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Hiiiii! Audio #10 is here, due out on youtube on December 21st! And boy oh boy, did editing this rp put me in a pickle that required some creative solutions. It was extremely short compared to the estimated length, basically impossible-to-post short, so I substantially beefed up the sound design to alleviate that issue--some of which is a bit experimental!

Behold: an RP with a non-silent protagonist. I've done bits and pieces of that in other audios (heartbeats, breathing, etc.), but this has more depth. Still, I tried to keep it understated, with nothing too immersion breaking, I hope! More "Dragon's Lair" than "Dragon Age 2" in the "voiced protagonist" department. That change did necessitate having a gender for the listener, so this is now an F4M. My apologies if you were looking forward to this being F4A!

Will the artistic choice of a voiced listener play for my audience the way Fallout 4 initially played for me? (i.e. badly!) That remains to be seen. But I do think those additions underscore the comedic moments of the script. I hope you enjoy it!

Eldritch Horror Girl Needs a Friend

As a daring adventurer and future paladin, it's your job to slay all monsters! But on your quest to kill an eldritch horror, you never expected to find a lonely monster girl...in need of a friend?!

[F4M] [Fantasy] [Supernatural] [Tentacles] [Eldritch Horror] [Enemies to Friends?] [Adventuring/Questing] [Almost-a-Paladin Listener] [Loneliness][Comedy]

  • Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
  • Script by: Biegeldog
  • SFX: https://freesound.org under public domain/CC0 license
  • Spooky whispering SFX by thanvannispen under CC4.0 license


Sleepy Seb

Another great audio velvet. The voiced listener personally isn’t my cup of tea but it’s still really great work :D