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Hiya, Patrons! Today's planning and update post is going to be a bit scattered, owing to a rather hectic few days for me behind the scenes IRL and, of course, my scatterbrain. 

I apologize in advance; I am acutely aware that a coked up butterfly in a room full of sugar cubes has a better attention span than I do at the moment. If my brain without the right dosage of ADHD meds has a sound, it is that of a freshly awakened cicada who has bumbled into multiple walls and landed, turtle-like, on its back, shrieking its confusion and distress into an uncaring void. Fun times for Velvet!

Anyway! The good news first: I recorded seven audios over the weekend! Strictly speaking, I actually recorded eight, but one didn't pan out due to technical difficulties. Whoops. ^^; 

Four solo audios, two collabs for my channel, and one collab for someone else's channel are officially in the can! So that's the recording for half of Februdere  and some change done! 🙌

The bad news: everything else is sort of up in the air at the moment.


As you can see, it's a bit of a disaster over here! I'll be flying by the seat of my pants for the next several days, scrambling to get a bunch of things finished and into early access. Thankfully, I have tomorrow off, so all I have to do is really buckle down to edit over the next thirty-six hours...but, as implied by my currently screaming cicada brain, the buckling down will be the tough part. Wish me luck!

Velvet, trying to finish things through sheer brute force, 2023 - dramatization

Also, hilariously, I realized while recording this weekend that yer girl can't count: I selected thirteen final scripts instead of twelve like a complete doorknob. I remember adding an extra as another backup when I was trying to decide which I wanted to do, then failed to remove it before posting about the final selections!

As a result, something will have to be cut from the lineup. It will likely be the djinn that gets the axe, even though I like the storyline quite a bit, as it's really more comedic "diet yandere" than a proper yan script. Not to worry, though! No matter what I decide, whichever audio ends up on the cutting room floor will simply get pushed back to March or April.

That said, I still don't have everything nailed down schedule-wise--I have to coordinate release dates with my collab partners--but I do have a vague idea of what will be releasing this week. The event will open with Yandere Sleep Paralysis Demon Wants to Be Real, which enters early access tomorrow and will hit Youtube on Wednesday, and Friday's youtube release will probably be Lady Luck Goes Yandere for You, unless something else feels more "right" during the editing process.

Now: for the fun part! Thumbnails. Here's your sneak peek at a few pieces that are (mostly) finished: 

Obsessive Yandere Pirate Queen Wants You:

Adopting a (Recovering?) Yandere:

Yandere Sleep Paralysis Demon Wants to Be Real:

Lady Luck Goes Yandere for You:

Accidentally Freeing a Yandere Djinn:

Some of these may change, since I can't seem to be satisfied with anything right now. (The pirate thumbnail has gone through four iterations already ಠ╭╮ಠ)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an all-night crunch session to power through. I'll be back over the next couple of days with lots of goodies for you!





I'm not sure we deserve you, Vel! Your unwaivering commitment to your channel and craft is nothing short of inspiring. I know it's probably too late to say take it easy, so instead I'll tell you to at least stay hydrated!

Jake C (that1otherJake)

Hang in there, Ms. Velvet. I believe in you. Fly free coke head butterfly! 🤣