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Hello, Patrons! Velvet here, coming to you live from a cozy blanket cocoon on my couch. I've caught a spring cold! Always super fun. I'm apparently very bad at dodging illness whenever the people around me catch something. Luckily I did a lot of recording over the past few days before the worst of it hit me! I can spend my recovery period editing between naps while my voice rests.

Anyway, it's time for a look ahead to the coming week, and a glance at the rest of Februdere! Yaaay. (weak cheering)

First! After a rather hefty wait, I finally have new youtube membership emotes to share! Here's the last set of unlocks, which will take us from 20-150 members--if we ever get that high.

(Knife emote by MondruidStore; all others by Sunrisejelly!)

I'm pleased to have these all set to go! Hopefully someday they'll be released to the wild!

Next, let's talk this week's schedule! The first audio of the week is already out: Patching Up a Yandere Supervillain!

[Early Access] [Youtube]

Wednesday's audio will be Stalking Yandere Girlfriends Fight Over You!

[Early Access]

And Friday's will be Yandere Lamia and Drider Kidnap You!

[Coming Soon to Early Access Near You!]

That leaves just four audios left in Februdere, which do not yet have official release dates at present.

I'm in a bit of a pickle regarding the rest of Februdere, as a matter of fact. My final collab partner has not gotten back to me since February 2nd. Technically, there's still time for a Hail Mary to get the audio into the event if she manages to get her lines to me in the next day or two, but it's looking quite likely that I'll have to substitute something else for the Yandere Bodyguards Share You audio.

Good news, though! I'll be asking YOU, Patrons, which backup audio I should record instead! Because I am indecisive! Expect that poll soon after this post goes up. If my collab partner somehow does get to me in time, I'll still release the backup audio into early access.

Finally, my to-do list for Februdere, now organized a bit better:

It's a little messy, but things are coming along behind the scenes. The two remaining scripts I haven't recorded yet--Yandere Crush Wants to Practice Tying You Up and Increasingly Disturbing Compliments from Your Yandere--are short, so that's good. 

As for Adopting a (Recovering?) Yandere, I split the script to about a third of its original length, leaving room for creating a couple sequels from the remaining material. It's still going to be about an hour long, even after cuts! But it's all in the can, it just needs some final edits. I'm thinking it'll be released as the grand finale for the event, posted on February 27th, but I'm waffling on that.

All right, that's it for now! I'm going to go post that poll, have a cup of tea, edit some more and try not to fall asleep in my blankets. I'll see you soon!




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