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Good afternoon, Patrons! I hope you're all doing well. As promised, I've been a busy little bee this past week, doing all sorts of things behind the scenes to get ready for audio production in 2023. Among those tasks:

  • Correspondence with channels for collabs (4 potentials so far!)
  • Tagging, organizing and prioritizing all the scripts I've earmarked for possible future recording (300+ scripts)
  • Clearing early access permissions with writers I haven't worked with before (so...many...writers)
  • Filing the channel's quarterly taxes (math is hard ╥ω╥ )

Plus making some vague plans for upcoming audios due out in January/February and recording this week's audio! 

That audio is already in early access and is the sequel to Serving a Dorky Evil Queen! Yay. Here's the thumbnail for that:

It's been a lot of busywork over here, like I said. But I'm feeling far more confident that I'm on top of things than I was just a week ago.

My schedule for the rest of January is a bit up in the air at the moment for numerous reasons, but I do have some inkling of how things ought to go. Basically, there's a solid Plan A and a more nebulous Plan B if that doesn't work out.

Plan A: A collab! Which will probably be a monster girl/yandere audio, so I can hit that goal this month. Of course, this is dependent on timing with my collab partner and how fast we get things in motion behind the scenes. If a collab does come out in January, I'll probably be aiming for an early access release on the 24th. January 17th's audio will either be a standalone script from my massive pile of possibilities or a sequel to another previous audio.

Some of those potential standalone scripts:

  • A supervillain hypnosis audio
  • A personal training session with a yandere
  • Your girlfriend apologizes after lashing out
  • A cyberpunk med tech patches you up
  • A flirty girl hangs out with you at a futuristic bar

Plan B: Is far less solid. I can either do two standalone scripts for January 17/24, from among those possibilities above or a few other options, or I can knock out a couple of sequels that I've committed to doing. Those would be follow-ups to Making Your Tsundere Mech Pilot Confess and Falling for Your Royal Guard. Or I could one of each to fill out the month: one sequel, one standalone.

The thumbnails are already done-ish for those, though I may eventually decide on different taglines:

Whatever ends up happening with the rest of January, then comes Februdere! Which...hoo boy, have I got a lot left to do for that! I've already thinned out a list of 100+ yandere scripts down to a couple dozen to choose from; hopefully at least one of the audios produced for February will be a collab, as well! And I'm aiming for one--maybe even two--long form audios made from multiple scripts to spice up the month. (One series has like a dozen scripts. Biting off more than I can chew? Moi?! Never!!)

I have a ton of work ahead of me, but I'm already in a pretty good spot to get a bunch of stuff in the can, I think. I'd love to get everything done and into early access by the end of January, but after last month I'm prepared to still be working well into February.

My current to-do list for Februdere:

  • Gather script possibilities - DONE!
  • Contact writers - DONE!
  • Design event intro/outro - DONE!
  • Pick script possibilities - DONE!
  • Post list of script possibilities on Patreon - SOON!
  • Plan vocal choices for each script 
  • Plan audio schedule
  • Design audience participation elements 
  • Make all thumbnails  
  • Hunt down appropriate SFX for all sound cues 
  • Edit/expand scripts as needed
  • Record/adlib
  • Edit
  • Make videos
  • Write new keyword rich titles/descriptions for each audio
  • Upload to youtube & properly tag
  • Launch, oversee and promote event!

All right, this concludes your update for the week! I'll be back soon with more stuff, like script possibilities for February and maybe another couple of polls. See you soon!





I'm really excited to see the upcoming Collabs. With Vel at the helm, I know they'll be excellent!