feb 20: Yandere Crush Wants Practice Tying You Up! 
  • Feb 22: Adopting a (Recovering?) Yandere
  • Feb 24: Increasingly Disturbing Compliments From Your Yandere Girlfriend
  • Feb 27: TBA! Please vote for which script will be made!

Originally, I wanted to do Adopting a (Recovering?) Yandere as the finale of the event, but between having to make a last minute substitution for a collab that fell through and my voice still not being in top form, I figured what the hell! It's already recorded. Might as well post it sooner rather than later.

Yandere Crush Wants Practice Tying You Up went live on youtube today: 

[Early Access] [Youtube]

Tomorrow, the longest audio of the event Adopting a (Recovering?) Yandere will be in early access, with a youtube release on Feb. 22:

And on the Feb. 23, Increasingly Disturbing Compliments From Your Yandere Girlfriend will arrive in early access with a youtube release the following day! For which there are two possible thumbnails:

Remember to vote for which of these thumbnails will make the cut!

As for the final audio of Februdere, that--like so much else this month--is still up in the air. I leave it to you, Patrons, to select which script is recorded! So please vote for your favorite possibility!

Then, it'll suddenly be March! And I think I'll be doing Dating Your Tsundere Mech Pilot, the sequel to Making Your Tsundere Mech Pilot Confess, which already has a thumbnail. Here, in case you missed it:

Not a terribly beefy update post, I know. But, it is what it is! Now, I'm going to spend the rest of my night editing (and sleeping!) so I'll see you tomorrow!




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