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Me last night: I know I'm forgetting something. What am I forgetting? WHAT AM I FORGETTING?

This. Turns out I was forgetting this. Sorry!

Welcome to the first chit-chat and recommendation post of 2023, a cozy spot to update each other on what we've been doing lately and all the things we’ve enjoyed during the month!

January was chock full behind the scenes for me. I didn't quite make some of my goals for the month (finishing a script, for instance) but others got neatly checked off my to-do list (working on collabs! paying writers!) So I'm still satisfied with where I'm at for January.

Also, I regret to report that the plant I bought for my office a few months ago has been shaken off this mortal coil. Pour one out for Peter Parker: Spider-Plant, as my cat ate him.

(In related news, apparently spider plants, while pet safe, have a hallucinogenic effect on cats, much like LSD has on humans. That's right, my office plant died so that Noodle could trip balls for a few hours.)

Anyway, here's a bunch of stuff I enjoyed during January!

Articles: There's no clear winner this month, but I spent a lot of time consuming tidbits about medieval history for some reason! I went on a medieval kick a few years ago as research for something I was writing, so now I guess I'm back? Anyway, here are some of those:

Why Were Medieval Europeans So Obsessed With Long, Pointy Shoes?: Short answer: status symbols! Long answer: status symbols and fashion trends used to take decades to spread and then fizzle out. 

Remembering the Tansy, the Forgotten Easter Pancake of Centuries Past: Was anything NOT slightly toxic in the medieval era? Apparently not!

Medieval Pilgrims Apparently Tried to Ward Off the Plague With Bawdy Badges: Lewd accessories may not have been effective against illness, but I imagine they provided a bit of levity during a very dark age.

Games! I played three games this month, to the exclusion of everything else. Mostly because they're easy to jump in and out of for short periods, and I had very little time for fun this month.

Luck be a Landlord: is a casual deckbuilder using a unique slot machine mechanic, about defeating your landlord who keeps upping your rent! The game has a surprising amount of flexibility and depth. I actually played and loved it the first time back in...2019? I think? When it was early access, but now it's got a full release! 🙌

Project Highrise: is an old favorite, a skyscraper management sim that I inevitably return to every now and again. The main campaign has a lot of room to play around and build your ideal skyscraper, but I've been tackling the more punishing scenarios lately. Definitely recommend if you enjoy management!

And finally... I went back to Oxygen Not Included, my beloved, silly colony building sim. Now with DLC and new updates! Am I any good at them? Oh my, no! But I'm having fun.

That's pretty much it for me this month. What have you all been up to?



Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well. It’s nice to finally get some time to respond to one of these—I was so busy with school, work, and some plans to visit family over the holidays that I didn’t really have the time or energy to respond to the last couple of Chit-Chat/Recommendations. Now, for starters: I’ve started, and am halfway through, a new school term! Currently, I’m in Digital Publishing and World History & Culture, and while they have been challenging, I have done pretty well in both of them—while I have to check to see if it changed, prior to last week the worst grade I got on any assignments was a A-. The latter has also given me some interesting information about the world. For instance: the name “India” comes from the fact that a lot of the people who founded the country lived in or around the Indus River. Similarly, “China” is a name that stems from the Qin/Ch’in Dynasty, with a more “proper” name for the country being Zhongguo (which translates to “Middle Kingdom”). In other news, I also was able to learn about the Haudenosaunee (People of the Longhouse), who are arguably better known by their informal name, the Iroquois Confederacy/Nation. There was actually a very good video I saw that, while from what I’ve read on the comments did have a few things wrong, actually revealed a lot about the Haudenosaunee—which I think is very good to learn about, since these people are both North America’s oldest democracy, as well as probably the most successful version of a confederacy to date. For those who’d like to see the video, check it out here: https://youtu.be/S4gU2Tsv6hY A more personally cool thing that happened was that I got a couple of things I ordered. One was the Deck of Worlds, which is a product from the creators of the Story Engine Deck (a bunch of cards used to make story prompts), which in this case is used for making settings and worlds. I’ve been looking forward to this and, while I still need to use it more, I’m really excited to have it and can’t wait to use it in the future! Similarly, the Year of Sanderson has finally started, and I got the first themed box: the Hoid Box! For those who don’t know what I’m talking about: Brandon Sanderson, a very successful fantasy novel writer who is known to make books extremely fast, did a Kickstarter campaign a year or two ago, after he revealed that during the Corona Quarantine, he wrote FOUR extra novels on top of the one he was already working on. He decided to make it a special occasion and publish the four books over this year, while also giving fans a chance to earn some nice prizes. For January, due to some issues regarding the first book, backers of my tier got the Hoid themed box. Hoid is a powerful wizard who appears in a lot of Sanderson’s stories, and for this box we got: •A Hoid mousepad •A Hoid enamel pin •Hoid Sticky-Notes •”Hoid Was Here” Stickers •A “Hoid For President” T-Shirt. I also was able to get the eBook version of the first secret project, Tress of the Emerald Sea, which I’m actually almost done with. Still, I can’t wait to receive the Tress box later on this month! Now, as for something more personal, I’ve been getting back into writing! I still have a way to go to do writing regularly, but I actually was able to finish something recently: a funny little re-write of a SpongeBob episode—Chocolate With Nuts (the one with the “CHOCOLATE!!!” guy) with some other characters, which I wrote for someone else as a gift. I think I did a pretty good job, and the guy I wrote this for really enjoyed it, so if anyone here would like to read it, here you go: https://www.deviantart.com/psionicsknight/art/Chocolate-With-Nuts-Crossover-Edition-947062311 With that said, I actually do have some more original works planned! I want to try and write some short stories and publish them on Kindle, and I even am working on making a novella that has a plot based off Shakespeare’s play Macbeth. The latter has definitely been really fun, and I hope that I can get both projects done before the end of the year—perhaps by the beginning of Summer if I’m lucky. Please let me know if any of you would like to know if you’d like to see links to those stories once they come out. Finally, as one other thing I’m going to do, I’m going to try and get some ASMR scripts done. I’ve been meaning to get some more scripts for Dangerous ASMR done for her—I did the first Medusa and the Yandere Nyx scripts—and I even have a script planned for Velvet (it features a yandere gorgon cyborg), which I’m currently outlining. Hopefully, when I get these done, they’ll be quite enjoyable! Of course, before I donate anything, I do need to make sure that Velvet signs a waiver to make sure she can’t sue me if my horrible writing gives her ocular cancer… In any case, pardon for the novel, but a lot has happened this month, and I just couldn’t wait to share! Hope you all have a fantastic month and that everything goes well for the rest of the year!


Hello there! I hope everyone had a good January! Mine was good, just not quite as great as I was gunning for. With that said, I'll certainly take what I can get! Let's start with work. It's been pretty damn good, all things considered. I wrote and starred in another GunBros marketing video (for context, I work at an indoor shooting range). I also started going in on my days off to sift through the barrels filled with spent brass to search for treasures like the little range goblin that I am. Speaking of being a range goblin, that term I coined to describe my fatherless behavior is being turned into a potential merch design by my coworker! That means in the near future, there just might be a tee-shirt design inspired by yours truly. As promised, I started reading Tales of Kaimere by Keenen Taylor, and it's pretty good so far. I hope I'll try to force myself to read more this month so I can hopefully finish it. Aside from Playing Metro Exodus for maybe an hour, I didn't play anything. Not sure why, I just didn't do it. I watched the first three episodes of The Last of Us and I'm conflicted to say the least. I'll try to avoid spoilers by saying the first two episodes were pretty faithful to the game while the third was not. With that said, the third episode was excellent in spite of the deviation. Obviously when adapting anything, you'll almost certainly need to make changes to best fit the medium, but I worry that these changes will become more significant and impact the narrative at large in a negative way. I took my first baby step toward becoming a firearms instructor! I picked up my new pistol that I intend to use for my holster and instructor qualification. A few days ago was the first time I really practiced for my qual and I'm pretty sure I would have passed. Even though I probably could just send it and pass my qual right now, I want to practice more and get a perfect score. I have to prove to myself that I've actually got the skills to become an instructor, since generally, people don't want to learn to shoot from some 23 year old who has no military or police background. Wish me luck, I guess! Well, I've got nothing else for y'all except for some Dad Advice. Reach out to your friends, especially if you haven't heard from them in a while. So many folk are struggling right now and you could make their day simply by checking in on them. I hope January treated you well. If not, hang in there; February may just be your month. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and I'll talk to you in March, Cuties!